THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, August 20, 1902 STAMPEDE TO IDAHO. Gold First Discovered in That State in 1860. Itoccntly tin; Suit l.nku Trlliiniu ul IIbIiimI tlilM liittTCFtlnn ntory about the Krout MtuniM'ilc to Malm utter thu II rut ilincovrry of itolil there, in IHIK): (told vviih II rut ilifcovured in lilulio in H(M). At Fort Wnllu Wiilln hum ii ih. tain in tint regular unity imini-il K. I). Perec, lie had talked with a Niv. I'erce Indian, who tolil a romantie ctory of u brlKlit ami Hliininu metal in the iiinun talliM. In the Hilliiinur of IHIK) Ciiptiiin J'ieree, with two i'oiiiianiouii, viniteil (lie Nor. I'erce IiiiIIiiiih ami traveled nlnnx the ('learuater rier. They trot lnt anil nodoiiht would havu 'ritlircl had not a friendly hImw led them out of a wilder niiHM of hinall eedarn. ('iiptnln I'lurre went hark to l-'nrt Walla Walla, hut im mediately returned, airomianied liy V. T, llitHMet, ThoiuiiH WalterH, .lohuthaii Kmilli ami two hrotherx named John ami .laiueH Hodge. TIiiin reinforced, ('uitaiu I'ierce continued hi hearch. Toward the licudwatcrn of iiHinallNtream thai llowed into the ('learwater river, lliiHNet Marled to pan the oil and obtain ed three I'eutH in pilcl. Tim whole, party muiiiimI for tuivcriil iIii.vh anil not eighty dollarM in nil. They then returned to Fort Walla Walla. Although it wiin late in tluiHeaMon, Sergeant J. ('.Smith lilteil out a Hiuall party and went where the gold had U-en olitaiued. They i'anied for the winter, lived on government ra tioiiM and took out (X00 in gold iIiihI. Karly in the Hprimj of IKtll, Smith made Ilia way out on hiiowhIhm'h, carrying the H0O. It wan Kent to Portland, where it calmed a hlae of excitement. In thoce primitive d.iVH a man who wanted to wan taken from that Hection during the following few yearn. Willow creek ch eclally yielded prolific retuniH. Hut there, an elnewliere, placer mining linn Ikmjii mcceeded by iiiurt. mining. The ledgeH that yielded all that placer gold were ncccHHiirlly rich and it in no won der that in that Immediate vicinity two hiicIi rich miiieH an the Checktnntu and Friday choulil hnvo lieeii diccovereil anil ilevelotetl. Development Without Monty Impouiblr. Two men owning a claim can work it to a depth of fifty to 100 feet with it rude vvIiiiIIhhh. All they have to buy In the rope, one hammer, a pick, a few ilrilln uiid come owtlcr. The bucketH they can make by cawing it barrel in half. Itv and by the wIiiiIIiihh given way to the whim. That i-ohIh more, and In about iih Nhortlived. The whim given way to an uiigine and boiler. They niunt havu cap ital for thi'He improvementM. Theyntrike water. In due course, pumping ma chinery Ih reiiiired. PuinpH com t money ; the mine Ih not Hullicieutly remunera tive to furulhh it. A corporation ia formed ; Mock Hold. It Ih probably it very fair projierty, but to yield lurge re turiiH it iniiHt be develonNl, Hiiuk to great deptliH, luvela extended into the ore hotllcH. More capital Ih needed. The next Mep In ii mtlu of the whole concern, for the original owuera are not equal to the frequently changing phaxeH. The new cororationcomcHlu. It ilocxn'ttii'-o long to dixi-ovcr that ita territory Ih in Milliciciit. Adjoining claimaareb night. Under procr engineering they are con necteil; the individual claiuiM beconmii group, oHriiteil iih one mine. Then it payn, but it Iiiih cont it lot of ciihIi. Prior to tbeHi) urraiigemeiitH dividcuda were impoMHlhle; now they are earning prolltH for the men who put up the ciihIi ami have waited it long while for retuniH. Such, in brief, in the general courne of the mining indiixtry, and who hIiiiII hiiv I it in ilaugeroiiH to the commonwealth or prote that h'e had found goldhhowed the !to ,l,c ,,"l, '" w,m, "" ihi'IIiimIh metal an an evidence of g.MMl faith. in I ih wen K-riecieUf .Mitning can be modem milling gold in m-Moiii fxlilltit-' -"" tliiui tluil iiilivitliiul(livvlfiiiifiit ed. the litht intimation Mug UMiallv a I "iiHirltil by ample meaiiH in, nave in wheelh.iiiow load of mining ntM. to be r-,r" InMiinii'F, extremely limited, or an Hold for development puipo-en. TIiIh ' li""'HlhllHy. i-riink Hall, mining edi-compaii-ou ihdiawu tohluiw tlie evolu- t of the Denver Poet. lion in luiuiug operatioiiH. The iiewa of the ilii-fovciy traveled fitnt and a wild iiihIi net In fiom Port land. Meamern arriveil iiaiiy troui .Nil Smtlftr at Mineral Will Resume. The old niver workings of Mineral, twenty-three uiilcH from WYii-or, Idaho, FramiHio and Victoria, brinuiin.' thiiH. I " to Ik reopened, according to a din main of adventuierH. Inclde of hlXy I putoli from Wclner. The ilinpatch kii.vh tluya the 1'iiiiiitryHiiMivciriiii with mill-!-il,l1 A Tilton. bankern, of Portland, urn. The dm Fuei mine were opou,.,!, '' ,,"tfil of the Hineller and ceveral then Hi at Pieice City and F.Ik City. clainiH in the vicinity, and have made Later the crowd Maiupcded toward the,,l'l,,x',""i' improveiiieitH in putting Miiiili unit dihcoveretl the fnnioiiH iiuhi-h' '" "'" eiulpmeut and inaeliinery to ol Floience. Toward full .lumen Warren ' ll",k' ,l11' "inelter an up-to-date one with located the WnrrcnV digging. Thedin- W'ton dally capacity. It in ntatiil covery at Florence chiim-iI tiemendoiin j tluti. M. McDowell, of Poitland, mi excitement. Tliecamp developed into I 'XK'rienced mining man, ban been en one of tlielougbent placen in the iitir I KH- tt tivt an Mierintenilciit for the went, thirlv men Mint killed the llrnt ,-1,,l' Tiltem interentn. Charlen K. year, riotir noiit or f I a pouinl, Itacoii I. 'J-, Inilter f.'l, niigar tl.-ft, gum IxmiIh fllO a pair ami everything elne in pro portion, The amount of gold exirted from Florence the til ft neanon wan tl,"'0,0(H. During April, , ISHL', IllHH) pernoun led Portland for the miiieH, and by the end of May H.'i.OiM pcrfou had over the trail. The amount of gold account ed for during I Nil! from the dinlrict wan neveu millltiii dollarn, and much more l.aild when nhown the ilinpatch yecter day wiiil that the newn wan premature, hut that later he might have Mimethiiig worth w Idle to give out. When linked if Mr. McDowell wan in their employ Mr. I.'ldil replied that he wan doing hoiiiu work for them. Further than thin Mr. I.add would not talk, Mixing that hiicIi newn when announced in advance wan mi injury to their camp and their inter entn. Portland Telegram. Harrison, the (Hunt Powder man wentoii.of the country ,0 account ZT " I'lllllll IH Hrll III II. The cinwd of miner." kept punhiug noiith, and c.i me to the mouth of the Ho ne river They went upthe ttre'iin to the prci-cltl nite of the town of Hoine, mid then tiaveled exactly north, camp ing in ban niuce K-eu known an the Heine baniu. That whole wet Ion neemn to have been liueilwithgidd. More than lS,0vH),tHK) lloffinau'n H.ikery maken a niecialty of fiiriiinhiiig icu cream for partien. Prompt attention given all ordem. The celebrated Ciiiud'n "the beer of gtuxl cheer" alwayn on draught at Dim phy'n The Club. Something to depend uhjh Giunt (Kiwder. J. G. Connell COMMISSION GO. Niwtosalf anl It UH Maltrs in Hay, Oats, Steamed Barley, Bran. All Kinds of Feed and Poultry Supplies, The Celebrated Cream of the West Flour. Condition Powders for Horses and Cattle. Truck and Transfer. Granite St. J. G. CONNELL, Prop. M u ir r ,11 r f ALL WELL DRESSED MEN In Sumpter and vicinity have their clothes made by FLYNR the Tailor. Big Line of Fall Goods Just Received. CKXTKIl HTIIEKT, NK.VIt I1IHTOKF1CK SUMPTER, OREGON. EUREKA FEED AND LIVERY COMPANY W9, T. II. TAVLOR, I'ltOC. Horses boarded by the day or month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our specialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. OFFICE OF THE CABLE COVE STAGE LINE DELM0NIC0 HOTEL RATES, $1.00 PER DAY AND UP. Electric Lights and Phone. Hot and Cold Baths. M. SPENGLER, Proprietor Joshua Hendy Machine Works Nos. 38 to 44 Fremont Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA IMPACT WATCR WHEEL Quartz Mining and Willing Hoisting, Pumping and saw Mill Machinery, Hy draulic Mining Machinery. Hy Oiants, Water Gates and Hydraulic Klvlted Pipe. J Water Wheels and Water Motors, Engines. Boilers. Pumps and Machinery of every description. j j J Prospecting Machinery. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES