COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTfcEN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT German Expert at the Standard. Kx-rt William IScddig, who guttium rare orcn for Hhipmcut U Germany fur treatment ly MiiKTior procoHHcn, return cd ti Ninupii liiMt week uftcr it hurried examination of tint Stiiniliiril ininu and Km wonderful body of cobalt ore. Ilu will ri'turn again In n month or ho. It wiim Mr. Ilttlilig who made the recent Hhipmcut of cobalt from that mine to liermauy for Hugo Knii, tin) niulti uilllloniiire. A tent of thin ore in the "old country" may rcmill in tint lii ment of tint Standard'H entire output to lieriniiiiy. Hon. octh I limner, of the Slunihinl, accompanied Mr. Ileddig, leaving for I'enillctoii on Tliiirwluy even init to prepare to return to (Jiiarlxhiirg to cHtalilixh there IiIn Nrnii(neut head (pmrterH. I'rniriit City Miner. Rates Again Reduced From All Polnti East Iteforn you make ilelliiato arrange iiientH for that trip eiiHt let uh ipiote you rates via the IIIIiioIh Central railroad Our ratuH ant the lowest to he hail, anil it will pay you to write uh. If you haven't lime to communicate with uh, It'll the agent from whom you purchase your ticket that yon want to travel hy the way of tlm lllinoin Central, ami you will nuver regret the trip. If any of your relativcH or iHcuiIh in tint cant are coming weHt while the low rateti are in effect, writu uh about them, ami wo will hcii that they get the lowest ratt'H with tint U'Ht service. Through tourint earn, free reclining chair cars in fact all the latent convenience known to modern railroading. For partlcnlarH regarding ratt'H, time, Hervice, stop-overs, different connection and routcn, etc, call on or address, II. F. TiittMiit'l.t.. Com'l. Agt. II'.' Third street, Cortland. Oregon. TIMHEK LAND, ACT JUNE :, 1878, NOTICE l-OH 1'UHI.ICATION. UnlleJ Males UnJ Oltue, LatiranJe, Oregon, Aug. i, toot. Nollce It hereby ulrn lliat In compliance with Kir protltlont ol Hi act ut Congrett ol Junr , litl, f nllilrJ "An act lur Hie tale ul limber Unit In Hi Main ul California, Oregon, Nevaja, anJ Washing lun Trillluiy," at ettenJeJ In all th Public LanJ Slates by ail ul August a, ito, JOHN I). KIINNA. ul Dululli. ounly ul Si. Louis, Mai uf Mlnnrvila, lias lhl Jay Mr J In Hilt other his sooin statement Nil 1 li, lot ill purchase ol Hi nnttliratt '( ol section No, lain township No. II S., rang No. t I.WM. anJ will otter prool 10 show thai ilir lanJ sought l mm valuablr lor lit timber or tlon than tin agilcultuial puiposet, anJ to establish hit claim In salj tan J brim ttir Register an J Recelm ol llil iiftiCr al La tiianJe, Oregon, on IhuisJay, ihr 6th Jat ol November, iuu. He names at whnettet; Mllrt T. I rink, LMwarJ I. Toben. Joseph Toben, Chat. P. Muiphy, all ul llululh, Minn.: Roheit At. I'alirrtnn, nl (iranj Rap Us, Mlnn.j AJrlmai .Sn)Jrr. Panlrl RogelS Philip Arsenaull.all ul Sumpler, Oregon. Any anJ all pertons claiming aJvrrtrlv Ihr above JtscrlbeJ lanJs air leguesleJ lu Mr Ihrlr (lalmt In this office on or brloir talj Mh Jat ut Nntrmbrr, lyoa. i:. W. llAUtltM. Register. ton Trrillorv," at extcnJeJ lo all th public lanJ states by act ol Augutl 4. ifcjt, MILES T. THINK, of Duluth, county ol Si. I.oult, ttale of hat Hilt Jay WeJ In Ihlt office hit sworn .Vairrnrnt No. nil. lor the pure,,,,, , the toutheatl "f of "fj1""'- '" lonhli. No. 11 S.. rang No. it LWM.anJ will olhr proo, , ,,10w ,,? he ,,',, sought It more valuah, lor H, ,fflhfr or ,tone ,h,n or agricultural purpo,M,njl0 tabllth hit claim to talj Ian J before th, R,cMer ,j Rc,vr nl thl ,afu """' Oregon, on ThurSJay, th 6th Jav ol Novcnbcr, tvn, fit nam, at l,nM,. jno, D, KfnM j,,,, L. Tobrn. Joseph Tobn anJ Chat. I. Murphv, all nl Ouluih. Minn.; noh,r, M. Patterson, of GranJ Rap IJt, Mlnn.j AJ, mar SnvJrr, Danlrl Worrrs. Philip Arrnau, 0( Sumptrr, Orrgon. Any nd all prrtont claiming aJvrrttly Ihr above riV ' l"J' rt "turtlrj to file thtlr clalmt In ""1 offlc on or blor talj blh Jay ol Nnvrmbrr, K W. Baktiett, Hrgltirr. TIMHEK LANI), ACT JUNE 1. iBjB.-Norir.e IOW PUIILII.'ATION. tlnllrJ Slatrt LanJ Oilier, j la (iranJr, Urr., Augutl ID, Ivot. I Nolle It hrrrby glvm thai In compllane with Ihr provision! ol Ihr act ol concrrt" ol Junr 1. 1878. rn nl I "An art Inr Ihr tal M tlnthrr lanJt In th malr ol Calllornlj, UrrKon, Nrvaja anJ Wathlngton Trr rltoiy," at olrnJtJ to all th Public LanJ tlatrs by Clot SURIItt 4illJ. MOHMS II. ALLEN, if Sumplrr, cininly of Maker, ttatr ol OrrKon, has this Jay hlrJ In Ihls ottic his .swum statrmrnt No, lir), lur Ihr purihar nl Ihr .sr! ol srctlnn No. 4 In township No. II Soiilti, ranter No. 1? EWM. an J will nllrr prool In Mmw that the lanJ sought Is mnrr tal uablr tor IIS llmbrr or smnr lhan Inr aKrlCiitlural purusrS, anJ lo rsiabllsli his claim 10 saij lanJ br im Chas. II. Chancr, II. S. commlsslnnrr, at Sumplrr, Orrcon, on WrJnrSJay, Ihr 51I1 Jay ol Nnvrmbrr, lv. Hr namrs as wllnrssrs: Joslr Allrn, Ralph MraJ, V. K. MraJ. W. C. CalJrr. all ot Sumplrr, Urr. Any anJ all prisons clalmlne aJtrrsrlv Ihr aNivr JrscrlbcJ lanjs ai rrquesir J 10 hlr thrlr claims In Ihls oltic on or brlorr salJ )th Jav nl Nov.,lgn, t. W. lUHHirr, HrGltlrr. TlMtinr Lasii, A:t Jusb i. iiB-soiicb i-ok I'UHIICATIOS. UnllrJ Slattt LanJ Other. La (Iranj, OrtEon.Aug. It, tout ( Nollir It hrrrby Klvtn that in compliance with ih prnvltlontot Ihr act of enngrrtt of Junr 1, 1I1I. rn filled "An act for th tal of llmbrr lanJt In Ihr Slain of California, Orrr,on, NrvaJa, anJ Wathlnglon Trrrltory," at rtlrnJrJ lo all the Public LanJ Slatrt by act ol August 4. ilu. RACHEL SHAVER, nl Sumplrr, county ot tlaker, tlale of Oregon, hat Ihlt Jay hlr J In this officr hrr tworn tlalemrnt No. 1 itKi, for Hie purchase ol the t w ,' ol section No. 6 In lownthlp So. 10 S., range No. i EWM, anJ will oltrr piool lo show thai the Ian J sought Is more val uablr tor Its llmbrr or stonr than lor agricultural fur poses, anJ lo rsiabllsli hrr claim to talj lanJ be nre Chailrt II. Chancr, U. S. Commissioner al Sumplrr, Orrgnn, on WrJnrtJay, the till Jay ol No vember, 1001. She names as witnesses: I'reJ Tleilen, I. W. Call, J. A. Ilrown, N. L. Talllrto, all ot Sumplrr, Oregon. Any anJ all pertont claiming aJvertely the above JescrlbeJ lanJt arr rru,urttrJ to file their claims In thlsnthce on or before talj Jill Jay nl Nnvrm brr, 1 qua. E. W. llAWIUtr. Rrglttrr. "tiMrirw Lash, a 1 Just; 1, irB Mini:t iok I'l'HllOATIOS. I'nltrJ Stairs. LanJ C)ttnr, La tiranJr.Oirgon, Aug, 1 1. iui. Nuiler Is hrrrbi (Urn lliat In compllaner with ihr rrutlslont ol Ihr act ul Cungirss ut Junr I. lTl, rnilllrJ "An act lor Ihr sale ut timber lanJt In Ihr slalrs ol Calllornla, Orrgnn, NrtaJa anJ Washing. Tihhih Lasii, act Jusc 1, i8j8-sotii:h 100 I'DHUCAIIOS. I'nlirJ Stairs LanJ Oilier. , La (iranJr, Orrgnn, Aug. 18, igo. I Nolle Is hrrrby git rn lhal In compllaner wllh Ihr pru Itlons ol Ihr act ol Cungrrss ul Junr . il8 rnilllrJ "An act lor Ihr salr ul llmbrr lanJs In Ihr Stairs ul Callloinla, Orrgon, Nrt aJa, an J Washing ton Trrrltory," as rtlrnJeJ lo all thr Public LanJ Slatrs by ail ul August 4. i(o, JOSIE ALLEN, ul Sumplrr, counlv ul llakrr, slatr ol Orrgon, has Ihls Jay Mr J In till oilier hrr swum slatrmrnl No. 1 il, for Ihr purchase ot the t'j nrM anJ lots I anJ a ol Src. No. 4. anJ lots t, , 1 anJ 4 01 Section No. 1. In Tp. N. 11 S.. R. No. It E W M.anJ will oltrr puml 10 show lhal thr lanJ sought It more val uablr lor In llmbrr or ttonr than Inr agricultural putpntrt, anJ to establish hrr claim to sal J Ian J be fore Lhatles II. Chance. II. S. Commissioner at Sumplrr, Oregon, on WeJnesJa), thr jlh Jav ul Nn trmbrr, 190. Shr namrs as wllnrssrs: Morrlt II. Allrn, Ralph MraJ, V. R. MraJ, W. C. CalJrr. all ol Sumptrr, Orrgon. Any anJ all persons claiming ajtersely the above JrscrlbeJ lanJs are rro.uesteJ to Me their claims In this olhee onorbrtore sa'J tih Jay ol November, luoa. E. W. Ha num. Register Books and Stationery 1 have added to my Mock of t'lgarn ami TiImiyihh a lrge numU'r of popular ihixcIh, the leading ioriodltfttlHand a complvle line of Htationcry ...The Elite Cigar Store... THIS IS ONE OF THOSE ONCE IN A LIFETIME CHANCES 1 TF YOU wish to handle a mining stock 1 proposition yourself, you need look no farther: but thorough investigate what we have to offer Can deliver control of a company, with 42,000 of the original 500,000 shares still in the treasury. The property owned by the company is positively alt right. The workings are in solid ledge matter, the width of which is not yet proven.though exposed for eighteen inches. Values carried are high, running from $20 to $)$o in gold and silver. Personal ex amination invited. Less than ?.ooo, about half cash, required to secure this unequaled bargain. 5 3 2 fl WARNER & STEWART KILLEN MINING INVESTMENTS SUMPTER s j OREGON J. P. HOLLAND .-, Wholesale and Retail Commission Business No. 1 Hay, OnK Bailey, Bran, Wheat, Flour antl Potatoes Carload bite a Specialty ! Special Attention Given to the Mining Trade JLUJUUUULUJUUUUUUUUL Office: .lol.nV A LVh Vurvhoue. IMmhio 28ti. KUM1TKU, OREGON F.E.O'Rourke&Co. Vc mrx t V S RIGHT g; EVERVTIIIN6 FRESH " IS H S fill I PIIGES IR KROCERIES .. Granite St. 1 Sumpter, Ore. i L. HARRIS, Pmoprictor