The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 20, 1902, Page 15, Image 15

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    Wednesday, August 20. 1002
To the Editor of Thk Mixkk : Rumor
lins it that the sister's hospital ntul
academy will ho located at Whitney in
etead of at Similiter, and some think
that the Catholic church in making nde
cided mistake in favoring Whitney, etc.
To correct and to pacify minds of m
prehension, I wish to state that the
sister's hospital and academy will be
built where they are needed and wanted,
not in words but in deeds. They are a
great and continuous uxcusc to the
Most Hev. Archbishop A. Christie, to
the priests and to the sisters in the thin
ly settled country of the west. Resides
this, their work, their time and their
troubles are without remuneration, other
than oftentimes impudent criticism.
This is not all, and every fair minded
man will not blame the Catholic church
for not building its beuettcent institu
tions to all alike, when she is forced Jo
pay here or there a premium on build
ing material to Individuals who seem to
have a patent on all the natural, the
plentiful, and the gratuitous' resources of
a laud of abundance and of liberty.
Lumber, for instance, in a tim!cr coun
try like this, can be put on the market
for from 7 to $15 icr thousand feet,
with good business profit. Half of its
present cost is an unnatural premium on
it. The same can be said about other
The object of tho Catholic church is
not to enrich certain selfish Individuals,
but to help the whole community on
equal terms. It is charitable enough on
the part of the church to work for noth
ing for the public; but when, through
unreasonable prices for nature's abund
ant gifts in some selfish hands, she has
to pay a premium for an opiortuuity to
work for a community, and that for no
returns, such a course does not come
within the line of justice or charity; nor
does anybody help to build a church, a
hospital or an academy by subscribing
f25or$5(),if he exccts his bait to return
with a big tlsh through an unwarranted
premium on material or goods. The
Catholic church will not make amistuke
by avoiding such a bait. Any expecta
tion for returns other than from a larger
and more prosperous community,
through our institutions, is styled as sti
lish and not Minimi, nor will it lie suc
cessful. If these institutions are worth much
to the community, thu community will
do much for them; if they are north
nothing, the community, b losing them,
will lose nothing, and the Archbishop,
'. the prlestk and sisters will have so much
less sacrifices and troubles of all kinds
witli not less returns. We like to sow
tho seeds on good ground where It will
grow into an abundant crop for all alike,
and not sow it on rocks to become the
prey of vultures More it grows.
There are many sincere and good
thinking people in Sumpter, estweially
amongst those not of our belief, and
their charitable supiort, both moral and
financial, were duly considered by us,
but we will never allow that those peo
ple's charity, with our own, will go into
tho private ockots ol narrow minded
business men for private and selfish pur
poses, which are entirely opposed to our
plans and methods. The Catholic
church, a sister's hospital and a sister's
academy have always and will always
build up a favorable commuity in a fav
orable place. Johki'h Scmki.i..
Timber od HomcUd Filing.
Timber and homestead filiugs, as well
as final proofs, can bo made before
Charles II. Chance, United States com
missioner, oftice in First Hank of Suinp
ter building, Sumpter, thus saving ap
plicauts expense of a trip to La Grande.
T. G. Harrison, agent for the Giant
Powder company.
Department of the Interior,
I-und Office at Iji Grande, Oregon, )
August 12, 11)02. )
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has died notice of his
intention to commute and make final
proof in supHrt of his claim, and that
said proof will bo made before Frank L.
Moore, U. S. commissioner, at linker
City, Oregon, on Oct. 8, 1!X)2, vir.: Ar
thur W. King, of Whitney, Ore., II. E
1023-1, for the s 1-2 nw 1-4 uud e 1-2 sw
1-4 Sec. 36 Tp. 10 S.. R. 37 EWM.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence ukii
and cultivation of said land, viz : .Inliu
W. Lundy and Lulu M. Thornburgh, of
Whitney, Oregon; Frank Kcrlaut, of
Bourne, Ore ; V. It. Mead, of Sumpter,
E. W. IUkti.ktt, Register.
Department of the Interior,
Lund Office at I .a Grande, Oreuou,
August 12, 1002.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
lug-named settler has Hied notice of her
intention to commute and make final
proof In support of her claim, and that
said proof will be made before Frank L.
Moore, U. S. commissioner, at Baker
Citv. Oregon, on Oct. 8. 1102, viz: Lulu
M. Thornburgh, of Whitnev, Ore., II. E.
10337, for the sw 1-4 no 1-4, n 1-2 se 1-4
Sec. 2 and nw 1-4 sw 1-4 Sec 1 Tp. 11 S.,
It. 37 KWM.
She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence uon and
cultivation of said laud, viz: Arthur W.
King and John W. Lundv, of Whitney,
Ore. ; Frank Zcrlaut, of Bourne, Ore. ; V.
R. Mead, of Sumpter, Ore.
E. W. Bauti.ktt, Register.
Department of the Interior.
I .and Office at Iji Grande, Oregon, )
August 12, 1U02.
Notice is hereby given that tho following-named
settler has Hied notice of his
intention to commute and make final
proof in snpKrt of his claim, uud that
said proof will be made In-fore Frank L.
Moore, U. S. commissioner, at Baker
City, Oregon, on October 8, 11102, vir.:
John W. Lundv, of Whitney, Ore., II. E.
10283, for the w 1-2 so 1-4, se 1-4 s 1-4
Sec. 3T Tp. 10 S., lot 1 and se 1-4 no 1-4
Sec. 2Tp. 11 S., R. 37 KWM.
He names tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon ami
cultivation of said laud, viz: Arthur W.
King and Lulu M. Thornburgh, of Whit
ney, Ore.; Frank .erliiut, of Bourne,
Ore. ; V. It. Mead, of Sampler. Ore.
K. W. Bahtlctt, Register.
Department of the Interior,
(.and Office at La Grande, Oreuou, (
August 12, 1002. f
Notice is hereby given that the follow-
ing-nunied settler hu filed notice of his
intention to make final imof in sumiort
of his claim, and that said proof will bo
made heforo Charles II. Chance, U. S.
commissioner, at Sumpter, Ore., on Oct.
1, 1002, vir.: Frank Kcrlaut, of Bourne,
Ore., II. E. 10140, for the s 1-2 so 1-4 Sec.
27 and o 1-2 lie 1-4 Sec. 34 Tp. 10S., R. 37
Ho mimes the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz.: V It. Mead,
of Sumpter, Ore. ; John W. Lundy, of
Whitney, Ore. ; William Wiegaud anil
F. Kear, of Bourne, Ore.
E. W. Bauti.ktt, Register.
Department of the Interior,
Laud Ollico at Im Grande, Oregon, )
August 12, 1002. f
Notice is hereby given that tho following-named
settler has tiled notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will bo
made before Charles II. Chance, II. S.
commissioner, ut Sumpter, Ore., on Oct.
1,1002, viz: William Wiegaud, of Bourne,
Ore., II. E. 10131). for then 1-2 uw 1-4,
w 1-2 lie 1 4 Sec. 34 Tp. 10 S R,37 kwm.
Ho mimes the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence uiiouaml
cultivation of said land, viz: V. It. Mead,
of Sumpter, Oie.; John W. Lundy, of
Whitney, Ore. ; Frank Zerluut and C.F.
Kear, ot Bourne, Ore.
E. W. Haktmctt, Register.
Notice Is hereby given that DaviJ Eccles, whose
poilofhce aJJtess Is Baker City. Oregon, has maJe
application to select unjer Act ol June 4, 1817,(10
but., 6) the following JescrlbeJ lanj:
Lot j or Section 7 In Township South, Range )
East: SEtf ol NEK ol Section 11: SEtf ol NEK ol
Section 11 In Township 10 South, Ranee & Fast;
NWtf of SEW of Section ir. SW ol N W ol Sec
tion at In Township 10 South, Range it Cast, all of
Willamette Meridian
All persons are hereby notlheJ that within the next
thirty Jus from Jate hereof they are requ rej to hie
their protests or contest against the selection on the
grounj that the salj tract or anv portion thereof Is
more valuatle for mineral than for agricultural pur
poses, with the Register of the InlteJ States LanJ
Oftice at La CiranJe, Oregon.
DateJ on the grounJ this oth Jay of Julv, tool.
I:. W. lUWTUTT, Register.
UnlteJ States LanJ OHice, I
La (iranje, Oregon, Julv it, Igoi.
Notice Is hereby given that Tn compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, I8j8, en
titled "An act for the sal of limber lanJs In the states
of California, Oregon, NevaJa anj Washington Ter
ritory," as exteJJeJ to all the Public Land states by
act of August a, I8a,
of Des Moines, countv of I'olk, state of Iowa, has
this Jav hleJ In this office his sworn statement No.
llo, tor the purchase of the e'j se, nw sel,
ne( iwjf nl section No. 11 in township so. II south,
range No. it EWM, an J will offer proof to show that
the lanj sought Is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish
his claim to salj lanj before the Register anj Re
ceiver of this office, at La CiranJe. Oregon, on Mon
day, the loth Jav of November, luoa.
lie names as witnesses: Trancls Ci. Connelly,
Thomas Tweet, of The Dalles, Oregen: Frank Lag
len, of La CiranJe, Oregen: V, R. MeaJ, of Sumpter,
Anv anj all persons claiming ajversrlv the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ ro file their claims in
this otNce on or before sail loth Jav ol Nov., luoa.
E. W. UAMUUTT. Register.
UnlteJ States LanJ Oltice, I
La (iranje, Oregon, Julv It. igoa.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, I88, en
title J "An act for the sale ottlmber lanJs In the states
of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
ritory," as estenJeJ to all the Public LanJ states by
act of August 4, 1841,
of Pullman, county of Whitman, state of Washington,
has this Jay tileJ In this office her sworn statement
No. Iiil for the purchase of the sw of section No. 11
In township No. 11 south, range ro. it i'wm, anj will
offer proof to show that the lanj sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
J purposes, anj to establish her claim to salj Ian J be
ore the Register anj Receiver of this office at La
OranJe. Oregon, on TuesJay, the slst Jay ot Octo
ber, loos.
She names as witnesses: Rnwena Wlnjus anj
Ham- E. True, of. Pullman, Washingten: William D.
ArnoU, of La Gran Je, Oregon, anj V, R. MeaJ, ol
Sumpter, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to hie their claims In
this oltice on or before sail alst Jav f ctober, 140s.
E. W Uauhktt. Register
UnlteJ States LanJ Office, (
La GranJe. Oregon. Julv si. looa. (
Notice Is hereby Riven that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress ot June , 1878,
entltteJ "An act lor the sale ol timber lanJs In the
btates of California, Oregon, NevaJa, anJ Washing
ton Territory," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ
States by act of August 4, 180a,
ot Pullman, county of Whitman, state ol Washington.
has this Jay fileJ in this oftice his sworn statement
No. ijoo, lor the purchase ol the ejf se', sw 1-4 se
4. se i-4 sw 1-4 of Sec. No. la In Tp. No. nS.RVi.
It I.WM, anj will olfer proof to show that the lanj
sought is more vaiuatue tor its timfer or stone than
lor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim
to salj lanj before the clerk ol the Supreme Court at
his office at PenJIe on, Oregon, on I rlJay, the 14th
Jav ol November, 1001.
He names as witnesses: Joshua M. Patmerton,
Minnie SpaulJIng, AlfreJ R. Wlnjus. of Cullman,
Wash., anj William J. WlnJus, of Collax, Wash.
Any anJ all persons claiming ajversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to file their claims In
this office on or before salj lath Jav ol November,
igoa. E.W. llAHtlUTT, Register.
Mineral Application No. 7.
Mineral Survey No. 191.
UnlteJ Stales LanJ Office, j
La (iranje, Oregon, July to, kjoe.
Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of the
UnlteJ Stales Mining laws, A. W. LIII,whote post
office aJJress Is Sumpter, Maker county, Oregon,
has maJe application tor patent lor 17.60 acres ol
placer grounj embracing the "MeaJow" anj a por
tion of the "No Name" placer claims, sllualeJ In no
organlirj mining Jistilct, llaker county, state ol
Oregon, JescrlbeJ as follows, to-wlt:
Beginning at Cor. Mi. I, Identical with i cor. to
Sec. 9M, T. 0 S.. R. it E. W. M., thence south go"
tt mln. west 6(at ft. In Cor. so. a; thence north I l
mln. west 660,6 ft. to Cor. No. ! tnence south 8i o
in n, east 66). II. to Cor. No. 4: thence south I it
mln. east J78.i ft to Cor, No, I, the rtace of beginning.
Beginning at Cor. No. I, whence Ihe ,', Cor. to Sec.
0M. T. oS.,R. it!:.. W. M. bears north f tl
mln. east 660.7 It., thence south &" ttmln. west 660.8
ti. to Cor. No. 4: thence north a" 48 mln. west 656.8 ft,
to Cor. No. : thence snuili 8v 44 mln. west 656.0 ft.
lo Cor. No. 6; thence not th o 1 1 mln. west 654.6 ft.
to Cor, No. t; thence north 8g" 11 mln. east lt. l.
to Cor. No. : thence south t west 644.I ft. to Cor.
No. 0: thence snuih 8) east l4.6 ft. to Cor. No. lo;
thence south I la mln. east 660.6 tt. to Cor. No. I, the
placs of beginning, containing ?.6o acres, an J form
ing a port on of ihe hWK, Sec, av In Township v S.,
The lo:ailons of these claims are recorJeJ In Ihe
oftice ol the Recorjer ot Conveyances in llaker
county, Oregon, as follows, lo-wit: "MeaJow"
IMacer on page 64 Vol. O. the "No Name" Placer on
Jiage 6a vol. Ci, recorbs of Placer Locations. AJ
olning claims are Sumpter Placer Mine, J. D. Young
Co. Placer Mine, Natchei Placer Mining Claim anj
unknown claimants.
Any anj all persons claiming ajversely any por
tion of SaiJ mines or surface grounj are requirej to
file their ajverse claims with the Register ol th
UnlteJ States LanJ Oftice, at La CiranJe, in Ihe state
I Oregon, Juring the Slaty Jays rerloj ol publica
tion hereof, or they will be barrel by virlu of th
provisions of the statutes.
E. W. lUkUtTT, Register.
Only transcontinental lino
passing directly through
Salt Lake Gty
Colorado Springs
and Denver
Three splendidly equipped tra m
Through Sleeping and DiningCars
uud free Reclining Chair Cars.
Tho most Magnificent scenery la
America by daylight.
Stop overs allowed on all clatMM
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For cheapest rates and descriptive
literature, address
General Agent.
124 Third Street, Portland, Ore.
am Short Une
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Silt Like,
Dener, Ktisis City.
Ocean steamers hetween Portland
and Sun Francisco every live days.
Low Rates !
Tickets to anil from all parts of
tho United State), Cuimda and
For twrticulttra, call on or add
II. 0. Ilowwu,
Agent, Baker City, Ore.