The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 20, 1902, Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesday August 20. 1902
Active Development Work
Now in Progress on
This Property.
on tin; power pita on Little Knglu creek,
only a nliort ilii-tunce from tlie niinu.
'J'lio McLean llrnilii.-rrt an- ileinuiiHtrat
Ini? tliut Piulily creek l!f trict Iiiih lotli
richen ami ienimiieiiey. I'nion Iti'imle
Acother Gold Extraction Method.
A preHH tlinpatcli from Leailville, of re
cent date eayx: (). It. Nunbnrth, one of
the oldeitt eltir.eiiM in the c.tnip, Iiuh hcen
' i'XH'rimt!iitiiiK for ix yearn with nut-fret
proccHH on itolil ore, and now ulainm to
Mummer Seymour Hell wan out to the have dim-overcd the ineaiiM of cecilrilijf
North I'olo KxIciihIoii .Mlnineoiiipaiiy the "oil gold." He modcHtly hIiowb
iroMrty, in the Cracker Creek district, what he ran do, mid douit not ceeii to
Monday. On hi return to camp he wan realize what hit) diHcovery meaiiH if it
accompanied hy SiiitvrintendentCheHtt'r can lie put to iihu on a lare wale. Tnk-
A. I 'ray. They reHrl that the coin- lug ore that with lire iinmiyH ylehlHonlya
pany now Iiiih eiuht men at work, in two trace to the ton, Ncnlmrtli (jiven retuniH
fliiftn, and that development in rotWH- of IK) to f 170 to the ton. AncayM made
inn Nttihfactorily. hy loeal UHmiyerH hIiow that Xeiiburth's
One tunnel Iiiih Imtii run in on the I in t ton h from IiIh proceHH are pure gold,
vein :UN) feet. Ill that dlHtance It en- 111 formula in a m-eret, hut hit) exjieri-
countered two ore hIiooIm, the fIrt mentH are inaile with a very simple iii-
i-eveiity feet Imin and the Hecoud Jiiih til- paratliH, reducing thenre through a forty-
reinly Ix'itn iOkiwii to he over KM) feet menh Mirccn. It in then mixed with the
and the face of the tunnel Ih hIIII in ore. cIu'IuIl-iiIm and wa'er ami mihjccted to
Axerapi HHcayH from the former hIiow agitation for tlfteeu ininuteH to an hour
an average value of fS.SO, while the hit- and then allowed to settle, the tfoltl he-
ter carrier foiiietlilnn over $11 in K'iM. hi;; in dilution in the liiuid. TIiIh liipild
Another tunnel Iiiih Im'i'ii Hlarlecl lower Ih attain Mihjccted to chemical treatment
down the hill. It in now in 7ft feet. The and in twenty-four houra line particle of
vein will he cut at a diNtanco of UN) feet, olil lloal to the topauilareMkimmcdoff,
A drift will then lie driven INK) feet, pnxlucinj; (Hiwder which heat reduccH to
which will kIvi u vertical depth of 1100 the metallic Mate,
feet. J
W. II. TIIiImIh, of Salt Lake, Ih prod-1 Boiler Scale Auayi $84 In Gold,
dent of thin company, in which I'hila-' I'rojjrcHHivencHH in mininc in coiiHtaut
ilelpliiu and lloHtou iM'ople are htock-
holderH. That prime reipilnltu in the
making of a mine, money, the company
in xald to huve iii'ahiiiidauce, and thin,
comhlufd with intelligent management,
uiakcH the North Pole KxteiiHlon an
near a "mire thing" iih Ih found in the
realm of human affairx. It Ih rcMrted
that (IiIh group of cIiiIiiih Ih one of the
two or three in the dint riot that the
North I'ole Mope want and have failed
t Iiiih far to necure. Alexander Hariiig,
who ou iih a control in the North I'ole,
while here recently, Umglit everything
on thin ledge that wan offered for wile.
McLean Brother. Have Ore Enough in
Sight lo Justify lit Erection.
Mr.t'hurlcH Mclean, of McLean Broth
er h, who for neve nil yearn have been
carrying ou milling oH'ratliiiin in the
I'addy cretik wvtiuu, cunt of Vniou, wan
in the city I'ridii) and Saturday of hint
Mr. McIa'iiii rejMirtH proHicctH excel
lent for a giHMl camp to develop In that
eel Ion, The mine that he Ih iiitcrcnttsl
in Ih hhowlug up well. Thev haveoiK'ii-
ed up a ledge of iiiiirtr. twenty-four i t'"l",",",v H'
IiicIich wide, with a four-inch "horw,"
that ahHUVH well in gold. They have al
ready on the dump one tliniiHaud tounof
ore that riiun fill to the ton In gold, and I
ant now ready for a mill.
UhiiiiIIv, proxNVtorH get in a hurry
and put In reduction work heforc their
uiiucH are deeloHs, hut I hoe iicoplu
have gone at the IiiihIiichh carefully and
have hIiowii giHMl liiiHlueHH judgment in
doing the development work llrM. Now
they know they have work for a mill to
a certainty and ate negotiating for a
plant of thirty tmiH daily capacity and
will iliMull it at the mine iih hooii iih the
arraugemeiitH can he cifcctfd.
They hate an Ideal mill nite on a hill
fiile running down from the mouth of
the tunnel, and will euahle the wurkn to
Ih NicoiiHiructcd that none of the ore
or prodtictH will have to he lifted in their
p.ihNigc through the workn, hut will
hluiply pai-H from one level to the next
lower until the reduction Ih perfect ami
the metal completely extracttsl,
The plant will he oKratel hy a IMO.
horr-c Kiwcr water Million, to lie liK'ated
ly llliiHtrated In a variety of way, anthe
coIiiiiiiih of tlilH niHr weekly nttent.
liven in weird and womlroiiH talen of
"lott" niincH, dewrt treaHiire, wihkI
iihIich aHHiiying "away up" in gold, etc.,
there 1m noted advance and variety hi the
milliliter of 'IK over the fanciful yariiH of
prevloiiH HiimmcrH. TIiIh week from m
Junta, Colorado, coiiich allegation that
the Iji Junta M. A M. Co. Iiiih found
that the holler ncalii in ItH Ixiiler anniiyH
H4 to the ton in gold, (training for
ordinary courtcnyV cake that the Mate
inent liearn a Hciuliliince of remote mhhI
hility, the proceHH docx not commend it
hcK to practical iiietallurgiHtH. Itobert
McAlllHter, Colorado'H etate IhdIUt In-Hn-ctor,
in locally given an authority for
the niid-Hiiuiiuer fautiiHy. Mining and
Selcntlrle Profit.
Ilarrifou can toll you why all luckv
ctrlkoH are made with (iiaut I'owder
If in want of clothing, cce Neill Mer
cantile couiany.
I lent lirandH oi cigara at lloffinanV
If vou wIhIi to Htrike it rich urn tJiant
ShiK'Hof all klndnat Neill Mercantile
Jp Wi niki i Specialty of Supplies for Minus.
Htinzi's Cilibnted build Bonis Md i
Optra Kmt link pH Un of m'm
simipuT oln 1 Stnwbirriis ni YitiUhlis Fresh EviryDiy.
American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co,
E. SIBER, General Manager.
Manufacturers of
First Class Draught and Bottled
Also Ice Made of
Distilled Water.
The most modern equipped plant in the state.
All orders promptly attended to.
Telephone, Main ij. BAKER CITY, OREGON.
Quarts ami Placer Loca
tions, Tunnel Claim and
Water Right Locations,
Proof of Labor, Affidavit
of Disarvery Work
(Mining Deed, Option to
Purchase, Quit Claim
Deed, Lease . j j j
-rwH r
Friction Clutch