The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 20, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday August 20, 1902
United Stnten Laud Ollico, )
La Grande, Oregon, July III, UKi2. j
Notice !h hereby given thill in couipli
unci' with t'iu iVoviniouH of tin- net (if
CongroH-of Jiinull, 1878, untitled "An
act for the hiiIu of titnlKT hinds in tin;
ctuli' of California, Oregon, Nevada unit
Washington Torritorv," iih extended to
nil tin) I'iiIiIIi; Land StntuH b'v act of
AiiuiiHt 4, I8N2,
of Cove, Comity of Union, Statu of Ore
i;on, Iiiim thin day Mod in thiH olllce IiIh
HMorn Htatuinent No. IL'15 for tint pur
cIihhii of tint h w '4 n w ,', 11 w ,' h w li
section 12, Mini h u ( 11 e 'f, n u h u xi
wction 1 1, township 1 1 S, ran no :tH KWAL
of linker City, County of linker, Statu of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 1211) for
thu purchase of wjirni IX i ii v.U' H u !4
Mini n w U '( Hfction 10 township II
S, range :w, kwal
of Nlhley, Union countv. Statu of Ore
gon, Hworil statement No. 11217 for tilt)
Miri'luiHi) of t! ii w X ii ti i, i & n u M
Sec. 1 1, ami u w i ii w )i Siv CI Tp II
f, nuiiT on r, vv .11.
of Nlbloy, I'lilon countv, Slati) of Ore-
(on, sworn Htaluiiioul .No. 1218 (or thu
purchase of ii '., h u ' Siv 1 1 ami
w tf
m w Sir IIITp II S, range IIS K W
of Nlhley, Union rountv, Statu of Ore
gon, Hworn Mtatuinunt No. I2IU for Hid
ptiri'liiiHD of tint '... h w l Sir II mill n
)i n w ( Sir 1 1 Tp 1 1 S, range S K W M.
of I .a (iriimli1, Orison, sworn statement
No. 1220 for tin- purchase of tin- w v h ii
,'4, M I) 1 1 h i 4 Sol! 1 1 iiml h w ' h w ,'
Sir 12 Tp II S, range 118 KW.M.
of Allcrl, Union county, Statu of Orison,
Hworn Htiiteinont No. 1221 for thu pur
uIiiihii of tilt) h ' 11 11 j llllll h '.. 11 w V
Sir CI Tp II S, range M K W Al.
of Allivl, Union county, State of Orcg'in,
Hworn Htati'ini'iit No. 1222, for thu pur-
CIIIISU 01 urn 11 ti u 11 11 Nl' If), H I) 'I M
i' 'j Si' III mill w ! h w j ,ir II In II
1 '
S, rmiKU.'M K W Al.
of Lit (irmiilu, I'nion county, Statu of
Oriv'on, Mwom Htatuiiiunt Nit, l'J.'.ri for
thu puri'liUHii of tlui h 0 '4 m w f Sir l'.,
11 1) )i 11 w xi mill 11 )i n i) I4 Sui: III Tp
II S, rmiKuHH i: W Al., nil in thu .IIh
trii'l of lanilM nultlirt to hiiId ill 1 41
(iraiulc. Ort'iton, nut) tliuy ami uacli of
tlium will 1 iff or proof to hIiow that thu
IiiuiIn hoimht liy tlium in inoru vitlunlilu
for ItH tiuilN'r or Htouu than (or auricul
tural purpoNOH, ami to UHtalilinli thulr
claim to tint lanil houulit for by tlicni
U'foru tin Itiylntur mnl Itccolvor of thin
olllco at Iji tirauilu, Oregon, 011 Wiilncn
ilav thu I Mh ilny of Octolrr, lltO:'.
'l'huy nainu an witnuHHun; Arthur Al.
KawNiin, HmiH.I. NIcIhcii, I'rani-iH Al,
lllatt, nil of Nihluy, Orupin ; Holx-rt A.
U'litlimu mnl HoIktI V. (iarrutt, of
Aliccl, Oruiriui: I'.milv llramwull mnl
Franklin S. Ilrmnuull. of I .a (irandu.
Ort'Kiin j JnckHoii VV. Iluniiiuur, of linker
1 Ity, Hri'noii, mnl hniuuel outliwlck,
of Covu, Onvon.
Any mnl nil ihthoiih claimiiitf ailvurni'ly
thu iiImivu ilcxcriUsI InuilN aru rcipicftuil
to uii) thulr ciiuniH 111 tills otiicu on or
K'f.iru miiil Kith ilny of OctoU'r, ItHL'.
K. V. llKTi.nrr, Keihtcr
Uultisl StatuH l.aml Ollicc, (
m (irmiilc, Ore., July III, UKL'. )
Notice In lieniy jjiven that In compli-
mice with the pniviHioiiH of thu net of
conureHH o( June II, IS7S, entitlcil "An
net lor the wile of liiuhcr IiiiiiIh iu the
clnteN of California, Oregon, Nuvnilnuml
WnNliiutstnu Territory," iin exteuiltsl to
nil the rulilic
AiiKiixt i, IStlL',
HtntcH hy net of
of Colfnx, county of Wliitiimn, Ntnte of
WnnliiiiKtou, hiiH tliiH ilny lileil iu thiH
otllcu hix Hworn Htnteinent No. Ct-ltl, (or
thu pun-haw of the n)i nw I 4, uj n
1-J of Motion No, !5 iu tiiNwixhip No. II
S., rniiKc No. Xi kvi, mnl v ill offfr proof
to hIiow that thu Irtiul Miunht in more
valuable (or itn timber or htone than (or
agricultural purHiMH, mnl to eHtnltlixh
Iiih claim to naiii laml More the clerk of
the Supreme Court o( Onvon, ni I'cinllc
ton, Oregon, on Friday, the Utli day of
Novenihur 1IHIJ.
He nnuiuH iih wltncHHeu : Alfred It.
WiuiliiH, Joliuii Al. I'alinerton, Aim.
l.iilleC. I'allnertoii, Alinuiu Spaulilin,
all of I'ulliumi, WaHh'iuu'tou.
Any anil all imthoiih claiming adverni!-
ly the ahovi) decerilied IiiiiiIh aroruipiuHt-
ud to tile their claims iu thin otllcu on or
huforu hiiIiI Mtli tlnv o( November, IIH)!'.
K. W. ItAitTi.Krr, Hester.
I'liited StatuH Land Olllco, I
La (irando. Ore., July III, 1002. f
Notice In hereby Kiven tlint iu couipli-
uiicu with thu proviHioiiH of thu act of
conjtreHH of June II, 1H78, entitled "Ait
net for thu hiiIu of timlior IiiiiiIh in thu
HtntcH of California, Oregon, Nevada anil
WaHlilnuton. Iuih thiH ilav Hied iu thin
otllcu her Hworn Htatetnont No. 11148, for
the purcluiHu of thu lotM I & 2, h4 iiu 1-4
01 Heellou An, L' in towiiHhlp .No. r.' S.,
1 raiiLto No. IlTi i:vm. anil will offer uriMif to
hIiow that thu laud nought in more valu -
I a'dit for ilH timU'r or ntouu than for ag-
ricultural purioHeH, ami toeHtabliHh her
claim to Hitlil laml txtloru thu clerk ot thu
Supreme (,'otirt of the Htatu of Oregon, at
reunieton, uri'K'on, 011 I'riiiay, tiiu nth
day of November, IIMI2.
.hu minion an witneHMOH: William J.
WindtiH, of Colfax, WiihIi.; Alfreil Win
iIiih, JohIiiiii AL Palmertoii, Alrn. I.lllio
C. Palmertoii, nil of Pullman, WiihIi.
Any and all pornoon claiming adverne-
ly thu iiIhivu iluHcribeil IiiiiiIh uru reipioHt-
ed to lllu their clainiH in thin olllco on or
heforu naiil 14th day ot November, I IK 12.
K. W. ft.t irri.KTT, KcKinter.
Nor UK KOII I'lllll.lCATION.
United StnteH IjiiiiI Olllco, )
La (irandu, Ore., July III. I!H)2. f
Notice in hereby nivon that in comjili
aucu with thu proviHioiiH of thu act of
cotitfroHH of Juno II, 1878, ontlthil "An
act for the hiIu of timbur IiiiiiIh in thu
HtatoH of California, Oregon, Nevada and
WiiHhiniiton Territory," iih extended to
all thu Public Laml Htaten bv act of
AtiKUHt 4, 18112,
of Pullman, county of Whitman, Htato of
WiiHlilnKtou, Iuih thin day (Hod in thiH
olllcu IiIh Hworn Htatuiiiunt No. 1 ItMr, for
the purcluiHu of thu i hw 1-4, w!i hu 1-4
of nod Ion No. .'ITi III towiiHbip No. 11 S.,
rmi(!u No. Ilo kw.m, ami will offer proof to
hIiow that the laud Houttht Ih more valu
able for itn tiinbr or ntouu thmi for ait
riculttiral purpoHCH, and to OHtablinh bin
claim to naiil laml In-fore the clerk of thu
Supremo Court of Oregon, at Pendleton,
Orcifoti, on Friday, thu 14th day of
NovemtHT, 1IKI2.
Hu iiamcH an witncHHCH: William J.
WimluH, of Colfnx, WiihIi.; JohIiiiii Al.
Palnierton, AlinnU)Spauldlnif, LtlliePal
inoiton, all of Pullman, WaHhinuton.
Any iiuil all irrnoiiH elainiiiiK adverno-
ly thu alnivc-doHcrilR-d IiiiiiIh are reiiioHt-
i I to tile their claiinn iu thin otllcu on or
beforu naid 14th day of November, 11H)2.
K. W. 1I.sUTI.ktt, HeniHter.
United State bind Olllco, )
U (irande, Ore., July III, 1IMI2. )
Notice in hereby uiven that in couipli
a 1 ico with the proviHioiiH of the act of
coutircHH of June II, 1878, entitled "An
net (or the hiiIu of timber IiiiiiIh In the
HtatcH of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," iih extended to
nil the Public lauid Htnten by act of
AtiK'UHt 4, IStiJ,
of Pullman, county of Whitman, Htatuof
Wachinntou, ban thin day tiled in thin
otlice her nworn Htnteinent No. UtM, for
the purcluiHu of the hu 1-4 of Hoction No.
2 iu township No. 12 S,, ranue No. ',A
kwm, mid will offer proof to hIiow that
the laud Houclit in moru vnlunblu for itn
timber or ntouu than for agricultural
purpoHCH, and to cHtiiblinh her claim to
HAid land U-foro theelerkof the Supreme
Court of the Htatu of Oregon, at Pendle
ton, Oregon, on Friday, the Nth da of
November, ItHt!.
Shu iiamcH an witiu-HHoH : William J.
WiudiiH, of Colfax, WiihIi.; Alfred U.
WindtiH, JohIiiiii Al. Palmertoii, Alinnlo
Spaiilding, all of Pullman, Washington.
Any mid all KnoiiH claiming advem
Iv the nlbive-dcHcrilMHl latidHnrunsiueHt-
tn to tile their clainiH iu thin otiicu on or
before said 14th day of November, 1B02.
K. W. IIakti.ktt, Ueginter.
WaHIIIIIKtOII lorrtlory," IIH extemleil to",, .,"" ?..., ' ,, .' 11ri..,1l.rill of Baker Cllv. county ot Baker, state of Ori gon. has
II thu I'llbic Laml HtlltUH l)V net of """ or Ht' " th,"11f" Vf 1 1 ? this Jay MeJ In this office his sworn sta-ement No.
ViiiriiHt4 IH1I-' ""-" "y tl puriM)8eH, mill to UHtnblifli IiIh claim to ,r the purchase of the eM of ne i-4 anJ e i-i ot
K ,' '"""', t, . , ..., nalif land In-fore theelerkof thu Supreme se i-aot 1 section No. J5 in township No. to south.
AIINNIK Sl'AULDINC, Court of the Htatu of Oremm at lVtidle- Mn N.- 8 -wv-'"J "Ml offer proof to how
. , ,. . , y"ri 01 iiil Hiniuoi wriKon, ill 1 enuiu ,hll, ,, ,n j OUtht Is more valuable lor Its timber or
of I'ullinan. coutitv of Whitman. Htatuof ton. Onvon. on rr ilnv. the 14th ilav of in. ihn inr agricultural nurooses. and to establish
Norii'K 111 it i-nu.uwTiox.
1'niteil StnteH Laud Olllco. )
Ln (irandu, Ore., July 111, 1IK1L'. )'
Notice in hereby jriven that in comjill
mice with the provifionx of thu net of
eonuroHHof June II, 1878, entitlnl "An
act for the e ale of timber IiiiiiIh iu the
xtatcH of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Wachinntoii Turritorv," iih extended to
all thu Public Laml ntateH by act of
AiiKUHt4, 18112,
of I'ullinan, county of Whitman, Htatuof
WnHhiuKtou, Iuih thin day tiled iu thin
otllcu IiIh Hworn utatoinon't No. 11152, for
thu purclinne of thu hw 1-4 of nection No
1 iu towiiHliin No. 12 S.. ranuu No. :!'
kw.m, mid will offer proof to hIiow that
NovemlKT. 11H):
Hu namoH itHwitneHHeH: William J.
WindtiH, of Colfax, WiihIi; Alfred It.
WimluH, Mlnnio Spauldini;, LillieC. l'al-
I nierton, nil of Pullman. WaHhinuton
, Any mid all iiernoiiH claiming advurnu-
ly thu iilMive-ileHurlhcd landH arereipteHt-
'eil to Hie their eliiitiiH in thin olllco on or
hutoru naiil 14th (lay ot .ovemlior, llttlL'
K. W. H.miti.ktt, KoijIhIoi
I'nlteJ States LanJ Oftice. I
La (iranJe, Oregon, July 7, in. i
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of congress of June 1, 18)8, en
IllleJ "An act fur the sale ol timber lands In the slates
ol Callfurnla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter- i
rltnry, as estenJeJ to all the Public LanJ slates by
act ot August 4, 1841,
ol Baker Clly, county of Baker, state ol Oregon, has
this Jay MeJ in this office tils sworn statement No.,
Ihii for the purchase ol the ne 1-4 ne 14 section 14,
eH se 1-4. sw 1-4 se 14 of section No. 17 in township
Mi. 10 south, range mi ib cw.ii, and will oiler proof to
show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable for lis
limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anJ
lo establish his claim to salj lanJ before the Register
anJ Receiver of this oftice, at La (iranJe, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 7th Jay of October, n,
lie names ai witnesses: James W. EarJIey, Da IJ
CeJJes, F. W. Shurtllft, WlllarJ UeJJes, all ol Ba
ker City, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming aJerselv the aboe
JescrlbeJ lanJs are reuesteJ to tile their claims In
this otlice on or before salj 7ih Jav ol October, l.
E. W. llARUETT, Register.
UniteJ States LanJ Otlice,
la (iranJe, Oregon, July 7, iooi.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
provisions of Ihe act ot congress of June 1, I878, en
litlej "An act lor the sale ot timber lands In the states
ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, as extended lo all the Public LanJ stales by
act ot August 4, 1841,
of Baker City, count) 'of Baker, stale ol Oregon, has
this Jay tilei In this oltice his sworn statement No.
1144. for the purchase of Ihe nw 1-4 ne 1-4. n! nw 1-4,
sw 1-4 nw 1-4 of section No. u In township No. lo
south, ranee No. 18 LWM. an J will otter proof to
show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor Its
. lta lutiil unimlit Em liumi tt lltti tilit ttw if U
i,imc, ur biuiic ma,, ,vi Kiihuiiu,i iu,ivt, iu ine tinj jay Ol IKIOPer, I40V.
establish his claim to salj lanJ before the Register 1 r names as witnesses: FreJ Mall. Mark C Gar
nj Receiver of this olhce al La (.rande. Oregon, on I tr, atrt II. Witt anJ Wm. J. Robertson, all of
Tuesday, the 7th Jay of October, taw. Sumpter, Oregon.
. He names as witnesses: James W. EarJIey, F. W. 1 Anv anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above-
ShurtllN, Frank Fuller, WlllarJ CeJJes, all ot llaker
Cllv. Oreeon.
Anv an J all rersons claiming aJversely Ihe above-1
JescrlbeJ lands are requesteJ tn hie their claims in
this olhce on or before salj 7U1 Jay of October loua.
I., w. nsKHKTT, Keglster.
UniteJ States LanJ Olhce,
La (iranJe, Oregon, July 17, iv. i
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance wlih Ihe
prov Islons ot the act ol congress of June 1, I8r8, rn-
lllleJ "An acl for Ihe sale of limber lanJs In the stales
ol California. Oregon. NevaJa anJ Washlneton Ter
ritory," as extenJeJ to all Ihe Public LanJ states by
act of August 4, I84,
ol Pullman, county ol Whitman, stale ot Washington,
has this Jav tiled In this oltice his sworn statement
No. i6i lor ihe purchase ol the w)J sc'l section
n!t ne!' ot section No. to in lownstilp No II south,
range Mv. it lvvm, an J will offer proof to show that
Ihe land sought Is more valuable lor lis timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, anJ In establish
his claim lo saiJ lanJ before the Register anJ Re
celv er of this olhce at La (iranJe, Oregon, on Tues
Jay, the tist Jay ot October, loj.
He names as witnesses: Joanna E. True. Rowena
WlnJus. of Pullman. Washington; William D. Ar
nolJ, ol La (iranJe, Ore; V. R. MeaJe, of Sumpter,
Any an J all persons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are requested 10 tile their claims In
this olhce on or belore salj il Jav ol October, l40
E. W. BsKHtTT, Register.
T1.M11TU LAND, ACT JUNK .', 1878.
UniteJ States UnJ Oftice. j
La (iranJe, Oregon, July 17. iv.(
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ot the acl of congress ot June 1. 1878, en
title J "An acl lor the sale ot limber lanJs In the states
ot Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter
rllorv ." as extended to all Ihe Public LanJ states by
act ol August 4 184a,
ol Pullman, county ol Whitman, sute of Washington, ,
has this day hlej In this olhce her sworn statement
No i4, lor the purchase ol ihe w ne 1-4, n.'j se 1-4 I
ot section so. 8 In lowrslilp No. II south, range No.
i I w.w, ,mJ will offer proof lo show that lh lanJ
souRht is mori- valuable (or lis timber or slone than
lor agricultural purposes. anJ to establish her claim
lo salj lanJ before the Peclsler anJ Receiver of this
otlice a' La (IranJe. Oregnn, on TuesJav, the Jlst
Jav of October, I uj.
She names as witnesses: Joanna I:. True, Harry
C. True, of Pullman Washington; William D. ArnolJ,
of Li (iranJe. Ore.i V. It. .MeaJ. ot Sumpter, Ore.
An anJ all persons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are reuesleJ In hie their claims In
this otlice on or before saU lst Jav ot October, I901.
E. W. IUMTILTT, Register.
UniteJ States LanJ Office,
La CranJe, Oregon. Jaly 7. 1401-1
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 1, 1I78, en-
tllleJ "An act for the sale of timber lanJs In the
slates ot California. Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing-
I Ington Territory." as eMenJeJ to all the Public LanJ
stales py act 01 nugusi 4, iv.
his claim to said lanJ before the Register anJ Re
ceiver ot this otlice at La (iranJe, Oregon, on Tues
Jay, the 7th Jav of October, to.
lie names as witnesses: Frank Tuller, DavU
(ieJJes, F. VV. Shurtllft. AlllarJ CeJJes. all of Ba
ker Clly, Oregon.
Any an J all persons claiming ad ersely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are requested to file their claims In
this olnce on or before salj 7th Jay ol October, ioi.
1 b. W. HAKTLCTr, Keglster.
, for Publication.
UniteJ States Land Office, j
La (irande, Oregon, Jutv 14, 100a.
Notice Is hereby ghen that In compliance with the
provisions of the actol cong.ess of June 1 1878, en
titled "An act for Ihe sale ot limber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
rltor)," JAMES W. CALL.
of Sutnpter, county of Baker, stale ol Oregon, has
this Jav tiled In this olhce his sworn statement No.
1184 tor. the purchase of the s!i nw 1-4 anJ nw 1-4 sw
1-4 of section f anJ ne 1-4 se I- ol section No. 6 In
township No. lo south, range No. 17 LWM, anJ wilt
olfer proof tn show that the lanJ sought Is more val
uable for Its timber or slone than for agricultural pur
poses anJ to establish his claim to salj land before
Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter,.
Oregon, on FriJav, the nth Jay of October, Iqoa.
He names as wiinesses: Thomas Moore, Nicholas
L. Tallfero. William A. (Ween anJ I'reJ Tleljen, all of
Sumpter, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are requested to tile thlr claims in.
this oltice on or before sa!J aith Jay ot October loot.
E. W. BAKTILTT, Register.
TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1, i878.-oiich ro-
L'nlleJ Slates LanJ Oftice, (
La (iranJe, Oregon, July 16, looj. j
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the acl of congress of June 1, I878, en
titled "An act for the sate ot limber lanJs In the slates
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ol Sumpter, countv of Baker, state of Oregon, has
this Jay tiled In this oltice his sworn statement No
lira, for the purchase ot the sji se 1-4 of section U
township II south, range 16 LWM, anJ lot 4 ol section
18 anJ lot I of section No lain township No. II south,
range No. 7 LWM, an J will offer proot 10 show that
Ihe lanJ sought Is more valuable lor its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, anJ lo establish
, S. commissioner, al Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednesday,.
ins claim to sau lanj before uiaries II. uiance, u.
JescrlbeJ lanJs are reuuesleJ to tile their claims in
ih Is olhce on or belore salj 1 and Jav of Oct.. I002.
E. W. BARHITT, Register.
TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1. i88.-notici: rok-
UniteJ Stales LanJ Oltice, (
La (iranJe, Oregon, July 16, 1401.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the
prov Islons ol Ihe act at congress ol June 1, 1878, en
HlleJ "An act lor the sale ot timber lands In the states
of Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
ritory," MARK C (iARVER,
of Sumpter, countv ot Itaker, stale ol Oregon, has.
tills Jay hteJ In this olhce his sworn statement o
Is8, lor Ihe purchase ol the se 1-4 nw 1-4 and ne 1-4
sw 1-4 and lot 1 of section IS township It south, range
17 tww, and ne 1-4 se 1-4 ol section No. llntownshln
Mi. II south, range No. 6ivw, anJ will offer proof
to show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable for its
limber or stone lhan lor agricultural purposes, anJ to
establish his claim to salj lanJ belore Charles II.
Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on
MonJa) , the auth Jay ot October, luoa.
He names as witnesses: FreJ Moll, Albert II. Witt,
Ole StraJness anJ Frank Zerlani, all of Sumpter.
Anv anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to hie their claims In
this oltice on or belore saU aoih Jay ol October, 9a
E. W. Barultt, Register.
Department ol Ihe Interior,
UniteJ States UnJ Othce,
La Grande, Oregon, July ai, lo. I
Noilce Is hereby given that the following nameJ
settler has liteJ notice of his Intention lo make tinal
proot in support ol his claim, and thai salj proof will
be maJe belore the county clerk ol Baker countv al
Baker City, Oregon, on September 8, I901, vli: H
E. No. I0440,
of Baker City, Oregon, lor the e) nw 1-4, sw 1-4 ne
1-4 anJ nw l-a se 1-4 Sec. I7. Tp. lo S. K j6 eww.
He names the following witnesses tn prove his
continuous reslJence upon anJ cultivation ot salj
land, vli: H. McCoy, J. Mevers, J. D. Carter, ol
Baker City, Oregon, and Charles Hineman, ol Whlt
nev, Oregon.
E. W. Bartlftt, Register.