The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 20, 1902, Image 1

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    VOL III.
E. & E. DEAL.
Alexander Baring Returns from
a Conference With
Jonathan Bourne.
Alexander During, owner of the North
Pole .Mine, h commanding llguro In the
world of linn net', of New York anil
London, returned to Sumpter this fo re
main. Ilo left here alxml ten daya
since niid it was announced hi a local
piier that ho was returning to his
London home.
The linker City Democrat of thin
morning Mated thitt he had been to
Portland; that lie would say nothing
regarding IiIh plaint here, further than
that tho Kjliuy of the North Pole would
be to block out re and there leave the
gold, in preference to debiting it in
one of IiIh own banking houses, closing
with thin statement : "Mr. Daring wuh
butty all day with many mining men
and it wuh rumored that he had Home
large deal on hand, but of thin no con
firmation could be had."
Tiik Minkk in pleased to state that the
purose of Mr. Huring's trip to Portland
wan to comsult with Jonathan lloiirne
relative to the purchase of the K. !fc F..,
and regrets to state that it Iiuh no re
liable information an to the prog rem"
made in negotiating this itiixrtuiit deal
and can't Hecure any. In these col
limns hiHt week it wiih stated that this
transaction wiim gliding, and a local
paer made an effort to discredit the
Htary. '
Kverything iertaining to that Suinw
tcr-Hourne electric road, which every
one hereaboiitH Iiokh Mr. Itariug will
build, in tttill veiled in secrecy, hh dense
and iiiieuctrable iih n bunion fog.
The Joseph Cyanide ProccM.
T. It. Joseph, of this city, who has
made exhaustive research into the tos
sihihties of cyanide in the recovery of
gold from oxidized ores, baa la-en noti
tied by the U. S. iateut otlice that he
has been granted letters patent on the
"Joseph Cyanide Process," an invention
by Mr. Joseph that be has been trying
for two years past to get through the
patent otlice. Mr. Jowph is highly
pleased over his succesH iiithladirectiou,
as are his many friends in this city ami
Merciir, and The. Mining Iteview is in
formed, it is the intention to patent the
process in foreign countries as soon as
jsissible and practicable. This is a pro
cess for the treatment of oxidized gold
ores witli cyanide as the priuciml sol
vent, although other chemicals are used
in combination, the combination adding
to the efficiency of the system, by
which, it is claimed, a higher recovery
of values is recorded than by the old
method employed, while operating ex
penses are reduced and a Having of time
in chronicled. Mr. Joseph In not ready,
at the present time, to o into exhaust
ive detail as. to his process and its mer
its, hut he informs The Review that it In
I his intention to push his Invention and
to introduce it into general use as rapid
ly as siible. Salt Uike Mining He
view. Special Inspector in Sumpttr.
A. It. Green, secial insiector for the
Interior department, was in town Sat
urday. He came here to consult with
Itev. .lose pi 1 Seliell, who for months
past has lieen working to prevent some
tinils-r laud grabla'rs from securing Id,
000 acres of laud near Tillamook, where
Father Schell resided before coming to
Suinpter. Insector (ireen has been
detailed to investigate the case, through
the efforts of Father Schell, and was
here securing Information to aid him in
the prosecution of the tank. It is said
that strong tolittca) influence is back of
the ieople who are attempting to grab
thin valuable tract of land and that all
sorts of obstacles have been thrown in
the way of investigation. As soon as
this case in ditiKiaed of, the inspector will
begin the work of securing inside facts
regarding the recent creation of a forest
reserve in eastern Oregon.
Sale of Gold Bug-Grixely Pendiof .
Judge I-iyburii, of Mlnneaolis,
reached Sumpter Monday. He ient a
mouth here earlier in the season, exam
ining many mining pros-rties, with a
view to buying for a MiiiueaxiliH syndi
cate, retried to be strong financially.
Yesterday he left for Spokane, accom
panied by J. J. Hennessey. This fact
IMirlially contirms the resrt current
here for several days ast that he is ne
gotiating for the purchase of the Gold, in which Mr. Hennessey is
largely interested. It is further reort
ed that that gentleman will not dispose
of liis holdings, but will remain as man
ager, and witli sullicient money for de
velopment piirsseH will make n mine of
the iniKrty.
'Victor Sold to Salt Lake People.
Seymour II. Hell tislay bought for W.
H. Tibialis and other Salt l.ake eople
the Victor group of six claims, in the
lied lioy district. Itoy Miller represent
ed the owners and made the sale. The
full details of the transaction could not
he learned. A cash niyment of about
$3000 was made this afternoon just be
fore Tiik Minkk went to press. This
amount is rcorted to lie ten er cent of
the purchase price, the remainder of
which will lm paid at an early day.
"Now U the Appointed Time."
The O. K. & N. Co. has just issued a
handsomely illustrated pamphlet en
titled, "Oregon, Washington and Idaho
and their resource." People in the east
are anxious for information about the
Pacific northwest. If you will give the
O. It. A N. company agent at Ilaker
City a lint of names of eastern teople,
who are likely to be interested, the
booklet will be mailed free to such ier-
sons. Yours truly, A. I.. Craig, General
Passenger Agent.
Thirty Ton Concentrator for
the California, 10-Stamps
for Cracker-Oregon.
President Michaels, of Minneapolis,
and Secretary Ovitt, of Milwaukee, nlll
cers of thoTuriiagaiu Ami Gold Mining
company, which owns the California,
after sicndiug a few days iuthisdistrict,
left for their reflective homes Saturday
Just before taking the train they stat
ed to a Minkk man that they had de
cided to put in a concentrating plant on
the California, with a daily capacity of
thirty tons. The mine already baa suf
ficient ore blocked out to run the con
centrator for two years. The machinery
will las ordered at once and installed im
mediately iiMin its arrival.
The Turiiagain A,rm jieoplo have for
Mix months past had expert studying
and exerlnieiitliUjf with California ores,
for the purpoweof determining the heat
method of reduction, and have finally
decided that concentration is what is
needed. S. Ovitt is also a director and ofll
cerof the Oregon Dcvclopmcntcompuuy,
owning and oerating the Cracker-Ore
gon, adjoining the K. A K. and North
Pole, in which company Mr. Michaels Is
a large stockholder and Kverett llrown
the resident director. The gentlemen
confirmed the resirt that u modern ten
stamp mill lias Iteen ordered for this
proierty. It will be in oieratiou before
allow Hies in the canyons.
Mrs. Hurley Wood and little daughter
left Sunday for Hums, to visit friends.
Kverylsidy is anticipating a rare mus
ical treat August 11) at the M. K. church.
The ladies of tint Methodist Kpiscopal
church will hold their inusicale August
'M at the new church.
Mrs. Moeller, of linker City, is visit
ing her daughters, Mrs. Jewett ami
Miss Minnie Moeller.
Professor W. S. Kherinau relumed u
day or two since from California, where
he went to examine a mine.
J. It. Cunningham and Tom Costello
left yesterday for Malheur county, to
examine some mining proierlifs.
Dr. Greenlee and family returned to
Suinpter this forenoon, after an absence
of several months in Wallowa county.
The Suinpter baud will give another
of its social dances at the F.llto oera.
house on Tuesday evening next, Aug. '-it.
Attorney N. C. Klchurds is in Soaltle,
visiting Mrs. Hicliurds, who has lieen
unwell at the home of her sister there
for several weeks.
A fine girl hahy wus horn to Mr. and
NO. 50.
Mrs. I). I.. Killeu, Friday night. Dr.
Crock wus the attending physician and
under his care both mother and child
are doing well.
Mrs. Spaulding has brought to Tiik
Minkii otlice some stalks of line barley
and oats raised on her place near town.
It has been generally thought that thin
altitude is tisi high to raise grain.
Mr. ami Mrs. James l.oglc, of Denver,
arrived in town Monday ami will maku
their home here in future. They will
prove to Is valuable and acceptable)
additions to the business and social
circles of Sumpter.
Dr. Mueller returned yesterday from
Denver, where he went two weeks sinco
on business connected with tho smelter.
He says everything Is progressing satis
factorily and the work of construction,
will soon Ih commenced.
Mis Kleanor Hauford, who has been
Hiendiiig the summer here with her
imrents, left for New inrk Monday,
having received a telegram notifying her
to apear at rehearsal with one of the
Krohiuaii companies there on the SAth
Kev. W. II. liepim went to liakerCity
Saturday to meet his family on their
arrival there from Mount Pleasant,
Iowa. The family consists of his wife,
three children and IiIh wife's brother,
Kdwanl P. Welliley, who will take a
position with the smelter. They arc
now at home at the Allen residence, on
north Mill street. Mr. Allen's family
is occupying Ida house on Cracker at reel.
You Can Still Get Good Timber Claim.
It is reliably resrtcd that the rumor
which gained currency in this vicinity
recently to the effect that all of tho
available timlsT land in the neighUir
hood of Austin station had been taken
by representatives of a big sawmill com
pany is not true. From recent township
plats obtained at the I .a Grande laud of
lice our informant says he discovered
that only u small irtlon of that lino
timber had been taken. It is prob
able that the company circulated this
rcsirt to discnura.e outside cruisers)
from "touring," thaldistrlct for tall tlm
Imt. Kasteru capital la being invested
hi our forests simply for the money theiu
is in it. It is a certain, safe and very
profitable investment. Hundred of
citizens of upier John Day valley yet
M)ssesM their rights intact. They should
use them In some of this' tine timber.
Prairie City Miner.
All the latest novelties In huts at
Neill Mercantile company's.
Wouldn't that jar yer? What? Giant.
Ieavo your measure for n suit of
clothes at Neill Mercantile company's.
The most siwerful and opular explo
sive Giant powder.
taavu your order lor anything in the
reading line with DeNeffe A Murxy.
Only the best brands ot liipiora and
cigars at Dunphy's "The Club."