COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS . IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT TALK OF THE TOWN. MIhm Kvii ilrockimin In veiling fricndn in Maker City. Ml km Minnie Mueller vIhIUmI friend in Maker City Kiniiliiy mill Monday. Dick Nuill in in Snn FranclHco attend ing till! KnightH of I'ythiaH conclave. Paul K. l'oindextor wan in town yew terday circulating among IiIh friend. A Hue Kir 1 1 by wan born to Mr. and Mm. K. I.. Manning liHt night, Or. Mroek olliciating. C. II. I'Mier, the JlHkor City nilu'ng machinery man, was doing buni ichh in Ktiinpter ycnterday. A large number of adiiltH accompanied ii few children to wo the iimIiiiiiIh at the eirciiH in Maker City liHliiy. (iuy I.. Lindsay, town trcanurer anil a leading iiii'ri'liiint of (intuitu, wiih a bun ini'HH visitor hern Saturday. MIhm Hazel WattlcH, who Iiiih been ve iling Iht aunt, Mtm. .It mi Hurt, returned to lier liinnu in linker City ycHterday. I.. Mohcm Iiiih returned from Hot Lake, where hit hmmiI a neck, having Im-cii "under (In weather" for a nioutli or inure. V. II. O'llnnrke A Co. have bought all thu grocericM carried liy V. It. I law ley, who will put in a big ntock of crockery want niHtt'iiil. Ilunry Untuning, who formerly owned tlm iiuwh Htaml in thu MMtolllet nml left hern about a year ito for Hull Like, Ih in town for a few dayn. H. I.. I'rlro, of Ockcyden, lowit, after MM'iidiiiK neveral day in Sampler, left for the. count Monday, Ho invented in the Friday while here. C. .1. Allen, who Ih oicratlug tlm old Monumental mine, In in town today. Iteeently a large, body of high grade or. wiim uncovered in that proorty. On Friday evening, Augunt ir, the ladieH of the (iood Intent will hold a lawn Hoelable at thu residence of Mrn. It. I.. Nelll. A cordial invitation in extended to all. Pon'i forget that the uiUHleal and lit erary eiitertaiiimeiit to lie given by thu ladit'H of thu Melhodittl r'.pWoml church Iiiih been imihUhhiciI to AuguM 'M. C. II. Mandi, former1 omi of Tiik Minkii MMiile, reached Sumpter yewter day and will remain here a few dayn looking after IiIh realty and mining in terentH. W. Wade, a mining man of the Cram ite dintrict, maunder of the Scandla and A Id rin Tunnel iroHrty, near Alamo, owned by SMikane cnplc, was inSnni) ter Saturday. I'rofeMMor W. S. F.heriuau has Ih'oii hiimmoueil to California to examine a mining proerty for San Francifco peo pie. He left Sunday, expecting to Iki alwcnl two week. Mr. mid Mrn, .1. V. Scrilier, of Ui (iraude, am in Sumpter, vicltiug Mr. ami Mrn. It. II. Miller. Incidentally, Mr. Scrilier Ih looking after IiIh luterculH in the I'irxt Hank of Sumpter. K. C. laylon and II. .1. Fuller, of Kill amuxoo, Michigan, reached Sumpter thin foreuiMin. If they are not looking for a miiiiiiK pnH'rty, then Tiik Mixkr glvea ii up and will not giiex again. Mrn. C. II. MeColloch ami youngent child arrived in Sumpter neveral dayn hIiicu and will remain hero a month. The two oliler lioyn have lieen here for mivural weukH with their father. Hon. William Smith, ex-ntateHenator, and John It. ISuriiH, a linker City cap! taliitt, arrived in Sumpter yesterday. The latter in iiiterented in Cable Cove mining property, iiHtoeiated with Meuno Uuxicker. John I'hllllpM and II. J Ortman, of Milwaukee, are Neiidiug neveral dayn In Sumpter ami vlnltlng the nurronnding illMtrictM. Tim HrMt named gentleman ruprenentM Klllen, Warner & Stewart in Milwaukee. MIhh Helen llayden, who ban been Hponding 'the Hiimnier with her aunt, .Mrn. Mt'Cammon, left Sunday for her homo in KanmiM City, accoinpanled by her little brother, IJaiuuN, who hax been hero for a year or more. Iteeently Floyd DenniH Iiiih lieen blow ing hiniHelf like a lioree- thief, buying fnrniluru and other hoiiHehold good. Thu only plaunlblo theory to account for thin in that he, too, will mimhi take the fatal ntep into double harucHM. II. S. McCnlluin wiim in town Monday. He uxpectH to leave about the twentieth for Arizona, to examine a mining proe erty. Ilualwi panned through heru yen terday on the train, accompanied by a gentleman who Ih looking for a mine, prcmunably. W. K. Lindsay, of New York, preal dent of thu miiclter company, arrived in Sumpter yeHterday, on IiIh way home from a pleiiHiire trip to Alawka. Other inemberH of the arty, New York and Milwaukee eople, who were in Snni ter neveral weekH cince, proceeded to their homcM. A party cmiHiHtlng of Mrx. Ceorge Traey, Mrn. Pan Urltllth, Mrn. A. .1. Hrowu, Mrn. Davidcon, MIhh Jennie llrock, MIhh May llrown, MIhh Carmen Stoddard, and l.ynn Calder left early thin iiioruiug for a point near thu Hald Mountain mine, where they will camp for Hovural dayn. Hon. J. Nat HihIhiii cuvm he Iiiih bought a (ant home and a huggyaud that now JoHcph Marlon can take bin ihhoh and nlim guage road and go plumb to i h I; furthermore, that liu ban money ' which hiivm he can make the trip to Ha ker City and return behind that high HtepKr of IiIh hi nhorter time than can he made on the toy railroad. Timber and Homctttad Filing. Timber and homcMcad tiling, an well an llnal prtMifH, can U) made before CbarleH II. Chance, I'nitcd StateH com misHioner, olllce in Firnt Hank of Simili ter building, Sumpter, IIiuh naviug a plicaiitH exiH'UMt of a trip to La (iraude, hatH in at All the latcHt noveltien Nelll Mercantile compauyV. Wouldn't that jar yer? What? lilant Niwder. U-ave your measuro for a null of clothe at' Nelll .Mercantile companyV llarriHon can tell you why all lucky Htriken am made with lilant Powder If in want of clothing, nee Neill Mel cautile coniiany. ItcHt bramU ol cigarn at HoffmanV Bakery. i If you winli to utriku it rich line tiiaut I'owder. Thu moHt powerful and (Hipular explo' five (limit xwder. 'TyyTTTTTTTTTIfe THIS IS ONE OF THOSE ONCE IN A LIFETIME CHANCES IF YOU wish to handle a mining stock proposition yourself, you need look no farther; but thorougly investigate what we have to offer Can deliver control of a company, with 42c,ooo of the original 500,000 shares still in the treasury. The property owned by the company is positively all right. The workings are in solid ledge matter, the width of which is not yet proven.though exposed for eighteen inches. Values carried are high, running from $20 to $350 in gold and silver. Personal ex amination invited. Less than $5,000, about half cash, required to secure this unequaled bargain. 5 2 2 1 KILLEN WARNER & STEWART MINING INVESTMENTS SUMPTER j j OREGON J. P. HOLLAND V Wholesale and Retail Commission Business No. 1 Hay, ()at, Dai ley, Bran, )o Wheat, Flour nml Potatoes oc So Carload ltn a SKviulty oc o Special Attention Given to the Mining Trade oi OHira:,.lolin,H & (Vh WiiixIiouk. Phone L8ll. 8UM1TKK, OREGON ay::: F.E.O'Rourke&Co, I BIGHT EVERYTHING FRESH p" PRICES I IN 6R0GERIES lT.3S3S5aS?S3SStai35a!a3 4 Granite St. &.&. Sumpter, Ore. i 4'?C ",frTifwwinTya