J? 4 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday August ij. 1902: ENTERTAINING "HOT AIR" STORY Gold Filing: Led to Finding Rich Pay Streak. took tile piini from lii mouth ami in tlie mini w u liuv't' kII lining Huwiih itbmit to hurl until ::ml uum Into the (lie, ulicn I ftoiii him. ".Ill-t below us mi tin- liver ucie enuiieil n half loeii voiiiil' fellow", who knew li't itltout curfiuv iniiittitf thiili we, ami who hiiil MUiittel for keeH at tlio mouth of a 1 1 iv creek, eoiivlnveil, in I then iiioranee, that a u'"ll mine wits I r-nmewhfie lienesitll thelil. We, ill our number of roirliiri were holding wImIihii, knew belter, but no amount of up the Muuly nlile of a Siokane hotel ai):umeiit eoulil mow them, although yentenlay uflernoon, talking over olil they liiul ilu u the shore for llftyyanln tlnii'M. Tlio particular subject lor Uh- ! itlmut llinllii a solitary color. Ami cusslon was to Just what extent the ele- ! i"'",' than that, they hail neverseeiiany tit of luck enters iulo placer illinium, VM in it free state. .My brainy proi. ami an old miner who hail hamlleil a sitiou was to plant that kIiI llllim.' near pick ami shovel up in the Noithwest , the camp ami let theunlltf it up, risking Territory told this stery: the chance, that the stuff miu'lit semi "I'our years iiko I wits one of sexeral them i'Iimii ihift. The plan wa carrleil tlioiisaml ileluileil mortals who attempt '"' ' the letter. etl lo push open the hack iloor into K hue "None of our parly was at the camp like. I was in Calvary at tlio time, when thn nuwet was. fouml in the IhiI wnrkinu for the I'aiiailiaii 1'ncillc rail- t"m "if their pan, but of course we all mail, ami when the rush over the I'M-1 inshetl ilown when they Imtiiii letting 11 Ion trull slarleil I caunht thu fever, "lit u series of yells that woulil put to pulleil up slakes ami follow eil (he erowil ' shame u war party of Comanche. They to Alhalmsca l.iiinliu)!, on the Athabasca Imcueil the iiumn-t, hiifucd each other river, KMI mill miles acios the prairies , mul ImtSKcil the hole they were ili-hiK uorlhfiom K1I111011I011. There I pauseil in tlicir freiiy of ilelitht. If they iliil to sort of take ob-ervatlons anil inclilen-' not belhixe, way up to the hamlle, they tally take in f" a ilay turning' out Hat ' wti made mllliimiihcs right then and hull eil boats for uiilil hunters pilny there, I ilou't waul a cent. And really down river lo the (i rent Slave lake, and ' f our crowd had the heart to - thence to Hie headwaters of the .Mac ' deceive them. Ni after eaniet conurat- keuie rier. , illations ami advice about staking! out "II was al the lauiliut! I fell in with I their claim, we left them ami pushed on Ihiee fellows who Hume In this yarn. J l river, chuckling at the cleverness of Two were. voun men fr I'liuce Kil- our Joke, witli not a mile of pity for the ward's island, husky, tireless ami full of j P 'or tenderfoots wo had run up against ambit ion to (jet I hcie. or bust, but who j n old clay bank. knew no more about unld miulni: than I . hree months later, richer in e.xtri do hIniiiI the theory of least squares ; the third was an limlishtuaii who hail cure, but ooi-er In HK.'ket, we arrived back in Kdmontoii, and the lirst tiling worked in the mines al Kosslaud, and . ran iipiinst was (he story of the n wlio knew noli! from copMr. We unreel imirkiiWu striko of six tenderfcet on tlio to Kiol our prosHcts, ami after consliU I IVace, just Mow the l-'indley branch, able deliberation to o up the Atlm- ( KverylMMly knew iilx.ut It. In foil n lays basca, up the Lesser Slave lake, across ' tliy took out over 700 in coarse koM, In I 'nee Itiver Landing ami proMMct ali 11 if; the iipMT waters of the I'cace rixcr. So the day we left the Atha basca we launched two twenty-one foot I'elerlsiro ciiiiih's, loadeil to thi'jjunwiilcs with isrub ami camp and mininuucccssi usln puns alone, then they built a rudu sluice, workeil a month longer and clcancil up an een f:Mi)0. " Ml was the llnest tfoM I ever saw,' said one of our Informants. 'Only one coarse piece in the pile, a funny looking ties, and faced a turbulent six mile an niHW't they found near the surface and hour curient. which led to their llud, for they were "Our trip up the Athabasca was uu- ( just Koin to pull up stakes ami move eveutlul. I'or leu hours each day we wcic, v.aist deep in ice cold water, ilr.iH kIuk at the end of seventy-live foot roK's the heavy canoes. Asa rule we made campeaily al nilil, so we uilulil iset in an hour or two punning, more for prac tice than from any cxu'ctuiiou of a 011 when they hit that chunk. That settled them, however, and they plumed on and Dually struck a rattlim; pay streak.' "Whatexerwefour illicit have thought or said amout! oiirseUes," concluded the prosH'ctor, "oii can itauible that wo did siiike. We never failed to liud colors, not tell iinylxhly In IMmonton aUiut the allhoUKb not in ipiuntily to warrant our i practical Joke we played on those six making 'inuiiicm camp. At the mouth 'tenderfcet." Sikesman-Kuvifw. of Lesser Slave lake stieam we hired a free halfbreed to ituitln us down the lake, al the head of which other breeds ami freetraders hauled ouroutlils across to die Hudson II ly po-l, on the banks nf the I'cace al I'cace Itiver Laud- "Our journey up the I'cace wasa repe tition of that up the Athabasca, only stronger waters and occasional rapids made plotless more dilllcull. Hut per sistency dually won the day, ami after three weeks of the hardest sort of woik we passed throiitfh the lun:iii wiipirp's and limited ill comparatively ohii though swift water, within hailing distance of the l-'iudley btaucli of the I'cace, ourob jtvtlxe Miint. And rluht here is where my story Is'uins. "Dueof the I'. 1. I. men was an in M'tcrulc clicwcr of spruce tiuiu, and, as you all know, such iiuin riuht from the tnvlmi mighty tenacious proMisitiou. Well, one evening we were all seated about the camptire when our uuiu chew ing friend, wlioni we will call Hill, Ih cause that Ih not Ids name, mm mured soiuethiuK that smacked di-niccalily of piofauity, and stcppini: up to the tire he Use (iiaut Miwder, fuse and caps. FRED G. LAWSON 55 JK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER JH We mal(e a Specialty of Supplies for Miners. Heinze's Celebrated Canned Goods and a opera House Block Full Line of Groceries iJT-Sp. I StrawbTries and Vegetables Fresh Every Day. American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co, E. SIBER, General Manager. Manufacturers of First Class Draught and Bottled Also Ice Made of Distilled Water. BEER The most modern equipped plant in the state. All orders promptly attended to. Telephone, Main ij. BAKER CITY, OREGON. i ! I i i fining j Blanks I FOR SALE BY Qr w' Placer Loca- ! lions, Tunnel Claim and THE Water Right Locations, C nvo-n-o . Pnwf of Labor, Affidavit bUI II I tK ! of Disarcery Work rVllMCIP mining Deed, Option to I IIINLIX Purchase, Quit Claim ' Deed, Lease j j t T r T '"fBBBBBH A BBBBBBBBB BBBBBBB) BBBBBBjAuLBJBF W POWER THAHSMISSIOH MACHINERY I SPEGIILH COBRtSPOHDEWCE SOLIGITEI Friction Clutch COUPLINGS AND- PULLEYS POWERFUL, SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE ron ruRTHCR particulanb address WILLAMETTE IRON AND STEEL WORKS PORTLAND, OREGON JXL-