I'Tm" i BU9lzWliMm ' M !- VOL. III. NORTH POLE BUYS MORE GROUND SECURES 5,000 FEET EXTENSION OF ITS RICH LEDGE. Take Everything Held by Mam. Basche, Snyde and Hansen Its Holdings Now Consist of Five Claims and a Fraction Extends 2500 Feet on the Rock Creek Side oi the Divide, Abutting on the Monte Critto Group Negotiations Pending for Purchase of the E. & E. It now develops that tlio riurixil Ih ject of Alexander Daring's recent trip uut here was to buy more milling ground, to Hecure all extensions of the North Pole's rich ledge ossible. Thk Minkb Iiiih been aware of this fact from the first, hut refrained from mentioning it for fear jmbliclty would inteifero with the con humiliation of some of thependingdealt. Hut now that the options have been se cured and hoiiio money aid, no harm van reHiilt froni tho publication of nil that 1h known of the transaction. II bought a half interest in the VII lard, owned by 1. Itasche, of linker City, the North Pole compuny having already the other half; the fraction owned by Clark Snyde; the Yankee Jim, owned by Snyde and Andy IlauMin, and the ad joining claim, owned by Hansen, on which there in u mill. This gives the North I'ole over 8000 feet on tliiH lelge, doubtless the richest on the globe, or live full claims and a fraction. Its hold ings now extend about 2500 feet beyond the summit, on the Hook creek side of the divide, and ndjoiiiH the Monte Cristu group, recently Isnight by the Western Union t-nuiuiny, of Minncuxls. It is not known whether or not any ndvanccH have been made! to buy that property. It in probable, however, that the company does not desire to fell, its extensive development work is now lie ing done there. The prices paid for these claims is not known, us the trans fer pajHirn have not yet been tiled. , Mr. llaring also nibbled at the K. ft K. ! halt, which was thrown to him while here, but no information can bo secured as to how far negotiations have pro gressed. This purchase of contiguous claims by the North I'ole cople speaks volumes for the district it says that they have a good thing and want more of it all there is to be had. What Mr. llaring decided to do about the building of an electric line from Sumpter to Cable Cove, via the North I'ole and liourue, Tiik Mixkk has been unable to ascertain. The chances are that he has as yet rendered no definite decision. It is known, however, that he was favorably impressed with the prop ortion. Those who are dealing with him are looking cheerful, which is con SUMPTER, OREGON, AUGUST ij, 1902 clusive proof that indications look good to them. Vitalized Air Kills the Palo. Vitalized air, a recent scientific dis covery, is a great boon to humanity. The victim of pain breathes this magic gas and the aching nerves ant lulled to pleasant sleep; that almost universal dread of the dental surgeon's cruel for ceps is converted into indifference. A few days since the writer was suffering torments with a throbbing tooth, went to Dr. Ogle and with self congratulatory bravery took his Heat in Hie operating chair, telling the Doctor to yank it out even should death result. Ho smiled conlldeutly and remarked that there would lie neither fatal results nor ain. It was with extreme skepticism that the patient began to breathe tho "vital ized air." Gradually an entrancing drea Hi-like i-cmi-consciousness took ks session of the brain. There was no aln. Then entire oblivion came. It might have !een a half minute, possibly a month, so far as the power to estimate time is concerned, but the watch said four minutes, when consciousness re turned and the tongue felt a void, where there had been an aching snatt, dug out In three pieces, absolutely without pain. There were no after evil effects, as are exterienced from taking other anes thetics. Sumptcr-Bakcr City Stage Line. Four rigs left yesterday for linker City, carrying sixteen people. Since the Sumpter Valley railway stopped running one of its trains and arranged the sched ule of the other so as to iiiconvenienre the traveling public as much as osslhlH, travel over the wagon road bus become a necessity for many people. If a arty of tour wishes to make the trip to Maker City and return, it is much cheaper to hire a rig than to go on the train, asldu from hotel bills and the loss of time in waiting for u train. In order to transact any business at the county seat, thirty-one hours must 1st wasted on tliu trip. It will uiy some one to put on a stage line lictweeii Sumpter and llaker City, leaving here at seven or eight o'clock in the forenoon ami there about the same hour in the even ing. Will Decide About Reduction Plants. Dr. mid Mrs. S. M. Mnulton, of Min neapolis, arrived in Sumpter Sunday. Mr. Moultou is treasurer of tho Turna gain Arm Mining company, which owns the California mine. l.co 8. Ovitt, of Milwaukee, secretary of the company, and others interested, were exacted to arrive this forenoon, hut the train from the east was late in arriving at llaker City this morning and it is supjtosed the iwrty missed connection there and will arrive here tomorrow. It is reported that on tliit trip it will bo definitely de cided as to what kind of reduction plant will be installed ou the California and Anal arrangements made for the erec tion of a mill on the Cracker-Oregon, which property, owned by a different company, these gentlemen control. MORE TIMBER FILINGS Party of Minnesota Lumber men Find Good Claims. A party consisting of A. Snyder, Charles 1'. Murphy, J. 0. Kenna, K.I- ward I.. To ben, Joseph Toben, it. M. Patterson and M. J. l'rlnk, of Duliith, Minnesota, arrived this week to take up timtier lands and found suitable claims. They left yesterday for I .a Grundu and the east and will return in alsiut ninety duys to make proof. These gentlemen are from what was once considered the Itest timbered state in the middle west, and today it is near ly denuded, a conservative estimate lie ing that within three years there will not lie a tree loft standing, whore n few years ago there were billions of feet. Mr. Murphy stated: "The timber of eastern Oregon is about all there is left and since tho res ervation has taken in all tho desirable tracts, the timber business, as far as lo cator ar concerned, is. ft, thing of the past. The reservation is undoubtedly in' tho interest of some largo lumber outfit. The same scheme was tried in Minne sota, but the protest that was made against it was so strong that the deal was ahandouod. If the proer steps are taken to ferret nut the jobbers, the Illue mountain alleged reserve ran bostnped Itefore some syndicate has had an opisir tiinity to purchase it by scrip. The peo ple of Minnesota have seen the price of timber advaure troni 2.M) to eight and ten dollars for stuuiage, and realise the value of a quarter section of the fine timber found in the Illue mountains." Prehistoric Knowledge of Assaying. Regarding the antiquity of assaying and the llndiug of ciiH'ls in ancient Homaii relics, an exchange states that Zimbabwe, in Mashouuland, Central South Africa, has ruins which show an almost modern acquaintance with the arts. Hinting at oven prehistoric times evidence of abundant supplies of gold is roorted und later abundant gold in Arabia and gold in I'hocnleia and Tyre wuh well known. Recent discoveries M)nt to Zimbabwe, South Africa, as the place of Its origin. Iron smelting fur naces nre unearthed, also a crude blow piNMind an ingot mold witli patterns of Phoenician gold ornaments, showing they worked for the Phoenician market. Crucibles were found there and sited mens brought away. The excavators found that the gold was crushed and separated by a water process, then put in clay crucibles well closed up and left for a long time in the furnace. Laden Down With Nuggets. Iuis Wuiisch came into town yester day laden down with nuggets. The larg est weighed f35.50. The claim is located in the gulch, connecting with the White Swan, and Mr. Wuiisch stated the II ml NO. 49. was the result of Sunday's work. It is is placer proositlon and the water being puniied from the White Swan shaft is used in his uitcratiuus The water is puniHd into the gulch, where a dam lias been constructed. Several large siccd nuggets were brought in. The one mentioned was sold to William Wander see and has Until placed iihiii exhibition in his sahsiu adjoining the Herald oillce. The sNrimeii is a magnificent One and a number of offers have been made for it. It is Virtue gold without a doubt, Herald. Pushing Work on Two Groups. J. A. Illlliker, of the Western Union Mining company, which owns two groups of claims on Itock creek, Isith di rect extensions of the North I'ole, cumu in from that prncrty a few days since and left for his home in Minneapolis, where is located the company's main oi llce. He has finished all 'of the build lugs and now has two full crews of men at work opening up both groups, tho Monte Cristo, consisting of two and a half claims on North Pole hill, and the Gold Hug, across Itock creek, on the op posite mountain. Tunnels are being driven on both, which will lie drifts on the vein, after about 100 feet in each are driven. Band Boy Dance a Success. Tlie dance given hist eveiiing at Kills oMra house by the Sumpter hand was a complete social ami financial success. About 100 couples participated, and the occasion was one hi he remlMtrcd. The net receipts amounted to $IW, which will ho invested in new music, of which the organisation stands in great need, as the present roertolro has been played over and over until it has he roine stain. The hand contemplates continuing these pleusiiut dunces, giving one every two weeks, mid if its initial one is any criterion, they will 1st source of enjoyment to the dancing coterie of Sumpter. Here to Establish Boiler Works. I.. Itodgers, of Muskegon, Michigan, has U'eu in Sumpter and contiguous mining districts for several days past. The purpose of his trip here is to look over the country and learn whether or not them is sullicicnt business here to justify the establishment in Sumpter of extensive boiler manufacturing and re pair works. He says he knows a small plant would make money, hut he is in doubt us to whether or not one ou the scale contemplated by himself would. iy- "Now U ihe Appointed Time." The (). It. A N. Co. bus just issued a liuiidHomely illiistruted pamphlet en titled, "Oregon, Washington und Idaho and their resources." People in the eust are anxious for information alstuf the Pucific northwest. If you will give the O. It. A N. company agent at llaker City a lilt of names of eastern eople, who are likely to 1st interested, the booklet will 1st mailed free to such er- sous. Yours truly, A. I.. Craig, General Passenger Agent.