THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, August 6, 1902 GREAT STRIKE AT GIPSY KING Worthless Looking Ore As says $54 in Gold. Sevural ilayn ninee wilier ilrove thu inlnern from the nlitift In tlui (iiwy Kill);, ulicn down only nine feet, tliu liauil pump U-imr ineffective, e.ven at (lull nballoiv ilcptli. V. II. Mather himI A I Otnenn mum into rump to net material (or count met iiii; nn nvernliot water wbcel, uitb which to onTiite a force iiitni, liriliriii) in a lot of tint ore with llii'in. It wan an un liroinixiiiK looking me Is ax wan cut found in Oregon, liitvinn I lie apearaii if lriel mortar, carrying Home nileroMcopic partielenof niilpburetH, wbittt an nilver. The ore mhh unlike any over founil in that vicinity. The ieople liere Intcrcnt til in the (iijwy King and who have hail imhoumlcil fHith in the proerty, time and again putting up money to continue .levclopincnt work when the mile of truaNiiry Mlouk wiih hIow, were mupien tlotmbly ilineourageil. rreHiilent r. ( . llriNliu nclecteil nomu namplcn for iiHHiiy,Hiiyin that it wouldn't nurprintt him if the bent of them would go an high iih teiiilollarH. Otlicrn thought they infill carry a trace, but they wouhln't he willing In Ix't on it. It wii Hold for 140,000,000 to the Rockefeller, paid that amount in dividend!) before nulling. The Alanka-Treaduell quid mine, with ore running lew than three dollarn, has paid f3,0l)5,000 in dividends The Ontario, of Utah, Iiiih paid f 13, 557,000 in divideudx. The Granite Mountain, Montana, 13, 000,000; the ntock milling from ten (-onto er nbare to 75 inside, of two yearn and pay i mr fifty ier cent In dividend each month. The HomeHtake, of South Dakota, on three dollar ore, Iihh paid ,(: in divi- douilN every day it ban run for the punt ten yearn. The Wliltuwaturnraiiil, of South Africa, produced in the firpt year (1H87), only $405,000, but in IHH5 it had iiicreaxed to $10,000,000, while the output for theloHt ten yearn exeeetlH $L'50,000,()00. For 18118 it wiim 75,0(10,000, placing it in the lead anions the gold producing roitutrit'H. Miner anil Kleetrieiau. That Fornt Reserve it Created. rutted Statu Coiiiminnioner Chunee received a telegram Saturday from the land olllce at Iji Grande, ntattng that advict'M had lieen received from the In terior department to the effect that the much dlHcuHHcd forent rewrve had been olllcially creuted, and that filing would not be received after that date. The Oregoniau of Sunday puhliHhcd the let ter of iiiHtructioiiN cent out by ljnd (,'oiiiminnioncr Hermann, of the depart, incut, at Washington, which given the i mere matter of curionilv prompt-1 ,'""1 withdrawn, by nectionn. The ter til Hie of live or nix dollarn ! rU"ry vrwl " lw nic " '"" licrctoloro Intni pillillnlieti in tliene nil nniiiH. The cloning paragraph of the in annayn. One of Ihcnu cample con hinted of ore taken clear acronn theleilge, which weighed neveral poundn. It gave tiftyfour dollarn in gold and a few ceutn over one dollar in nilver. All the other anmiyn were gmnl. One of (he nurprlniug featuren ol (be returun wan that the ore nclcetcd an hcilii: (he bent, carried the leant valuen, and the average nample wan the higlient of all. It in evident that the character of the rock liuncliaug' ed within depth dintance of n few feet. All other rm'k taken from the proieity carried iiImiiiI half iln valuen in nilver. It can In' rcndilv concentrated. letter in an follewn: "Thin temimrary withdrawal, or any iermaneut renerva tiou which may lollow, will not affect any bona tide Hcttlemeut or claim on the hiuiln which in proverly initiated prior lo (lie dale hereof and duly of record within the nlatulory period." Sumptcr Band Will Give a Dance. Arraugemenln are being made by the Sumptcr baud to give a dance at Kllin oHra bonne next Tuenday evening, Augiint I'.'. The object in to necure When thin nolid ledge matter wan HrM hml" f,,r w I"'"" of iuntrumentn, encountered at 11 depth of two feet un der the heavy wanh, it wan only eight inehen wide. Scen feet further down it in twenty-nix iuchen wide and will un iicntiouably reach nevcu or eight feet In-foie tlie hhuft in Mink IIKI feet, an il npreadn out like a fan. Il goe down uliiioni H'rH'iidicnlnrly. The work of iunlalling a water Hiwer and pump in now In-ing hantcucd and every effort will lie made to niuk an rap- til V an iHinnilile and take out die. Till1 mimic and other eiiuipiiieut for the baud. The committee in charge con nintnofO. I'. Itradley, G. V. White, A. G. Itavidnou, I .con II. Stoddard and .1. II. Knglaud. Kveryliodv nhould turn out and help the Imyn put their organi zation in more effective nhaie for their enjoyable and appreciative coucertn. Call for Bid. Hidn wantctl on running a tifty-fool tunnel on a mining claim near Bourne. plan in to haxe enough ore on the du j n"'rlieularnapply toChan. ILfhanct', by the lime the Mueller here in ready lo ! Iir'" ,ta,,k j""leHniilding. accept it, to pay for development work all winter. Ia'iivo your mcanure for a unit of clothcnat Xcill Mercantile coinpnny'n. MONEY MADE IN MINING. Whit Some of the Widely Known Piop- erties Have Produced. ' I'eople who luixe not Mllclied the nllli-' ject hne for the mo-l paitxery iuiKT led idctir- in- to what in being done, not j only in the t'liited Sinter, bill nli-o in, vmioiin foieiun coiiutrien, in the way of gold and i-ilcr minium. Co micIi, may be lecommeudtd a couxideralioii of the factn and llgure net foith be recoid that h:i" been made I the individual gold and nilver mine- am -imply aiuaring. The Comntock lode, of Virginia City, Nevada, ban produced in gold and niUer the etiormoun nun of ;i:M,(HH),tHH). Mont of the ore vieMed but eiahl dollam er Ion in gold. The Calumet ban paid r0,SiHt,t--HI in dixideudn alone. The Anaconda, of Itutte, which wan 1'rcnb candy daily at ' erv. Iloffman'n link- below. The I J bv nome of , i 1 V The New Olympia n I.. I.. IIAUSCk. Phui'dii iou Fine Old (1884) Her- mitage Whiskey. iim:st iikands ei: WINES, ALES and PORTERS OLYMPIA BEER bottle or draught PINE CIGARS LIMLH SlHIlT. Ol'l'. P. O. SUMPTCK rf rtrttrr 1 11 1 nt 1 1 1 11 t'tt OREGON MONARCH GOLD MINING COMPANY Offers Stock again to the readers of THE MINER t',i"i"''i"i"i,ii,i,rf'i,t'i,'t,'i"i,tt SINCE our last offering a great deal of permanent work has been done at the mine which, as will be remembered, joins the great Red Boy on the South, and carries its richest veins. The Stork has advanced to 25 cents per share, and is moving rapidly. We want you to write to us for a prospectus which will tell you all about the mine and its plans.and which shows photograph and map of both the Monarch and Red Bov mines. j j j j KILLEN, WARNER & STEWART j AGENTS & & Sumpter, Oregon. CODE BEDFORD-MCNEILL iikascii nrru'M New York, lioston, Baltimore, I'liiliulclpliia, Milwaukee J. P. HOLLAND Wholesale and Retail Commission Business No. 1 Hay, Ouln, Ruiley, Bran, Wheal, Flour and Potatoes Carload Iotn a Siccialiy Special Attention Given to the Mining Trade JUUUUULOJULRJL OHirc: John' A Co' WmvIiouhv. IMioiic im. SU.MITKK, OHEtJON GRIZZLY STOCK... 33,111 Slmivn at Ion.- than ".roiunl floor price. You can have it tor 2 ecntn iiioiielmiii, or .'t cent-in hiiiken lotn. EST BUY IN EASTERN OREGON Write for particular? to BERNARD FLYNN sumpter, ore. IF YOU WISH TO iNVEST'iN mSSg .'"i Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS RSANDERSONSMfH"! SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON ' s,