The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 06, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, August 6, 1902
UnlteJ 'States land Oltice,
1 Li Grande. Oregon, .lulv i. 1001. I
Notice ji hereby Risen thai In compliance with the ,
provisions of the act of congress of June 1,-1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber Ian Js In the stales
of Cillfornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter- I
rltory, as extended to nil the Public Land slates by!
act of August 4, i8o,
of Spokane, counlv of Spokane, slate of Washington,
has this Jay Med In this omce his suorn statement
No. ti), fnr the purchase of the ne1 of section no.
7 In township No. 11 south, range no js LVVvi, nnJ
will oher proof lo show that the land sought Is more 1
valuable for Its limber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to saM land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this olticr at La
GranJe, Oregon, on TrlJav, the 17th Jay ol October,
,u"'- - .. ... I
lie names as witnesses: fcdson 11. .siarston. Lia
ble Marston, tieorge E. Terry, Susannah D. Terr),
all of Spokane, Washington.
Anv nnJ all persons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are revested to file their claims in
this otlice on or before salJ 171I1 dav of October, 1001.
E. W. DsHHLTT, Register.
UnlteJ States LanJ OttiCe, j
La GranJe, Oregon, July i. iooj. (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
title J "An act fur the sile of limber lanjs In the stales
of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
ritory,'' as extenjed to all the Public UnJ states by
act of August 4, 1801,
of Spokane, counlv of Spokane, state of Washington,
has this Jav MeJ In this ollice her sworn statement
No. tu, for the purchase of the sv( of section No.
q in tovnshlp No. ti south, rang No. is itvn, anj
will offer proof In show that the land sought Is more
valuable lor its limber or stone than for agrlcu'lurat
f'urposes, and to establish her claim 10 sal J land he
ore the Register onJ Receiver of this oftice' al La
(iranJe, Oregon, on I rlJay, the 17th Jay of October,
She names as witnesses: Charles II. ConraJ,
I lora A. ConraJ, George K. Terry anJ Susannah D.
Terrv, all of Spokane, Wash
Anv an J all persons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are re UesteJ to tile llielr" claims In
this ollice on or before sal J 17th Jav of October, 1901.
E. W. lUMULTT, Register.
UnlteJ States LanJ Ollice, f
La (iranJe, Oregon, .lulv ta to-. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
pro Islons ot the act of Congress ol June 1. 18-8. en
titled "An act tor ihe sale of timber tanJs In the states
of California, Oregon, Ne a Ja anj Washington ter
rltnr ," as extended to all Public LanJ slates by act
of August 4, i8q.
of Baker Cltv, counlv of Baker, state ol Oregon, has
this Jay MeJ in this ollice his suorn statement No.
mo, lor the purchast of the stint '(.h'im1)' ol
section No t8 In tow nshlp No to S, range No it I. W
At, anJ will offer proof to show that ihe lanJ sought
Is more valuable for Its limber or stone than for ag
rlculluial purposes, anj to establish his claim 10 salJ
lanJ before the Reglstrr an J Receiver of this othce
at La (iranJe, Oregon, on Thursday, the 16th Jay ot
October, too.
He names as witnesses: I. M. Shurtllff, W. C
(ieddes. Nels Moen. D. W. Baltd. allot Baker Cll.
Anv anJ all persons claiming a dversely Ihe above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requested 10 file their claims In
this office on or before salJ i6lh Jav of Oct.. 1001.
E. W. HAUfLKTI, Register.
I UnlteJ States Land Office,
La GranJe, Oregon, July i, tool.)
' Notice Is hereby given that In tompliance with the
. provisions of the act of Congress ot June 1, 1878,
I entitled "An acf for the sale ol Umbel lands In Ihe
slates ol California, Oregon, NevaJa, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of Augusta. 180a,
ol BakerCity, county ol Baker, Slate ol Oregon, has
this Jay filed In this otlice his swoin statement No.
ili, for ihe purchase of Ihe w JS n e (, lots 1 and
1 ol section No u, in township No to south, range
No. is!S E W At, and will oiler proof lo show 'that
the land sought is mole valuable for Its timber or
stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before Hie Register and
Receiver of this othce at la (iiande, Oregon, on
Thursday, the loth dav uf October, 1001.
Me names as witnesses: Nettle Thompson, Nels
Atoen, Cleora Atoen anJ lleher C. Italian! nr, all l
Baker Cllv. Oregon.
Any and all pel sons claiming adversely the above
Jescrlbed lauds are requested to tile their ilaims In
this oftice on or belnre said ibih dav of Oct.,
iooj, E. W. IIAWUIIU, Register.
TIMBER UNO. ACT JUNE 3. 1878. NOTICE FOR TI""R lND- "IJ""1 l ,,7 NOTICl f0
PUBLICATION. puiiication.
Unite. Stales 1-mJ Ollice, )
La (iranJe, Oregon,
.IllK HI, lUOJ t
Notice Is hereby given that In vomrllance wlili ihe
plus islons ol the act ot cnngtrss ol June l, 1878, en
lllleJ"An acl lor Ihe sileof limber Itndslnthestites
ot Cillhitnla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Irr
lltorv,"as rxtende.l to all Ihe Public land stales bv
act of August 4,l8o,
ot Baker Cltv, cou.itvol Biker, slate ol Oiegon, has
this Jav tiled In ihlsolhce his sworn statement no.
lati tor ttie purihase ol the n'y se 1-1, sw t-, se 1-4
seClion ao anj nw 1-4 sw 1-4 ot setHnn No. sln I iwn
shlp No. 10 south, range No, is'i EWt and will nller
piool toshiiw that the lanJ sought Is ore valuable
ir Its timber or stone than for purposes,
an J to establish hlsilalin to said land belote the Reg
ister and Receiver of this office al Li (irande, Or,
(on, on Tuesday, the 14th Jav ol October, igo.
He names as witnesses. Ami' (i Atkinson, I'lnr
encellvde.J. W lardlev, David (ieddes, all of Ba
ker Cltv, Oregon
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands ars reques'ed lo tile their claims In
this oltice on or before ssl I 141I1 J iy of October, 10.13.
C. W Hvwut'TT, Register.
United Slates land Ollice, ( ;
l.i Grande, Oiegon, .lulv 7, loot.
I Notice Is herebv given that In compllaiiie with Ihe
pun is'ons ot tin1 act ol ( tngtess o' lune 1, I878, en
I ilileJ "An acl lor lite sale ot tlmbei ImJs In Ihe
I states of (..illloitil.i, megon, Nt'V.i.l 1 and Washing
I Ion IViilims ,' as extended to all Ihe Public LinJ
1 Males bv .1.1 nt August 4, !8jj.
Mil EN At. Gl Dili S,
ot l.i (itanJe, couittv ol Union, Stale ot Otrgiui, has hied In this oltue hrr swoin statement No
1 Mot. lor the putchae ol Hie I ols 1, 1, and 4, s 1-4
s w I-,, ol r. Hon No. 7 In township No. II S, l.inge
No i.i I vv v; and will otlrr piool o show that the
1 t.tnj sought is mote valuable tor Its timber or stone
, than tor agrltiiliural puiposes, .111,1 10 establish her
claim In sill land belore the Register an.l Receiver
ot thlsolhie at l.t GtanJr, otigon, on Tuesd.iv Ihe
ilh Jav ol o tobr. I.i .
She names as wltmsses I rank J. Biamuell ol
la (iiande, Oiegmv I rank Bum ol I'akrr Cllv, ore
I guns Willi im I Rawson ot Nlhlev, oiegen: N. J,
Chilsirtisonot la (iiande, oiegon
I Anv.uijoll prisons tlalmlng .ijieiselv Ihe above
, JesctlleJ lanjs nie triuesirJ to l.le Hull claims In
1 this ollice on or betoie salJ 7II1 Jay ol October. lo.
I'. W IIMOim. Register.
UnlteJ Slates LanJ Ollice, j
La (irande, Oregon, Julv 11, ttoi. (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance vvlih Ihe
provisions of the acl ol congress ol June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale ot limber lands in the stales
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land states by
acl of August 4. i8o,
of Spokane, county ot Spokane, slate of Washington,
has this Jay tileJ In this oftice his sworn statement
No. ii)4, for Ihe purchase ot the s!i iw!f section 8
and n!i nw'j of section No. 17 In township No. it
south, range .No. is livvn, and will otter proof to show
thai the land sought Is more valuable for Its limber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to saTj Ian J belore Ihe Register an J
Receiver of this ollice al La (iranJe, Oregon, on l-rl-Jav,
Hie 17th Ja.v of October, toot.
He names as witnesses: I.Jvn G. .Marston, Lib
ble Atarston, Charles II. Conrad, Tlora A Conrad, all
ol Spokane, Wash.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanjs are requested to hie llielr claims In
this othce on or belore said 171I1 dav ol October, ivoj.
E. W. Ilvmitn. Register.
TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. 1878 Notn:ii
United States Land Ollice, j
La GranJe, Oregon, July , ivoa.l
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the acl ol Congress ol June 1, 1878. en
tilled "An acl lor ihe sale ol timber lands In the
Stales ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Terrllor.v ," as extended to all Hie Public Land
States by act ol August 4, ifkj,
of Spokane, counlv of Spokane, Stale ol Washing
ton, has tills da.v tiled In this otlice her sworn state
ment vo ii, tor the purchase of the s ! n e 'i and
s'jllw 'f.ol section No. u in township No. 11 S,
range No. is I' vv v; and will otter proot 10 show thai
Ihe land sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or
slone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish
her claim to said land belore Ihe Register and Re
ceiver ol this ollice at La (irande, Oregon, on I rldav.
Hi mh Jay nt October, 1001.
She names as witnesses: l.dson (1 Marston,
Chailes II. Conrad, Llbble Atarston, I lora A. Con
rad, all ot Spokane, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are reu,uesleJ M hie their claims In
this otlice on or belore said 171I1 day ol October, 1001.
E. W. DsUUI.Tr. Register.
TIMBER UNI). ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-N011CI. ion
United Slates Land Omce, j
La (irande, Oregon, July 11, iw. I
Notice Is herebv given that In compliance with the
provisions ol Ihe'aci ol congress ol June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act lor Ihe ssle 01 limber Isn Js In Hie states
of California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land slates b.v
acluf August 4, 1841.
of Spokane, county uf Spokane, stile ot Washington,
has this dav tiled in this otlice his sworn statement
No. i8, lor Ihe purchase ol the s!i nw';, nw 1-4 nw
1-4 anl ne 1-4 sw 1-4 of section No. 8 In township No.
ii south, range No. isLWM, and will olfer proof to
show that the land sought Is more valuable fnr lis
limber or slone than for agricultural purposes, and
lo establish his claim to said land before the Reglstel
and Receiver of this ollice al La (irande, Oregon, on
HI Jay, Hie mh Jay of October, iooj.
He names as witnesses: George E. Terry, Susan
nah D. Terry. Charles A. ConraJ, (flora A. ConraJ,
all of Spokane, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this omce on or before slid 17th day of Ociober, too
H. W. UAkTUTT. Register.
TINIER UNO, ACT JUNE 3. 1878 NOTICE FOR , T,M"" l"- k"J?" '" "0T,cl ,0"
TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE . 1878. noik:1! tow
UnlieJ Stales t.inj Ollice. (
La (iraiiJe, Ortgon, July o. I a. I
1 Nolle Is herebv given hat In compllsncr with ihe
ptoi Islons ol the acl ol Congress ol June 1, I87H, en
tltleJ "An acl lor Ihe sale ot limber lands In the
Slates ol CallliKnla, Oiegon, Neavda and Washing
ton Territory." as extendel la all Ihe Public
Stales by acl ol August 4 ISq,
i WIIIIANt i;. M'hOI'T
pf Slarbuck, cnunlv of Columbii, ."slate ol Washing
Ion, has this Jay tileJ in tills otlue his snniti stale
Inent No. H78, lor the purclnseol Ihe sr I 4 ol sec
tion No. lo. In low nshlp No. It S, range No. is l w w
Void will otter piool lo show that the lanJ sought is
'more valuable lor lis limber or slim- 1I1.111 lor ugil
.vultutal puipose-., anj lo establish his ilalm lo salJ
lanJ beloij Hie Register and Re.elverol Hils othce
a' la (iranJe, Oregon, on WeJnesJav the 8th Jay ol
October, ljo,
He names as witnesses' SlantorJ 1 1. Moiiler,
William Peterson, I rank E I etiJer all ot Walisbt ig,
Washington, anJ John II. RuJJv ol Slaibuck,
Anv and .ill prisons claiming adveist-lv Hie above
Jescrlbed lands are requested to tile their claims In
tins oilier on or heinrr sau am jsv 01 ucioper, loot.
I: w iivmiiiiit. Keglsler.
United Males LanJ Oltue,
la Gran
UnJ otlue, )
ande Oregon,
Julv 4. !)"'.
United States Land Ollice, )
La (irande, Oregon,
July to, itjot. )
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congrrss nt June 1, 187B, en
tilled "An act tor the sate of limber lands In the stales
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
of Whltnev, county of Baker, state of Oregon, has
this Jav lilt J In this office his sworn statement No.
ma for the purchase of Ihe a) j seK anJ seK twVof
section is township 10 south, range 14 IVVM anJ lots
1 an J a of section No. In township No. 11 south,
range No. 14 1. v. vi, anj will otter proof to show thai
Hie lanJ sought is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish
his claim to said land before Charles II. Chance, U.
S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday,
Ihe 14th day ol October, ioo.
He names as witnesses: James SchurK, Bell
Brownlee, ot Whltne), Oregon; John .McDowell, of
Ml. Vernon, Oiegon, and Bailey Smith, of Lawion,
Anv and all persons claiming adversely Ihe aho.e
described lands are requested to tile their claims In
this ollice on or telore said 14II1 Jav ol October, .
E. W, Bsflll.IT, Register.
TIMBER LAS'D. ACT JUNE 1. 1678. -mitk.1! IOH
UnlteJ Stales Land Othce. j
La (irande, Oregon, Julv 11, lijui. I
Notice Is heiri gl.en that In compliance with Ihe
pruv Islons ot the acl ol congress of June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act tor the sale ol limber lands In Ihe stales
ol Calllornla, Oiegon, Nevada anj Washington Ter
ritory," as rvttndr J to all the Public LanJ slates by
act ol August 4, ibji.
of Biker Cllv , coumv of Baker, state ol Oregon, has
this Ja) hlej In this oltice his swoin statement No.
1311, lor Ihe purchase ot the e'j lie'4 section 11 and
w'j nwjj of section No. u In township No. 10 south,
range No. js'i LVV it, and will oiler proot to show thai
Hie land sought Is more valuable lor its llmbrr or
slone than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish
his claim to said land belore Ihe Register and Re
ceiver ot this otlice al La (iiande, Oiegon, on 'Ihurs
dav , Hie 1C1I1 Jav ot Octol rr, 1 uu.
He names as whnesses: Nettle Ti.oinpson, Cleora
Atoen, I-. At. Shurtllft anj William GeJdes, all ol Ba
ker Cit), Oregon
Anv and all I ersons claiming adversely the above
described lands ate leauesled to hie llielr claims In
Ihls oltice on or belnre said 1C1I1 dav ol October, igoa.
E. W. USUI ITT, Register.
TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1. i878.-noik:i: low
L'nlled States Land Othce, (
La Grande, Oregon, Julv , roni. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act ot congress of June , 1878. en
titled "An act for Hie sale ot limber lands In Hie states
of California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington 1 er
lilorv," as extenJeJ to all Ihe Public I and S'ates by
act of August 4, i8u,
of Spokane, county ol Spokane, state ol Washington,
has Ihls Jiy MeJ In this otlice her sworn statement
so. ijj6, for the purchase ol Ihe s)j sw'f, ne!, sw','
and n w !, s e 'i ot section No. 17 In township
so. 11 south, range no. ,$ IWM, and will offer
proof 10 show that the land sought Is more valuable
lor its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to said land before Ihe Reg
ister and Receiver of Ihls office al La (irande. Ore
on, on Lrlday, the 17th day ot Ociober, iio.
She names as witnesses: Ldson (i. Marstnn. lib
,le Atarston, (ieorge E. Terry, Susannah l. Terry,
all ot Spokane, Washington.
Any and all rersont claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to tile their claims In
hlsotnce on ir before said 17th dav of October, nw.
E, W. Haktutt, Register.
Niiihr Is hetib) given that III lompliancr wlh the
pmv islons ot the ait ol vuiigiess ol June 1, 1878, en
titled "An acl lor the sale ot limber lanJs In Ihe states
ot CalltoiiK.1, oiegon, Nevada and Washington ter
lilorv," as extetidrd to all Ihe Public I. Hid Stales by
acl ol August 4, itkii,
nl Wallsbutg, iiuintv ol Walla W.1II.1, slit ot Wash
ington, has this dav tiled In Ihls olht Ills swoin
statement No. 11K.1 lor Hie putiliase ol Ihe s w 1-4
s r 1-4 s 1-4 s w 1 4, wis s w 1-4 ot section No. so
In township No. 11 south, lange No, is " l and will
ollei ptoot lo slum thai Ihe land soilghl Is mote val
uable lnr lis llmbrr or sionr ili.m tor agilculimal pur
lies, and to rstabtlsh his 1 1.1I111 lo said land brlore
the Register and Receiver ut l.ilir.inJe,
Oregon, oil Wednest iv, Ihe 8lh dav ol Oiegon, 1001,
He names as witnesses StanhuJ I). Slimier,
I rank E. I eiider, ol wallsbutg, vvashlnelim', John II.
Roddv and William I.. Spioul, ol M.iihuck, Wash.
Any and all persons italinlng .Mveisriv theabove
desiilhrd lands ale u-quesled In hlr their ilaims In
Ihls othce on or beloie sal I Mh Jav ol October, 100).
1.. W. Ilxklim, Rrglsln.
UnlteJ Stales Und Oilier,
tales Und Oilier, )
Li (iranJe, Oregon,
Julv to Igoi,
I Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol I he acl ol congr. ss ol June I. nil, en-
.tilled "An acl lor Hie sale of limber lands In the stales
ol Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land stales by
act of August 4,I8oj,
of Baker City, county of Baker, slate of Oregon, ha
this Jay MeJ In this oilier hei swoin stale i rnl No.
ai i for ttir purchase of Ihr sr I 4 or 1-4 r Js sr 1-4
section s township o souih, rangr is'j and lot a
section 10 In township 10 range 161 WW, anj will ot
ter proot lo show H11I Ihe lanJ sought Is more valu
able for Its limber or slone than for agricultural pur
poses, anJ to establish her claim lo said land belore
the Register and Receiver ol this olfur al la Grande,
Oiegon, on Tuesday, Ihr I4II1 Jay ol October, lorn.
She names as witnesses: I loience HlJe, .1. W,
HvJe.J. W LarJIey. DavlJ I.eJJes, all ot Maker
City, Oregon.
Anv anj all pers"is claiming adversely Ihr ahovr
JescrlbeJ lands are reque.leJ lo Mr their claims In
this ollice on or betoir said 14th tfayiit October, nm.
E. W. BlWltlilT. Regsler.
United States Und olhce.
.tales Und Ollice, )
U Grande, oiegon,
July v, I401.1
United Slates land ollice,
Notice Is hereby given that In lomplbnce with the
provisions ot the act ot congrrss ol June ,, I87B, en
titled "An acl lor Hie sale nt limber Ian Js In Ihr slates
ol Callloinla, Oiegun, Nevada anj Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public I anJ Stales by
by ait ol Am us! 4, I841.
of VValtsbiirir. counlv of Walla Walla, state of Wash
ington, has this Jay tileJ In this other his sworn,
statement No. II70 lor Ihe piuchase ot the w)i swl-4.
n r 1-4 w i'4, section 7, anj s r 1-4 s r 1-4 of sec
tion No. 8 In township No. Hsoutn.rangeNo. 15LWM,
anJ wilt oiler prool lo show thai Ihe lanJ sought Is
more valuablr lor Its llmcrr or slonr than lnr agri
cultural purposes, anj In establish his rlalin lo said1
Ian J belore Hie Riglsler and Recelier ol Ihls oilier
al Lt (iiande, Oiegon, on WeJnesdav, the 8th Jay ol
October, l.
He names as witnesses: William I Vinson, I rank
I.', lender, ol WMlisluig, Washington; William E.
Sprout and John II, Roddv, ot Maibuck, wash.
Anv and all prisons clalmln! aJvrrsrlv Ihe above
JesdlbeJ lanJs ale leiiesleJ to tilt- their claims In.
this oilier on or I rloie snl.l 8th Jav ot Ociober, lgu,
E. W, llAHllllt, Register,
tales land oilier, 1
la (iian r, 1) rgon,
July lo, liu, 1
rum u: aiion.
Noiti.'r ton-
Nolle Is herebv given Hat In compliance with the
piovlslons ol Ihe act ol congiest ol Ji np , I8r8, eti
tllled "An acl lor Hie sale ot limber lands In Hie stales
ol Olllornia, Oregon, Nevadi and Washlng.on ter
ritory," "s extended lo all Ihe Public l-md si lies bv
acl ol August 4, 1Bii,
ol Baker Cltv, louniy ol Bakei, stale ol (lien lias
Ihls d.y file j 'n Ihlsolhce her swoin statement No.
till lor Hie purchase ol the w1 4 se 14. ne 1-4 sw 1-4,
se 14 nw 1-4 ot seilion No. s m township No lo
south, range No. is! IWM, mid will oiler proo to
show that Ihe land sought is mole valuable lor lis
lur.bir or stone than tor agricultural puipnxis, and lo
establish her claim to said land helore the Register
and Receiver ol this 1.II1 e at la (iiande, Oregon, on
Tuevdav, the I4H1 dav ol October, lo"'.
She names as witnesses: J, W Hvde, Amy G. Al
klnson.J. W. EaUle! DavlJ GeJJis, all ol Baker
Cllv, Oiegon.
Any and all person claiming adversely the aliivr
described lands ale requested lo Me their claims In
Ihlsolhce on or before slid I4II1 dav otocioh.r, f-i.
I". '. BAkTIIilT, Register,
UnlteJ Slates land Ollur,
I Li (iiande, Oregon, Julv 17, tu.n.i
1 Notice Is liriebv given Ilial In comi'llantr with the
provisions ol the 111 1 ot 1 ottgress ot June 1,1878, en
tilled "An acl lot Hie sale ol tlmt er l.mds In the slates
ol Cilllonila, Oiegon, Nevada and Washington Irr
lilorv," BtlRlON AtlllER,
ol Wliiinev,iounlv ol Baker, stile ol uirgon, has
Hiis.l.11 MeJ In ihls ollice his swoin slllrmrllt Vn.
1971, tor the purchase ot Ihr nw 1-4 sw 1-4 ot seilion
71 anJ n'f sr 1-4 anJ sw 1-4 ne 1-, nt section No ?
In township No. 11 south, range No. is 1 w M, .111J will
oiler prool to show Hull Hi land sought Is moie val
uable lor Its limber or slone than tin pur
poses, and lo estal llsh his ilalm to said land letoir
Chailes II. Ounce, U. S lominlsslonei, nl Sumpter,
oiegon, on Wednesdav, Ihe ?nd Jav olotlober, ioo.
He names as witnesses Ataishal K. Young, Rov
1 Clillieiideii, I'd A. Wienn and I'rliv At. Irv, all ol
vvhlinrt, Oregon.
Any and all peisons ilalming a.lvriselt the .tliive
Jesi ill eJ lanJs an-requested to Me their ilaims In.
, Ihls otlice on or belore said jjnd Jav ot Oil., loo.
E. W. Usui 1 1 11, Register.
United S a'es I and othce, f
la Grande, Oregon, July 7, iri. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliant with the
provisions of the act ot Concressof June 1, 1878, en
titled "An acl for Ihe sale ot timber lands In Hi
stales ol Cil'lornla, Oregon, Nevada, and washing
ion Teliltor)" as ixtended to all Ihe Public Land
Slates by act ol Augu.t 4, I8u,
of I a Grande, county ol Union, Slate ol Oregon, has
Ihls da) Med in Hits ollice his sworn statement Mi.
Iloo for the purchase of Ihr I ots I, and 1, s e 1-4 11 r
1-4 ande )i se 1-4 ot section No. I ill lowlishlp No. II
S, range No. ,8 I. vv H; and will offer proof In show
that the lanj sought Is more valuablr tor its llmbrr
or slone than lor agrlcullur.l purposes, and lo es
tablish tils claim 10 said land belnre Ihe Register and
Receiver of this oltice at La (irande, Oregon, on
Tuesday Ihr ilh day ot octobrr, loo.
He names as wl nesses: Irunk J. liramwell ot La
Grande, Oiegon; Crank Hurt ol Baker City, Oregen:
William J. Rawson ol Nlbley, Oregen: N. J.Chris
lensun ol La Grande, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe alove
JesctlbeJ lai Js are reiuestej to Me llielr claims In
Ihls oth'e on or belote salJ Tlh Jay of ociober, ii.
r. W. Bamti ITT, Register.
IIAtlll.R UND. ACT JUNE 1. 1878. miiii.i low
ruiwK. A1IOV
UnlteJ States I .and ( Xlice,
la (iiande, Oiegon, lulv 17, nnw.t
Notice Is herebv given Hat in conipllani with the
pin, Islons ol the ail ol congiess ol lune 1, 1878, en
titled "An acl lor the sale ot 1I111I el l..nds in the stiles
ot Cilloiitl.i, Oiegon, Nevada and Washington Ter-
ol Whllnet.tnun'v ol llakrr, stale ol Oregon, lias
Hils da hied In Ihls iillu e Ms sworn statement No.
mo, lor Hie purchase ol lot 4 anJ sw 1-4 nw 1-4 ol
section and tots 1, t and and se i-i lie 1-4 ol sec
lion No. 1 in township No. 11 south, range No. 14 IWM,
and will ofler prool to show Hial Hit' land sought is
mine vatual Ir lor Its timber or stone than lor agilcul
tural purposes, and to estal llsh his tlaim lo said landt
before Charles II, Chante, II. S. (oniinlssloner, at
Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednesday, the virnd di) ot Oc
tober, ii.
He names as witnesses: James Shun and Bert
Brownlee, of Uhllne), Oregon; Join AlcDowell, of
Ml. Vernon, Oregon, and llalle) Sniltli. of Liwton,
Anv and all perions claiming adterselv Ihe above
Jesciiled lands are reiuesleJ lo tile their claims lit
Ihls olhce on ore before said nj dav of Oct., iooj.
E. W. Baku 1 it, Register.