Wednesday, August 6, 1902 TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. iJrJ -sotiCE ro PUBLICATION. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE ). 1878.-NOTICE TIMBER UNO, ACT JUNE ). 1878.-NoT.oe 1 or Public won. TIMHER LAND, ACT JUNE ). i8t8.-.NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. TOR PUBLICATION. THE SUMPTER MINER J lutv 8. tool, Nntlce It hereby given Itm In cnmpllince wllh the (rovitlont nf llii jet i( congress 'if June , 1878, entitle I "An act (nr the tile nt H nher lanJs In the states ol Cilltornlj, Oregon, Neviji an J Washing ton Territory," at extenJeJ In ill the Public l.anJ Stales I')' act nl August 4, 111, JOHN WILLIAM I I.I.EOLE ol Whitney, county l Baker, state l Oregon, lias thll Jay lileJ In thlt ottice Ms sworn statement No 1100 lor tlir purchase nl llir e'-i ne', s' , nt anJ rw)f setf ol section Mi 8 In township No. 11 south range No. if I WW, anj will olfer proof in show that the lanJ tought It more valuable lur lit tlmler or ttonr than lur agricultural purpotet, anJ tn establish hit claim In talj lanJ before Charli-s II Chance, I'. Si roinmlisloner, at Sumpler, Oregon, 011 Wednes day, the Bill J iv ol October, tool He namet at witnettet Curren A. Smith, ot Whit ney, Oregon; Alice Kent, of Sumpfer, Oregon; I eon ar J Stmt an j May Stmt, ot Will net Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming aJverselv Hie above described lanjt are requested in file thilr c'almt in fhlt olllce on nr before talj Hilt Jav ot October, 100?, I W BARttlH. Register. TIMIII.R UNO, ACT 1UNI! 1.1878.- I'UHIII MIOS. -NOIH.I' I OR llnltej Slttet I an J oltue. 4.1 la drinJe, Oregon lulv H. iij- Notice It hereby given that In (ompllince with the provisions ol the act it congress ol June 1, 1818, en title J "An act lor the tale ot timber I in J t In the ttatet el California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter rllory," aetenjej toall the Public LanJ ttatet by act til Augutf 4, 8, ALICE s KI.NT, unmartlej. ol Sumpter, county ol Maker, ttale of Oregon, hat fhlt Jav tileJ In Hilt ottice her sworn statement Mi, iioi lor the purchase nf lot 1 anJ setf ne', anj e!i se'i ol tectlon No one (1), In township so. it touth, range No. 14 iww.anj will oiler prool to show thai the lanJ sjught Is more valuable lor lit timber or stone than lur agricultural purposes. anJ In ettablith her claim to talj lanJ before Uiarlet II. Chame, U. S. coiinnlttloner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on WeJnes day, the Kill J ly ol r. 11,11. She names at witnettet John Willljm I leegle, (.uilrn'A Smith, I ron.irJ Sims, I olllr I leegle, .ill of Uhllney, Oregon. Any anJ all pertont (aiming aJverselv the abuse iletcrlhej lanJs are re.juesleJ In file Ihelr clilinx In' tint on.ienn or Pelore sail Hlli Javol iHiober, 1003. L. W llxklllM, Register. TIMIII.R UNI), ACT JUNE 1, Kr'- mhii i inu I'UIIIII.AUON. Ur.lteJ Slatet LanJ Oliice. I la (iranje, Oregon f lulv 8. tow. Notice It heiehv given that In (ompllince wllh Hie plovlslons ol the ait ot congtett ot June 1, 18-8, en titled "An act lot the ta e ot limber I mis In the sl.iti't il Callloinla.Oiegon, NevaJi anj Washington let illoiy," at ettenjed to all the I'ublk 1 .111J Si iti't bv act of Augutl 4. t8ir. CKRRI.N A. SMITH. il Whllnei, touitiv ol Maker, title ol Oregon, has this Jty filed In Hilt ottice his sworn sltieinenl Mi 1301 tor Itie purilute ot the te1! te(i ol Sec, vi anJ tSS twjf .ml t! se1,' nl seitlun No. ji In township No 11 touth, tinge No. 14 IW H, all J still oiler proot tu show that Hie I inj tought it mote valuable lor Us limber 01 stone than lor piiipotet, anj to ettablith hit claim to talj lanJ betore l.luil.s II. Chance, II. S commissioner, at Sumpler, Oregon, on vtejnesjav, Hie Mih J is ol c tuber, iooj. wilnettet John Willlim I leegle. t ottle I leegle inj I eon ir J Shut, all ol Vs hlinev, t lie gnti.aiij Allie S, Kent, ot Sumpter, oiegon An anj all pels ins claiming aJverselv the above JesctiheJIaiiJsare re.ueslej to tile ihelr ilaimt In thlt office on 01 before talj 8th Jay ot Oiioher. loot. I.. W. llARilllT, Register. 1IMIII.II IAND. ACT Jl'NI. 1, 1818. noiici'Ior Cl'IIIIC. MIO. Unite1.! Mates LanJ Ctltue, ) La liianJe. Oregon, JuU 8 ncu. ) Nolhe it heiehy given thai In compliance with the rtovlt'ont ol the ait ol mngtest ol June 1, 1878, en titled "An ait lor Hie tale ot Umbel lanjt In the slatet nl Callloinla.oiegiin, NevaJaanJ Wathlng on Terrl tint," at ettenjej to all the Public lanJ stiles bv ail 11I August 1, 1K01, lOSII'll M. I)I:NNI.V. ol Wailsbuig.iouiilv ot vs. ilia v, alia, tlale ol Wash ington hatihlt Jav IJeJ In this mine hit twoin ttalemenl No inn Mr the puuhase nl the tel nl tectlon No. it In township No 11 tou'h, tange No 14 I WW, anJ will otter pro il to show dial the lanJ ti.nghl it moie valuable lir lit Hint er or tlone than lot agiiculluial puiposet.anj to ettablith hit ilalm to talj lanJ leloie Hie Register anJ Rei elver ol thlt uttii'e at la Ctanje, otegon.on UeJnrtJav, the Kill la. nl II. I,.l.. .l. . "He nimes as witnesses William I'eletson, Solon I'eleisou, I noli I I eiUer anJ SHntoiJ I). Siontii, allot viatlshuig. vv ithlngtun. Anv anJ all peititut claiming aJverselv the tl-ove-Jetml-eJ linls ue te,uesieJ 10 hie then clilms in this ofiue 011 01 betiite silj 8th Jav ol Ovtohet, iuo. I W Ilium n. Reglstri. TIMIIIR I ND. M.I JIM. ,. ,s,8. t'l 111 II MIlIN, Nena inu I nite J S'Ales t.inj tltwe, 1 1.1 (iMUje, Oregon, lulv 8, I.JOJ ) Notiie It heiehv given that In iiiinpllanie wiih the pioiit ons ol tl e lit of inngfess ot I line 1. 1818. en IllleJ "An .til lot Ihe si'eol llnilel l.inJsm the stiles ol Ctlilo nla, Oiegon, NesaJ 1 anJ Washington let ntuty, ". is estenjej toall the I'ublii lanJ titles bv ailol Aucust 1, 18 11. SOLON PI.TI.RSON. ot vvaltshurg.tountv ot .tllt vv 1II.1, stile ol Wash ington, has this Jav hlej In this otitic hit -worn sine men! Mi iw lot the putihtse of the nei ot section no f) in lofttisitip no 11 touui, range no ji iwvv anJ willoltet ptool tu show that the lanJ tought It ' mole valutble loi Ht tlinbel or ttone than lor agii culluial putiet, and M ettablith hit ililm to sjIJ laud Irime Hie Reglt'et and Reilver ol this oltue at La (uatide, Oiegon, o' Uednetdav, the 8th di) ot Oitober, iir He 1 amet .it witnesses William Pelrtsnn, Joseph At Drill ev, I tank I lender, stanlord I). Sionlet. all ol vvalltbutg, vvastilugtmi Auv ind alt prrtittit claiming adveitelv llie ibove JetsiibeJ lanjt aie teuesleJ m hie their ilaimt 111 Jlils othce on or belote talj till Jav ol O.lobet, ii I. W ll:mill, Reglstet. UnlleJ States I anj Oilier, la GranJe, Oregon UnlleJ Stalet LanJ Office Li (iranJe. Oregon on, 1 loot. ) Julv 1. IOTJ9. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance wllh the provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en tilled "An act for the sate nt timber lanjt in the States of Calllornia. Oregon. NevaJa. anJ Washing Ion Territory," as entenJeJ to alt the I'ubllc l.arj States by act of August 4, 1801, JOHN COLLINS, nl Haines, county nl Hake-, State ol Oregon, has this Jav hlej In this ollice hit sworn statement No. 8, for the purchase ol the'tw t-4 n e 1-4 anJ n sv 1-4 s e 1-4 of tectlon No i In township No, 7 south, range No. 8 L.W.M., anJ will oiler prool to show Ihat the lanJ sought I s more vahitble Inr Its limber or slime than lor purposes, anJ lo establish hit claim tn talj ImJ before Hie Regittcr an J Re ceiver ol Hilt oltue at L (iranJe, Oregon, on Mnn Jay, the 6th Jay nl October, tool. He names as wllnett! (ieorr-e It. Chase. Peter Hansen, Harry Joy anJ Mack Mullen, all ol Rock Creek, Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming ajversely the above JetcrlbeJ tanJt are reiuetteJ to Me their claims In this office on nr betore talj filh Jay nf October, toil. K W. IUhiiitt, Register. TIMIII R UNI), ACT JUNE t. 1878 -NOTICE I OR I'UIILICATION. UnlteJ States lanJ OflKe, La (iranJe, Oregon J Julv v. loja. Notice It hereby given that In compliance wiih the provisions nl Ihe act ol congress ol June 1,181), en IllleJ, "Anacl for Ihe tile nl timber lanjt In Ihe States nf Calllornia, Oregon, NevaJa, anJ Washing Ion Territory," at extenJeJ tn all the Public LanJ Slates by act ol August 4, 1803, PHILIP ARSENAULT. ot Sumpter, cnunly of Baker, slate nl Oregon, has this Jay lileJ In thlt ollice his sworn statement No. 1144, lor Ihe punhateol the n w 1-4 nf section No, 10 n lownthlp No. 11 south, ranire No. i4 E.W.M. anJ will nlfer prool to show thai the lanJ sought Is more taluable lor lit timber or stone than lor agri cultural purpotet, an J to establish hit claim tu talj lanJ belore Charles II. Chance. U. S. commissioner. at Sumpler, Oregon, on ThursJav, Ihe 18H1 Jay ot Seple 1 her, 100. He names at witnesses V. R. Mead. Crank E. O'Rourke, Percy JaiksonanJ Ike Williamson, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Anv anJ nil persons claiming aJverselv the above describe J lanJ ire requested to ti e their claims In this ollice on or betore siij 1BII1 J.iy nl September, torn. I:. W. HlwtltTT. Register TIMIIIR I AND, ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-NOTICE I OR PUBLICATION. UnileJ Stales LanJ Oflue. La (iranJe, Oregon, , July 7,1003.) Notice Is hereby given Hut In 1 ompllince with ihe provisions ol the act nt congress nf June , 1818, enillleJ "An act Inr the sale ol timber lanjt in the Staiet ol Calllornia, Oregon, Nevaji anJ Washing ton Territory ," nt extenJed lo all the Public LanJ States by act ol Augusl 4, i8,j. I RANK i:. OROURKE, ol Sumpler, iiiunty of Baker, stale ol Oregon, hat thlt Jav hlej in thlsollue his sworn statement No. 141 lor the purchase or the It p 1-4 ot tectlon No. 17 In township No. u touth, lange No. b EWM, r will oiler prool to show Ihat the land sought It more valuable lor lit llniler or tlone than for agrliiiUural putpotes.nnd to establish hit claim In talj I in J It lore Charles II. Chance, U. S commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on 1 hurt Jay, the 161I1 Jay ol Sep lembei, loo. He names as witnesses: V. R. MeaJ, Philip Ar senaull. Ike Williamson anJ Percy Jackson, all ot Sumpler. Oregon. Anv an J all persons claiming adversely the above JetcrlbeJ lanJs areteiuested tn tile Ihelr claims In thlt office on or belore talj 181I1 Jav ol September, lira. E. W. Hamuli T. Register. TIMIIIR UNI). ACT JUNE 1. 1878. Notioh IOH PUIIIICAIION, UnlteJ States LanJ OKie. 1 La (iranJe, Oregon, July 8, iooj.) Notice is hereby given that In compliance wllh the provisions ol the act ol Congress ol June 1. 1B78, en illleJ "An act lor Ihe tale ol limber lanjt In Ihe stales nl Calllornia, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory," at entenJeJ toall the Public I a" J ttatet by actot Augutl 4, ttigj, WILMS (i CRONK, ot I Ibetlon, countv ol Whitman, state ot Wathlng Ion, lias this Jav hlej in this oflue his sworn state ment No. list, tor the purchase ot the t e 1-4 nt sec tion No wilt township No. it south, range No if IW n.anj will oiler proot lothoa that the lanJ sought It mote valuable lor lit II rber or ttone than lor agri cultural purposes, anJ In ettablith hit claim to talj I.111J belore Hie Register anJ Rei elver ot thlt oltue at I a Gran Je, Oiegon, on I rlJay, the nith Jay ot Sepli niter, tuo. He names as as wiinesses Hugh Talon. George W I'enn, Jamei T. IVnn, all ol I Ibetton, Washing Ion, auj DavlJ T. Clark, nl GithelJ, Washington. Am anJ all prisons ilalmlng .ijseiselv the above desulbed lands .itrreiuesied to hie then cltlnit In Hilt 0 lice on in belore said will dtv of Septtmher, o4 I W. II nut 1 1 IT. Register. TIMHI.K LAND. ACT JUNE 1. 1 or I'uiiiir. tio. 1878. Nonet! UnlteJ Slates UnJOiiUe, la lil.ioJe, Oiegon, lulv b, tout ) Sollii Is hetebv given 111 il In lomplltnie slih the piiivisloiisol the .1,1 ol mngtest ol lune I. 1878, en title I "An ait tor the silent timber linjs in the Mates ot California, Oiegon, NevaJi .111J Washington Ter limit,.' as exlenJed toall the Public Land tites b act ol Augusl 4, iK-ij. IIXiAR S (ill I.N, ol (Mtheld, .ounlv of Whitman, stale ol Washington, has this dtv tiled In this nlllie his swoin statement Vt 1149, lor the purvhase ol the tt e 1-4 ol section .No t in township So 11 touth, range N'o if twvt and will oiler lo tho that the land sougni Is mote valuible lor Its limber or stone than lor agil lullui.t! purposes, an J to estttllsh his claim to til J 1 inj betote the Register anJ Receiver ot this olllce al la (iianJe, Oiegon, on ItlJav, the 19th Jav ol September, 1003. lie names js wiinesses; llovih IJIon. Willis G. Ctonk. James T. I'enn. allot t.lbeilun, Washington, anJDaviJ I, ol Gatheld, Wash ,n anj all peisons claiming .Uvsttelv Ihe above JesctlbeJ IjttJtaie lejueslej to tile their claims in this olllce on or belore talj 10th Jiv ol September, is"' E. W. BsWULU. Regltter. ce. gon, 5 1, 1003. r La GranJe, Ore r, vici July 8, Notice Is hereby given that In comcllancs with the provisions ot the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en tltlej "An act Inr the sale ol timber lanJs In the states nf California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter ritory," as ertlended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1831, DAVID T. CLARK. ol Garfield, countv of Whitman, state of Washington, has this day filed in this ollice his sworn statement No, 1147, lor Ihe purchase of thel e t-4 of section UnlteJ states LanJ Olllce No. 14 In township No. 11 south, range No. 14 EW", township no. 10 souin, range no. 17 cwti, and win and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is offer proof to to show that the land sought Is more more valuable for Its limber or stone than lor agrl- valuable lor Its tlirber or stone than lor agricultural cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said purposes, and lo establish his claim to said land be hind before the Register and Receiver ol this office lore the county clerk of Baker county at Baker City, at La (irande, Oregon, on I'rlday, the toih Jay ol Oregon, on FriJay, Ihe 6th Jay of September, iooj. September, 1003. He names as witnesses: Wank Shurtliff, Grant He names at witnesses: James 1. renn, iieorge W. Penn. Willis O. Cronk anJ Hueh Eaton, all ol El bcrton, Washington, Anv anJ all persons claiming aJvertely Ihe above describe J lanjt are requesteJ tn tile their claims In this olllce on or before salj igth Jay of September. 1003. E. W. Hawtlgtt, Register. riMHKR LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Oltise, La Grande. Oretron. Julv 8. 1003! Notice Is hereby given inal In compliance with the provisions ol the act ol Uonguss ol June 1, 1878, en titled "An act lor the sale of timber lands in the States ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1803, JOHN W. SMITH. of Keystone, county ol Adams, State ot Washington, has this Jay filed in this oltice his sworn statement No. 1 166, for the purchase ol Ihe n )i n e 1-4 anJ n Jin w 1-4 ol section No. 9 In township No. 11 S range No, )6 EWM, and will offer proof to show that theland sought It more valuatle for its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land belore Charles II, Chance. U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Tuesday ttie aird Jay of Sept., 1003. lie names as wiinesses: van Nenseier Aieaj, mgton, anJ UaslJ T.Clark, of iiarhel J. Washington, frank I:. O'Rourke, lannle R. O'Rourke. Philip Anv anJ all persons claiming ajversely the above Artenault, all nf Sumpter, Oregon. described lands are retuested to tile their claims In Anvandali persons Claiming adversely the above 1 this office on or belore sail 10th dav of Sent. 1003. aetcrirej lanat are requesiej to me tneir Claims in , . .... ... . . . .. .... .. . nut oinii'iio or rcioie said 311a ua 01 aepi. 1003. E. W Baktlltt, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Obice, f l.a Crande. Orevon. Julv 8. 1009. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provltiont of the act nf Congress of June 1, 1878, en tilled "An act for Hie sale ol timber lanJs In the States ol Calllornia, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing ton Terrltorv" as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ Mates by actot August 4, 1893, roxie a. Mccormick. of McEwen, iniimynf Baker, State nf Oregon, has litis. Jav lileJ In this oltice her sworn statement No ti6,for the purchase of lhes! tw 1-4, w 1-4 si i-4 section 11, anJ wi'in 1-4 01 section No. 34 In township Nn. 10 S. range No. 18 I'.W.M. an J wl I nfler ptool to show ihat the lanJ sought Is more val uable lor lit timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anJ to establish her cl Im lo salj lanJ be lore Chat. II. Chanie. U. S. commissioner, at Sump ler, Oregon, on TliesJ.1v Ihe 3rJ Jay ol Sept., 1003. She namet as witnettet: Joseph Hojg, ns, Sam uel Thompson, William Baker. Stilus Dean, Sr., all nl Sumpter, Oregon. Anv anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above JetcilbeJ lanjt are requeslrJ to tile their claims In this office on or belore satj air J Jay of Sept. 1903. E. VV. U Milieu, Register, TIMBER UNI). ACT JUNE 1, 1878-NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. United States LanJ Office. ( La GranJe, Oregon, July 8, loot, ( Notiie Is hereby given thai in compliance with Ihe provisions of Ihe act ol Congress of June 1, 1878, en IllleJ "An acl for the sale ol timber lands in the States nl Calllornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washing Ion Territory," as extended to alt the Public LanJ Stales by acl of August 4. 1803, GLORGE W. PENN ol I Ibetlon, county of Whitman, State uf Washing- urn, oat ons uay oiea 10 not omce 111s sworn state ment No. tifc, tor the lurchaseot thene 1-4 nl section No. 10 In lownthlp No, 11 S, range No, if E W M, anJ will oiler proot to show that the lanJ sought it more valuable lords limber or stone than lor agtk'uliural purposes, anJ 1 1 establish his claim to said land belore the Register and Receiver ot this ollu'e at La Grande. Oregon, on I tlday the loth day ot Sept. 1003, He names as wiinesses T. Penn, Willis G. Cronk, Hugh l.alim, all nl l.lbetton, Washington, and Dtv Id T. Clark, ol Gatheld, Washington. Anv and all pertont claiming adverteiy the above JesctlbeJ lanJs are reuetteJ to hie their claims In this oiliieoitor beloie sjiJigiliJn ot Sept 1903. E. W. II iitULIT, Register. riMlthK LAND, ACT JUM: l. 1878 NOTICI: FOR I'UHI.ICATION. Unl'eJSliiet lanJ Oltice. I la (iranJe, Oregon. Julv 8, 1003 I Ninlielsheiebv given Ihat in compliance with the ptovlticns ol the .tctol Congtcss ol June 1. 1878, en illleJ "An acl lor the tile 01 thrber lanJs In the St lies ot (..tlltotnl 1. Oregon, NevaJa anj Washing ton letiltorj" at extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ Mates p.s act nt August 4. 18)3, JAMES T. PENN ol I Ibetlon; i-ounl' ot Whitman, Slate ol Washing ton, has 1 Js J iv lileJ In Ihist.liice his swoin stale nu nt No. 1148, lor the purchase ol the lots 1 anj 3, and I'1? n w 1-4 ol seciion No. 10 in township No 11 S. range No. if, EWM, and will otter proot to show that Hie land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than lor agth'tittura! purposes, and In es tablish his claim to salj lanJ belore the Register anJ Kecetver 01 mis oltice at la GranJe, Oregon, on tUav Ihe 19th Jav ol September, 1903. He names as witnesses' Hugh Eaton. George W. I'enn. Willis G. Cronk. all ol Llbetton, Washington, anj DavlJ T Ctatk ot GathelJ. Washington. Anv anj all pertont claiming ajveitely the above JetcilbeJ lanjt ire requested 10 hie Ihelr claims in this oltice on or betote talj 10th Jiv ot Sept. 190. E. W. II skULTT. Regltter. UnlteJ States LanJ Ollice, La (iranJe, Oregon, on, 5 1 IOC- ' Julv a. iota. Notice It hereby given Ihat In compliance wllh the provisions nt the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en HtleJ "An act lor Ihe sale ot timber Ian Js In the states ol Calllornia, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory." as extended toall ihe Public LanJ states by act of August 4. t8a. WILLIAM S. LEWIS. of Baker City, county ol Baker, state of Oregon, has this day filed In thlt oltice his sworn statement No. tt8 Inr the purchase of Ihe neU of lection No. ao in umjci, uivh bihj ihj nium oira, an m mr Cltv. Oret-on. Any anJ alt persons claiming ajversely the above described lands are requested to file Ihelr claims In this olfice on or belore said 6tli day ol Sept., 1003. E. W. BARUtrrr, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE i. 1878-NOTICB For Public sTIon. United States Land Office. La Grande. Oregon, July 8, 1903, 1 Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act ol Congress ol June 1, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In Ihe States ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory" as extended to all the Public Land States by a.t of August 4, 1893, HUGH EATON of Elberton, county of Whitman, State of Washing ton, has this day filed In this oltice his sworn state ment No. 1146, lor the purchase of the Lois 1 anJ 4 and E1, s w 1-4 nl section No. 19 In township No. 11 S. tange No. 15 EWM, and wilt offer proot to show that Ihe land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than Inr agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim lo said land belore the Register and Receiver ol this oltice at La Grande, Oregon, on hrlday the igth Jav of Sept. 1903. IIa Mama taw It ft as at ana laimac T. I last, n faanirifai 1 lie! nit iiiioaiv ". ai 1 sun) -- via,, 1 w. I'enn, wiuis u. ironk, an 01 tipertnn, wasn- -.-- ...- - - - ......' -i. ... E. W. UtRTTETT, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE ,. 1878.-NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. Urlted States Land Office, i La Grande, Oregon, July x, 190, ' Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the ptovislonsof the act of congress ol June 1. 1878, en illleJ "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the Slates nl Calllornia, Oregon, Nevada, ard Washing inn Territory," as extended to all the Public Land Slates by act nf Augusta. 1S9J, PEARL BRADSHAW, ot Ellentbtirg, countv ol Kittitas, state nf Washing Ion, has this Jay filed In this oftue her sworn state men! No. 1187, lor the purchase ol ttes e 1-4 se 1-4 ot section toanJ e!i n e 1-4 and nti-ne 1-4 of sec lion No. it In township No. 11 south, range No. 14 I'.W.M.. anJ will oiler proof to show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes. anJ to establish her claim to saU land belore Charles II. Chance, U. S. com missioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, the 6th Jav ol October, 1903. She names as witnesses. Trances Tlie, of Ellens burg, Washingten: I rank II. Mackev. Clark M. Bradthaw and Percy II. Bradshaw, all ot Austin, Oregon. Any and alt persons claiming adversely the above JescrlbeJ tanJt are requesleJ to hie their claims In this office on or belore said 61I1 Jay ol October, 1903. E, W, BAKTlETT, Register. TIMBER UND. ACT JUNfc 1. 1878.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. united States Land Office. ) La Grande. Oregon, July 5, 1903. ) Notice II hereby clven that In cot Dl lance with th provisions ol Ihe acl ol congress 01 June 1, 187B, en titled "An act tor Ihe tale uf timber lands In the Slates ot Calllornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Terrllory," at extended In all the Public Land Stales by acl ol August 4, 1893, CLARK M. BRADSHAW, nf Austin, county ot Grant, state ol Oregon, has this day hied In ihis oltice his sworn statement No. 1185, lot the purchase ol the n e 1-4 n w 1-4, n)4 n e 1-4 and se i-4 n e i-4 ot section Nn. 14 In lownthlp 1N0. 11 south, range No. 14 I: W. M..anJ will olfer proot lo show th it the tan J sought Is more valuable lor Its timber nr stone than Inr agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land betore Chat let II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpler, Oregon, on Monday, the btlt day ol Octobe', iooj. He names at witnesses: I rank H. Mackey, ot Aus tin, Oregen: Pearl Bradthaw, ol Lllensburg, Wash ington; II. T. Campbell and Justus Wright, ot Aus tin. Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requetieJ to hie their claims in this ottice on or belore salj tth Jay ol October, 1903. E. W. Bahucit. Regltter, TIMBER I AND. ACT JUNE 1. t78.-NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. UnlteJ States LanJ Ollice, 1 La GranJe, Oregon, 1 July f, 193. ) I Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the prov ns nt the act ot congress ot June 1, 1878, en I tltlej "An act for the sale ot timber lanJs In Hie , Sliii'i ot California. Oiegon, NevaJa, anj Washing- ton Tettllory," as extenJeJ to all the I'ubllc LanJ Slates b) act ot August 4, 1844, I TRANCES TICE. I ol Ellensburg, county ol Kittitas, stale of Washing- ! ton, has this Jay lileJ In this oltice he sworn state ment No 1188, for the purihateot the sh t w t-4 ot section No. 11 anJ the wij n w 1-4 ot sect on No, 14 , in township No. 11 south, range No 14 E W.M., anJ I will oiler proot 10 t ow Ihat the lanJ sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, anj to establish her claim to salj lanJ be loie LiiJties 11, Uian.e, U S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Ortgon, on .MonJay, the fcth Jay ol Oc tober, 1903. She names as witnesses; Trank II. Mackey, ot Austin, Oregon; Peail BraJthaw, ot Lllensburg, Washington; Justus Wright anJ II. T. Campbell, ot Austin, Oregon. Any an J all persons claiming aJvertely the above JetcilbeJ lands are requesteJ to tile their claims In hit oltice on or belore alj 6th Jay ol October. 1903. E. W. HfKlliiTT. Register. i-s. ., ', ,t'MlftJ --yaa,