THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, August fS, 1902 The Sumpter Miner HUHUSIfl II IVIhV UWIMMMV Hr J. W CONNIM.LA Enttrrb at ttie totoft1ce in Nmnpter, Oregon, l'r transmission itiroiiKh thr malls as srcnnJ cilM mailer. w MiHMiMii-tloN mils One Year 51 Months .Sj.llU AUVAVS IN AIIVAM.I. Tiikiii: lire m'wtiiI tiiuiiHliiix of lent tin.lKT Iuii.Ih near Sumpter not in- eluded in tin lorcM lei-erw, that offer nil opiKirtmiily for route one ake a Ii cleMiiup. much Ih Ih ill).' puhlMieil iiImhiI ir.iHM.'lorH charuhn: exorhltant prlcen for their claims. There in no metliiMl of fettling thin matter uuil .IItuhhIoii In worHo than worthier, worth nil it will M'll A nniHiHt't Ih for the owner alone i-nn.lirl.le how little lir will liikt .....111... u Mm. hueer how 111111.1111.11"? uii.iiuiuM! uru no ioiiKi.raire.tiii will Hive. Thi'wt two iu.livi.lunlH tiilint decide, every rune. Thim town Iiiin lieeu full of iteoplefrom many mate in the Union lurin tin. imhI week. SiohI oi them are liere on Ntill liiiutH for nilninu irnM-rtk'H. It Ih nest to iittMiHHihlt! to wen re iuformatiiin mm to what they are iIoIiik until the paper in the particular eiino are put on file, for there in. no brand hand ite oompaiiinieut to the preliminary hIiik'h of a inluiuK deal. Somk iluyH nlnee thu llaker City pnur' j oxhmmmI ohm of the contemptihlc oaw'Hof "knocking," which prevented the wale of nicritorloiiM mining prniterly , that hat. yet been made puhlie in eitHt vrii Oregon. And now- it in uuuuuuce.1 that thin exiMiHiire Iuih oeeaiduue.1 a reconciliation between the ownem of the mine and the men who .lid the dirty work to prevent itn wile. And that Ih a iicer condition of affalrx, rellecting din credit on Ih it li par lien. An lioneHt man who Ih endowed with even a little hit of cciihc will not Ih- te.'ouciled to one who !m,H "' ,,1,,,,I 'r":,M"1li",!",,,M'"1;l,l;,H.ure.l protection and a run for hi injury, employing tuetl h thai render . . ,. lwllllI, ., , ,, . Wl, tlie tuctlcH of a pucnk thief honorable, in couip.irihoii. , , I.N.lK.M:.M.,ore lM.ilr. represent a 'iii,rn 1,1 t, mil 1'iiiiiiieiii 111 iiiiiieiiii matter either bv chemical or physical ineam that ie, they aie iiini-iiiil to- ciiliatioiiN of certain miuerah, thinks Mining and Scieutilie I'ic.-, which are often found dlH-emiuiiteil in Hinaller 4uautitieN in many common rockn, and they differ from the Mime miuetalH nltu ated in other condition" only in their ilegree of concentration. There in a Mlpvillchil alteration of nearly all ore lcMiHitH. The typical condi tion of gold in nature in in axocialioii ... . . . wiih lion pyrites in .,iiaru, and the ef- feet of H.rface oxidation on Mich a ,.,,,.,,.,.,,, exehangeH, ,.r deNMlt in llrst to couxerl the lion ,..,.., ,.. Vi. VjirL ,ill,iii 1 pyrllen ii.l.. I.y.ln.le.1 oxi. ed iron J inlueralH, which .ru.cate Ihe Muart, turning ,t into a r.My brown mass. i lie nei i-iiige is iiii un.ii.iai iciicii- lug out of the Iron miiier.ils by the action of surface waters, while the gold which was originally in the iron' pyrites mostly remains, though it may I tiave Iki'ii partially illssoixeit in one or more several ways. Sometimes gold c--curs in Ihe form of telluride instead of iron sulphite, and in such eases sux'r .ticial oxidation causes the tellurium to n ixi.lii.ed and the gold to Ih set free rom its combined state. When such deMxilH as those descriUil are er.slel the particles of gold stparate from the ipiarlx and are concentrated in the streams an placer gold. O.Nitof the most noticeable features of mining during the present year is the act that H-ople are rapidly aiipiiring 11 11 i I thorough mid wry general knowledge of minim; itixl mining mut ter. While thic in largely due to the hire number of excellent it-rilinilH wliirli deote much attention to the in dustry, it !h irini'inlly hecaiihe of the lntereft felt by people theuiH.'lve. Tin time wiih, iiikI not many year." u at that, when the conception the average em-tern Investor hail of a mini: wan limiteil to variuiiH dark anil ilevloiiH tiiuuelM fur beneath the curface, where ti inert Pieiit luyn ami nihtx in tin deiim-Nt .hirknex, or eUe lie liml tin Idea lllt the work wax done on a liiatfulli- , ,.,., W.H Mlll ,lt ,jiu ,HM.t.hhHrv ,i,. M)tH ,, ,.arrv 011 the industry represented tin hlyhent tyH!N of modem arolii- lecture. Tliomt fiilne notion have liven dixd pateil anil now IK) out of eery UN) wohi milium roeri.v iihikh 1 '"i" "'"' w''"' ,luv'll,n,t'''' w"i"k niiiH. jraniri wiiicii 1110 . """ lorm- uniUeHtioned, uu.l he who would huve any kiiccuhm whatever in intereHtiiitf in vi'HtorH tiiiiHt make no miritake in tlencrii tloiiMiir in arumueutH. Thu ram It in that nowHilayri thefakiriHut totcllinK.lown- rltfht Huh In order to aroune any intercut whatever, Hiid lie iHii't umially miccewiful in very extennlve prevnrlcutlon before he Ih brought up with n round turn .piiukly tied. All IIiIm in to thu utlvantnife of legiti mate mining, ami tint more education thu people receive in t hems direction!! the Iietter will it lie fur hiith-ulaim hroiNini H ,, WL. ,lM (r theiiiMelveH. In the circular of one fake company recently M'lit out, reference wiih made to "the iiiiihh of hullion iM-neatli the earth." That miglit have iuturoHted eiiMtemerH a few yearn ago, but in thene timeH they know butler. Journal for Inventorx. Western Mlolnj Exchanges. There in more interent in the cant in uiiuiug than ever lHfore in the hintory of the country. Mining regarded more ax a legitimate huHim, and tuliitmttiii jHiutnriHtr llilnL-w llml Itsi I U'lieve it in time for the wenterner to make a decided and rnUHixtfiil effort for recognition by thu large eaxtcni ex- ,.lini(.,.H(llrlil.uurlv ,,v ,K. New York St.K'k Kxchaiige. A lletiug generally of good Mock of all the wei-teru camps would U) an endorsement or thcxe htockN which would create a demand, and concciUently make prict'H. The eiiHlern exchange in big enough and , xtroiig enough to Nuxtaiu prices. The I Hinaller exchanges dealing in sccialticH I would ntill Ihi neiVHHary. The prioen on these Uiards would lx stronger accord 1 ingly. The wentern broker would co operate with bin big eastern brother and mmiii inf iru llMMi iiii'riqiwiiPi ra ,, . u, ,., ,,,, ,. ttlklllal IlLm l.t !.. llfikUlulKiltlu amtl ,...,..... ,(,mH, w r, m.0w , ,,. , (mt i0 wwni ,,, ilu,UHtrv Ulll, ,,, HlwUr lilliIK HlH.k lmAwtm wilt exMjrieni'ea Ihhiiii an never before. 1 Colorado SprlugH Mining Keeord. Something to deMnd iihiii ISiant sider. ...J. W. COWDEN... HAS A FINE LINE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF ALL THE MINES AND PROS PECTS IN THE SUMPTER GOLD fields jasiswai MINE VlfcWS ONLY Address J. V. Cow don, Sumpter, Or. SUMPTER LIGHT n POWER COMPANY. A FULL LINK OF Electrical t Supplies Wiring Neatly Done. The finest light plant in eastern Oregon jjjj SEYMOUR N. IELL, Gsn'l. Mgr. B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT ERECTION OF QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter j Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL C A. E. STARK. Attorney-at-Law C nler, cor. High Si. Sumpttr. Orc(on F. K. HOHSON. Civil and Mlnins Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for Oregon, En gineer lor the City ol Sumpter. UMrrnn i Patent Sirtsii. Ilna lrltle Oratl. QHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW City ttlerMe U. I. CemmluleMf Rooms 2 and ), First Rank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON L. T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Special Attention (ilvcn to Surgery anj to 0I. enet ol Women. Office, Nelll Bleck: ReslJenct. uranlte Street near Mill. QR. PEARCE A ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons PROPRIETORS SUMPTIR GENERAL HOSPITAL SUMPTIR.OREOON. , . luoia, main oi. Telephone hospital. Main lj. OiriCE. Main ill. INSURANCE. E.L. MANNING, RBAL ESTATE City Recorder an4 Notary Public. Collection. Abttract Agent tor Fyrlclie Fire Emlnguithei. Sum pier Basche Hardware Co. . . Sumpter GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for "HERCULES" Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER E. A. CLEM & CO. MINKS - l'KOSl'KCTS - STOCKS Write us lor Hat of properties anJ lowest market quotations on stocks In proJucing mines anJ oil wells, kxcellrnt opportunity lor profit In low priced stocks. -tliiChaiu. of Com. l'oitTi.ANii.OitKdos. First bank of sumpter (.NC0..O..T..) Capital Stock 1 20,000 OFPicms. J.H. UoSMns I'reslJent J. W. Scriber Vlce-l'resUent ' R. II. Miller Cashier DIRECTORS. J. W. Scriber R. H. Miller Clark SnyJe J. H. Robblns TmiHtictn a General Banking and Exchange Business . . THE , t 1 SUMPTER MEAT MARKET AUSTIN MEAT CO. Props. Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON