THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, August 6, 1902 BIG POMEROY DREDGE. Building: of it Greatest Enter prise in John Day Country. The iiiiiin'iiw I'omeroy ilrwlKo, rol Hlily tin- liluut'Ht Htriictiiri' of tlm kind in the entire went, iHcxxvttMl to commence , oteruliiiiiM ni'ur John Day City, on tins i ami IiIh hoiih, Horace, Tlionmx II. mid North I'ork of tlie.lolm luy river, Moii l.liime-. puny are carried out, from twelve to fif teen eorln of wood 11 day will be required to keep up hUmiiii, nereHitntinu, with the crew needed to run the dredge, quite 11 law force in eoiiHtaut employment. (Miriuir coiiHtruetion llfteeii incrhauiiH liuve heeu need nil the time, while eight or ten men were unpaged in cutting wood part of thu time. Several more were needed in brinKing in the lmmenie tim Utm and in freighting. Altogether neai ly f40,000 wiin paid out in vvagex alone while material rout well up to $I00,(HM). The eontrnetorn went Tlinmax I'omeroy lny morning. Nearly a ear Iiiih heeu voiiMimed in building tliix mounter min ing Ixint. The eimt hit been ahollt fliffi.OOO. It 1h the lilirueMt enterprine ever liiiinrli ed in the John Day. It weigh alto (ether 750 toiiH. The nnicliinery weigliN !K!U toon. Ten tmiM of ImiIim were imed In countructing the hull alone, and 170,000 feet ol lumber. DillleultieH encountered in building tliU dredge will Ix- appreci ated when it In reuieinliered that iiiohI of the material wax hauled in over wild mountain roadn in winter time from the nuareat nliliiug Hilnt,nlxty mileriiiway. Tliemt roada, at that timealmoiit ImpaHN able for a freightur'n oiittlt, had to Ixi lined by tlie dredge contractorx for nee tioux of machinery which HnmctimcH thirty-nix tunica were required to draw. Tim dredging company Iiiih Mccured by purcluiHe, learn) and bond iininciiHC con ci'MMioiiM nloug the la'dof the North Fork. Thin tortuoiiH, turbulent mountain Htream Iiiih for agcx been windiing down fine HiiudN from itH headvtaterH and de ponitiug them along it courne. A man can go out with a panning outfit and make fair wagcx, and in jciim gone by hcorex of men hae made a good living panning on the North I'ork. When the It I Htill problematical what proHt will lie realized from the dredge, huj m-veral hundred dollarx a day above ex MmteH in miid to be u modcrateeMtimate. Similar drtvlgea are making big money. The Southern dredge, oieratiug near Idaho City, Idaho, in miid to he making fttOO a day, over ex'HHVM. The Han uiNk, Montana, dredgex, of which three are in oieratlou, are xald to clear an average of ftlOO a day, while thu Conroy I'lueer Mining company'H dredge, work ing in Itiiby Valley, Montana, in paid to have averaged over $500 u day alone thin xeamiu. The I'omeroy machine in nun larger m-iile, it ia allegul than any of thee. Few people have wen or heard of thin mounter cutcrprixc, on account of the in accexxihilitv and remotenexx of the dis tant xecne of opcrationx. It ix over 100 milex xouth of Pendleton, and the near ex t railroad lnt ix Whitney, on the Sumpter Valley r.iilroad. SKikeHUian Hev'ew. The dredge begun oH'riitioux TueHlay. Rich Cable Cove District. Whenever the Cable Cove ix mention ed, it ixalwayx in connection with xome rich mining proiMixltiou. For thu terri- imiiiohk Mil INI' .."IIO I inn. . iii-ii mi- I - i.i bext ground had Ix ghly ttrk(., ' l'ry '..braced, there x pn.bably not n over the river bed wax ahaudo With , m'T '"' " ",e """ " " "'" "l" th. w machinery to Im en.ploved, the ''1' " " v ,M' V'"?,' "? dredger p. le aie content to take what , ""' " "'"- romIIM j niu, Overliuid, li.iKirial, hixt ( bailee, Thel'on.erovdredgewlllnxeahucketl.,tl,,,.v .MrKw "I"1 V." ,':,i,,, '"H xyxlem, unt unlike the old faxhioncd ele- been the moxt develojieil and are hext valor buckelx In Hour n.illx, threxhing . tli- Oregon Chief. Clark group I machii.ex ami wheat warehouxex. Thexe , "'' '. 'l'-y Kinij .....I a half. oiuerx nave Hiirime xiiowiugxi loen which indicate that good hodieri of high grade ore will lw found when depth ix attained. The Crown Point ix now in (dulling mi air couiprexxor plant and will have itx ore ImnIv exxixed at a depth of W0 feet within the next xixty dayx. A hoixt and pump outtit will xoon be in xtallcd on the ltxt Chance, xlukiug hax lieen eommeiiced on the (iipxy King and on all xidex the hillx are reverberating with the xhotx of thu ti'iucrx hlaxliug their way into the heart of the mountain. "Now U the Appointed Time." The I). It. N. Co. hax juxt Usm-d a ' buckelx aie faxteued to a huge chain. There are tweuly-xeveii hucketx, each weighing 1000 poiiudx. Ilm'h link of the great chain to which they are attached weigh 500 pouudx. and ax there are tweiity-xeveu buckelx and twenty.xeveu liukx itetweeu each bucket, the entire number of liukx ix 7i!0,ui.d the aggregate weight :tll,500 iouuilx, or over 15'.' toux. The hucketx revolve round a xteel ladder weighing '.'1,000 pouudx, and ax they reach the lop of the ladder they are overturned by a huge tumbler, whoxe weight ix 7000 pouudx. There will be few more iuterextiiig xightx in the iuterextiiig John Pay than licu Ih.x Ireilge xlarlx operatloux. A ,llmu,llt.v ihruted iiamnlilet en big proltnxei ix plungel lieneath the tilled, "Oregon, Wuxliingliui and Idaho I water, Ihe wheelx revolve and the buck- n, ,.r n-Howvex." People in theeaxt eta iK'giu to rixe with their load of im. xioux for Information ulxmi the water, gravel and mud, dumping them, Paclllc northwext. If you will give the an they are overturned by the tumbler, ), , ,v. N. company agent at linker into a hopper, where Miwer(ul pumpx City a list of nnmex 'of eaxtern people, are fun-lug water at high prexxure. ttiii r,, m,,.y t u interexted, the From the hopper to Ihe river behind InMiklel will be mailed free to xuch ht- ' ruiix a I nig xlmce, along which the pla- ' ,,, Yourx truly, A. I.. Craig, tieneial cer iHMring mud and gravel are waxhed ( PuKxeuger Agent. by the xtre.iiux of water. Amalgaiuat- - iug platexand rilllex are Im-alcl along I Timber and Homestead Filings. ( Ihe xluictt and tlie xpeekx of gold catch TiuiIkt and homextead tllingx, ax well on and xtay. Of courxe much ix waxlcd, 'ax llual proofx, can Ik- made I K' fore . hut xo gieat ix the amount ol ground Charlex II. Chance, Culled Malex com-1 to I hi worked that thlx ix not coiixid mixxiouer, otlice in Firxl Hank of Sump, l ereil. ter building, Nimptcr, thux xaviug ax llixx.iid the twelve buckelx, which plicantx expense of a trip to l.a (i ramie, make their roundx each minute, will , " raixe niuety-xix eubie yardx of earth in j uJ'JCS oX'e that time. If true, there ix no dredge in headquarterx when in Sumpter. tho northwext built on nearly xo elabo-1 rale a xc.ile. I The celebrated Ound'x "the beer of When full operatloux are xtarted Musi- good cheer" alwayx on draught at Dun day morning, if the pinna of the eoin- phy'x The Club. J. G. Connell COMMISSION GO. Wlratosala ami RbUU Otalrt in Hay, Oats, Steamed Barley, Bran. All Kinds of Feed and Poultry Supplies, The Celebrated Cream of the West Flour. Condition Powders for Horses and Cattle. Truck and Transfer. Granite St. J. G. CONNELL, Prop. r ALL WELL DRESSED MEN In Sumpter and vicinity have their clothes made by FLYNN, the Tailor. Big Lins of Fall Goods Just Received. CKNTKIt HTRKKT, NKUI I1IHTUPFICK OREGON. SUMPTER, EUREKA FEED AND LIVERY COMPANY S T. II. T.VYI.OH, I'llOI. Horses boarded by the dav or month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our specialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. OFFICE OF THE CABLE COVE STAGE LINE DELMONICO HOTEL RATES, $1.00 PER DAY AND UP. Electric Lights and Phone. Hot and Cold Baths. M. SPENGLER, Proprietor Joshua Hendy Machine Works Nos. 38 to 44 Fremont Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA IMPACT WATER WHEEL Quartz Mining and Milling noisune, rumping ana Saw Mill Machinery. Hy viiuuiib Iflllllllf ItiaillHICI ya Liiants, Water Gates and Hydraulic Rivited Pipe. J Water Wheels and Water Motors, Engines. Boilers, Pumps and Machinery of every description. J j j Prospecting Machinery. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES ; 'J-