COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT I I ' TALK OF THE TOWN. .Mr. Mini .Mr. Hum; L'nny tir in (nun I In'' (Jiiclicc. V. A. Jones is in from (hi' (.iicen horns, where hit has hccn milling. I'. Itaschc, of linker rily, was In town Monday, visiting his hiii), ('. ('. Il.ischc, iiiiiiiuniT n( I In1 hardware company Ih'iit iiik' his inline. I'rof. S. S. Slnrl Iiiih returned from a trip cast and to const towns, of Oregon, California mill Washington. Mrn. Stni t in Mlill hi Iowa. Mrs. Killi'ii Is ciitcrtiiiiiinj.' a uuinhei of Indies this iiflcriiiHiii nl her liomit on Norlli street, in honor of her yucst, Mr. Scout, of NchiasKa. .Mr. iiml Mis. Waller ('roiiln icturncd home several days since, I ho former from Spokane, In. lallcr ftoin lloiso, where I hey Iiml Ih'i'ii lhilinu friends. .M. W. Wheeler, foiiiicily in the urocciy IiiisIiichs huiii, has returned fiom a scvcial days, olccrvaliou trip In western Idaho, near lliinliiiuluii. An cnjoyahlo, well allmiili'il i-ocinl ilmicii was li'ii a"l livening hy the ladles of tint Episcopal chinch in their hall on lower .Mill street. .1. II. Itrown left Momlay for Hit liimrt.hiirn district, where In will have Mime work done on a water right which Im Iiiih taken n, ami also on a coiile of iimrl. clainiH that lie recently Hied on. hi.' that thin will he trehleil when the additional stamps me milled ; hut do nut piotc tint price nt which the -took in olfcrcd. Arthur Ciirtin came down fioin the ('olninhia mine thin morniii).' on his way to linker City, acconimiied hy IiIh Iiml her, Tracy, whom he in taking to the hoHiital. The, young man Iiml the misfortune to have a cavciu fall mi him jcslerday, on his. llrst shift, breaking IiIh left leg. II. U'. Donahue, chief clerk for Neil .1. SoreiiHen V Co., received a telephone meHHiige from .Mr. Soiciihu.) thin fore' iiimiii. lie mid Olio HerliH'ker have re Inrncil from the l-'iiday mine and are at the .Maxwell today. The former will go hack to the Friday heforc coining home. The latter will arrive tomorrow. option fur le than a ear on that hig propo-ition i- practically worthies. .limiiiiu (irainger returned home thin lorcnoon from Nevada, it in hiihihi'I. lie left here several weeks since with a mil of hilln hig enough to choke a cow, declining at the lime to t interviewed as to IiIh destination. A. II. Willed. I (' f I'liilland, me advcrtlsinn Ited Hoy Mock for Nile, pi... vising nix per cent interest on the capilaliiitioii of three millions, predict- American .Mining News, puhlishcd in New York, in printing much matter ahotit the Similiter district of late In it h innne of Angnnt -, it has illustrations of the Ited Hoy dlHlrict, incllldilig llie lllne llird pioperly. Wheeler iV: Co. are evidently doing thin good work. A page or more of reading mallei' in taken from TlIK Ml.NKK. The Snmpter hand Iiiih heeu giving coiiceilH Sunday afternoons for tlie paM several weeks. These entertaiiiinentH are appreciated hy our people, iih the sweet HtraiiiH help to divert attention from the tropical weather. The hand, which shows decided improvement un der direction of I'rofeHHor llnffnm, will give itn regular concert next Sunday afternoon at 4 oVIm'k. They do say that .lonatlian Itournu Iiiih Ih'cii deriving a lag income from the K. V F.. during the punt few moutliH, uotwitliHtiiuding the fact that a Mump Iiiih not dropped in the mill for several yearn. His prcheut system in to extract gold from the pockets of hopeful pin looters, who have paid him fioin flNKX) to f.VXKI ninli for short time ImiimIh. An "Now is the Appointed Time." The . K. iV N. Co. Iiiih Just issued a handsomely illustrated pamphlet en titled, "Oiegon, WaHhingtoii mid Idaho and their resources." 1'eople in the cast are mixioiiH for information ahout the I'acilie northweM. If you will give the O. It. .V N. coinpnny agent at linker City a lict of name" of eastern ieople, who are likely to he liitere-ted, the booklet will lie mailed free to such per sons. Your- truly, A. L. Craig, ieneral l'aM'iiger Agent. Wouldn't that jaryer? What? (iiunt ixiwder. The inn-t xiwerful and Mptilur explo sive I Sliint Hiwder. Harrison can tell you why all lucky strikes are made with (iiunt l'owder. If in want of clothing, nee Neill Mer cantile company. Ilest brands oi cigars at Hoffman's. Kakery. If you wish to otrike it rich use Giant l'owder. All the latent novelties in hats at Neill Mercantile company's. I'se (iiunt Mwder, fuse mid eap. I lands! ! FOR SALE RIVETED PIPE and GIANTS For Mining or Power Plants and Water Works t t dt GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, New Building. tTK have several hundred s acres of choice lands adjoining (lie city ol'Suinpter for Mile very cheap. If the mines aii' good, real estate is still hetter. A lot of this land is suilahle for platting and very large returns can Im made on the investment. These lands will lie Mild tor one-fourth their cost three yearn n,i and nre now down to rock bottom prices. Call on or aJJress SUMPTER IEVELOPMENT CO. Sin WOUH H. BILL, Manager suMPUft. oricon - F.E.O'Rourke & Co. i RIGHT EVERYTHING FRESH 'P" i PRICES I IN GROCERIES I ..l m2W3FWTdi'W K Granite St. Sumpter, Ore. Wrought Iron Pipe Cast Iron Pipe BOWLES & STROW SEATTLE, WASHINGTON PORTLAND, OREGON flrwiicn HiiHweriui; this advert isenient please inentioii this paper. .r rThe red diamond-shaped label on the box, and on every few yards of Eureka packing i an insurance policy. It insures Ions life of the pack ing, perfect performance of its duty as packing, reduction of friction to a fraction, and loss packing expense than with any othei kind of packing. When you have Eureka, "you have found it." Our Imlr fockrt Icr lo maJr a crrat hltvllh kotral ihuuvanJ riiclntcrt. Il lint Uk a rooJ Jral, tut ur air Mllllni; to unJ It with th catalegut tan nt;littr hv trnJi tnectntk ,n sunri for povtaf. Fulton St., New York. Uas. L Robertson & Sons,