The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 06, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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    Wednesday August 6, 1902
t'llited Slatt'H I.iiml Ollice,
La irande, Orcein, .Inly III, IIHI.'. f
Notice !h hereby jivi-ii tliiit in compli
ance Willi I'll! VnvisioUH llf till' III'! of
Congress of June II, 1H7H, untitled "An
act for the sale of HiiiImt lauds in the
states of California, Orison, N'i'VihIii Mini
Washington Turrilorv," iih extended to
all tin! Public I.11111I States li'v net of
August I, IK'.IL',
of Cove, County of I'nion, StnUi of Ore
gon, Iiiih tli in diiy tiled hi tliiH nfllec his
sworn statement No. I'-'ITi for tint pur
chllHO of I III) h w '4 11 w xi, 11 w ' w '4
Hi'ction ', anil m i' ii 11 e '4', 11 u ,' h c '4
section 1 1, township 1 1 S, range 'M KWM.
of linker City, County of linker, State of
Oregon, Mworn statement No! 1'JIH for
the purchase of w !J h i) ,'4 , n e'4' h e ,'
ami m w V 11 1' x( Hcclinu 10 township II
s, range :w, kwm.
of Nlliley, I'nlon county. State of Ore
gon, sworn Htiiteiiienl S'o. llf 1 7 for tint
tureliiiNe of the 11 w '( 11 n ), i) '... 11 11 '(
'ei'. II, ami n w .'4 11 w H See III Tp II
S, range .'18 K W .M.
of Nihluy, I'liiou counlv, State of Ore
gon, hwomi Htnluiiieiil'S'o. I'JIS fur the
purchase of e ' h 0 '4 See 1 1 anil w Vt
h w '4' Sir I.'! Tp 1 1 S, range IW K W M.
of Nililny, I'nlon enmity, Statu of Ore
gon, hwomi Htu)cmunt No. IL'ltl for tint
purchase of tl ' h w '4 Vee II anil ti
,$ n w '4 See 1 1 Tp IIS, range IIS V. V .M.
of l.a (irauile, Oregon, Hworn statement
N11. 2'M for llie puivliiiHii of tint w '. h e
' , h e I4 m 11 ! See 1 1 ami h w I4 p w '(
See. I'J Tp 1 1 S, range IIS K W .M.
ItOllKItT W. OAltltKTT,
of Alieel, t'liinu county, Statu nf Oregon,
sworn slulcnieiit No. I'.'lM for the pur-I'lia-onf
tlio h ' 11 ii 't anil h ' n w I
See CI Tp II S, ratine IW K W .M.
of Alieel, I'liiuu county, Slate of Oregon,
sworn Hlateinenl No. Il'l'i', for (he pur
elniNe of tlin 11 11 '4 11 11 't See lo, w n '4 m
e I4 See III anil w 8 h w 4 See II Tp II
S, iiingeliS K W M.
KMILY lilt A. MV Kl. I,
if l.a (iriiinle, I'nion eoniity, State of
Oregon, "worn statement No. Il''.'.ri for
the puiehase of the s e '., s w '4 See I 'J,
11 e '' 11 v '4 ami 11 'j 11 e '4 See 111 Tp
1 1 S, ruiiiM1 IIS I-: V M all In (he ill
triet of IiiiiiIh Milijeel to rale at l.a
(irauile, Oiei:oii, ami they ami each of
them will offer proof to hhow that the
lit'iilN Miuitlit liy them ih more vahialilii
(or tin iIiiiIht iir ntomi than for arleul
tural purpoHeH, ami to eMahlixli their
claim to the laml miiiuIiI for hy them
U'lnre tlni Itejjihler ami Iteeelver of thin
otlice at Ui tiranile, Oregon, on Wcilncr
lav the irith ilay of Octohr, ltNlL.
They nanie ai witniMHCH; Wthnr M.
ItaWHi'ni, llaiiH.I. NleNen, I'rani'iH M.
Iliatl, all of Sihley. Oregon; lioU-it A.
I.eathain ami Itnlierl . (iarrelt, of
Alieel, Olefin; llniilv llraniwell anil
I'ranklin S. Hiainwel'l, of Li tiramht,
Oieumi ; .hielMiii V. Ilenlnuer, of Maker
City, Orepm, ami Samuel Southuick.
of l''ove, ttieeon.
Aiivamlall pciMiiii-clahniiii; iuleiely
tlie aUive thvcnlieil laml- are reipieteil
to llle their claim- in thin otliee 011 or
ln'foie haiil li'ith iluvnf Octoher, IIHIJ.
K. V. Umiii.imi', l!ei;iter.
Mirii'i: 11 hi ri'iu.ii'xiioN.
I'llileil StnleH I..1111I Otliee, (
m tiramle, Or Inly III, IIHIJ. )
Notice In heieliv uiven tliat ill eompli
iiiii'i' with the pmiiiiou of the net of
ciiuuri'M of .llllie II. IS7S. eiitllleil "All
act lor tint hale of tiinlier )u litis in the
htate- of C.iliforiiia, Oreunn, Nevada ami
'ahhiii!lou Tenilory," uc eMemUsI to
all the I'nlilic l.auil Htulei. hy net of
AuUht I, ISIIL',
of Colfax, enmity of Whitman, Mate of
WahhhiKtoii, Iiiih thlw day lllel in thin
otliee lilhHworii Hialeinenl No. IIIIH, for
the purehiiM' of llieK'jUW M, ii'juw
)) of M'ction No, :t.'i in toMiililp No. II
S., raune No, :t-' kwm, ami will niter proof
loHliowlliat the land Mtiitiht ih mom
valuahle for ith timU'r or clone than for
iiKrii'iilturiil purMieh, ami to ehtalilihh
hih claim to Kiid land U'fore the elerk of
1 ho Sniireine Courl of Orc' IVmlle-
Ion, Oregon, un I'riday, the 1 It It ilay nf
! Novetnhur llniL'.
He naine- 11 itiie.e! : Alfred It.
Windiif, .lo-hua M. I'almerton, Mrn.
I.iille C. Palmertoii, Minnie SpauhliiiK,
all of I'lillnian, Vnhinutnn.
Any anil all iierfomi claiminj.' ailvercu
ly tin'' iihovu ile-eriheil IiiikIh nr riHiii?iJt-
e'tl to llle their claim in thin otliee 011 or
hefori) Nll'l I Ith 1I11V of Novemher, 1IM)'.
K. W. IIaiiti.ktt, Heiiicler.
Ml TICK foil I'llll.lCATIOX.
I'liiteil StateH Land Ollice.
l.a (irande. Ore.. .Iillv III. 1IKI1'. f
Notice in herehy uiven that in compli
ance with the proviHioiiH of the nut of
eoiijrrefH of June It, 1878, untitled "An
net for the Hale of timlier landn in the
HtateH of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Wiihliinittou Territorv," an exlt'iiikil to
all the I'uhlic. Laud etateH hy act of
AiiK'Uhtl, MVJ,
of I'lilluiau, county of Whitman, Matoof
WaHhliiKton, Iiiih thlH day tiled in this
ollice her cwiirn Htateinent No. HUH, for
tin; pureluiHi' of tin) lotH I A 'J, 'yi no 1-4
of Hcctioii No. .' in townnhip No. IL' S.,
riiiiKi No. !W kw.m, and will offer proof to
hIiow that thu laud Hnitfht Ih more vain
a'le for ilH timlxT or Htone than for ag
ricultural imriKiHeH, and to e-taldirtli her
claim to Haiti laud U'fore the clerk of the
Supreme Court of the Htutii of Oregon, at
I'endletou, Orejron, on Friday, thu l4tli
day of November, llMW.
Slie nanieH iih wltneiHeH: William J.
WIiiiIuh, of Colfax, WiihIi.; Alfred Win
dun, JohIiiiii M. Palmcrton, .Mrn. Llllie
C. I'almerlou, all of Pullman, WiihIi.
Any and all pernoiiH claiming' adverne-
ly the ahove denerilieil landHuro reipieHt-
e'd In llle their claims In thin ollice on or
lieforii Hiiid llthdayol NovemlHT, IIKIL'.
K. W. IIaiiti.ktt, Iteinter.
Nenet: nm I'I'iii.icatio.v.
I'ulted Stales bind Ollice, )
La tiramle, Ore., July III. 1W. J
Notice in herubv uiven that in cointili-
mice with the provisions of the act of
congress of June II, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timliur lands In thu
Htates of California, Oregon, Nevadaand
Washington Territorv," iih extended to
all the I'nlilic Laml slates bv act of
August 4, I8ii,
nf Pullman, county of Whitman, Htateof
WiiHliinutnn. Iiiih thin day tiled In tlilH
ollice Ills sworn statement No. 11150, for
thu ptircliasu of the h', hw 1-4, wJJ Be 1-4
of section No, .'15 In township No. II S.,
range No. X kwm, and will otfer proof to
show that the laud nought in more valu
ahle for ith timber or stone than for ag
ricultural iurincH, and to estahlish his
claim to said laud before the clerk of thu
Supreme Court of Oregon, at I'endletou,
Oregon, on Friday, the 14lb day of
.ovunittcr, nr.'.
lie names as witnesses: William J.
Windus, of Colfax, Wash.; Joshua M.
I'alnicrtnii, Minnie Spauldlng, Llllie I'al
mertou, all of I'lillnian, Washington.
Anv and all ktsous claiming adverse
ly thu alhive-dchcribed lands are reiUcst
e'd to llle their claims in this ollice on or
before said I Ith day of November, IIHI'J.
K. W. It viiTi.irrr, Itegister.
Mini'i: rou i'I'iilicaiiom.
I'llileil States Laml Ollice, (
La tiramle, Ore., July III, UHi:. )
Notice is I lurch." given that in compli
ance with the provihioiiH of the act of
congress nf June II, 1S7S, entitled "An
acl for the sale of limber lands in thu
states of California, Oiegou, Nevada and
Washington Territory," a extended to
all the Public IjiiiiI state- hy act nf
August I, I Ml-',
of Pullman, county of Whitman, statuof
Washington, Iiiih this day tiled in thin
otlice her sworn statement No. IIKI, for
llie laircliat-ii nf the He 1-4 nf section No.
lhi,n,n.liii, 'o. ! ,110., X.i. 'IJi
kwm. ami will offer nroof to show that
the laml sought is more valuable for its
timU'r or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to
aid laml before thuclerkof the Supreme
Court of the statu nf Oregon, at I'emlle-1
ton, Oregon, nil Fridav, the 14th da of
Novcmlier, IIHli'. I
She names as witnesses: William J.
Windus, of Colfax, Wash.; Alfred It.
Windus Joshua M. Palineiton, Minnie
Spauldiug, all of Pullman, Washington.
,nyiinil all versous claiming adverse
ly the abive-de-erilied lauds are reiuest
cd to llle their claims in this ollice on or
befuie said 14th dav of Nou'inber, 1N02.
K. W. Ilsiiru-TT, ItegNtcr.
Cnited State" Land Oilier, )
La (irande, Ore.. July 31, 1W)L. )'
Notice in lieruhy nivitn tlmt in uumjili
mice with the proviHioiiH of the ae.t of
rmittruHH of June II, 1878, entitkil "An
act for the nale of tlmlter lands hi thu
-taten nf California, Oregon, Nevadaand
WiiHliiiiKton Territory," n extended to
all thu I'nlilic Laud HtateH hy act of
Anoint 4, 181IL',
of I'lillnian, county of Whitman, statu of
Washington, Iiiih this day tiled in thiH
olllee IiIh Hwom statement No. 1!VW, for
the purehiiHe of tint hw 1-4 of Hcctioii No.
1 In towiihlilii No. l'J f?., rannu No. .v
kwm, and will oflcr proof to hIiow that
tin; laud nought !h more valuable for its
tlmlMir or ntone thin for agricultural
purKiHCH, and to estahlish IiIh claim to
said land before tlieelerkof tliuSupremu
Court of the state of Oregon, at I'endle
tou, Oregon, on Friday, the Nth day of
November, IJW2.
He nameH hh witnessuH: William J.
WindiiH, of Colfax, WiihIi; Alfriil It.
Wiii.his, Minnie Spauldinu, LilliuC. l'al
mcrton, all of I'lillimwi, Washington.
Any and all iiernoiiH claiming adverse
ly thu above-descrihed IiiiuIh arurerUeHt
ed to tile their clainiB in thiH ollice on or
i before vaiil 14th dav of Novemlier, 11M)2.
r.. m . dakii.kit, iwginiur.
UnlteJ Stales LanJ Office, j
La (iranJe, Oregon, July 7, iuoi. i
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the aci of congress of June 1. 1878, en
lltleJ "An act for the sale ol limber tanjs In the states
of California, Oregon, NevaJa nnj Washington Ter
illury, as extenJeJ lo all the Public LanJ slates by
act of August t, IU01,
of llaker Cits , county of Maker, state of Oregon, lias
this Jay fileJ In this office Ills sworn statement No.
Iiij) for the purchase ol the ne 1-4 ne 1-4 section 14.
e.ijse 1-4. sw 1-4 se 1-4 of section No. 21 In township
No. lo south, range No )8 IWM, anJ will olfer proof to
show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable tor Its
Umber or stune than for agricultural purposes, anJ
to establish his claim to sal J lanJ before the Register
anJ Receiver of this ollice, at La (iranJe, Oregon, on
TuesJav, the ith Jay of October, looa.
He names as witnesses: James W. EarJIey, DavlJ
fieJJes, I . V. Shuitllfl, WlllarJ UeJJes, all ol lla
ker City, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requested to file their claims In
this otliee on or before salJ 7U1 Jay of October, lom.
li. W. IIartlett, Register.
United Slates Land Office,
La GranJe, Oregon, July 7. 10m. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, I878, en
titled "An act for the sale ot limber lanJs In the states
ot California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
ritory, as extenJed to all the Public Land states by
act ol August 4. Hw,
of Baker Cltv, count) 'ol llaker, state of Oregon, has
this dav Med In this office his sworn statement No.
1144. lor the purchase ol the nw 1-4 ne 1-4. n)j nw 1-4. '
sw 1-4 nw 1-4 ot section No. if in township No. lo
south, range No. ,8 LWM, an J will olfer proof to
show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor lis
limber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, nnj In
establish his claim to salJ land before the Register
and HeCeUrr of this ollice at La (irande, Oregon, on
Tuesday, the 7lh Jay of October, loo.
He names as witnesses: James W. EarJIey. I W.
Shurtllll, I rank lullrr, WlllarJ Geddes, all of llaker
Cll, Oregon.
Anv an J all persons claiming aJverselv the above
JescrlbeJ lands are requested to hie their claims In
this ollice on or belote said ith dav of October luoj.
E. W IUmhmt, Register.
United Sittes LanJ Olhce.
Ls Grande, Oregon, Jjilv 17, ioj, i
Notice is hereby given In compliance wllh the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1. 1878, en
tltirJ "An act tor the sale ol timber lanJs In the slates
ot Caliloinla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington ler
rltotv ."as extended to all the Public land slates by
. ol August 4.184a,
I ol Pullman, county ol Whitman, slate ot Washington,
has this dav tiled In this olhce his sworn statement
no. 1 j('i tor the purchase of the w ', se', section
n1) ne't of section no. ao In township no II south,
I range No. iv IW vt, and will oiler proof lo show thai
I the land sought Is more valuable lor its timber or
stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land belore llie Register and Re-
1 celv er ot this otlice at La (iranJe, Oregon, on Tues-
I dav , the list da) ol October, Igo;.
He names as witnesses: Joanna I:. True, Rowena
. Wlnjus.ot Pullman. Washington; William D. Ar-
nolJ. ol La Grande. Ore: . R. Meade, of
Anv and all persons claiming aJverselv the above
desciibed lands are requested to tile their claims In
this ottice on or before said ail dav ol October, la
E. W. IUhhltT, Register.
.Noril'K KOII l'1'III.U'ATION.
United States Land Olhce, j
La Grande, Oregon, Julv 17. uoi. i
Notice Is hereb) given lhal In compliance with the
provisions ot the acl of congress of June 1. 1878, en
lltleJ "An act for the sale ol timber lanJs In the slates
of California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter
ritory." as extenJeJ to all the Public UnJ states by
acl ot August alSqi,
of Pullman, counlv ot Whitman, slate of Washington,
has this da tiled In this olhce her sworn statement
No 1144. tor the purchase ot the w)t ne 1-4. n'j se 1-4
' of section No. 8 In township No. II soulli. xangt No.
11 lu'm. an J vlll offer proof 10 show that the Una
soukIiI Is more valuable for lis timber or stnne than
for agricultural purposes, ,inJ to estahlMi her claim
to salJ lanJ before the Penls'er anJ Receiver of this
ollice at U Grande. Oreuon. on TuesJav. the alst
Jiv of Oci6ber, lo". . ,. '
She names as witnesses: Joanna I-. True, Harry
H. True, of Pullman washlnclen: William I). ArnolJ.
of Li (iranJe. Ore.: V. R. AleaJ. ot S'lnn-ler. Ore.
Anv nnj all persons claiming aJverselv the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are re uesleJ to hie their claims In
this ollice on or before salJ lst Jav of October, I007.
K. W. HAMTICTT. Register.
Unite J States LanJ Ollice,
La GranJe. Oregon, Jaly ;, 1003. (
. Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
1 provisions of the act of Congress of June ), 1878, en-
1 tllleJ "An act for the sale of timber- lanJs In the
1 states of California, Oregon. NevaJa anJ Washing-
1 Ington Territory," as extenJeJ lo all the Public UnJ
I states by act of August 4. 1801,
, of Baker Cltv, county of Baker, state of On gon, has
1 this Jay fileJ In this office his sworn statement No.
iiqi for the purchase of the r',i of ne 1-4 anJ ei-iof
it i. of section No. it In township No. 10 south.
range' No. )8 IWM. anJ will offer proof to show
that the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or
stone than for agricultural purposes. anJ to establish
his claim to said lanJ before the Register anJ Re
ceiver of this ollice al La (iranJe, Oregon, on Tues
Jav. the 7th Jay of October, iooj
He names as witnesses: Frank luller, DavlJ
GeJJes, E. W. Shurlllff, A'lllarJ (ieJJes. all ot Ba
ker City, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above
ducrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to file their claims In
this office on or before said 7th Jay ot October, too).
E. W. Baktlbtt, Register.
I for Publication.
UnlleJ States LanJ Oftice, j
La (iranJe, Oregon, July to, iooj. I
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions 01 me act 01 cong. ess 01 june l 1070. en
lltleJ "An acl for the sale ot timber lanJs In the stales
ot California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
ritory," i JAMES W. CUL.
of Sampler, county of llaker. stale ot Oregon, has
tlik J.1 hleJ In this ollice his suorn statement No.
O84 lor the purchase ol the ' nw I-4 anJ nw I-4 sw
, l-4 of section anJ ne I-4 se I- of section No. 6 In
township No. lo south, range No. 17 IWM, anJ will
offer proof to show that the lanJ sought Is more val
uable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
I poses anJ to establish his claim to salJ lanJ belore
Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter,
Oregon, on TrlJav. the 4th Jav ol October, looa
lle names as witnesses: Thomas Moore, Nicholas
1 L. Tallfero, William A. Green and I'red Tleijen, all of
I Sumpter, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming aJverselv the above
Jescrlbed lands are requested to file th'lr claims In
this office pn or belore said 94th Jav of October luoi.
u. w. inwTU.TT, Kegister.
TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1. i878.-notk:u lOH
United Slates Land Ollice, (
La Grande, Oregon, July id, iqoj. j
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1. 1878, en
titled "An act for the sate of limber lands In the stales
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
of Sumpter, county of llaker, slate ol Oregon, has
this dav hied In this olhce his sworn statement No
l7, for the purchase ol the s!j se 1-4 ol section l
township II south, range 6 1 w u, and lot 4 ol section
18 and lot I of section No loin township No. II south,
range No. 17 tWA, and will offer proof to show thai
the land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land belore Ciiailes II. Chance, U.
S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Wednesday,
llie aind Jay of October, loot.
He names as witnesses: I'reJ Malt, Mark C Gar
er, lbert II. Wilt anJ Wm. J. Robertson, all of
Sumpter. Oregon.
Anv anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requested to tile Ihelr claims In
this olhce on or belore said nd dav of Oct., lom.
E. W. lUwilTT. Register.
UnlteJ Stales UnJ Olhce. 1
La Grande. Oiegon, Jul.v 16, tooj.i
I Notice Is hereb) given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the acl ol congress ot June 1. 1878. en-
tilled "An acl lor llie sale ot timber lands In the states
ot Caliloinla, Oregon, Nevadaand Washington Ter
litory," MARK C GARVER.
of Sumpter, counlv of Baker, state ol Oregon, has
this dav hied In this olhce his sworn statement No.
nH, lor the purchase ol the se 1-4 nw 1-4 and ne 1-4
sw 1-4 and tot 1 ot section 18 township II soulli, range
17 iwvi, and ne 1-4 se 1-4 ot section No. 1 1 In township
No. II south, range No. 16LWV1, and will ofier proof
to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor Its
limber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim lo said land belore Chailes II.
Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on
Monday, the aoih dav ot October, lg.
He names as witnesses: I'red Moll. Albert II. Witt,
Ole Slradness and I'rank Zeilant, all of Sumpter,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
descilbed lanJs are requested tu Me Ihelr claims in
this ottice on or before said 30th dav ot October, 009
E. W. llvkllLTT, Register.
Department of the Interior,
UnlteJ Stales LanJ Ollice,
U (iranJe, Oregon, Julv , ! r
Notice Is hereby given that the lollowlng named
settler has tile J notice of his intention lo make final
proof In support of his claim, anJ lhal salJ proof will
b made belore the rountv cleik ol Bakrr county at
I llaker City. Oregon, on September 8, lyo. tli: H.
IE. No. I0443,
of Haker Cltv, Oregon, tor the efj nw 1-4, sw 1-4 ne
1-4 anJ nw 1-4 se 1-4 Sec. h. Tp. lo S. R ) iwvi.
He names the lollowlng witnesses to prove his
1 continuous reslJence upon an J cultivation of said
land. vl: II. McCov. J. Me.vers. J. D. Carter, ot
Baker Cit.v , Oregon. anJ Charles Hineman, of Whit
ney, Oregon.
E. W. lUWHl-TT. Register.