The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 30, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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    Wednesday, July jo, 1902
Permanency of Values Found
In the California
Thu lout; crosscut tminul that was I
started in January to cut tlu inula win '
of the Californiu group broke into a body
of good ore lifter running lOtW feet. Sev
eral smaller ore bodies were encounter-.,
eil, but tlie tunnel was continued until
the main vein was cut. Drifting will .
now be started on tlie voIiih and in n few I
weekn they will have many thorn-ami
tons of ore ready for treating. The mine
was purchased one year ago for 110,000
and today ha over $400,000 worth of
ore in Might.
While this tunnel him been proving
the California mine, it has also proven
tho other mines located in the name
mountain, including the Overland, Im
perial and Hod Chief, but probably hav
ing a more direct bearing on the Over
land than tho others, an the character of
ore found in the Overland and the gen
eral formation Ih similar to that in tho
California. The Overland ban three
parallel veins that can be cut at great
depth with a 000-foot crosscut tunnel
from the California main tunnel. These
veins have been thoroughly explored,
the ore shoots located, and all that re
mains to make a mine of the Overland
is the running of tho tSOO-foot crosscut
The Iniierial mine, iiIho adjoining tho
California, in taking out some very ttno
ore from the main tunnel, and (Superin
tendent Paul in no well pleased with tho
showing that ho has ordered u sinking
plant and will atari winking at once.
With thu large bodies of high grade
orcH Iteing oeiicd up in the Cable Cove,
it Ih naturally attracting much attention
from local mining men ami all concede
that an soon iih the local smelter geti
running, sometime in December, tho
Cove will be the greatest producer of
any section in thin district.
Forty Thousand DolUn Spent Tho Far
In tb Search.
About 140,000 has been expended in
tiiuking for oil in Oregon thus far, and
although no flowing wells have yet been
h truck, the promoters are in good spirits
over tho prosect8.
The Ilirschbcrg well, near Monmouth,
in Polk county, has given its owners
considerable encouragement by its ex
hibit of a good quality of crude petro
leum at a depth of 700 feet. At that
depth it was decided to "ream out" the
well to a diameter of 1 inches and put
casing in to stop the flow of water from
mixing with tlie oil, but the working
party met with a common accident in
the sinking of deep wells tools were
dropped to the bottom and so delay is
encountered in the endeavor to grapple
and extract them.
In Malheur county progress has been
slow in winking, although indications are
considered good. A depth of 800 feet
had been attained near Vale, when sick
ness among tho men and other incidental
causes put a tenijiorary stop to the work.
Portland cople are targe stockholders
in this enterprise and capital is not lack
ing to pusli tho wells to a depth of I'liOO
feet or further if necessary. II. V.Uates,
of, is president of this organi
zation. The Ashland well is down 1000 feet
and operations have ceased from lack of
capital. Tho indications of oil in tho
vicinity are considered good by exerts
who have examined the strata and sur
At New berg, Oliver Churchill, a well
known fruitgrower, has a well down 1000
feet, with oil shale and drippings of pe
troleum. Tills bore is nine inches in
diameter, and has lieen meed for a
depth of -100 feet, to keep the water out.
The crew at this well has only Wen
working three mouths and the showing
is considered excellent. Mr. Churchill
is prepared to go 2800 feet if necessary in
search of a gotsl flow.
The Troutdale well is down 420 feet,
hut ocratious have been suspended for
some time owing to slow sale of stock.
Kxperts agree that good indications
prevail in that ortloii of Multnomah
county. The appliances used in sink
ing this well are now- at work at New
berg, and will not be brought Irnck until
the well in Yamhill county has been
If crude oil is found in the Willamette
valley in good quantity a revolution is
exected in the fuel supply of Portland,
and both wood, coal and sawdust will
have to take a back seat in the furnaces
of the various manufactories, locomotives
and largo buildings, according to I). M.
Watson, an oil expert, who was spoken
to today on tho subject. Mr Watson has
no doubt of tho existence of large bodies
of oil underlying western Oregon, and
he looks forward with confidence to oil
discoveries of considerable magnituo in
the near future. Telegram.
Crowds Goiaf to the Grew.
An unusual tdagree of local interest
has been aroused by the announcement
that Mingling Hrs.' famous big circus is
to exhibit in Baker City Wednesday,
August 10. Several big excursions will
go from this vicinity, and local people
will lie well represented at the big show.
Those who go from here should make
every effort to arrive in time to see tho
magnificent new free street parade,
which takes place in the morning, pre
ceding the oiHjniiig iierformance. The
procession is divided Into thirty enor
mous sections, each of which is u com
plete parade, and presents in itsentirety
a bewilderiugly magultlceiit two-mile
carnival of pageantry, such as the world
has never seen. In this gorgeous dis
play uro shown over 100 beautiful dens
and cages of wild animals, 500 horses,
thirty elephants and nearly a thousand
people, and the costumes throughout
are of the fliwst silks, satins and cloth
of gold. The performance that follows
is the most magnificent arenic display
ever presented by any circus in America.
It is entirely new this year, and its nov
elty and magnitude have created a sen
sation wherever tho show has exhib
ited. Bear Plentiful at Suunville.
II. L. liriggs, formerly of Weston, but
now of Walla Walla, was in town Mon
day evening on his way from Susanvllle,
where he has been developing placer
claims in which he and his brother are
interested. Mr. Hriggs says Susanville
is lively and forging to the front right
along, lu shaking of game in the Sus
anville country, Mr. Hriggs said Itcar
were very plentiful and some deer had
been ween. Hucklcbcrricsarc. beginning
to riH'ii and the lieur are following them
down into the loner country. Laterou,
when the haws ripen, he said, the hear
would all come from the higher part of
tlie country into the river and creek Istt
tonic and would then lie quite plentiful.
Kast Oregonlaii.
Why Go East
Over the xtiu-hurucd sage brush and
alkali plains when you may just as well
take a delightful, cool and comfortable
ride through the heart of the Hooky
mountains in view of the grandest scen
ery on the American continent? This
you can do by traveling on the Itio
(trande system, the far fumed "Scenic
Line of the World," the only transconti
nental line passing through Salt bike
City, Olcnwood Springs, l.eadvillo, Col
orado Springs and Denver, en route to
eastern iolnts. Three dally express
trains make close connections with all
trains east and west and afford a choice
of Ave distinct routes of travel. The
equipment of these trains is the best, in
cluding free reclining chair cars, stand
ard and tourist slecHr, a erfeet dining
car service, and also personally conduct
ed excursion cars, each in charge of a
conietent guide, whose business is to
look after the comfort of his guests. No
more'pleasant and inexpensive means of
crossing the continent can bo found than
is provided by these excursions. For
additional details address J. I). Mans
field, general agent Itio Grande lines,
No. 124 Third street, Portland, Ore.
For finest confections, fruits, tolmccos,
cider, etc., go to "Stiirglll's."
If in want of clothing, see Neill Mer
cantile company.
Most lllicral corMration laws in the
United States. No franchise tax or ex
orbitant fees. Private proerty exempt
from all cororutc debts. Par value of
stock made any amount. Nolimitoiica
Utilization. Stock is non-assessable for
any ptirMse. Noamouiitof stock required
to be subscribed. No state control. No
state examination of books. legislature
can't reMal your charter. Keep ofllce
and do business anywhere. We attend
to all business, pay all fees and charge
you but Ti0.00 in any case. Write for
Booklet of Corporation Ijiws and other
information. Address
Capital $200,000
Write tor special prices
nj prospectus
WHEELER & CO., tutors
Mention No. 6o nj the North American Miner will be malleJ you six months free
Located in the same dis
trict with the famous
North Pole, the Eureka
and Excelsior, Golconda
and Columbia mines in
the Sumpter District in
Eastern Oregon, is how
being offered, to provide
money to do the neces
sary development work,
such as run tunnels, build
mill, etc. f This mine
shows an ore ledge which
extends for a distance of
$,ooo feet on the prop
erty, showing a clearly
defined vein of from 10
to 40 feet in width. It
will undoubtedly prove
to be as great a producer
as its rich neighbors. Tlie
price of the stock is
Par value $1.00, Non
forfeitable, Non-assessable,
and no personal
Tbt Mit1Siirihit livisti(atrM
It AsM fw This PrtfuftiM.
' W.Um
Third Floor Merrill liulldin"'i