The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 30, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, July jo, 1902
MEETINGOF DIRECTORS "'I'M to ,lmt wtry. There Ih uttiu
I iictlvily in tli(! cliftrict HiIh huiihuii. Mr.
Hrowu located 11 riniili of iiiurt. clitiiiiH
and 11 water rilit. He will return there
in 11 few (Iiivh to work on tliein.
Officers of Smelter Company
Elected Personnel
of Board.
Business Conditions Good in the East.
A. .1. Trimlili' returned Sunday from
tin; ciiht. Ho is largely interested in
iron, on the .Meciihi rauiiu, und to look
lifter hi" holding there wan the object of
his trip. Mr. Trimlili) hiivh tluit busi
ness conditions in tin; cast are koihI, and
that there Ih every indication that they
will remain so for one or two yearn to
. At 11 meeting of the board of directors
of the Smeller eomi.uiy held l-'riihiy
oveniiiKi the follow hits nllicors were
elected: V. K. I.iiidav. of New York.
orcsldcnt; I'rofen-or W. S. KIntiiiiiii, ""'' He Imihch this licllcf on the fuel
tlrst vice .rcidciit; N.C. Itlehards, sec- Hint ''""l mauufaeturerH of iron am!
ond vice prehiileiit ; l. I.. Killen, sccrc- ",'l P"" have ordern IxMikcd fortwelve
taryj.l. II. Itohhins, treasurer; lr. I'M. ' '" "head, lie itave ouu Imtiuu'e
V." Mueller, ueneral manager. The '" '' ""'" '" IK-tmiiiuI observa
hoard of directors Ih comHscd of the "' hitf electrical Hwer plant Ih
iiIhivc, K. .1. UmUay, of Milwaukee; ".' Installed at thu "head of the
Walter A. Wood, of lloosli'k, New , '"'"" Neither of the (treat electric
York, ami II. I". Warner. machinery inanufacturlnn roiieeniM
This maki-H a NtroiiK i-omhimitiou, in ' " "nu-t to deliver any gooda
uxiNTicimi, iutelliuome ami linaucc. . within one year. An uveryone know,
The resident of Sumptereoiinected with
the, enterprise arc alt leading, euterpriH
iiiK eitixciiH of eastern Oregon, promi
nent in Km business ami Hocial life. K.
W. Mueller, I'll. I)., ami I'rofcsNor W.
S. Kherman, now cruiancnt reHidentH
of Suinpter, are not ho well known iin
me oiuent, mil meir HiammiK in ineiri
former Iioiiich Ih eipially IiIkIi. They
are the scientists of the company, the
practical Mueller men.
the iron trade Ih acknowledged to bo
the infallihlc business barometer. Mr.
Trimble Ih in a (tositlon to form u cor
rect judutiient in thiH matter, and Iuh
optimistic vIuwh are entirely gratifying.
Wotk 00 Tamnuny and Justice.
Captain A. W. Amlermiu, of Seattle,
wiih in thiH iliHtrict liiMt week, looking
after mattera pcrtainiuu to thu Tam
many and JiiHtice, in lxith of which lie
Walter A. WimhI Ih preHideut of thu l" hirgely IntercHted. The Michigan
wriuit iiiiiiiiiriii'inriiiif iviiii' tluit iiirna Hvudiciite that ban recently aruuired a
out the cclcbriitiil liarveHtlng imifliliio ''itnil of thu Tamniany will thin week
iM'iiriug IiIh name, that in known thu
world over, wherever grain is grown.
1 1 Ih rating in the commercial world Ih
iiliNolotuly the bent ami he commamlH
any amount of money. K. .1. I.ind
Hay, of Milwaukee, represents on thu
board l.indmiy Unit hern, one of the
MtrougcHt liruiH llmincinlly in the coun
try. They are mauufaeturerH of (arm
ing implemeutH, do an immense business
ami control large capital. W. K. I.ind-
say, of New York, inesiilcnt of the com-iPMH'
ituiiy, is a younger member of the same terprining, ever intelligently telling of
family, and ban already risen to a poxi
tiou of eminence in the world of linance.
They are all "good people" gentle
men whose iiaiucH are synonymous witli
(ieneral Manager Mueller says that
bin iiiHlructioiiH are to nihil the work of
coiiHtrmiiou as rapiilly an mHihlc.
I'latiN ami spccillcatlons for the needed
machinery have I teen submitted to scv
era) iiiaiiufacturerH of smelter machin
ery and Hiipplien, ami he in now only
awaiting their bids to award thu con
tract. In thin connection, he correctn a
Htutemeut made in these coIuiiiiih two
weeks Hiuce, to the effect that thin ship
lueut would amount to UK) Ioiih. In
Htead, it will be over '.'.' Ioiih, more than
n half million HiundH,
Meanwhile, the work of grading thu
cite, making brick for the iIuhI chain
ber ami Mack, asscmblinc Hone, IiiiiiIht
and other MipplieH to he prot'iired here
is progrccHiiig satisfactorily.
J. H. Brown Back From QuaiUburg.
J. II. Iliown came in a few days hIiicu
from (Jnartzhnrg, where he hail Ihvii
proi.iecting for a mouth. Like other
mining on f experience who if it that
district, he it- well pIctiMtl with it. He
thinks the Dixie .Meadows willmakeonu
of the grcatcht goM ptoducing IliineH in
eai-tern Ciegon, ttisnuncdhya com
pany compoMtl of I'rairic City people.
The Cougar, in hit. opinion, in a little
wonder. Kcccutly ten lnu. of oic from
that priH'rty wax worked in an araslra
ami yielded forty-six dollarH a ton, none
f the concentrate having Uvn saved.
It in thought they would carry better
than ten dollaiH to the ton of ore. Xocth
1 looser recently sold several tons of
gold'iiib.ilt -ore from the Standard to
partie in (iermany, which ha Uvn
put a force of men to work on the prop
erty, under direction of Kd Itutxe, .lr.,
ami development work will Ixt continued
uninterruptedly and pushed iih rapidly
HH NiHHiblu. While here Captain Amler-
hoii let a contract to K. Hutr.e, Sr., for
another UK) feet of tunnel work on thu
JtiHticu. lie Ih very hoH'f ill of milking
mines of Uilh theHu proHrtiuH, now that
he ban Hccurcd ample capital for (level
opulent puoHHCH. Thu Captain in a
giMxl man for thin dintrict, loyal and eic
iin uieritH.
"Now U the Appointed Time."
The O. It. ; N. (,'o. ban junt innued a
hauilHomuly illuctrated pamphlet en
titled, "Oregon, WiiHhiugtou and Idaho
and their rcHourecH." People in thu eiiHt
are auxioiiH for information about the
I'acilic liorthweM. If you will give thu
O. It. k N. company agent at linker
City a lint of namen of eiiHtem ieoplu,
who are likely to Ih iutercHted, thu
IxHiklct will Imi mailed free to mich er
hoiih. Youra truly, A. I., ('raig, lieneral
I'aNM'iiger Agent.
Timber and Homestead Filing!.
TinilxT and liomentead HlingH, an well
an filial proofn, can be made before
CharlcM II. Chance, I'liltcd Staten com
minHJoiiur, otlice in Firnt Itauk of Sutu
ter building, Suinpter, thtin Having a
plicautH exH'iiHu of a trip to l.n (irnnde.
Investors, Attention.
:tu,000 chaicH of iK'Ht mining ntock in
euMern Oregon for nalt. Write for ternin
and proHHi'lUH to T. Contello, Cable
ville, Oregon, Cable Cove dixtrict.
HarriHon, the (iiant 1'owder man
wautH every miner to make bin olllcu
head(iiarterH when in Suinpter,
The celebrated tiuntlV "the Ut'r of
gixnl chit'r" alwayn on draught at Dun
pby'n The Club
Ia'iixu your meiiHiiro for a nuit of
ctothcH at' Neill Mercantile coinpany'n.
Frefh candy daily at Hoffmau'H Bak
ery. T. (i, llarrixou, agent for the (.iiant
I'owder couiauy.
All leading brand of cigar are to bo
had at "StnrgillV." j
Offers Stock again to the readers of THE MINER
SINCE our last offering a great deal of
permanent work has been done at
the mine which, as will be remembered,
joins the great Red Boy on the South, and
carries its richest veins. The Stock has
advanced to 25 cents per share, and is
moving rapidly. We want you to write
to us for a prospectus which will tell you
all about the mine and its plans.and which
shows photograph and map of both the
Monarch and Red Boy mines, j j j
Sumpter, Oregon.
New York, Host on, Haltimoie, Philadelphia, Milwaukee.
Wholesale and Retail Commission Business
No. 1 liny, Oats, Hurley, Hntn,
Wheat, Flour ami Potatoes
Carload litn a SRcialty
Special Attention Given to the Mining Trade
Office: .luhuV A Co'h Wnrehoiiw. Phmio 2H. 8UMITEU, OREGON
33,111 Shares at less than ground tloor price. You can
have it for 2 A eentri in one lump, or X cent in broken lotn.
Both an jjiiod Iuivh. Write for particulars to
BERNARD FLYNN sumpter, ore.
KvEt in 'iSSl
Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect
that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that
is already made, write me what you want
and permit me to submit a proposition.