The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 30, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wednesday, July jo, 1902
TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE j, i8jS.-NOTtce tor '
ACT JKNE 3. 1878.
United States Land Ofhce, j
La Grande, Oregon, .lulv it, igoi.
Notice It hereby elven that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of congress of June 1, 1(78, en
tltleJ "An act for the sale of timber Ian Ji In the states
of California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter- 1
tltory, as extendedto all the Public Land stales by
act of August 4, 1801,
of Spokane, county of Spokane, state of Washington,
has this Jay tile J In this office his sworn statement I
No. itt, for the purchase of the ne of section No.
it In township No. 11 south, range No is UWM, anj
will oticr proof to show that the Tan J sought Is more
valuable lor Its timber or stone man tor agricultural
Jiurposes, anj to establish his claim to salJ lanJ be
ore the Register anJ Receiver of this iifhce at La
UranJe, Oregon, on Friday, the 17th Jay of October,
Me names as witnesses: EJson 0. Marston, Lib
ble Marston, (ieorge E. Terr)', Susannah D. Terry,
all of Spokane, Washington.
Anv anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanjs are reiuesteJ to Me their claims In
this office on or before salJ 17th Jay of October, too.
E. W. llAKTLKrr, Register.
UnlteJ States LanJ Office,
La CiranJe. Oregon, July la, iooj. (
Notice Is hereby given Hut In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
tltleJ "An act for the sale of limber lanjs In the states I
of California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington I er
iltorv," as extended to all the Public LanJ stales by
act of August 4, 184s,
ol Spokane, county of Spokane, state ol Washington,
has this Jav tileJ In this office her sworn statement
No. it)s. for the purchase of the sw5( of section No.
ulntanihlpNo. ti south, rang.! No. is KWw. anj
will offer proof to show that the lanJ sought It more
valuable for lit timber or ttone than for agricultural
purposes, anj to establish her claim to talJ lanJ be
fore the Register anJ Receiver of thlt oflio) at La
UranJe, Oregon, on TrlJay, the 17th Jay of October, j
She names as witnesses: Charles II. ConraJ,
I lora A. ConraJ, (ieorge E. Terry anj Susannah D.
Terry, all ol Spokane, wash.
Anv anj all persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are re.uesteJ to tile their claims In
this office on or before ttlj 17II1 Jay of October, toot.
K. W. llARTlfcTT, Register.
UnlteJ States LanJ Oflice,
La (iranJe, Oregon, July it, 1001. ,
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance wllh the
provisions ol the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
tltleJ "An act for the sale ol timber lanjs In the stales
of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
ritory," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ states by
act of August 4, 184a,
of Spokane, county of Spokane, state of Washington,
has this Jay fileJ In this olnce his sworn statement
No. 1111, for the purchase of the tH sw!( section 8
anjn)nwi 0( section No. 17 In township No. 11
south, range No. if LWM, anj will offer proof to show
that the lanJ sought It more valuable for Its timber
or ttone than for agricultural purposes, anj to estab
lish his claim to talJ lanJ before the Regltter anj
Receiver of this othce at La (iranJe, Oregon, on IN
Jav, the 1 till Jay ol October, lorn..
He names as witnesses: I.Json (. Marston, Lib
ble Marston, Charles II. ConraJ, flora A. ConraJ, all
of Spokane, Wash. . .
Anv anj all persons claiming aJversely Ihe above
. JescrlbeJ lanJs are requested to file their claims In
this oflice on or before salJ 171I1 Jayof October, igoi.
E. W. BARTIETT. Register.
UnlteJ Slates LanJ Olnce, f
La (iranJe, Oregon, July it, 1003. (
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the
provision', ol the act ol Congress of June 1, 1B78, en
tltleJ "An act for Ihe sale of timber lanJs In the
Mates ol California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washing
ton Terrllors ," as exlendeJ to all Ihe Public LanJ
Slates by act ol August 4, 180J.
ol Spokane, county ol Spokane, Slate of Washing
ton, has this Jay fileJ In this office her sworn state
ment no it, lor the purchase of Ihe ! n e W anj
! n w 'J.ol section No. 0 In township No. 11 S,
range No. is I! w w; anJ will oiler proof to show that
the lanJ sought Is more valuallc for Its Umber or
ttone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish
her claim to talJ lanJ belore the Regltter anj Re
ceiver ol this nllice at La (iranJe, Oregon, on I rlJay,
the nth Jay ol October, nJ.
She name as witnesses: EJson G. Aiarsjon,
Charles II. ConraJ, Llbble Marslon, I lora A. Con
raJ, all ol Spokane, Washington.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to file their claims In
this olnce on or More talJ nth Jay of October, iou.
E. W. BARTIETT, Register.
UnlteJ States LanJ Office, j
La (iranJe, Oregon, July la, iooj.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance wllh Ihe
provisions of the act ol congress ol June 1, 1B78. en
tltleJ "An act for the sale 01 timber lanJs In the slates
of Caillornla, Oregon, NevaJa anj Washington Ter
rltnrs." as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ states by
act of August 4, 189',
of Spokane, county of Spokane, state of Washington,
has this Jay fileJ in this office his sworn statement
No. ui8, for the purchase ol the s(i nwtf, nw 1-4 nw
1-4 an ne i-4tw 1-40! section No. 8 In township No.
11 souih, range No. is 8WM. anj will offer proof to
show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor its
limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, anJ
to establish his claim to said lanJ before the Register
an J Receiver of this office at La GranJe, Oregon, on
hi Jay. the 17th Jav ol October, 1001.
He names as witnesses: George E. Terrv, Susan
nah D. Terr , Charles A. ConraJ, Flora A. ConraJ,
all of Spokane, Washington.
Any anJ all perons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to file their claims in
this othce on or before talJ 17th Jay of October, ioo.
t. W. Bartlett, Regltter.
UniteJ States LanJ Office,
La (iranJe, Oregon, July it ioo. I
Notice It hereby glsen that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 1, 1878, en
tltleJ "An act for the sale ol timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, NevaJa anj Washington ter
ritory," as extenJeJ to all Public LanJ states by act
of August 4, 1801.
of Baker Cltv. county ol Baker, state ol Oregon, hat
this Jay hleJ In this oflice hit sworn statement No.
1140, for the purchase of the t X n e '(. n 'i s e 'J of
section No 18 In township No 10 S, range No 17 I: W
M, anj will offer proof to show that the Ian J sought
Is more valuable for Its limber or stone than lor ag
ricultural purposes, anj to establish his claim to talJ
lanJ before Ihe Register anj Recelser of this office
at La GranJe, Oregon, on Thursday, the 10th Jiy of
October, 190a.
He names at witnesses: I". M, Shi rlllff, W. C
(ieddes. Nels Motn, D. W. Balrd, allot Baker Clt,
Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJt are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said 16th Jav ol Oct., 100a.
E. W. llAHTLim, Register.
UnlteJ Statet LanJ Office. )
La GranJe, Oregon, July it, looa.t
Notice It hereby given that In compliance wllh the
provisions of the act of Conerett of June 1. 1878,
entltleJ "An act for Ihe tale of Umbel lanjs In the
states of California, Oregon, NevaJa, anj Washing
ton Territory," as extenJeJ to all the public lanJ
states by act ol Augutt a, 180a,
ol BakerClty, county ol Baker, State ol Oregon, hat
this Jay hleJ In thlt oltice hit tworn tlaiement No.
iag, lor the purchase of the w )j n e !( lots 1 anj
a of section No (. in township No 10 south, range
No. is!i E WM.anJwill offei proof to show that
the lanJ sought It more valuable for lit Umber or
ttone than lor agricultural purposes, anj to estab
lish hit claim to talJ lanJ More the Rrglster anj
Receiver of this ollice at La GranJe, Oregon, on
ThursJay, Ihe 16th Jay of October, iooj.
He names at witnesses: Nellie Thompson, Nets
Moen, Cleora Moen an J Heber C Hal'nnlv ne, all of
Baker City, Oregon.
Any anj all persons claiming aJversely the above
descrlbeJ lands are requeued to tile their ilaimt In
this oftUe on or belore talJ 161I1 Jay of Oct.,
190a, E. W. BARUDTT, Regltter.
TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE i. i8j8.-Noru:i! ior
UnlteJ Slates LanJ Oltice,
inj Oltice, )
de, Oregon,
July 10, iooj.)
La Grande,
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June I, 1878, en
tltleJ "An act for the tale ot Umber lands In the stales
of California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter
of Whitney, county of Baker, state ol Oregon, has
thlt day hied In thlt ollice lilt tworn statement No.
itu for Ihe purchate of the s! seH and tef twu of
section is townthlp 10 south, range 14 LWM and lots
anj a of section No. In townthlp No. 11 touth,
range No. 14 fcWM, anj will offer proof to show that
thelanj sought It more valuable for lit Umber or
ttone than lor agricultural purposes, anj to establish
hit claim to taldlanJ before Charles II. Chance, U,
S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on 1 uesJay,
the 14th Jay of October, iooj.
He names at wltnettet: James Schuili, Bell
Uronnlee, of Whitney, Oregon; John McDowell, ol
Ml. Vernon, Oregon, anJ Ifalley Smith, ot Lawton,
Any an J all persons claiming aJversely Ihe above
JetcrlbeJ lands are requested to file their claims In
this oltice on or belore said 14th Jav ol Octoler, loua,
E. W. llARTLblT. Register.
UnlteJ Slates LanJ Ollice,
La GranJe, Oregon, July 1 1 , ivoa. I
Notice Is herebs given thai In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
tltleJ "An act lor the sale ol timber lanjs In the states
of Caillornla, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter
ritory ," as extended to all Ihe Public Land slitrs by
act ol August 4, i8v,
of Baker City, county ol Baker, stale ol Oregon, has
this Jay hied In this oflice his sworn stalemrnt No.
i7, lor the purchase of the e!a ne'4 section 11 and
wjj nwS- ol section no. 14 In township No. 10 south,
range No. isi fcw M, and will oiler prool In show Ihal
the lanJ sought is more valuable for Its limber or
slnne than lor agricultural purposes, .inj to establish
Ills claim to talJ land belore the Register and Re
ceiver of thlt oflice at La (irande, Oregon, on 1 hurt
das , the 16th Jay ot October, 1 o.
He names at witnesses: Nellie Thompson, Cleora
Moen, I'. M. Shurtllll anj William GeJJes, .ill ol Ba
ker City, Oregon
Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ to file their claims In
this omce on or belore salJ 161I1 Jav ot October, i.
L. W. HsRUITT, Register.
TIMBER UNI). ACT JUNE 1. i8jS.-.sotk:I! IOR
UnlteJ Stales LanJ Oltice, j
U Grande, Oregon, July u, igoa. I
Noilce Is hereby given that In compliance wild the
provisions ot Ihe act ot congress of June 1, 1878. en
tltleJ "An act for the sale of timber lands In Ihe states
ol Caillornla, Oregon, Neada anJ Washington Ter
ritory," at extended to all Ihe Public Land S'ales by
act of Augutt 4, 180a,
of Spokane, county ol Spokane, state nl Wathlnglon,
hat this day filed In Ihls oltice her sworn statement
No. ii0, for the purchase of the s!i sw!, ne) swi;
and n w ', t e 11 of tectlon No. u In township
No. 11 south, range No. is KWM, and will olfcr
proof to show that the land sought It more valuable
for lit timber or ttone than tor agricultural purposes,
and to establish her claim to sal J land before the Reg
ister and Recelser of this office al La Grande, Ore
gon, on hriJav , Ihe 1 jth Jay ot October, loot.
She names as wltnettet: EJton (i. Martton. Llb
ble Martton, George E. Terry, Susannah D. Terry,
all of Spokane, Washington.
Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely Ihe above
JescrlbeJ lands are requested to hie their claims In
this oltice on or belore said 1 jth Jav ol October, torn.
E. W. BARTLETT, Register.
Xlice. )
10, lOJ.
t a GranJe, Oregon
Juts 10. i
Notice Is hereby risen that in compliance wllh the
provisions ol the act ol congress ut lune 1, 1878, en
tltleJ "An act for the sale ol limber I n Js In the stiles
ol Calllmnla, Oregon, NcsaJa anJ Washington Tei
llory," as extenJeJ to all the Public I anj stales by
act of August 4,l8gi,
of Baker Cltv, counts ol Hiker, slste of Oregon, has
this Jav tileJ In this nllice his sworn statement o.
ma lor the purchase of the n1 j xe 1-4, sw 1-4 se 1-4
section aSandnw 1-4 sw 1-4 ol mm lion No. islnliwn
ship No. 111 south, range No. 1O11 1.WM anj will oiler
pioof M show that the lanJ sought Is 'ore valuable
tor Its timber or stone than lor puiposes,
anj to establish hlsilalm to sal J lanJ before Ihe Reg
ister anJ Receiver ol this ollice at Li (iranJe, Ore
gon, on Tuesday, the 141I1 Jav ol October, iq.
He names as witnesses. Amy (i. Atkinson, I lor
ence HyJe. J. W. Earjley, l)t IJ GeJJes, all ol Ba
ker Cltv, Oregon
Anv an J all persons claiming ajsersetv the abuse
JescrlbeJ lanjs ars reques'ed 10 tile their claims In
this ollice on or before sal J 14II1 JivolO lober, iooj.
E. W BsRILITT. Register.
UnlteJ Slates I anj Ollice. I
La GranJe, Oregon, Inly u, loot. I
Notice It hereby gls en 'hat In compllam e with Ihe
pros Islons ol the act ol Congress ol June 1. 1818, en
tltleJ "An act for the sale ot Umber lanjs In the
Statet of California, Oregon, Neavdi and washing
Ion Teriltors.," as extended to all the Public l.mJ
Slates by act of August 4. I801,
of Staibuck, counts' of Columbli, Slate ol washing
ton, has this day tiled In this ottue his sworn state
ment No. II78, lor the purchase of Ihe si'Imo! sec
lion No. In, in township No. II S, range No. is r w w
and will offer prool to slum Ihal Ihe land sought Is
more valuable for Us timber or ston than tor agrl
cultural puiposes, and to establish hit ilAlm to said
land befnrj the Register and Retelseiol ihls ollice
at La Grande, Oregon, on Wednesday the Bill day ot
October, I401.
He names as witnesses: Stanlnrd II. Moultr,
William Peterson. I rank I: Tender nil ol Wallsburg,
Washington, and John II. Roddy, ol Slarbuck,
Any and all persons claiming adseiselv Ihe abose
JescrlbeJ lands are requested to Me Ihrir claims in
Ihls office on or belore said 8U1 day ol October, loot.
E. W IUruKiT, Register.
UnlteJ States I and Olhce. i
La titan Jr, Oregon,
July lo !" '
Notice It hereby glsen that In compliance wllh Ihe
provisions ol Ihe ail ot enngriss of June i, I818, en
tilled "An act for Ihe tale of timber landt In the statet
ot Caillornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," at extended lo all the Public Land stales by
act of August 4,l8o,
of Baker City, county ol Baker, state nl Oregon, has
thlt Jay filed In Ihls office her sworn stale i ent No.
tu lor the purchase of the se 1-4 ne 1-4, rh se 1-4
tecllon s township 10 south, range is't and lol
section u In township 10 range 10 1 sv si, and wilt of
fer proof to show that the land sought ls more valu
able for Its limber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, anJ to establish her claim to said land belore
Ihe Register and Reselver olililsollueiil la (irande,
Oregon, on 1 uesday, Ihe Ulh dty ol October, luct.
She names as witnesses: I lorrnce Hi Jr. J. W,
HyJe.J. W larJIry, Das Id Geddes, alt ot Baker
City, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
Jescribed lands are requested In file Ihelr clilms In
this ollice on or belore said 1 41I1 .'ay ol Oi lober, '.
E. W. BsRTIIilT. Reg tier.
UnlteJ Stales I and Ollice, 1
Li (Jinn e, 1) egon,
July lo, Itu. 1
Notice Is hereby glsen Ihal 111 compliance with Ihe
provisions ol the act ol congres. of lone 1. 1878, en
titled "An act lor the sale ot timber lands In Ihe states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing on ter
ritory ," s extended to all the Public si lies b
actol August 4, I8qi,
ol Baker City, t aunty of Baker, stale ot oiegon, has
Ihls d. y hleJ In Ihls olhce her sworn statement No.
Iilllorlhe puichascof the w1) se 1-4, ne 1-4 sw 14,
se 14 nw 1-4 ol section No. as in township No lo
south, range No. is!t IWSI, and will niter ptou In
show that Hie linj sought Is more salu.ible lor Its
limttr or stone than lor jgrkultiiial piiipost's, and In
establish her clilni lo slid land belore the Register
ard Reselver ot Ihls othce at La Grande, Oregon, on
fuesdas, the Itlli Jav ol October.;.
She names as witnesses: J, W HsJe. Amy (1. At
kinson. J. W. I JiJIey; DavlJ Grdd.s, ,ill ol Hiker
Cily, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are refuested to hie Ihrli cl ilms In
Ihls ollice on or Mure said I4U1 Jav oloclohrr, l.J.
I.', '". BSRTLIIT, Register,
UniteJ Sates land 0II1 e, I
la Grande, Orrgon, July j, i.ju. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compllanie wllh Ihe
provisions of the actol Convrrss ot Mine . IB7S, en
tilled "An act for the sale ol liinl-er lands In Ihe
slates ol Cal'toinla, Oregon, Nevadi, and Wasl Ing
Ion Terrlturj " at ixlrnded In all Ihe Public land
Stales by acl ol August 4. 18 (,
if la GranJe, couniy ol Union, Slate ol Oregon, has
tills day liled In Ihlsulliie his sworn slateinrnl mi.
II vo lor the purchase nl the Lots I, 4 and 1, s e 1-4 He
1-4 and e h se 1-4 nl section No. I in township No. It
S, range No. 18IIW ss; and will oiler pnwt In show
that Ihe lanJ sought is more valuable lor Us limber
or stone than lor agricultural puiposes, and to es
tablish disclaim losaidland belore the Keglstrr and
Receiver ol this utile al La (irande, oreon, on
Tuesday Ihe ilh Jay of October. Iijoj,
He names as whnesse: Trank J. Brainvsrll ol l.i
GranJe, Oregon; (rank Burtol Baker Lily, Oregon;
William i. Rawson ot Nlbley, Oregen: N, J. Chris
tenson of La (irande, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are requested to tile Ihelr claimt In
this office on or belore said jth day of October. iv.
F. W. Barti LIT, Register.
Unite.' Stales Lind Ollice.
UnlteJ Mate I nJ office,
la GranJe, Oregon, Juls 1, loot. I
1 Notice Is herebs glsrn that In comr-Uame stlth Ihe
' pirn Islons ol the ait ol Cmgress o' June t, I818, en-
llile.l "An act lot Ihe sale ol Umber lands In the
slates of Caillornla, Oregon, Nesaja anJ washing-
lion rttlioi," as extenJeJ to all the Public LanJ
1 Mates bs act ol August 4, IS)'.
j ol Ij GranJe, counts ol Union, State ol Oregon, hat
this Jas hleJ In this olti.'e her swntn statement No
IM. tor Ihe purchase ol Ihe lots I, t. 1 anj 4, t e 1-4
x w 1-4, ol set lion No. 7 In township No. II S, range
No 101 v st; anj will oiler ptmil 10 show that the
land sought Is mote valmble lor lis limber or stone
. than lr agricultural purposes, and to establish her
slalmtosalJ land belote the Register and Receiver
ot this ofh.-e al la Grande, Otegon, on Tuesday the
1th dav ot O.tober, luot.
She names as witnesses' I tank J. Ilramwell of
I a Grande, Oregen: I rank Burt ol Baker City, ore-
I gen: William I Rawson ol MMes. Oregon; N. J.
Chrlstensnn ol La Grande, oiegon
I Ans and all prisons claiming adseiselv the above
JesctlbeJ lands ale requested to I le their claims In
this ollice on or belore said 7th Jay of October, loot.
I.W BaRIIIITT, Register.
. " l"' " i.7rT1,,,.'m "OTICl ro"
I fuiiicATiod.
Unlle.l Slates Land olhie,
rs Land Othie, )
Grande Oregon, 5
July q, loot. I
Noilie Is herebs risen that In compliance with Ihe
provisions ot the act of tongress ol June 1, 1818, en
tltleJ "An acl lot the sale olllmber lands In Ihe ttatei
of California, Oregon, Nevada and wathlnglon Ter
iltors," .is extended In all Ihe Public land Slates by
acl ol August 4, ifqt,
ol W'alisbmg, couniy ot Walla Walla, slate of Wash
ington, has this day tiled In this olfne his twoin
statement No. 118.1 lor Ihe purchase ot the t w 1-4
t e 1-4. t e i-4 s w 1 4. wl t w 1-4 of section No to
In tnssnshlp No. 11 south, tange No. is fww, and will
ollet prool lo show ihe land sought Is more val
uable tor us iiiiiper or sione man ror agiiiuiiurai pur
poses, and In establish his claim 10 said land belore
the Register and Recelser of thlsolhieal I a GranJe,
Oregon, on WeJnesJas.the BlhJavol oiegon, tons.
lie names as witnesses Manioid 11. Mouter.
Frank I:. Iinjer.ot wallsbuig, Washington; John II,
RoJJv anJ William I.. Spioul, ol Slaibiuk, wash.
Ans anJ all peisons ilalmlng aJveiseiy the above
described lands are requested to tile Ihelr claims In
Ihls oflice on or belore said Vth Jay nl October, lout.
I. W. IIARIIITT, Register.
ACT JUNt 3. lilt.
hotici ro
United Slates I anj ollice,
La (iranJe. Oregon,
July v, looe.r
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
piovlslons of the act ol tongiess ol June 1, I878, en
tltleJ "An act tor the sale ol limber lands In the state
ol California, oiegon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as estendeJ to all Ihe Public Land Statet by
by act ol Aiisusl4,ltkia,
ol Wallsburg, county ol walla Walla, slate ol Wash
ington, has this Jav fileJ in this ollice his tworn
statement No. Ilju lor Ihe piuchate ol Ihe H 1 w 1-4.
n e 1-4 s w 1-4, section tj, anJ s e 1-4 t e 1-4 of tec
llon No. t B In township No. II souln, range No. is tWM,
an J will ollei prool lo show thai the land sought It
more valuable lor Its llmcer or ttone than for agri
cultural purposes, and In establish his claim lo talJ
land belore Ihe Rrgltlei and Receiver ol this office
at lil Grande, Oregon, on Wednesday, Ihe 8th Jay ot
Oi tuber, loot.
He names as witnesses: William Peleison, Frank
E. lender, ol Walls! org, Washington; William I..
Sprout and lohn II, Roddv, ot Staibuck, wash.
Anv and all prisons 1 lalming adversely Ihe above -drsitlbed
lands me lequesteJ lo file Ihelr claimt In
this ollice on or belore salJ 81I1 Jay ol October, loot.
I.. W. IIARIIITT. Register.
United Stales land Ollice,
Li Grande, Oregon, .luls ij, tool.!
Notlie Is hrieb) given Ihal In coinpllance.wllh Ihe
provisions ol Ihe acl ot tongiess ot June 1, 1818, en-
tilled "An act lor Ihe sale ol limber I inds in Ihe statev
ol (illlotil.i, Orrgon, Nevada and Washington Irr-
,'""' BURTON Mil II R,
ol Whltnev , roiintv ol Ilikrr, slulr of Oregon, has
this d.11 hied In ihls nlhce his snoin stllrmrnl No.
itjr, lor Ihe purchase ol Ihe n 1-4 sw 1-4 nl section
ai and ii'i se 1-4 and sw 1-4 lie 1-4 ol tecUnn No.
ill township No. 11 south, lanpe No. is I WW, and will
oiler proof In show that Ihe land sought Is. more val
u it l- lor Its llinter or stone lh.111 lor agricultural pur
poses, and mesial lish his claim In said land More
i.hai Irs II. Chance, II S commissions r, al Sumpter,
orrgon, on vSednesdav, Ihe nJ Jav ol Oi lober, loot.
He namrs as witnesses K. Young, Roy
ClilllrnJrn, I.J A. Wienn and Pries M. 1 1), all ol
vshltnf), Orrgon.
Anv and all persons chiming advrrsrlv Ihe above
drscrllrd lands are requested lo hie their claims In
this ollice on or teloie sail imA dai ol Oil., I'",
L W. llARIIIlt, Rrgistrr.
United States LinJ Oltice, j
la Grande, Oregon, ij, ni"i.
Notice Is hereby given Ihal In compliance with tint
pro. Islons ol the ail nl congress ol June 1. H8, en
titled "An act lor II, r sale 01 liml n lands In the statev
ol California, Oregon, Nevada ond Washington Ter-
11I Whltnes . rniin'v nl Hiker, stale nl Oregon, has
Itils Jav lilrd III Ihls nlhie his swum statement No.
ajo, lor the purchase nl hit 4 and sw 1-4 nw 1-4 ol
section 1 and lots 1, a and I and se 1-4 ne 1-4 of sec
tion No 1 in township Mi. 11 suutli, lunge No. 14 1 WM,
and will oiler prnnl lo slow Ihal the land sought K
more valuatle tor lis limber or stone than lor agricul
ture purposes, and tu estal llsh his claim In salJ lanJ
belore Charles II. Chance, II. S. commissioner, al
Sumptri, orrgun,iin WeJnesJav, the anj day of Oc
tnbrr, iqa.
He names as witnesses. Jamrs ShoiK anj Bert
Bumnlre, nl Whilney, Oregun; Join McDowell, of
Ml. Veinon, Oregon, and Balle Smith, ol l-awton,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are lequeslej 10 tile Ihelr claimt In
this ollice on ore I r tore said nj day ol Oct., ioo.
I.. W, llAMlim, Register.