Wednesday, July $o. 1902 THE SUMPTER MINER TIMBER UNI), ACT JUNE i, 1I18 -Nonce rOR PUBLICATION. UnlteJ States l.anj Office. ) La GranJe, Oregon, July 6, tuna. ) Notice li hereby given that In cwnpllince with the provisions 11I the id nl congress l June 1, 1878, enlllleJ "An ait lor the tile Dt Hither linJs In the states ul Cilllninla, Oregon, NeviJi anJ Washing ton Territory," as estenJeJ In ill the Public Ian J States dy act nl August 1, tBoi, JOHN WILLIAM ILLEGLE ol Whitney, county nl llaker, stile nl Oregon, li.ts this Jay lilej In Ihlsnlli e lilt sworn statement Mi u.i lor (lie purchisnil tin- ev ne'J, sw , nt"t ana nwjf se ul section No H In township Mi. 11 south range No 11 1 wm, nj will oiler proof '11 show 1h.1t the lanJ sought Is mite viluible tnr Its tlmler or stone Hun lor agricultural purposes, .in 1 In estibllsh hltclalm 10 siij (ml hetore Unties II Chime, I. S. coiniiiUsloiier, at Sumpler, Oregon, n't WeJnes lay, the Hih Jiy nl ir.tolwr, t-r.i lie names .it witnesses Curren A. Sinllh, ill Whit nev, Oregon, Alice Kent, ol Sumpter, Oregon, Leon airJ Sinn anj May Slms.nt Whl n, oregnn. Any . J all persons chiming ajverselv the ahiif JetrrlheJ lanJs are requesleJ 111 Me Ihrlr calms In this ulllce on nr t'elore sal t 8th iav ol October, mo. I . W IMP!) I'll, Register. TIMBER I AND. ACT HINI t. iHtB. -Vitlt.l Hi" ruiiiu.Miov. Unite J Stiles I an J ottice. I a iiraitle, oregnn, Inly 8, ) Nutli e Is heiehy glvm th 11 In 1 tnip'l ince mIHi the pruvlsl iis nl the .id it congress nl lune , 1 818. en lllleJ "An act fur the sale nt tlmbr r I injs In the stales nl California, oiegon, NeviJa jnj Washington let rlfory," .isetletilej mail Ihe Pal'lli Laud slates by act ul August 1, iHk. AI.K.i: S. KENT, unmarrlel, nl Suiniler, fiiunty ul Maker, slite ul .treguti, lias 111 Jay lilej In this ollue her swum slitement Mi, ion lor the pure hasp "I lot 1 an J se' ne1. anj ejj st1! ut secllitn N11. One (1), In township Nu. 11 suu'h, range No. 11 1 WM.anJ wlllnlln pruul In shuw thai the lanJ sought is mure vnluiHe Inr Its timber ur stone Hi in lur agrd ullural pwpuses, .111J tu est ibllsh her (lalin In salj lanJ helnre Charles II. Chan.e, I' S. ciiinmlsslnnrr, at Sumpler. Oregon, on WeJnes Jay, the Hlh Jiy ul October, luu. She n imes as witnesses John Willi itn I leegle, Cutrrn A Smith, I eun irj Sims, I utile I treble, nil ul Whitney, Oregon. Any .inJ .ill prisons . lalmlng ajverselv the above JescrlbeJ I injs ate requesleJ tn rile their chins In Hilt nttiir uu or lelore silJ 81I1 Jivol October, igua. I. W II sUIII 11, Rrglstn. TIMIII R UNO, M.r JIINi: 1, itj-J. villi 1 low piimn:s!ii. UnlleJ St lies Li 11 J ltue, 1 1 . ,: - ..... ..... JilH' H, kj j. ) act ut Auifiut 1. 18.11 UIUWI.N A. SMITH, nl Wtilitifv, finiiiiv Hikrr. tU'r ul Ofrnn, Ua llilk Jit McJ hi lliluiHie hi v.rn st.iit nicnl Nu inn lot llif uifthii l Iht rfi e! til Su. 1 .mJ sh'i-ixl'i !i of iiiiin n. In ttmnvlilp NO II SOUlll, r.Hlfcti Mi. (4 IW H, JIlJ Hill 0M1T I'tOul to hImiw tlul fir I til t vi'itht I murr .iliuHr Inr lu llinl-ri or Wt thin Im .iilKulttiMl uipnf,, JnJ in rtUMMi lU 1 l.iliu lo ..U4 l.itiJ hrtoir Cli.illf II Llunci. V. S .iintmittinnrr. .it Nnnpu,riHi,j;ttn, n MrJnrtJn, tht ilh Jiv ol O. UiWt, nu, M iiimrv J MHiifw Iniin Willi im I It-rale, I nilli I lrtilt .ml 1 1 mi it J Mint, .ill ntuhitnrt, Ore gon, jnj Attn s kVir. nt Sninj'hr, (Mfnll Alt) 411J .til n n(.liimliii; .ijvtrrl) tin .iloi Jrviiil limit 111 riiuttiJ In tilt ihtif lilin In thU titltct 1111 nt tttorc 4l I Mh Ji) ot 1 1, (oh!, lJi. I. W. lUk.llH, Ufuirl. u iimiii i ia.nh, ai.i JUNi: 1, me mhui iom Pl'IIIIUMMI-' UmteJ SI lies I iniOitun, ltu, , iri;uii, ' ah H li' ut tirauJe. 11 1..1 ,,ui o i.e" ' Nmhe Isheiehs iHsmthit lu (otnpllaiueMltll Hi' I luslsotis ut the .hi ut ninnies, ul lune l, 1878. en tllleJ "An ad Im Ihe silent llmhrr linlsln the states ul Cahtu nla.ii'eiiiHi, NesaJi inJ Mashing on tetii Mis," as estenJeJ luall Hie I'ulltc I in J state) ty act ut Aiii;ust i. i&u. IHM.I'II M. DI'NS'IY. ul Waltshuii;, iiiulits nl Uall 1 Wall 1, stite nl Hash Intloll. has Hils Jn MeJ III tills littur Ills swot II statement Nu 111. im the puuhase nt the set, ut sedhin Nu t In limnshlp Nu 11 sou h, l.sin;e Nn ti I Mtt, .111.1 mil nller pm I tu slut, thai Hie I.11U sLUlit is mine s iluiWe t r Its Hmter in stnne than tin aiituulluial puiposes, J tu estaMlsli Ills claim In saij tan J Ivtore the Register anj Wet riser nl 'II. Is titlueat la t.iauje, oteiSiin, on vseJnesJit, Ihe Kill Jas ul (Mnl ei, iu rlle names as ulinesses William Peterson, Solon I'rlrisuii, I rank I I enjrl anj Slantot J II Smut 1, all ul ttaltshuii;. s Islington. An anj all persons cltimlni; ajverseli Ihe abuse JescrllieJ lanjs ne ietuetteJ in tile their clalm In this ultlce un or refute salj 81I1 Jas ut octnrer, Il W lUwllltt. Keclslet. TIMIII l( I AND, ACT JUNI! 1, i7. Millet I ox ruiHicstuiN. UtutrJ Stales I anj Omcr, Srtid , Ij (iranje, Oregon, juiy , ita.r Nutke Isheiehs Klvrn that In compliance srlth the fiiusls ons nl It e act of cnflgiest ol June I, ibI, en lltleJ "An a. t lor Hie sale nt limber lanJs in Ihe slates ol Calllu nla, Oteiion, NevaJa anj st aldington ler lilor," as estrnJeJ 10 all the I'uHic LanJ slates bt act ut August 4, ikVjf, SOLON I'LTLKSON. ut ssallsburi:,cuunt ot Walla Walla, state ol Wash ington, lias tills Jay tileJ In ihlsorrne his sroin slate menl mi ii lor the purchase ul the nel. ul section so. at In luAiishlp nu. 11 ou1li, range No 4 tWM, anj Hill 11 It r 1 piiMit to stiusv that the lanJ sought Is tnuie saluable lor Its timber or stone than tor agll culluial tuioies, anj to eslabllsti his claim to nalJ lanJ beluie the Keglster anj UrCliet ot this ottice at La (itanjr, Uieon, n 1 WeJnesJa), Hie 8th Ja ol October, i'i He 1 antes as ultnesses William leleton, Joseph M l)iiie, liank I-. IrnJei, SlanlorJ I). Stonier, all ul Mallsbutg, Washington. Am anj all prisons claiming ajietsels theabuie JrscnbrJ Ian Js are nsuesteJ '11 hie their claims In this ulhce on ci beluie salj cth Jai ol O.tol-er, 1401. I. W llmim, Register. NoifiC It hcffl'v y I. en ill it hi C(tmiMf.UKf with -he 1tuUIii nt tin .idnl itinntew t f lum , iHji, rn tltlrj "An .tcl lut tht si t nl ilml-rr Unjoin tin t itc til Calltuinlj, otf'Ht, Nfv.iJi ,uij A'4liliiltn. Tcr t V. " J, atklfll liJ til .ill Ilia Pllt'llf l-lllJ Si it' V TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-NOTICH TOR PUBLICATION. UnlleJ State LanJ Oftice, I Office. ) , Oregon, July 5, 140. ) La (aranJe, J Notice It hereby Riven that in compliance with Ihe provisions ol the acl of congress ol June 1, 1818, en lltleJ "An act for Ihe sale of timber Ian is In Ihe Stairs ol California, Oregon. KevaJa, anJ Washing ton Territory," as exlenJeJ to all Ihe Public I anJ Stales by acl of August 4, 1801, JOHN COLLINS, nl llalnrs, county of Hake-, State of Oregon, has this Jay lilej In this ottice his sworn statement No. 8, fur Ihe purchase of Ihe's w ta n e 14 anJ n vv 14 s e 14 of section No 11 In township No, 7 south, range No. (8 l;.W.M an J will niter proof to show that Ihe lanJ suught Is more valuable fur lis limber or stnne than lur agricultural purposes, anj to estibllsh hlsclilm to salj Ian J More the Heglster anJ Re ceiver ol this ollue at La (iranje, Oregon, on A1on Jiv, Ihe fclh Jay ot October, to rt He names as witness's: George II. Cha-e, Peter Hansen, Harry Joy anj Mack Mullen, all ol Rock C'eek, Oregon, Any anj all persiirn Claiming aaverseiv ine aenve JescrlbeJ lanJs are reiuesteJ m hie their claims In litis i.ftict nn or before salj nth Jay ot October, tu-a. li W. IUUHIU, Register. TIMIII R LAND, ACT JUNI: 1, 1878 -NOTICI: I OR PUBLICATION. UnlleJ St lies I anj Office, tke. 1 egun, 7, l'u. ' l.i (iranJe.Orego July 7. NolKi' Is herein given that In compliance with Ihe provisions nt the acl of congress of June I, 181P, en tllleJ, "An act lur the sale ol limber lanJs In the Slates ot Cililornla, Oregon, Nevaja, anJ Washing ton rerrltory," as eslenJeJ lo all Ihe Public I anj Stales by act ol August 4, i8u, Pllll IP ARSI-NAULT, ol Sumpler, county of llaker, stale ol Oregon, has this Jiy lilej in litis ottice his sworn statement Nn. U44, lor the .iircliist-iil Ihe 11 14 nl sect'on No, in In township No. u south, range No. l:.W.M, anj will oiler proul to show that the lanJ sought Is more valuible Inr Its limber or stone than fur agri cultural purpuses, an I to establish his rl.ilin lu salj l.itiJ beluie Charles II. Chance, U. S cumtnissloner, at Sumpter, Oregnn, on ThurJa, the t Hill Jay ol Seple 1 ber, neu. He mines as witnesses V. R. MeaJ, I rank l O'Rnurke, Percy licksnn 1111J Ike Williamson, all ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any anj all persons CI inning .uverseiv me arove JescrlbeJ 1 111J ue teiuestej lo lie Ihelr clihns In this nlticv mi or befote silJ i8lhJiyol September, urn. I:. W. llMvtllir, Register TIMIII'R I AND. AC I JUNI3 1, 1878. -NOTICIi I OR PUIIIICATION. UnlleJ Stales Lin J Ollue, ) j (iranje. Oregnn, , July 7, nw.) Notice is hereby given Hilt In mmpli nee whh the I rus Isiniisot the ad nl enngtess nt June 1, 1878, ehtltlej "Alt act lor Ihe s lie ol limber Ian Is In the Slates ol Calltnrnl 1, Oregon, NevaJi anJ Washing Inn IVrrltury, ' as estenJeJ to all the Public LanJ Stales by ait of August 4, 181J, 1'RA'NK I!. O'ROIIRKI:. nl Sumpter, cimnly ot llaker, state ol Oregnn, his this Jav tileJ in IliU o'luv his sworn stalemenl No. 1141 Im Ihe putchaseor then e 14 nlsectkin No. 17 1...' , t s. s... . i:iiii 11 lownsuip , so. ia souiii, r inge im iu ii,-.,i, will nller piiKil to show that Ihe lanJ suught Is mote valuable lor Its limber or stone than lor agricultural purposes,. 111J tu establish hlsclilm lo salj lull e hue I harles II. Chance, U- S commissioner, nl Sumpter, Oiegnn, on I lunsJ.i, the 18th Jay ul Sep tember iuoj He names as witnesses: V, R. MeaJ, Philip Ar seiuult, Ike Williamson anj Percy J uksun, all ot Sumpter Oregon. An anJ all persons claiming ajsetsely Hiealnve JescrlleJ ImJs aieie.iiesteJ to tile Ihrlr claims In this ultke nil ur lelole salj 18th Jay nl September, iu a. I:. W. II suit I IT. Register. riMIIIR I AND, ACT Jl'NI: 1. 1818. Sol l: H lOtf Pdlllll.MION. f UnlleJ Stales l-ittj Ottice, tj Ottice, ) le, Otegun, July 8, igua.) la (iranje, in IiiK. NntlWlt hereby given that In comphance wlrli Ihe ptuvlslnus ul the acl ol Cungiess ol June I, 1878, en title J "An acl tor the salivit flutter Ian J. In (list stales nl Catlloinla. Oiegnn, Neva J i anJ ssashington Ter eUorv," as estenJeJ to .ill the Public lanJ states by actnt August 4, i-)', WILIIS ( CRONK. nl I Iteilon, tounls ol Whilmin, state ul SVashlng Inn, his this Jis hle.1 in lhluttice his sworn state ment Nn. tilt, lor the pur.hise ol Ihe si 1-4 ol sec tion No n 1 1 township No. 11 south, range No it I WW, anj will otler pttml loshoa lint the lanJ sought Is more valuatte lor lis tin ber or stone than lor agri cultural put puses, anj In estibllsh his claim to salj lanJ beloie the Register anj ReCeUer of Ihls office at la (iranje, Oiegnn, on I lUay, Ihe mill Jay ol September, 1004, He names as as witnesses Hugh llatun, deorge W I'enn, Jame. 1. I'enn, allot l.lbetlon, Washing ton, anj DatU T, Claik.nt (iartielJ, Washington. Any anj all persons claiming .ijiersely the abuse JescrlbeJ lanJs are reUesteJ to Me their claims In this ottice nn 01 beluie salj niih Jay of Sepltmbei, in.i I-. V. II twill II, Register TIMIILR UNI). ACT JUNE 1, Kil. NoilCH IOH PUHUCAtlON. UnlleJ States LanJ Ottice, La (iranJe, Otrgon. July 8, iwoa.i Nutke Is lierebs given that Incompliance lth Ihe provisions ol the act ol congress ol June I. 1878, en lltleJ "An acl Inr Ihe sale ol timber lanJs In the states ot California, Oregon, NevaJi anj Washington Ter lllmy," as entenJeJ toall the Public LanJ Mates b act ol August t, 1 Hoi. KtXiAK N. GIL liS, ol (iartielJ, lounty ol Whitman, slate ot Washington, has this Jav Mr J In this ottlie his sworn statement No. 114a, for the purchase of the n e 14 ol section No ti In township No. 11 south, range No n IWH anJ will otter ptoof to shorn thai the lanJ sougnt Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than lor agri cultural puiposes, anj to establish his claim in salj lanj beluie the Register anJ Reseller ot this otllce at I a (iranje, Oregon, on 1 1 Uay, the lulh Jay ot September, 100. He names as witnesses: Hugh Eaton. Willis (. Clonk, James T. Penn, allot l.lbertun, Washington, anj DastJ I. Claik, ol (iaihelJ, Wash Any anj all prisons claiming aJserselv the abuse JesClileJ lanJs are requesteJ to hie their claims in ihls oilier i-n or belote sal J mth Jay ot September, ivw E. W. HtKtiilT. Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE i. 1878.-N0TICE for Publication. UnlteJ states LanJ Office, J Office, ) r, Oregon, July 8, too-. La taranje Notice Is hereby given Hut In compllancs with the provisions ol the acl ol congress ol June 1, 1878, en lltleJ "An acl lor Ihe sale ol timber lanJs In the states ol Calllnlnla, Oregnn, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory." as exlenJeJ lo all the Public LanJ Slates by act ol August 4, 1891, DAVID T. CLARK, ol (iarhrlJ, counlv nl Whitman, slate ol Washington, has Ihls Jay ItleJ In this olflee his sworn statement Nn, 1147, for the purchase nf Hies e 14 of section No. it In township Nn. it south, range No. 4 bWM, anJ will olfer prool to show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or slone than lor agri cultural purpnses.anJ lo establish his claim to salj lanJ rehire the Register anJ Recelser ol tills office at la (iranje, Oregon, on I'rlJay, the luth Jay ol September, lyuj. He names as witnesses: James T. Penn, Oeorce W. Penn. Willis (i.CtonkanJ Hugh Eaton, all of El berlon, Washington. Any anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the obove JescrlbeJ lanjs are requesleJ In hie their Claims In thisolllceonnr belore salj iqth Jay of September, iuoi. E. W. Batmen. Register. riMHI.K LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICii FOR. PUBLICATION. UnlleJ Slates LanJ Oftice, J La (iranJe, Oregon, July 8, iuo. I Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with Hie provisions of the act ol (iongrcss of June t, 1878, en tllleJ "An acl for Ihe sale of timber lanJs In Hie States ol Calllornla, Oregnn, NevaJa, anj Washing ton Ten llory," as extenJe J toall the Public LanJ Stales by act ol August 4, i8u, JOHN W, SMITH, of K'ei slone, county ol AJams. Stale ul Washington, has this Jay MeJ in this olltcc his sworn statement No. 1 166, lor Hie purchase ot then line i4 anj n ! ti w 14 ol section No. u In township No. la S range No, )6 EWM, anJ will offer ptool to show that the lanJ sought Is more valualle lor lis timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anj to establish his claim lo salj lanJ belore Charles II, Chance, U. S. commissioner, l Sumpler, Oregon, on TuesJay Hie xrJ Jay ol Sept., iuoi. lie names as witnesses' Van Renseler MeaJ, I nihL I. f VlJi.orld.. I.iiiinli, ). O'Riitirke. Phllln Arsrnault, all ot Sumpter, Oregon. inv.inj an persons claiming adversely ine .ieuvc JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesleJ to file their claims in litis utlicenn or lefote sal J irJ Jay of Sept. twi. II W llAimiTT, Register, TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-NOTICE IOR PUBLICATION. UnlleJ Slates LanJ Other, I Li CranJe, Oiegon, July 8, iuw. I Nutlcr Is lieteby given that lu compliance wlih Ihe ptovlslons nl Hie acl of Congress ol June 1, 1878, en. HileJ "An acl lur the sale ot limit r lanJs In tin Slates nl Calllornla. Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing Ion Trillion" as exlenJeJ to all the Public Un. Slates b) ad ul August 4, i8ui, ROXIE A. MCCORMICK, ol McEwen, county nl Baker, Stale ul Oregon, hat Ihls Jas hlej In Ihls ottice her sworn statement No n6, for the purchase ol the s' w 14, s w 14 si i4 section 11, anj n w 1 an w 14 ol section No. In township No. 10 S. range No. 8 I.WAt, anj wl I nller pionl to show that the lanJ sought Is mote val uable lor its tlmler or slone than fur agricultural pin posi'N, anj to eslablUh lu'r il.lm to salJ lanJ be fore I. lias. II. Cliaiue, U, S. mmmlssloner, at Sump ler, Oiegon, on I ursJav. iheaitJJaynt Sept., 140. She nanus as witnesses: Joseph HoJg ns, Sam uel I hoinpson, William Baktr, Stilus Dean, Sr , all nl Sumpler, Oiegnn. An .111 J all prisons ilalmlng njverselv the above JescilbrJ lanJsarr requesleJ tu hie their claims In this oftur on or belore saij airJ Jay ol Sept. 141a. i:. W. Btklll-TT. Register, TIMBER UNI). ACT JUNE 1. i78-NOTICfc IOR PUBLICATION. UnlleJ Sta'es LmJ Oftice, La (iranJe, Oiegon, Jul) 8, iuo, ( Nollu'ls hereby given thai in compliance with, the provisions ol Hie ad ol Congress ol June 1, 1878, en HileJ "An act Inr the sjle ot timber lanjs In' the States nt Callfiirnl 1, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing Inn reirltory," as estenJeJ iu all the Public LinJ Slates by .11 tot August 4, 18 1), (il.ORCil; W. PI.NN ol I Ibrrlon. county ol Slate of Washing ton, has this Ja hleJ In thlsottue his swum state ment Nn. u,u, fur the iitch.isr ot the 11 r 14 nl section Nu. u In Uwnshlp Nu. 11 S, range Nu, it I: W ,M, .inJ will tiller primt to show thai the lanJ sought Is inure valuable fur its timber rr stone than lur agricultural putpuses, anJ 1 1 establish his ilaini lo salj lanJ belote Hie Register an J Receiver ol this 0lhcr.1t la (iranJe, Oregon, on I lUay the 14th Jay ol Sept. I4u, He names as witnesses: T. Penn, Willis (i. Cronk, Hugh Lalin. all ol Elbeiton, Washington, anj Drv IJ T. Clark, ol (iartielJ. Washington. Anv anj all persons claiming aJsersely the above JescilbeJ lanJs are requesleJ tu tile their claims in this ottice on or belore salj 14th Jay ol Sept, 1401. b W. II twill IT, Register. TIMHUK LAND, ACT JUNK J, 1878 NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. UnlteJ Stiles LanJ Olhce, La (iranJe, Oregon, Julv 8, iouj, Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with Hie provisions ol Ihe aclot Congress ot June 1, i8t8, en lltleJ "An acl tor the sale ol limber lanJs In the Stales ol California. Oregon, NevaJa nj Washing ton Territory" as exlenJeJ to all the Public LanJ Slates by acl nl August 4, ')' JAMES T. I'ENN ot Elbeiton; county ot vVhltman, State ul Washing ton, has iil. Jay nleJ in Ihls nrhce his sworn state ment No. 1 1 48. for the purchase ol the Lots 1 anj 1, anj th n w 14 of section No. to In township No. 11 S, range No. is, EWM, anj will otter prool to show that the lanJ sought is more valuable lor Its timber or stonr than tor agricultural purposes, anj to es tablish his claim tu salj lanJ belore the Register anj Receiver ol this orhce at La GranJe, Orrgon, on . ilJav the 14th Jay ol September, iom. He names as witnesses: Hugh Elton, George W. Penn, Wil'ls li. Cronk, all ol Elberlon, Washington, anj DaviJ T. Clark ol GarhelJ, Washington. Any anj all persons claiming aJveisely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs rre requesleJ lo Me their claims In this ottice on or belore salj igih Jay ol Sept. 1901. E. W. lUwtlt.IT, Register, TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE j, iSjB.-noticb for PUBLICATION'. UnlteJ States LanJ Office. ) La GranJe, Oregon, July 0, toca. I Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the acl ol congress ol June , 1878, en lltleJ "An acl for the sale of timber lanJs In the slates ol California, Oregon, NevaJa anj Washington Ter ritory," as exlenJeJ toall the Public LanJ states by acl ol August 4,1841. WILLIAM S. LEWIS, 1 ol Baker City, county ot Baker, stale ol Oregon, has Ihls Jay tile J in tnts outer nis sworn statement no. 1181 lor the purchase ol the neU ol trctlon No. so In township Nn. 10 south, range No. 17 LWVi, anJ will olfer prool to to show that Ihe lanJ sought is more valuable Inr its tin ber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim to salj lanJ be lore the county clerk ol Baker county at Baker City, Oregon, on PrIJay, Ihe a6th Jay ol September, tool. He names as witnesses: I rank Shurtlllf, (irant (ieJJes, Das I J BalrJ an J V Milam BalrJ, all of Baker City. Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesleJ to file Ihtlr claims In Ihls olficc on or belote salj 6th Jay ol Sept., 1901. E. W. UAHUtrrr, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1, 1878-N0TICK FOR Publication. UnlteJ States LanJ Oftice, j La GranJe, Orrgon, July 8, 1901, , Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act ol Congress ol June 1, 1878, en HllrJ "An acl for Ihe sale of limber lanJs In the Stales ol Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing ton Territory" at cxtcnJrJ to all Ihe Public LanJ Slates by a.'t ol August 4. 1841, HUGH EATON of Llberton, counlv ol Whitman, Slate ol Washing Ion, has Ihls Jay f'lleJ In this ottice his sworn state ment No. 1146, lor Ihe purchase of Ihe Lots 1 anj 4 anJ liS s w 14 ol section No. 19 In township No. 11 S, ungr No. 1; EWM.onJ will olfrr prool to show that the Ian J sought Is more valualle lor lis timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, anJ to es tablish his claim lo salJ lanJ telote the Register anJ Reiriverot this ulhce at La GranJe, Orrgon, on I rlJay the igth Jav ol Sept. iqoi. He names as witnesses: James T. Penn, George W. Penn, Willis G. Cronk, all ol Elberlon. Wash ington, anj DavlJ T. Clark, ol GatfielJ. Washington. Anv unJ all rersons claiming aJversely Ihe above JescrlbeJ lanJsate resucsteJ to tile their claims In this ulhce un ur retnte salJ 19th Jay ol Sept. im. E. W. IIAWTIHT, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE i. 1878.-NOTICE IOR PUBLICATION. Ur IteJ Slates L.-n.t Oftice. .1 Oftice. ) ;, Oregnn, July f, 140J. I La GranJe, Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the piovlsiuns ot Ihe act ol congress ot June 1, 1818, en tllleJ "An act tor Hie sale of limber lanJs in the States ol Calllornla, Oregnn, NevaJa, ar J Washing ton Territory," as estenJeJ to all the Public LanJ Stales by acl ul August 4, H4, PEARL BRADSHAW, ol Eitrnsburg, counlv ol Kittitas, stale ol Washing ton, has this Jiv tileJ In Ihls other her sworn state ment No. n8r, torthe purchase ot He s e 1-4 se t-4 11 section ionJ e! r, et4anJ n et-4se 1-4 ol sec Ion No. 1 In tonnslilp No. 11 south, range No 14 ii.W.M.,anJ will otfrr proof In sho Hut Ihe lanJ sought Is note saleable lor lis timber or stnne than tor agtlcultural rur, uses, an J to establish ber claim 10 s.i.J lanJ before Charles II, Chance, U, S. com missioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on MonJay, the 6th J iv of October, 1901. She names as w Itnesses. Trances 1 ke, nl Ellens burg, Washington. I rank II Mackev. Clark M. BraJshaw arj Percy II. BraJshaw, all ot Austin, Oregun. Any anJ all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesleJ to Me their claims In this oftice on or belore saij 6lh Jay ol October, 1901. E. W. Dauhuit, Rrglstrr. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. 1878. -NOTICE IOR PUBLICATUN. LnlirJ States LanJ Oftice, ) La (iranJe. Oregon, July ', 140a.) Notice II heieby given Ihat In tin pllance with the provisions ot the ait ol tongress 01 June , 1878, en lltleJ "An ad fur the sale ol timber lanJs In the Stairs ul Calilurnla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing ton lrrrlloiy,"as rvtenJeJ lu all the Public LanJ States by ad ul August 4, 1841, CURK M. BRADSHAW. ot Austin, county ul Grant, slate ol Orrgon. has this Jay MeJ in this ottice his sworn statement No. ii8j. foi the pitiehasr ut Hie n r 14 n w 14, nji n e 14 anJsr 14 n e 14 ot section Nn. 14 in township .No, 11 souih, range No. 14 I: W.i.,anJ will offer prool to show that Hie lanJ sought Is more valuable lor Us timl er or slone than lor agtlcultural purposes. anJ lo establish his claim lo salj lanJ trlore Cbattes II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, nn MonJay, Hie 6th Jay ol Odobe', 1001. He names as witnesses. I rank II. Mackey, of Aus tin, Oregen: Pearl BraJshaw, ol Lllensburg, Wash ington; It. T. Campbell anJ Justus Wilght, ol Aus tin, Oregon. Any anj all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesleJ to Me Ihelr claims In this oftice on or belore salj bth Jay ot October, iocs. b W, Hawueit, Register, TIMBER UNO. ACT JUNE 1. 1078.-NOTICE IOR PUBLICATION. UnlleJ States UnJ Olhce, ) U GranJe, Oregon, July , iaoe.1 Notice Is hereby given lhal In compliance with the provisions ot Ihe act of congress ol June t, 1878, en tllleJ "An act lor the sate ol limber lanJs In Ihe Slates ol California, Oregon, NevaJa, anj Washing ton Territory," as exlenJeJ to all the Public UnJ States by act ol August 4, 1841, FRANCES TICE, ol Lllensburg, county ol Kittitas, state of Washing Ion, has this Jay MeJ In Ihls olhce liei swum state ment No 1188, for the purchase ot Ihe ijii i4 ol section No. 11 anj the w,S n w 14 ol sect on No, 14 In township No. 11 south, range No 14 E W.M., anj will otter proof to show that the Ian J sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or slone than tor agricultural purposes, anj to establish her claim 10 salJ lanJ be fore Charles II. Chance, U S. commissioner, at Sumpter, On gun, on MonJay, Ihe 6th Jay ol Oc tober, 1401. She names as' witnesses: Frank II. Mackey, ol Austin, Oregon; Pearl BraJshaw, ol Lllensburg, Washlnglun; Justus Wright anj II. T. Campbell, ot Austin, Oregon. Any anj all persons claiming aJversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs ate requesleJ lo Me their clams In Ihls oilier on or before salJ 6th Jay ol October, 190a. E. W, Bawilitt, Register.