!if THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July $o, 1902 The Sumpter Miner l-UBLISHI'll l-VCiy WHIIM'MHV MV J W. CONNHLLA Lnlerei. Jl tin pmttinlci. In Sumplrr, Oregon, lur trantmltO'ifi Hipitigh Ih null as ec;nnJ clj mutter. l'"th inittiitit, of ft centH ier Hluirc, or NO.OOO. Tliix i)tiiiili.t'H the two lniml rcd'nnd eighty-fifth (-niiM-cutivemnnthly j my iim-ii t of tin; Hnmcrtiikc ciiiiiiiuiy to ilH etockholdcre, iit!n'ittiiiufll,:iHH,7')), nis ! intr 11 criiNl of L':i ycum mill nint! IliolltliM. Till- llnmcMllko i!old lllllic if 11 iiilhiiniiier, 111 tln orilliinry and ioular iifccitiitiou of the tiTln. It Nil tun 11 11 fuctiiriiiu' I n 1 1-i t n-f f iroKiitioii of tin' jrrenteit miiKiiitiiili' mill criiiiincni-y. lliiviiiK Si yen re, or l'I,(NM),(KKI torn-, of ttorkiihlo imitcriiil In rcerxc, it ! run " " Miiutly developing ntlilitioiinl tonniii-! ' " T '"", "" m'r r" ,- " h' i.Imco tl itilv ioiiMim.tiou. Tl.tr.- I- "' I"""!"" " '"'-"', "'I'"' '" .,.. .o.,...-tition in tl,i,- hm-inn-H, nn.l tlit HiiitliiTii Onwiii; iImhiuIi. it intM U llimiri,lltf iri,.,. f . ni.iuuh.ctnrcd nukmiHli-lKi-l, ii.iiv.thuiii trillfliiitlifr ,,,., ,. Bllurilllm lV am , .-t,il,U-Hiitltlifri.il (MH-ki-t cur with iiiore... ,i... ,,.,.,..., ., f ,i.,. I'l.lt.-d St.iti-M One Vmi Sl Miinllit SUIIHt.UII'TION IMUS IWS l AIIV( I . f J.tJO l.lf SUMPTER LIGHT POWER COMPANY. L. BUSH LIVERMORE. KNitlfyin;: frequency I It Ini- for n yeiir I !(j jj or iiitiri ii.ihI worked, tl.it- in nml tiny out, Kriinliii nut iiieuliil iiiiicliiiii-iniitlii Muff for tin Itukt-r City llt-nilil, u rn cchh thai dull mid corrode nml mi-hth tinny tin- hriirhtcM intellect. Ami yet, every once in a while, there HuhIm-i forth till the otherwihe Mule nici of that puhlit-iitinu hoiiii! prottut't of hi uncer tain nmi that Ih hlindliitfly iliMxIiiiK in ItH hrilliuncy. How niii-Ii iiiHiirntiouH ftiine to him In a myMcry that Iijim pil7.r.lett hix intimiitcH ; thouu;h they lire iiImii)'m t-xM-ctiiit Honicthiuu; of the kind unit am never Hitrprim-d when one of thcim MM-ketH In uncovered in the true ll moire vein of IiIn intellect. And thin Ih an index to IiIh entire clmrat-lor. Tin- writer hereof tiriicticully raiHed him, ami in all of Iii'h erratic career nothing until now- Iiiih In- ever done that xwih in the IciimI HurirliiiiK IiIh wildeNt, nitwt ineicilicalile iiioxch, IiIh loup; wenkH of hard, faithful work, din quixotic ai tioiiH, IiIh inomeiitH of dctquiir, IiIh iIiivh of elation nil were in perfect airord with the man hcliind the play, i-onvli-t ii ted the hixtory of an Individual re peating lthl'lf. Hill at thin late hour coiner- to TlIK MiNKit ulllce an exquisitely i-ne,ruxcd In vlliit ion to tin- "iniirriiiL'e of Mi Ktln-I Cox to Mr. I.. Iliifli l.ixcrmnrc Sundae the civili.ctl mtlinup of (he world. Tin aM lodce of frcc-lnllliliL' on- and refractory ilcpo-dtH of thix moM leiuarkiihle t'tilil-lieiirliiu' region, the Itlai.'k llllli-. now attrai-tiiiK, capital ami the hct-l minion ability and -xerii!iice, in the coining theatre of many other niitiiufucturitin proMwitioin of like nature which are lie! t actively ex ploited, and ureal pliinta of machinery are living conrttructed preparatory to t-iiterinn the niauufacturluK Htae. U-ad City (S. I.) Call. Tiiim talk that one licarn on the curl), expatiating on the dllllculticH to hv en-coiinteri-d in Hiici-eHKfiilly oH.ratiiiK a ttnicltcr here, Ih merely thu crouklnu of the uver pri'M-nt hirdw of evil onion. Several of the larj:ext MiiclterH in the world are home hundred mile re nitivnl from the niincH and coke ovciih and are tleK-ndcnt entirely Umhi rail road triiiiHNirtntion. Here only coke will have to Ini tdiipieil in from the oiitfide, anil HiHi-ilily Milne lead ore. There in plenty of copH-r roek on the Snake river and at liuurt.lmrK. If xalUfactory raten can not lie heenred for liHiilInu In thin ore, then it can he flilpcil fiiuii other caiiipH liy rail. Only ahoiit one per cent of copper or four imt cent of lead ix ueccesarv ac a evenin. Aiiu'iii-t the third, iiliu-tt-fii I Mux. in mltlitioii tn linn, mul iron, hoth hundred mid two, lit Mx o'clock at St. f w,icli are found in nhtiiidam-c within SlepheiiH' Kpiccopal church, Itukt-r fit y, tMO ,it. ,,f i. Mueller, One ton of "''i-'""-" coke will Hiiclt ten of ore. It inviihtly In lid-, crow ninu act of a more or lev cheaper to idiip in that one ton of coke prohlemiilic life, he Iiiih turned a trick ,lt ,.t of fourteen to xixteen dollar, that Hatur.itew hix friendn with i-uriri-i, J imliuliiiK froltslit flnirnt"-. than to rhip leavini! little n i tor aratillcatioii over , t t,.,, h ( re, at a cost for trunx- IiImphhI fortune. How did he do if.' , imrtatinn alone of M-ventv dollar and A FULL LINK OF Electrical Supplies Wiring Neatly Done. The finest light plant in eastern Oregon jjj 8EYM0UR H. BELL, Gn'l. Mgr. B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT ERECTION OP QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter j Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL Surely it wax in r-ouie moment when htrouly miller the iulliieuce of the di vine alllatiix that he plead hix ciiiim-, pcrhiipi drawing atlditional iiihpiiation from ,lhe ipiceuly, .liino-llke heauty of the ohject of hix loiiw'iu. Ami how did the lady tame Ihix wiltl xpirit, capture him In the tauulcil jungle of cclihacy autl lead hiiu forth into i itm-r-t If captiv ity, rejoicing the while to Ih iIuik en xlaveil? Her voice in paid to Ik- ax xweet ax Seraph wins. Ilnuhtlexn the music thereof taliietl that half-xavauc hreaxt, anil it ix a xure thine lli.it xhe llaxheil alliiiinn liuhtuiu from her eex, w liicli nit ih-. the fealty of our frieinl. May flic eer hold him i-ccurc in llic.-i-hilketi ImiiiI-, iiihpirni); him to lofly thoiii:ht, iH-i-.ixioiially applvim; womau'x rexouicefiil uiul to make man "uet in mid drill," ami force linn to ftepieutly un cover lii iucxhauMihlc xiipply of puck etx, ix the hope of hix frieudx who re xeie the plivilee of xpeculatill: illlluli tlielin-clvcH ax o whether m not the riihjuitatiiin, the leforin.itiou, the ret oxer. Ax a matter of fact, thix ix an ideal xiiiit for a xmelter anil it ix piin to Ih mil only n jirenl money maker for itx owneix, hut it ix noiin; to do more towardx dexelepim: thix country in one vcar after it ix blown in, than all other iullueucex haxe done in ten High Grid Specimens. Some of the hiindxomext and richext xiecimeiix of hinb urinle ore exer xcen in the camp ix on exhibition in M. I). Itain'x mineral cahiuet. Tliere are three piceex of calaneite, xylvauite ami lluoiiue otcx ruuuiUL' in value to NHH) onncex of cold to the ton. There .ix no Koltl xixiblt, hut the application of a J xlow heat would reveal Imp- clohulcx. j The xH-c linen of calaneite ix a beautiful cuptali.iilioii of tellurium and koKI, the I application of acid and heat to it would jilixxolxc the tellurium and It-axe cryxtal , ietl 'tilil, chemically piiie, hut with no jaltiuity for tpiick xilver. While tlie (iolcoiul.i 11 lit I North I'ole pnxluco ixKcimeUM running higher in value, ..!.... tl 1.. !.... : 1 .... .. 1. . Illltllll, II' I'llHIIIMMI It I IMIIIU- . tl ... ... .. .1 . . . . ' . . 1,1 nethini: of the xau.e cbitnicter to coin xxomler whether or not her iniiiu-oiit I . . . youin; heart, that xtill hearx the muxie of her childhiMxI'x chiuiex, fully cotupre I pare witli them hax ever been t-een here before. hemlx the with xcok, the mauuitiule, the eiiKiueeriuc tlillicultiex, the tliplo matie problem of the prnoxilinii that hIiii hax iK-come iudixMilublx- mixed up with. Tiik regular Homextake dividend hax liecii declared for July, payable on the Wouldn't that jar yer? Ixiwtler. What? Giant All the latcxt novelties in hat at Neill Mercantile conipany'x. Something to dojK-nil K)w-der. uK)ii Giant C A. E. STARR. Attorney-at-Law Lrnlrr, cur. High St. Sumpter. Oregon V. V.. HOIISON. Civil and MiniiiR Engineer. U. S. Oepuly Mineral Surveor tcr Oregon, En gineer tnr the City ol Sumpter. UntMit i Patent Saieifi. lite Frlntlti ml Driktiti. CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW City Mtirnijr U. S. Cimmliilmtr Rooms 2 SUMPTER. and , First Rank of Sumpter KuildiiiK, OREGON L T. HROCK, M. D., Physician anJ Surgeon. humptrr, Oregnn. Sprclil Attention (iKen to Suigery nj In Pit. etet ol Vomen. Otnce. Nclll lilock; ReklJence, liranlte Mreel near .Mill. Basche Hardware Co. . . . Sumpter . . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER E. A. CLEM & CO. MINKS - PUOSI'KCTS - STOCKS Write u for list of r-ropertle anJ lowest market quotation on ttockt In projuclng minea an J oil Hell, bxcellrnt opporturlty lor profit In low prlceJ ktock. -tllH'luuu. of Coin. Pokti..xmi,0hk(Io.v. First bank of sumpter (tNCO..O..T..) Capital Stock 20,000 ornl:tn. J. II. RoMln PretUent J. W. Srriber Vlce-l'retlJent R. H. Miller Caihltr DIRGCTORs. J. W. Scrlfer R. H. Miller Clark SnyJe J. H. Robbln TrnnMict.s a General Banking and Exchange Husiius.s fJR. PEARCE ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons PHOmifeTONS SUHI-ItH OkStHAl HOSI-ltAL SUMl-TtR.OktOON. , . . OH ICB. Main ill. Telephone o-,pitxI. Main 8t. INSURANCE. E.L. MANNING, REAL KSTATt City Recorder and Notary Public. Collection Abstract Agent lor Frlcl4t Fire Ektlngulahei. Sumpter THE SUMPTER MEAT MARKET AUSTIN MEAT CO. Props. Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds j SUMPTER, OREGON