The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 30, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE'SUMPTER miner
Wednesday, July 30,' 1902
Backed by Largest Precious
Metal Producing Areas
In the World.
there Unit a twenty-Mump mill Im oier
iitcd from the projtrePK of lrlfllli(r and
blocking out, whilu the outturn ruvuntly
rufitml mi offer of fl,000,lMX) for thuir
Kvery li-iiriieil ui'oloiht who Iiiih vis
ited the tliHtrlct cxpruHheil iilcolnli! con
liilence of vmIiiuh at iluptli, with much
lur.'iT on.- ImmIIc.-. Wiililuiiiur l.!ii(li!ruii,
the expert employeil hy thetiovernment
(ieolotflciil Survey, mtiil iiiihe-itutiiiKly
nfter llni-liinu IiIh exiimlnutioii for mi
lotlii'inl report :
Similiter ilMrielV fuliiri! Im- lieen n- "A" '' 1 1 1 i r district, I Iniw t the
(liifi-il to more of n cerliiinty than any , idlj-lili'M ilonht that value will i tiiitio
other illMrirt with the niiiic' proporlioii '" depth to a point lie I which no
f deeloptneiil to the known mineral modern mechanical appliance, eau nper-
nrea. That certniiily i- a far higher ale inineMit a profit. In other wnnln,
ponitlon lliiui the present in the produc-' there practically i no limit to thudepth
im; world. Ilr- pmhIiicI will In ninlli- of value-heie."
plleil miiM Im-. i:erylhhitf favor-, lr. Alfied IE. f. Selwyn, the fiiinotl
with not a deterrmu' inlhieiice. Ilritii-ln.-eoloir.t, cuiil, while in Sump.
Then., an- liroad r-tatemeulH, and may ; "Cniiiiiin lurk to lliiMiiurtxlilKu
Hivor of pyrolechnicc with Imh.iii pur- adjaceulto Suinpter, I wiy unreHi-rvedly
m!mv. hchind Iheui, hut I w ill Mih-tanti-1 that I hae neer lieen in any milling
atneery one with fact to convince miy 'miry which I consider more promlH
unprejudiced mind. im.', or an luivluj: a hriyhler future, than
Siimpler district, or tl rn-lcrn Ore-' tlmt of eiiHlern rejoii. The ledjreH here
Kou llMrirl, iih it may In- called, in one ' ! inimeiiH lireadthx mid thure in not
of the lartef.t compact priM'ioiif metiil , idiinlou of a doiihl in my mind Unit
producing area of I he ( try. It in value will continue with depth here,
mom than I III iiiIIch Ioik.', hy from forty j J"! '' Imvf in Aiictraliii ami Call
to fifty milcH wide. Kcry Nimrc mile fornia, in what ceolonlet know to he
of that area Iih-h not hae a (old mine, ( identiciilly tlie fume formation."
hut tliereiiretwoNorelarcei.nli.dihtiicti Other evidence could he produced
In it, ! from eminent men on the licntion of
Kuril of theM- xmalleriliviHionxhiiHone depth, which, added to the development
or morn important and proved mine, I i pnvreux, and ucolouy. produce moral
whilechinterH of developiiiK piopertie rtaiuty. I lint thin ureal iliMrtct linn
are alniiit them. Kuril dinlricl Iiiih it deep tir-xilie veinn in llliiUeti(Hied.
tent in a hitf mine and it tloeim of pro. That miueriiliriitl f tlm ledp- at
peel uiviiiK eilliil pr Ie with t lie pro- leal depth ha taken place i tiiiull.v
ilucer alounide at tlie aine tae of de-! poltie.
development. j Stranger to thi ut, yet eompara-
In Homeof llieelihtilcth the tiieen- lively new district will liext appreciate
horn, tjimit.lmru', I'niirie City, Co it Hihllitie hy eoiiideriiioneortwo
anil ItiH-k 1'ieek, for Intuuce new di- " the I ilU proicrtie. The North
eoverie are iiiude each heiiMin. There i ' I'ole i a pleudid lye. It never wa
not a year liut ome of thee eompara- eriouly worked until lately, the eem
tivelv new, pioM'rlie altiiin cieat im- Im,' nrMM.e Mmi to develop and ell.
Hirlauce reaou of development and Alxiiit Hvi mth au'o a drift on the hi)!
r-cll lor from L1l,lHNl to I(K1,IKKI. ' ledue which i from llfleen to forty feet
Wluit ma m i more lemaikahle, i wide there, while following an orehoot,
tliiil mil ii aiiii.le iIkikIhiiiI inlii.. I ni nicked uii n t reak that wa nciu I y nure !
failed. .Manx inlancc of iuiMiiauiit!e- Kol'l. Thi luoadencd to eeral inclie,
incut have occulted, eauini them Ii conlinuiiiK itcen and eighteen wide.i
Iforarily to mi I operation. Mine I i aid to Ik evi uch wider now,
havehevn Mihl foi a miiiiII um and re- in the face of the drift. I'loni thitreak I
liiiidcd a of the, "1,1 ..,. N,. a llneiuait. pcciiiienaii mine ever.
proi.eitie. when opeialeil hv a new i ploduccd are lieinn taken.
pany, under dillVieiil method-, vieldcd, tjuantitiert itoiiiis liiisher thiui J(H),IMH
fortune. ' have leaked thniiich the dine vigilance
The Viilue hroke thiee or four men, ' maiiilained, and it I known that a lare
U-fore piliim into the vault of ticoiue I amount of the rich fluff iheiunhippeil
V. ira.vou uioie than l,(HMl,(HK. The monthly. Miner who have worked in
llomiua wa thouuht near ilend, when ' property wiy the value of the North
old hy the tieiwer family, Vet it I'itt-' '"'' eannot lie computed. They are
hurt; o'wneiH made it priMluce from I0,- daleil hy what they Miw, hut I do not
UK to fMl.lHHI wr month. I doiiht the truth, if it could he Mt'iintl,
liolcouda wa w.ld for a very mall i would Martlc tlie went, and perhap the
um, after one miiiiuuemeut had faileil world.
to make il pay, and today promine """ North I'ole i an older proNrty.
richeh to every iame tiK'kholder. The i '' 't repreent that Ivjht of the hotter
North I'ole could have Ih-cii houuht from develonil. do into the dreeiihoru di
a diwoiiniKiil owner le than a year
ano for f7.'i),(KKl, hut today cannot he
trie! and ce how quickly roHnrtliriiiK
fortune. Sliuhtly more than a vcariiL'o
had, and I variou-ly etimatel at from ' 'u' IVyehe wa offered for $l,litHI, with
.ri.UHUiiMtoHUiH).(iiH). i no laker. . narrow unace ledue then
The K , K. in I. lie. It i on the North coiiHtitnteil It hovviui!. The owner !
I'ole liMle.adji.inim: the fumou proK-rty ' iiiclnded to ink. At UWfcet depth the
on the wiiith, and had plendid ore leiljje ha hroadened to :W feel, nil hih
hoot when lal operated, and allliouuh ' H'niU', and the owner a few day apt re-
idle, cannot lie Uiuuht for fMHI,(HHI, The fned iNXMIHI. and would not take a I
JIiiiIkci had iniiiiy viciF.itude until pur- V! real deal larger llnure.
i'haed rei tlv hv Hunker Mill iV Sulli-' In Ixith developed ami developiiiL;
vim Oo for fHH),iHM. mine there 'i everything lo vvim: hope
lu the few hii: mine- of thi dixit ict, ' for lofty Hiirlit. I have not mentioned
depth iNJuxt heiuw' allaiiied. Only two the ideal imricitilural climate, elo-e prox
hoit of uiKhl capacity are found there, liuity of rich farming and fruit laud, a
Ikith hiiviuu heeu completed within the uperahundance ol timhcr for fuel ami .uidah.tlf. They aie on the iiiiiiin; purp'e, a icniarkahly eouveii-'
lleil Hoy, co-tin,; l,rHi,lHH), and on the i lent contour for hauliiii;, rail trauportii-'
Hoiiau.i. at the ame co-1. lion ami other fact that fuvortheSmnp-
Nowhcie ele h.t n'al depth lieen tcr ditrict. There are many detail!
wiucht, although higher value alteted . alonn the .ime line that could he ad-1
.1 1 ..II I I... : I - . '
every font nf'iukiuK in niot of the hi
proiertie. lu the Columhia the h:ift
j diirtii MK) feet, and mi rich is tlie ore
duccil, all pioviiiK the iuimcue future
that await theditrict. .1. K. McMauu
in New York Commercial. I
J. G. Connell
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Hay, Oats,
Steamed Barley,
Bran. All
Kinds of Feed and
Poultry Supplies,
Cream of
the West
Condition Powders for Horses and Cattle.
Truck and Transfer.
Granite St. J. G. CONNELL, Prop.
In Sumpter and vicinity have their clothes
made by
FLYNN, the Tailor.
Big line of spring goods to choose from
Center Street, near Pcstoffice,
Horses boarded by the dav or month. First
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our
specialty is the quick and safe delivery of
freight and passengers to any and all points.
Electric Lights and Phone. Hot and Cold Baths.
M. SPENGLER, Proprietor
Joshua Hendy Machine Works
Nos. 38 to 44 Fremont Street
Suartz Mining and Milling
olstlng, Pumping and
Saw Mill Machinery, Hy
draulic Mining Machinery.
Uianls, Water Gates and
Hydraulic Rlvlted Pipe. j
Water Wheels and Water
Motors, Engines, Boilers,
Pumps and Machinery of
every description. J j
j Prospecting Machinery.