EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE ea nn -i - TALK OF THE TOWN. Tin' (Mil I'olkn iitiuiiiil excursion will come from linker City to Sumpter thin year AugiiNt 'Jl. At a meeting held Monday evening ut llolirill till! MIlHTH 1'llioll decided III ImiIIiI a hiwpltal lit Unit place. Mr. Ilerlockcr left hint week to vicit Hitll llIT Niri!lltM ill WIhCOIIhIh. Otto accompanied Iiit to linker ( Itv. .1. J. Karlcy. ol rhlladelphia, Inn been in lliln fit tn and diftrict for wvcral dayn pant, examining n mining proHrty. Ir. W. I. Plyim, u dcntlnl from UlynwH, NVIiniHkii, lulu Smiiilir Hlriiitc up the nit nation, with a view of liM-atlng here. '., (i. Steveimon, tlio mining man from ItoliliiNoiivillu, mill I.. C. Steven hid, of Itnttit, Montana, were In town Motnlay. tiugcuu llartliolf returned ycxtcrilay from a proMieutlng trip into the .Mormon llaxiii country, lie iniule a couple of loClltiollH. II. V. Donahue, chief clerk for Neil .1. Soreiihcu Co., wan married here I'rlday evening to M in May Young, of Oregon City, Itev. .lumen Ityern olllci atiug. Al Hillier arrived tu Sumpter tliix forenoon from I'ortland. Ilu w 111 re main here ten dayn or two wcckn, look ing after IiIm mining InteicxlH in the dltrict. Arthur ltrauilciiurg ha leturiuil from a trip to the Thunder Mountain country, lie hiivh nothing agaiiiHt that camp, hut iIocmu'I hanker after relat ing the trip. Attorney N. 0. Itichariln and D. I.. Klllen left ycxtcrduy for Portland, on a IiuhIiichm uiiHNiou. The former will proli ahly go on In Seattle, where Mrn. Kieh- RIVETED PIPE and GIANTS Wrought Iron Pipe Cast Iron Pipe BOWLES & STROW SEATTLE, WASHINGTON PORTLAND, OREGON fTWheu aiiHWcriug thin advcrtifenicnt plcace mention thin paer. ardn in nick at the home of her winter. T. S. Kennerly, uho Iiiih Ik-imi at IiIh old home in Virginia for ncvcral montliM pant, returned to Sunipter Monday, and will Infill work kimiii developing bin (inld Coin proicrty. out in the Green horiiH. Itoad SiiH!rvlHor I'. I). Kitten, wIiowiim reelected in .lime hy a large majority, In jiiHtifyiug the taxpayer of thiH Hcction in their choice, hy doing u record-breaking amount of good work on theGraulte, Cracker Creek and llonnimt romln. Mr. and Mm. I.. M. Welch arrived from Kearney, Xebranka, nevcra! dayn hlnce and will remain here indefinitely. Mr. Welch Hciit novcral wcekn here early hint nprlng, and wan ho well pleiiHcd with the country tlmt he decided to re turn. Dr. ThouuiH and IiIh niece, Mrn. An dernoii, of Chicago, for Hevcral iIii.vh pant were the guentH of Dr. and Mrn. An derHoii. The lady Ih the wife ol Dr. Anderxon'H brother, who in in charge of one of the department of Marshall Field'H big ntore. At the meeting of the city council hint week an electric lighting francliimi wan given StiiiHou & Co. Thin wiih linked for owing to u xcrap between the Hotel Sunipter comuiuy and Klectric Light company. The difference will now probably Im Mettled. I'rcHident MlchaclH, of the Turnagalii Arm company, left for IiIh home In Mln ueaH)llH Saturday afternoon, having HHnt a couple of weekH here. It Ih re I Mir led that lie bought another proarty jiiHt before leaving, hut he declined to Mate what mine it Ih. Harry Nicdermark, who Iiiih entered a partnerHhip with K. Nordyke in the coutractiuK lamlueHH, went out to the Cracker Creek dintrict Saturday to work u a proHWct hole he Iiiih out there, and only returned yeHtcrday. Mr. Nordyke For Miking or Power Plants and Water Works HiiyH that claim ueedH and recelveH more attention and iiHHeHHiiient work than any other in the ilMrict. Oncar 0. IteiiMiu, one of the well known pioneer of the Sumpter, having been engaged in the mercantile buHincim here in the infancy of Sunipter, arrived from IiIh home in I'ortland hint week and will probably remain for Hevcral wcekn, on a IiuhIih'hh and nodal vioit. Mr. Hciinoii owiih an iutercMt in the lieil I toy mine. The oIIIcith of the local camp of the Woodmen of the World gave an inter cut inn literary and mimical entertain ment Monday evening at their hall to the member and a few invited gucHtH. There wan a good attendance and the program wiih greatly enjoyed, iim wiih alm an excellent banquet, with appro priate toantH. The Sumpter baud at tended and enlivened the evening with a number of well played HclectiniiH. W. C. Calder and Walter Allen re turned thin forenoon from l-u Ciraude, where the latter made tltial proof .vo te rduy on a timber claim, the former being one of IiIh witncHHCM. Mr. Calder came hack Hiircliarged with information alxiut the recently indued forest renorve order; but when Heen by a Minkh man at 1 1 o'clock, lie Htated that he had to go home to lunch at 12, and wouldn't poHHlbly have time to deliver hiinnulf ot thin information. lAiiive your order tor anything in the reading line with DeXeffe & Muzzy. Only the bent branilH ol Hipton and elgarn at Dunphy'H "The Club." If vim w Mi to ntrike it rich tine Giant 1'owder. Kent bramlH ot cigara at lloffnian'H. Ilakery. The nioHt Kiwerful and popular exph Ivt tiiaut xwder. Uhu Giant wwder, tune and caps. Mining dvedtt for nale at thin otlice. Books and Stationery I have added to my Htock of Cigar and ToImccoch a large uumlier of Mipiilar novcln, the leading H'riodical8 and a complete line of Matiouery ....The Elite Cigar Store... L. HARRIS, The red diamond-shaped 1 few yards of Eureka packing is an insurance policy. It insures long life of the pack ing, perfect performance of its duty as racking, reduction of friction to a fraction, and loss packing expense than with any othei kind of packing. When you have Eureka, "you have found it." Our halt fockn ik box mJ a Krral hit wllh sevtral IliouvanJ engineer. Il iot ut a ijoo.1 Jul. tut t ai willing to enJ II wllh the catalogue to any LANDS FOR SALE nrivs of choice lanils adjoining the city of Sunipter for wile very cheap. If the milieu aiv giaal, real "talc in Ht ill better. A lot of this land N Httituble for platting mill very lare retunw can In-, uinilu on the inveetineiit. Thene' lantlo will be ihl for one-fourth their tint three yearn ago ami tux now ilown to rock bottom price. Call un or JJrr SUMPTER DEVELOPMENT GO. SfcYUOim II. Hlu, AUnnRtr SUMPTCR. OKGON GOOD THINGS TO i I AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, New Building. Phophictor label on the box, and on every engineer who tenJi hve cent In Ump (or posUge. EAT .to. leakvw ftH Jas. L. Robertson & Sons, Fulton St., New York. :-