The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 30, 1902, Page 15, Image 15

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    Wednesday, July jo. 1.902.
l j .
Mining Promoters Arc Doing
Well the Great Work.
Thu illinium promoters who are hand
ling eastern Oregon iniH!rthH urn ad
vertising tliln country intelligently, lion
cutly mid extensively. Thu two local
tirius tlint arc iloin the most in thin
direction am Neil J. Sureiifen it Co. ami
KllliMi, Warner & Stewart. They are
sending out thousands of pieces of liter
ature every week, telling of the marvel
oiiH mineral resources of thu gold fields
of eastern Oregon.
.1. I!. McMaiius & Son, of Seattle;
Wheeler A Co., of New York; V. II.
Tibbals, of Salt Lake; l-ee S. Ovitt, of
Milwaukee; the Ttirnagalu Arm com
paiiy, of MiiiucaolIs, ami perhaps one
or two other are also doing exeellent
work in thin ilirection. While ench Is
paying csecial attention to its own
propitious, none are neglecting the
-district In general, ami all lire lieing
benefitted hy the work of each other
the district reaping a great, rich harvest
the while.
Tiik Mi.nkk has just received from
"Wheeler it Uo. a copy of the North
American Miner, a publication which
they issue monthly, in etlitloiiH of 80,000.
It in full of good stuff iibout the Sumpter
district ; of course, tellH nil about the
lllue Iliril, in which the llrm in largely
interested, priutn u picture of .Mayor
Bobbins ami given a story from Tiik
Minkii the most prominent position in
the Itook.
The American .Mining Newn, one of
the great cIbhh paers of America, in itM
issue of July It), publishes an illustrated
interview with (S. II. Wheeler on IiIh
return to New York from Sumpter. It
says :
ti. II. Wheeler, of Wheeler it Co., of
tli'iH city, who ban just returned from an
iiiHccti(iii of his own and other proer
ties in the eastern part of Oregon, is
enthusiastic over the future of that ter
ritory. In an interview since bin return,
lie said:
"The mineral resources of that part of
the Mate, I lelieve, surpass those of any
similar ilistrict on the continent. Until
recently they do not upiear to have been
appreciated. In almost any other dis
trict in the world they would have
caused a rush and boom nothing less
than sensational. And it would bo
largely justiticd. Here in eastern Ore
gon ure thousands of square miles of
gold ore bodies. l.oiig ago it was dem
onstrated from the millions yielded from
placer workings that gold in quartz must
exist, even as it was hIiowii to exist in
California, Idaho and Cripple Creek
after the rush of placer mining had
passed over. Geologists eminent in
their profession have, after exhaustive
survey and search, tiui)uulltiedly pro
claimed the ore riehes of eastern Oregon
uh among the greatest on earth.
''The practical guarantee, however, of
any district is neither climate, noil nor
geology ; it is reul gold and real mines
producing it; mid, in that one infallible
test and guide, a half dozen sections in
eastern "Oregon are absolutely peerless
I n1" their gold output, according to the
amount of developiywnVdOiie and money
"From tnV.C.opH)r mountains, eighty
miles northeast of Buker City, clear to
the golden gulches of Canyon City, Is
one vast mineral bed. Between Baker
City and Suaku river lies a free gold zone
of 1,000 miles square. Away up umo.ig
the Powder River mountains, in Union
county, is the Cornucopia district, with
u mineral belt miles in breadth and
length. The Sanger, Cracker Creek,
Sumpter, Granite and Susanville are
representative districts, each with its
comjionent of mines, many of which
have produced millions in gold nud in
record time.
"Within a little area near Sumpter
are a half dozen mines, and u 2,(XXUH)0
cash offer for them would not be consid
ered for a moment. They are closely
held and it is not ossihlu to estimate
their value. By the courtesy of the
presidents of the Bed Boy, Columbia ami
Goleouda, I inspected those mines and
obtained some Idea of the fabulous
wealth stored in their ore ledges. The
Bed Boy hud just struck an ore Uxly
running from fSOO to $1,500 ht ton, but
there was very little excitement over the
fact. The Columbia has literally for
tunes blocked out. The IS0,000 ore I
saw in thu Goleouda is not from a rare
splinter, but a big lead. Facts ure leak
ing out concerning the North I'olemlue,
which easily place it among the greatest
gold mines in the world. I-ast year its
owners cleared f 1,000,000 out of it, ami
that figure is likely to be doubled this
year. Sou.u years ago the Ited Boy was
bought for it few thousand dollars; today
its value Is in millions.
"Within three years activity in min
ing has been pronounced, and at the
present time capital, both eastern and
western, Is urgently seeking Investment
in this Held. I'rosects have Wen de
veloed into paying mines and claims
purchased at trifling cost have brought
fortunes. It is in these later discovered
mines now being developed that the
public will make money. The older
proiertIes cannot be bought except at
enormous figures some will not even
mime a price."
Patho in Names oi Mine.
A majority of the mines of Colorado,
it is estimated, are mimed after women
and children. The earnest affection
which so many mlpiiig men feel for their
families, the desperate efforts which
they make to attain wealth, often sacri
ficing the present for the uncertain fu
ture, is well typiltcd In the names given
to their properties. It may Ihj well
imagined that when a mull uumes his
mine Thu Kmmu, that Kiniiiii Is his
wife's iiiiinu and that ho is lighting the
world for Kmma's dear sake. Many a
miner has sat over his camp-lire on a
bleak night, while his heart was filled
with but one image that of his wifoand
children. Thus the sunny hoes and
the dark fears which cluster uhout the
names of mines ure many. When a mini
names a claim Thu Only IIohi or Thu
Bottom Dollar, there is doubtless more
putlios than humor in thu association
which suggests it' although the title us
ually calls up a smile to the lips of thu
uninitiated. The names were probably
very suggestive at one time to those who
risked their little all with small prospect
of return. Kxchange.
Golden Eagle Hotel
Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. Sam
ple Rooms. Electric Light. Telephone, etc. Table
supplied with the best the market affords.
Mesdames Sparks St Brandenburg
A. P. GOSS, President
GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier
& Bank of Sumpter 3
TftMieti StMfil lutlM IiiImii
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits
Drafts Jiawu un al parts (,( (lie auiIJ Special attention tc .oilectlcns.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
(.Successor to Snyde & Stinson)
Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar
Agents for Matting
ly and Moore Whis
key a 20-year-old
whiskey as good as
Elixir of Life. All
whiskies are out of
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and
Rata Again Reduced From All Points Eatt.
Before you make detinate arrange
ments for that trip east let us quote you
rates via the Illinois Central railroad
Our rates are the lowest to be had, and
it will pay you to write us. If you
haven't time to communicate with us,
tell the agent from whom you purchawo
your ticket that you want to travel by
the way of thu Illinois Central, and you
will never regret thu trip. If any of,
your relatives or trieuds in the east are
coming west while the low rates are in
effect, write us about them, and we will
see that they get the lowest rates with
the best t-crvice. Through tourist cars,
free reclining chair cars in fact all the
latest conveniences known to modern
railroading. For particulars regarding
rates, time, service, stop-overs, different
connection and routes, etc, call on or
addreso, B. F.- TitUMiiui.i,. Com'l. Agt.
42 Third street, Portland. Oregon.
Don't Guess
but if you are going east write us for
our ratesand let ustell you about the ser
vice and accommodations offered the
mus cum miLBBJuF
Through Tourists Cars via the Illinois
Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago and
Cincinnati. Don't foil to write us about
your trip, as we are in position to give you some val
uable information and assistance. 5,3 19 miles of track
over which is operated some of the finest trains in the
world. For particulars regarding freight and passenger
rates call on or address,
T. F. 4 P. A. Com'l Agent
142 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE.