M THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday July 30. 190.4 FOREST RESERVES FOR OREGON Interior Department Withdraws Vast Areas in Blue Mountains. .Much Inlcri'Mt tiiN nroiiHci I here liy lliii iill)licntioii itf it recent pre-H ilix .it I'll from W'iihIiIiihIiiii, relntive to the crentlcin of foreHl riwru in the 1 tl lit itiiiiinliiiiiH. Tin iniirei"iiiii yenentlly irenilH that it in the llrxt Htei taken by mine (inwerfnl HVliilicnte to prevent In illvMiuil lilinttH, with it view to M'cnriiij: tlit'w viilnnlile t SimIht IiiikIh in liirtfi' tnictH. Oin of lliei'ti ilifi.itc!ieH, (luted .Inly '.M, mivh: I .ti id I ('iiiiiiiiicHiniicr lleriimmi, I'nrcxt iiierlnleiiileiit Ornifhy mill tlmtieohu. 'nn;ti width of thu win lit thin iint Ih irniHH rnolH to bedrock, which Ih mi rtvur iiu'e of llfteeli feet from tin ciirfiict! of tlie u'riinnd, mill proinict'- to rival pome of tlie bt't placer inincH that irant county Inn' Known cince the early i-ix' tiff They expect to return to their property at an early date anil make ar raiiu'eineut" to install a hydraulic on the ground in the ipriiivr. lllue .Moun tain Kii)le. DIXIE MEADOWS ORE $375. Rich Strike in a Promising Quartxburg Property. Per ton, :"tl Thi'M' are the liitt-Ht lU'iircx telephone)! to Dr. V. C. Helknap, president of the Dixie Meadow m (iold .Mining' company, liy I'rank .1. Daviiy, the iinted ar'Siwr of linker City, on miiii ple" Milnnittt'd to him fume diiyp apt from the i ich ore IkmIv encountered at a dihtiince of ll'.'i feet on thu north drift fiom the main ciii--cut tunnel. Tlienv- ii'iil Survey lime united in recoiuliieuil inc to the secretary tif the interior the temporary uithdrawr.l of tlnee tract of land in Crunk, (iriint, Harney, .Malheur, Maker, I'matilla, I'lilou and Wallowa coiiutiei', eniliiMlvinu the peukn and lieiivilv t IiiiIhti'iI it'itinuH of the Straw lierrv, lllue and I'iiuiIit Ither iniiiiii- j ilitriet, who have for miiiic time hceu twehe feet and from it have lcen taken, hince Achiijer Daxey Iiiih hceu at work on the nut on which he made the last report, NimplcH that eacily a -ay doulile that amount. The uiemlHri' of thecom pa ny in e, of course, miH happily mir prised, as itie ul-o the people of the tains, the total area hciii' appioxiiuate ly IKKHI scpiaie mill's. This withdrawal, if made, will he the llrst step in the iliiectiou of creatine a vast reserve in eastern Oregon, wheie, in the opinion of the survey and land , expecting liithint-of the Dixie .Meadow mine. Thu ledjje has U-en cros-cut ill lliree places ami ha- shown up eccllcntU at every point. The general aerat'e ot thu many assay-made is $10 per ton, ex ollice, thcic Is a crying nceil lor protec ceeiliu that of any other mine in thu li f the liuiher and water siipplv, es-1 district. The famous Ited lloy reached pecially ax it is contemplated ;,n-1 a general averati of fl'S, hut it held that only for a shoit distance. Thu main tunnel of the Dixie .Meadows mint) has hceu run 170 feet, from which the north drift has heen extended lL'o feet. The principal IhmIv of ore is crushed slate, through which run iimrtz stringers. Tlie latest assays shows from forty to sity Mr cent tree nM. The force is now at work exclusiwly on the third tunnel, recently hcpiu, to reach an additional depth of ll'.'i feet at which another "surprise" is anticipated. Pr.iiiieCitv Miner. struct storage ieseroirs tit the-e sec lions. Thu largest withdrawal tecoiiiiueutltil is roughly I, shaped, thu husu of thu I. running north aial south ahiiw thu Itlue niouutaluH, and' thu upright running eat and west ailing thu Straw lieiry mountains. The latter section is ap proximately I'M miles from east lowest, varying in width from six to eighteen miles. The lllue mountain section var ies In width fiom sixteen to foity miles, ami extends dui' south from thu I'ma tilla Indian reservation tor HN) miles, to its intersection with thu Slrawhcrry mountain withdrawal, thu two foimlnn a liulit auule. These couiliiued with drawals emhracealsiut eighty townships, including the headwaters of thu .Itihli Day, Sllvies, Malheur, CriHiktsI, tiramlu Itunde and I'owder livers anil nuinU'r less trihutary streams. Another one, dated the '.'.Mil instant, says: The secretary of the interior to day approxetl the rivoinincuilatinn niade hy Koi est Superintendent Drtushy, of Oreu'ou, for thu withdrawal of a lame part of the Itlue mountains in Oregon known as the Straw Itcrry moiiiitain re uiou, with a iew to the i"tahlishment of the lllue Mountain finest icmiw. The aiea involved ih alsiut 1 1.1 town. ship", ngi!rii'.iUiii!:i,.,IU,'Jiiil acres. Rich PUctr Ground Looted. Attorneys (ieo. K. Davis and A. D. Deedy leluruetl Tuesday evening from a trip to Meadow cieck, in the North Pork coiinli y, in the cxlicinc uorthc.iM part of i Irani coiiutv , after an alienee of two weeks, on which tlip thcv tveie aivolu p.lliietl liy I'V-liclltT Newt l.iv IliiMon, of Willow precinct. These enlleiucn niatle this tiip to inspect tlicnch, undeveloped placer tlepoits know ii to tist m Mea dow creek. This they found, hut none too soon, for shortly after they arrived on thu w ion ml, parties came in fiom Suiupter on the same mission. While there they located 1 1 10 acre of mound in the name of the Meadow Creek Placet .Minim; Co., which company they will incorMirale in tlie near future. The proHrty they located is known to Is- re. nmrkably licli, and pioicfts fiom the Hoffman's Itakeiy makes a sx'fialty of furnisliim. ice cream for parties. Prompt attention itivun all unlets. Harrison can tell you why all lucky strikes are made vvitli tiiant Powder. Shoes of all kinds at Neill .Meicaullle t'onipaiiyV. lla.lewiMsl ice cream will Is- served daily at SturtfillV." T. (i. Harrison, iiout for (iiant dor coniiany. HIW FRED G. LAWSON u Opin House Block Phone 345 Sumpter, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER We mike a Specialty of Supplies for Miners. Heinze's Celebrated Canned Goods and a Full Line of Groceries Strawberries and Vegetables Fresh Every Day. American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co. E. SIBER, General Manager. Manufacturers of First Class Draught and Bottled Also Ice Made of Distilled Water, The most modern equipped plant in the state. All orders promptly attended to. Telephone, Main nj. BAKER CITY, OREGON. BEER Mining Blanks FOR SJLE BY QmV and Placer Loca tions, Tunnel Claim and THE Water Right Locations, 0 1---,-, Proof of Labor. Affidavit jv I LlA of Disarcerv Work rVllMIZO Mining Deed, Option to IIIINlK Purchase, Quit Claim I Deed, Lease j j j j 4 Nil .A, X aJI u'"i pH i i mhI leiiHHBKjllHiHaiiLiiHM pHpnpv t X friri ii'i I Friction Clutch COUPLINGS POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 1 SPECIALTY CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITEO AND' PULLEYS POWERFUL, SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS ADORCBS WILLAMETTE IRON AND STEEL WORKS PORTLAND, OREGON rSSSKECTE