The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 30, 1902, Page 13, Image 13

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    Wednesday, July jo, 1902.
The following instruments were tiled
at the Huker county court house during
the week ending July 21, 11102.
SGricrctux to Juu Wiittermnu
lotH 1 & 2 1)1 k !) AtWOOtls tulit
Huker City 700
II II C Ilrnttuin A I, llruttiiin to
J It Messiek nw 14 nw 14 sec II
tp I0r.'7 e
.Ins Tnynton to Jos Palmer et al
unil 3 hit in se 1-4 no l4 see III
tpOriM e
Chirk Snvdo to .1 W Connulhi n 1-2
lotn 1 & 2 hlk 2 Similiter Town
site (' A !: Smith et ux to Alfred
llriggs lotH H & 11 hlk A, C A i:
Smith mln Huker City ....
Lulu MeCulley et ill to'K It Footer
lotlt hlk 5 Warren Height mill
John Holland to Roy II Miller
Hcnson iliteh.. . .."
C II Crulg et ux to Orson Moody
lands in nee 211 tp r 45 e
W J Burke et ux to Win ltclc
wood 1'urkur lot in M Fox hlk
Huker City 510
T D Anhtronk to K C Ashurook
lota 7, H, & 10 mid ? hit in lot
11 blk 54 Wilovale, Huker City. 1
F M Saxton administrator 10 0 H
HawkiiiH et nl 240 acreH in got-
tionH 15 A 22 tp 8 r 40 e
Heirs of Register V Rluml dec, to
G B HawkiiiH name hh above. . .
Richard G Wright to G It Haw
kiiiH und 1-2 w 1-2 m 1-4 Hec 22
tp 8 h r 40 o
G B Hawkins to R (i Wright und
l--' e I--' oe 1-4 hoc 15 e l-'J ne 1-4
sec 22 tp 8 r 40 025
J BGriMWoldctux to F Ritehev
lots 7, 8, 0 blk C. Unities '. 1
M K Young to J G Young 1(10
acrex in nee 20 tp 10 r Hit :t500
Sumpter TomiHite Co to F Stottn
lot 2 bjk 7 Kllia South Sumpter
adu Snmpter 50
Sumpter Townslto Oo to II Finger
lot 2 blk 4 South Sumpter mln.. I
Kleunor .Martin to Kitstem Oregon
Ijind Co IuiiiIh known ns The
Dulles Military Road ' 1
Heirs of Annie jjomihue to Kant
eru Oregon hind Co mine us
nlHve 1
W .1 Urnwell to C W Musters w 1-2
hw 1-4 sec It tp t h r ."ill e 1050
W I. Irwin et ux to I. Fnstuot et
ux ho 1-4 ho 1-4 und u Mrip of
land 20 rodH wide mid 80 rod
long off eust side of hw 1-1 ne 1-4
ceo 30 tp 8 r :; so 1-4 he 1-1 sec
25tp8r !W 1000
Oncitr Sehaeffer to Win K D.uis
lotn 1 & 2 blk 54 lot It) hlk 5:t
Wilovale adu linker City 300
Win K DiivIh to A Wuiiislmrg lot
10 blk 5.'i Wilovale udn Huker C 40
Trt'HHie M Kuton to H II Weather
hmkiii n 1-2 tie 1-4, iiw 1-4 ne 1-4
ee 15 and ne 1-4 hw 1-4 nee 10 tp
Unr41 e 000
A II Huntington sheriff toTressie
M Kutou hii me tis above ... Il,:i5
Wm Kutou to Juo W Keel lotn 7,
8, 0 blk 1 Wilovale mln linker C 50
Hot SpringH IjiikI A Imp Co to
Sarlino Joruomo hlks 42 fc 411
Hot SpringH l'ark mln linker C. 700
John Umiker et nl to Abraham
Umiker und 1-3 int in Lust
Struggle, F.xcuiug Slur, Toutle,
Alpine und Joliiiey placer ciiiih -iH7
nlnli I1 Meluiidv et al to F K
Wilson mid 2-5 int in Very I test
und Mud SiriugsiU elms .... 1
II W It Smitli et uxandThouiiiH F
Daly et ux to Geo F Wright,
Cyclone, Cyclone No 2 A White
QutHill lt. Cllllh 4000
Wm Jordou to (ieo Kolscth et al
Regiuiu placer elm 100
M K Ijimliert to Chan Soley 1-4
int in Deep Channel placer elm !t(K)
Jav Gould (iold Mining Co to Jay
Gould Mining A Milling Co, Jay
Gould group of cluiniH 1,500,000
Whitney to A W Morchend et
al Monarch placer claim 1
D W CuHhman et ux to Oregon
Development Co 20 acien placer
ground 100
L C Henriker to M Sampson int
in Yellow Boy and other quartz
claiina 100
P L Kelly et ux to W J Moorhead
Hurricane A Savage placer elms 1
M F Harper et al to C W Emerson
lot 11 blk A, Fishers adn Uaker
City, assignment of mtg 75
David McClure to S Oshorn certif
icate of mtg executed by II K
Hrow ii A w f and Kern Snow ...
J W Connelln to Clark Suvde n
1-2 lots 1 A 2 blk 2 Sumpter
Tow unite 70
Jus Grainger to Clark Snvde 1-2
int in lot 2 blk 4 Sumpter Town
site and bar fixtures 10t
.lames Grainger et ux to Clark
Snyde lot 7 blk 0 Sumpter town
site 501
II W llarthelmew to M SCorrigall
4500 sheep (1501
A N Ingle to First Nutl bank Ha-
, ker City 1000 shee 4l
C A Carrulhers to Citizens bank
linker City 1150 nheep .. . . 1151
I Omega OukH to C A Julius lot ll
blk II T ST 15
W H I .und ret h et ux to First Natl
I bank lot 2 blk 2 Stewarts adn
Baker City 501
Orson Moodv to First Nutl bunk
; Huker City 2200 shee 2001
I Frank Aldeu to I) F Haw lev satis
i faction, lot :t, w 22 ft lot 4 hlk
I 13 Warren Heights, Sumpter 18:
M Asher to M 0 Hostwick Slum
I Oulch iiuurtK elm 500
in Robinson to K (Jullili et al
release, lotn 0 A 10 blk 32 Me
Craryn adn Huker City
K J Robinson to Catherine Rob
inson v 1-2 blk 10 Kelloutfs adn
BakerCity 130
G It HawkiiiH et al to F M Saxton
administrator e 1-2 ho 1-4 nee 15
w 1-2 He 1-4. e 1-2 ne 1-4 tee 22
tp8Hr40e 1050
R G Wright to G It Hawkins e 1-2
. ho 1-4 Hec 15 o 1-2 ne 1-4 sec 22
tp8Hr40o 025
Alfred lirlggu to J II Donald lots 8
AOblk A.C A K Smiths udn
Baker City 150
Joseph ( Foster et ux to .1 II Don
ald lot 5 blk 0 J II Purkern adu
Baker City 250
I) T Davis to Gedden A Tollman
personal proertv, produce and
other commodities in Detmt
meat market Huker City 000
W D Nash to Citlxens bunk Huker
City 2025 Hheep
J 1' Kiiiuison et ux to S Oslsirn
administrator n 1-2 we 34 swl-4
sec 35 tp 8 and w 1-2 w 1-2 sec 2
tit Oh r.'tOe 830
lxiu Hell to Stiidebuker Bros lan
dau 1104
W K Smith et ux to Union Cen
tral Life Insurance Co u 1-2 mi
1-4, He 1-4 lie 1-4 see 1 tp 10 r.'ltt,
nw 1-4 iiw 1-4 see II tp 10 r 40,
hw 1-4 hw I 4 sec 3(1 tp 0 r 30, se
1-4 lie 1-4 see 34 tp 0 r 30 e und
UHH) inches water of Eld creek . 500
Attachment W I) llollilleld vs A
New ton A J Miindiu 700
Action Davis Bros et al s G D
Johnson A W J Robertson ac
tion on note . 500
Power of Attorney A F Hoiihaiu
et al to F E Wilson to sell cer
tain iUcIiiih
Suit J M Brown vs Eastern Gold
Alining Co to foreclose lien 117
Suit FC Sols vs M T Kune on
note 108
Suit Kiln Powell vs John Powell,
Attachment FT Glisun s John
Holland 1200
Action W J Patterson vh CC An
drew h et ul 5(1
Bill of Sule-J L Mohler to D T
Davis personal property .... 200
Suit Thos E Kelley nC W Gir
tou et nl foreclosure mortgaue
lot 7 hlk 41 Huntington 21.1(4
Rclvcr of Scarlet Estate in Baker.
George I). Iteattys, of New York City,
receiver of the Seurles estate, Is in Huker
City, having arrived ut the (Joiner Cirund
hotel last night. He is tisluy in elose
coiiHiiltntiou with General Manager
Jones, of the Cornucopia mines, and is
slated to leave for Cornucopia tomorrow
on a isit of iiiHectiou to the procrty.
Inspired by Mr. lieattys' visit, rumor is
busy with ciiding things ut the great
Searles mines. However, both Mr.
Heatt)H and Mr. Jones maintain thut the
former's presence in this city lias no
particular significance us affecting the
Cornucopiu. It is known, however, that
Receiver HcattyH not long ago wuh pre
sented with an offer for the purchase of
the Cornucopia mines. The maker of
the offer is said to have been the Russell
A. Alger syndicate, und the sum of
money proffered for the mine is placed
by reort ut anywhere between $200,000
and $2,000,000. It is probable that the
latter figure is more nearly correct.
When approached by u Herald repre
seututiu' tliis morning, Mr. Hcnttysnffu-
bly conversed on the prosperous ap
pearance of the country through which
he passed on his (lying trip ucro"s the
i continent ; expressed himself as pleased
'with the asHct of Baker City, iilxnit
which, he said, he had hoard und lend
' so much, but he diplomatically refrain
' ed from discussing the affairs of the
I Searles icccUcrship. Popular opiuii u
I unites on the proposition that as a result
of Receiver Heattys' visit to the big Cor
nucopiu mine, there will shortly be
something doing up in the golden Eagle
range. The Cornucopiu 20-Htump mill
is running full blast under the siiierlu
tendency of F. C. Dobler, whositcceeded
Superintendent Alietie Case. Steady
shipments of valuable concentrates are !
being made to the Everett smelter
through this city, and the output of the I
mine for July will undoubtedly bclnrgc. '
UnltfJ Sutr UnJ Oilier.
La irnjf , Orrion. July n. Igoi.
Nailer l hrrttiy given that In compliance with the
provltlom ot Ihr act of control ol June I, IS?S. en
IIIUJ "An acl for Ihe vile ol limber lnj In the uin
ol California, Oregon, NevaJaanJ Wathlnglon Ter
ritory," at exteJJeJ lo all Iht Public UnJ tlatet by
acl of Auguil 4, II41,
ol Dei Molnet, county of Polk, llale of Inwa, hit
this Jay MeJ In this ofhee hli iworn llilement No.
Ilto, forihe purchase ol the e)i teK. nU tl,
ni( )( nl wcllon No. ti In lowmhlp No. ll south,
range No. if EWM, anj will offer proof to show thai
IhelanJ aoughl Ii more valuable tor lit limber or
ltone than for agrlcuUutat purpoiei, anj to etiabllih
hli claim to li lnJ before the Regltler anj Re
ceiver of Ihlt nflice. al LatiranJe, Oregon, on Mon
day, the loth Jay ol November. I.
lie names at witnesses: I rancli !. Connetlt .
Thomas Tweel, ol The Dalles, Oregon; I rank Lag
len, ol La (iianJe, Oregon; V. R. MeaJ, ol Simpler,
Any anj all persons claiming aJversety Ihe above
JescrlbeJ UnJ are rnuesleJ In tile Ihelr clalmi In
this ofiice on or before ulj loth Ja ul Nov., luo.
E. W. tlAMTllTT. Register.
Dep.irlinrnl of Ihe Interior, i
UnlleJ .States LanJ Ollice,
Iji (SranJe, Oregon, Julv J. lo. )
Notice Is hereby given thai ihe following nameJ
settler has hlej notice of his Intention lii make final
proof In support ul his claim, anj thai salJ proof will
bemaje before the cotinU ileik of llakrr count at
Maker City, Oregon, on September 8, lgu, vie II.
E. No. lu4io,
of Maker Clt, Orrgnn, for the e!i nw 1-4, sw 1-4 ne
1-4 anj nw 1-4 te 1-4 Sec. It, Tp. lo S, R I w .
Me namei Ihe lollnHlng wltnessei lo piote his
continuous reslJence upon anj cultivation of salJ
lanJ, vl; H. McCot, J. Ateers, J. D. Carter, ol
Maker City, Oregon, anj (Juries Mlneman.ot Whit
ney, Oregon.
C. W. lUHtUTT, Register.
...J. W. C0WDEN.J
FIELDS 522552355
Address J. W. Cowden, Sumpter, Or.
. Only traiiscinitiueutal Hue
" passing directly through
::SaIt Lake Gty
Colorado Springs
land Denver
Three splendidly euuipped tra na
dully TO Al.l. POINTS EAST.
Through Hhmiiiux and Dining Cart
I unil fret) Reclining Chair Can. .
The most MagnlHcent neeuery in
America ty ilaylignt.
I Mtop overs allowed on an ciaiiMa
a a aa '
of tickets.
For cheajiest rates and dexeriptl ve .
7 literature. iiUtirum
(ienecal Agent.
124 Third Street, Portland, Ore.
warn odegon
U Short Line
and union Pacific
Silt like,
Denver, bias City.
Ocean steamer between I'ortliinil
nutl San Francisco every live ilayu.
Low Rates I
Tickets to und from all arU of
the United Htatos, Canada and
For iarticularH, call on or adtlroas
II. C. Ilowua,
Agent, Uaker City, Ore.