Ii 12 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday July 30, 1902 "GOING DOWN" a ON THE GIPSY KING if IT HAS been demonstrated that the great, rich ledges in Big Limber Gulch of Gable Gove District are far down under the ground. Thousands of dollars have been expended on a half dozen properties there in driving tunnels, which have demonstrated the existence of splendid ore bodies, but the backs attained have not been great. GIPSY KING GOLD MINES CO. has taken the initiative and begun to sink a shaft on an ore shoot of marvelous value and size. It is seven feet wide and no piece of rock has been found there that assayed less than $92, and from that up to $400. The company is under contract to take out this ore for the Smelter to be built in Sumpter. When that smelter begins operations, the mine will be self-developing and the sale of stock will be stopped. Until then it must be sold to pay running expenses. Only treasury stock can be bought. All of the other is pooled and in escrow. Tour, money will go into the development of the mine. Fifty thousand shares are offered at & TEN CENTS PER SHARE Send your money with your order to J. H. R08BINS, Treasurer of the company and President of the First Bank of Sumpter. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, ADDRESS W. H. MATHER at " ji dt SECRETARY at J SUMPTER, OREGON