Wednesday, July jo, 1902 THE SUMPTER MINER 11 TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE j, I878.-NOTICB KIR 1'UM.ICATION, United States Und Oftice, 1 L Grande. Oregon, July q, Iqoa.) Notice It hereb) given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act of congress ot June j, 1878. en tllle J "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the states of Calllornu, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter rltorv," at extended to all the Public Und stales b) act of August 4, i8q. vVENDEL N. PROEBSTEL. of whltnev, countv of Maker, state of Oregon, has this da) tiled In this office his sworn statement Vo. acq for the purchase ol the sw1.. nwj, , wH .w,' sec, and tcJX ne'f tectlon No loin lownstlp No. iu S, ranee No. )6 EW , and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or ttone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish hit claim to said lind before the Register anj Re ceiver of this oftice at La (innJe, Oregon, on Thurs day, the ijth Jav ot September, iqoi. He names as witnesses: Ltnorv I'roebstel, Charles Hindman and (rank Mater, of whltne), Oregon, anj I. Williamson, ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any anJ all per ons claiming jdverselv the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this oftice on or before said ajtli Jay of Sept., iqoa L. W, llARTLl TT, Register. TIMIER UNO. ACT JUNE 3. 1171. -NOTICE FOR PUIUCATION. UnlteJ Stales Lan J Oil ce. J La Grande, Oregon July o. tuoe. Notice Is hereby plvcn that In compliance with the provisions ot the act ot congress ol June , 1878, en titled "An act for the sale ol tlmler lanJs In the states ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter rltnr) ," as eMcndeJ to all the I'ubllc LanJ slates l .ict of August 4,1891, CIIARI.LS A. VAN DUYN. of Sumpter, countv ot Baker, stale of Oregon, has this da) hied In lh)s office hl suorn statement No. i04 lor the purchase of the e ) s e 1-4, s w 1-4 s e 1-4 and s e 1-4 sw 1-40! section No. ti In township No. 11 south, range No 17 1 w ., and wlh ntfer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for lis timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ills claim to said land before Chailes II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Thursdat.theqth Ji) of Oitober, igo. He names as witnesses William C Cat Jer, Tho mas J. Pah, HeinarJ I lnn and V. R. Mead, all ot Sumpter, Oregon, Anv anj aUpcisons claiming adversely the above descrlecJ lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or belore said qth Ja of txtnber, iuo E. W. ItAPfl CTT, Register. TIMIER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, II7I. -NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. United States UnJ Ol lice, e. 1 U Grande, Oregon, Juiyq , iuoj. 1 Notice Is heieh) given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act ot congress of June 1, 1818, en titled "An act for the sale ot limber lands In the stales nf Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter rltorv ," as extended to all the Public I and slates b act ol August 4, i8a, JOHN II. RODDY. nfStarbuck, countv ot Columbia, state ol Washing ton, has this da) tiled In this nllice his sworn state ment n. it; tor the purchase of the ntli of section No. 4 In township No. 11 south, range no. 14 LWM and will offer proof to show tint the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than lor agricul tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ot this olh.e at La Grande, Oregon, on WeJnesJa) , the 8th da) of O to ber, iqoi. lie nams as witnesses Stinlnr,J D. S'onler, Wil liam Peterson, I rank E. lenJef, ol Waltsburg. Washington, anj William E Sprout, ol Mirbuck, Washington An) anj all persons ilalmlngajversel) the above dtscrlbeJ lands aie requested to hie their claims In this nlhce on or belore said Eth Jiy ot October, igoj, I . W. II AHUM T. Register. TIMIER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, IIVt.-NOflCE TOR PUIUCATION. UnlteJ States Land Olhie. itates Land Office. 1 La Grande, Oregon, JllV It, l(K I N'mlri. Is herebv ilven that In compll nee with the provisions ot the act ol congress ol June 1, 1878. en titled "An act tor the sale ot timber lands In the states ot California, Oregon, Nevada anj Washington Ter mor) ."as extenJeJ to all the Pubic UnJ States b) act of August 4, i8a, NETTIE THOMPSON, of llaker City, county ot Hiker, state of Oregon, has this Jay file In this office her sworn statement No. ib lor the purchase of the s w 1.4 s w 1-4 section )4,eJ t e i-4. n w 1-4 s e 1-4 of seiilon No, 11 In township No. 10 soulh, range no. h' ew, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more val uable tor Its timber or stone than for agrlc llural pur poses, and to establish her claim to salj lanJ before the Register and Receiver of this i.lfueat La Grande. Oregon, on Thursday, the i6ih dav ot October, loot. She names at witnesses Nets Moen, Cleora Moen, F. M. Shurlllff, William Geddet, all ot llaker City. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to hie their claims In this olfice on or before said i6ih Jay of October, iqoi. E. W. ItARTUTT, Register. TIMIER UNO, ACT JUNE I, 1171.-NOTICE TOR PUIUCATION. UnlteJ Stales Land Office, 1 La Grande, Oitgon, July 11. loos.) Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ol the actol congress of June 1. 1I7I. en titled "An act for the tale of timber lands in the slates of California, Oregon. Nevada nd Washington Ter ritory." as extenJeJ 10 all the Public Und Slates by act of August 4. itq. CLEORA MOEN, of Baker City, county of Baker, state ot Oregon, has this Jay filed in this office her sworn statement No. ml, tor the purchase of the s 1-4 n w 1-4. nXs w i-4, n w 1-4 s e 1-4 of section no. 14 In township No. 10 south, range No. isK ewm. and will offer prool to show that the land sought is more valuable for Us timder or stone than tor agrlcnltural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this olfice at La Gran if, Oregon, on Thursday, the 16th day ol October, iooj. She names as witnesses: Nels Moen. Nettle Thompson, William Geddes, F. M. Shurtllff, all of Baker City, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above JetcribrJ lands are requested to hie their claims in this office on or before said 16th day ot October, 190s, E. W. BARUETT, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1, 1878 -NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States LanJ Oftice, itj Oftice, ) le, Oregon, July t, iq.) La GranJe. Notice Is herebv given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 1. 1878, en titled "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory." as extended to all the Public Land States by act ot August 4, 1841, TRANK E. TENDER, of Waltsburg. countv uf Walla Walla, state of Wash ington, has this Ja) tiled In this office his sworn statement No. 1184, tor the purchiseol the w4 11 e i-4, s e 1-4 n e 1-4 and n w 1-4 s e 1-4 of section No 1 In township No. 11 S., range No. ) E.W.M , and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor Its limber or stone linn lor agricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim to salj lanJ be lore the Regis'er and Receiver of this office at U GranJe, Oregon, on WeJnesJiv, the 8th Ja of Oc tober, 1 00 j He names n witnesses William Peterson, Stan fnrj I). Stouter, ot Walfsburg, Wash : Jchn II. RoJ J). William I.. Sprout, of Marbuck, Wash. Anv anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above described lanJs are requested to hie their claims In this oftice on or before salj 8lh Jav of October, 100a. I.. W. IIARTU IT, Register. TIMI1I H UND. ACT JUNI. i. 1878. NOTICE I OR PUIII ICATION, UnlteJ Stiles I and Office Dice, ) 'regon, I 1, IUOJ. la Grande, Oregon Julv 1. iu Notice Is herebv ilvrn that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress ot J tne t, 1818, en til cd "An act lor the sale of timber lands In the States of Call'o.nla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended 10 all the Public LanJ Slates by act of August 4. i8iJ, HATTII. M. WRIGHT. of A 'stln, county of Grant, Mile of Oregon, has this Jav tileJ l'i this office her sworn statement No. 1184, lor the purchase ot Hie s' n w 1-4, sw 1-4 n e 1-4, n e i-4 s w 1-4 nl section No ji In township No 11 south, range No. is E.W.M .anj will niter prool lo show that the lap J sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, anj lo establish her claim to salj ImJ before (Juries II. Chance. U. S. commissioner, at Sumpfer, Oregon, on MonJiv. the 61I1 Jav of October, 1001. She names as witnesses Hiram Cnmpbtll, Thus O. Ilobbs, I'erc) llrajshaw, Owen SheparJ, all ol Austin, Oregon. Any anJ ah persons claiming aJverselv the abnve JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesieJ to tile their claims In this oftice on or belore salj 6th Jay of October, 1007. I . W. llAHHt'TT, Register TIAMIER LAND, ACT JUNK J, 1878. NOTICI: rOK PUBLICATION. UnlteJ Mites Lind Oftice. La GranJe, Oregon, June 13, 1901. ) Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June , 1878, enlltleJ "An act for the sale of limber lanJs In the Stales nl California, Oregon, NevaJi, anj Wash ington Territory," Gl ORGE W. I ANG. ot Spot.ine, count) ol Spokane, state ot Washington, hat this Jiy hleJ In this ollice his sworn statement No, 1060. for the purchase uf the sw I of section No. 1, In township No, i south, range No. 16 I.WM, anj will offer proof to show that the lanJ sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural rurposes. anJ to establish his claim to salj lanJ he ore the register anJ receivrr nl this ollice at U (nanje, Oregon, on Tuesja), the glli Jav of Sep tember, iooj. He names as witnesses Van R. MeaJ. Mike Ivnch. I. Schlemlng, all ol Sumpter, Oregon, anj Olio Stein, ot Spokane, Wash. Any anj alt persons claiming ajversel) theapie described lands are requested to till their claims In ths office on or belore salj oh Jay ot September, loos. r. W. IIauui-TT. Register. TIMBER I AND. ACT JUNE 1, 1878.-NOTICE I OR PUBLICATION. UnlteJ States UnJ Ollice, ( La GranJe, Oiegnn, June 11, igua. Nonce Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ot the act of Congress nl June 1, 1818, enlltleJ "An act tor the sale ol timber lanJs In the states of California, Oregon, NevaJa, anJ Washing ton Territory," OTTO STI IN, of Spokane, county of Spokane, stale of Washing ton, hat this Jay tiled In this ofhee hit sworn state ment No, 1070, for the purchase ol the se!i ot tec tlon No, 4, In township No. ta south, range No. 6 EvVM, anj will alter proof lo show that the lanJ sought is more valuable lor its limber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim to salj lanJ before the register anj receiver ol this office at La GranJe, Oregun, on TuesJay, the olli Jay ol September, ioo. lie names as witnesses: Van R. MeaJ, Mike Lynch, K Schlemlng, all ol Sumpter, Oregon, an J Gtorge W. Lang, ot Spokane, Wash, Any anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above described lands are requested to hie their claims In this office on or before said qth day ol September. IQOS. E. W. IIahtlett, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE . 1878,-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Und Oftice, ( La Grande. Oregon, June 14. igot. I Notice It hereby given that In compliance with Hit provisions ol the act ot Congress of June 1. 1878. entitled "An act lor the tale ol timber landt In the Stales ol California. Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," LEMUEL D. KING, ol Audrey, county ol Baker, state ot Oregon, hat this aay tiled In this office his tworn statement No. toqt, tor the purchase ot the wM neK ol section No. 11, In township No. 11 south, range No (7 EWM, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more val uable lor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land belore the county clerk of Hiker county, at Baker City, Ore gon, on Saturday, the Mill day ot September, 1001. He names as witnesses' toy J C fclllott, Lemuel Barnelt, John L Taylor, Elysees (j. Strleby, all ol Audrey, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to hie their claims In this ofnee on or belore said i)th day ol September, 1009. E. W. Dahilut, Register. TiMBbK Land, Act June j, 1878 noticu for I'UIUICATION. UnlteJ States UnJ Office, I U GranJe. Oregon, June q, iqoj i Notice ishereb) given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act of congress ot June 1,1878, en lltleJ "An act lor the sale of timber Ian Js In the States nl California, Oregon, NevaJa, anj Washington Terrltor)," as extended to all the Public I and States by act ol August 4, i8q. (-RANK C. HODSON. ol Sumpler, county of llaker, state ol Oregon, has this day hied In this oftice his sworn stiiement No. io)i, for the purchase of the s w , of seiilon No. 14 In township No. 10 S., range No 17 LWM, and will otter prool to show that the land sought Is more val uable for Its limber or stone than tot agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be lore Charles II. Chance, U. S. Commissioner at Sumpter, Oregon, on I tlday, the jlh da) ol Septem ber, IOOJ. He names as witnesses: Wllllim C, Calder. Ber nard I lnn. Ihnmis 1. Duke, Charles A. Vn Du)n, all ol sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requesieJ to tile their ilalmsln this oftice on or before said jth Jay ol Septem ber, loot. E. W. llAWTtrjTT. Register. TlVtltLR LANll, ACT JlfNU I, 1878-NOTICH I OR l-UIIUCAtlON. United Stales UnJ Office, . La GranJe, Oregon, June u, iuoj. ( Notice Is hereb) given that In compliance with the provisions ot the act of Congress of June ). 1818 entitled "An act lor the sile ot timber lands In the Slates ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing Ion Tetrllory," at extenJeJ to all the Public UnJ Slates b) act ot August 4. i8o. THOMAS J. DUKT. of Sumpler, countv ot Maker, state ol Oregon, has IhlsJa) hleJ In this office his sworn stitement No low, for the purchase ot the f ! ol si 1 Hon No. 38 In township No 10 S.. range No. 17 I.WM, anj will oiler proof to show that the lanJ sought Is mote val uable lor Its timber or stone than tor agrlcultutal purposes, anj to estibllsh his clilm to salj lanJ be fore Chliles II. Chance, U, S, Commissioner at Sumpler, Oregon, on I rljay, the 51I1 Jav nl Septem ber, igoe. He names as witnesses William C Caljer, Ber nirJ I linn, (Jiatlcs A. Van Dun, I rank E. I lot-son, all ol Sumpter, Oregun. An) nnJ all persons chiming adversely the above described lands are requested to hie their italms In this oftice on or belore sx'J sthJay ol SeplemNr, looa. I'. W, IIAKIIITr, Register TlWIILM LANll. ACT JUNU I, i8j8-SOTI(.U ior PUIUICATION, United States Und Oftice, I U Grande, Oregon, June 10. iooj. ) Notice Is hereb) given that In compliance with the provisions of the act ol Congress ol June 1.1878, enlltleJ "An ad lor the sale nl limber linJs In Up states ol California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing ton Territory," as extenJeJ In all Hie public lanJ states by act ol August 4, i8q. GIORGE II. STURGILI, ol Baker City, County ol Baker, State ot Oregon, his this Jay meJ in tins omce nit sworn s-aiemem no. io)Q, for the purchase of the nH se 1-4, e'a ne 1-4 of section No. v In township No. to S range No. 17 I.WM, anj wilt oifir prool to snow Hint tne lanj sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or slone than purposes, anJ 10 estibllsh his claim In salj lanJ belore the county cletk ol llaker lount), Oregon, on Salurdiy, Hie 6th Jiy ot September, ('' He names as witnesses: LyJU II. Sliirglll, nl Hi ker City, Oregon, Van Rensselaer Alt ad, ol Sump ter, Oregon, James Osbotn and Barbara Slurglll, ol llaker (Jiy, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advi-rsely the above descilbed lands are requested 10 file their claims in this ollice on or lefore said 6th day ol September, loos. L W. llARtllltr, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT IUNKII, 1H7H, NOIICB I'OK PUBLICATION. United Stales Und Oflue, Li (irande, Oregon, June 10, ivoa. I Notice Is hereb) given that In coin Nance with the provisions of the act ol Congress ol June , 1878, enlltleJ "An act lor the sale nl timber lanJs in the states ol California, Oregon, NevaJa, anJ Washing ton Territory," as extenJeJ to all the Pulllc UnJ States by act ol August 4, itM, Li DIA A. SIURGILL. jt llaker City, County ol Baker, Stale ol Oregon, has Hilt Jay hleJ In this ollice her sworn statement No. 10)8, lor the purchase ol the s)j nw'i.ejj sw 1-4 ol section No. ?8 In township No. 10 S., range No. 17 I.WM, and will offer prool 10 show that the lanJ sought It more valuable lor lit limber or ttone than tor agricultural purposes, anj to establish her claim to salj lanJ belore the county clerk ol Baker county, at Baker City. Oregon, on SaturJay, Hit C1I1 Jay ot September, loot. ,.,.,. She names at witnesses: Van Rensselaer Mead, ot Sumpter, Oregen: James Otborr, George II. Slur glll, Barbara Slurglll, all ol Baker City, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested 10 rile their claims In this oftice on or before tald 6th day ot September, ,,C,' E. W. Bartlbtt, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1. 1878. -notice tor PUBLICATION. United Statet Und Olfice. U Grande, Oregon, July 16, igos. Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act ol congrett ot June 1, I878, en titled "An act tor the tale ol limber lands In the stales ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter- ,ll0,y' FRED MOLT, ol Sumpter, county ol Baker, stale ol Oregon, has this day tiled In this office his sworn statement No Istq, lor the purchase ol the wM nw 1-4 and nw 1-4 sw 1-4 ot section I? and ne 1-4 ne 1-4 of section No. 18 In township No. 11 south, ranee No. )? I WM, and will of fer proof lo show that the land sought Is more valu able for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur rises, and lo establish his claim 10 said land before hailes II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, the soth day ol October, Ivro. He names as witnesses: Mark C Garver. Albert II. M lit, Ole T. Stradness, Wm. J. Robinson, all ol Sumpter, Oregon. An) and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to hie their claims In this office on or before said soth da) of October, liuj. I. W. llARTIITT. Register, TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1. 1878. -NOTICE IOR PUBLICATION. United Slates I and Oftice ) La Grande, Oregon, Jul) 5, tooa ) Notice It herebv given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act ol tongtess ot June 1. 1878, en titled "An art lor the tile ol limber linds In the Miles nl California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Tertltorv," at extended to all the Public Land Miles bv act ol August 4, 1847, I RANK II. MACKIY. ol suxtln countv ot Giant, state of Oregon, hat this div tiled In llils office his sworn stitement No 1186, lor the purchase ol the w 1-4 n w 1 4 and 'n i-4 ol section No. iiandnet-4 s e 1-4 of set lion No 14 In township No. ti south, range No. 14 E. W, M,, and will oiler prool to show lint the lind sought Is more vnlmble lor Its limber or stone thin lor ag ricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim lo slid lind belore Chailes II Chinee, I'. S commissioner, al Sumpter, Oregon, on Mondi), the 6 h div ol Oc tober, to. He names as witnesses Cluk M. Ilradshaw, ol Austin, Glint countv, Oregen: Iraiues Tke and Pearl llradshiw, ol I llensburg, Kittitas county, Washington, and I'ercv II. Hndshiw, ol Austin, Grant iininly, Oregon. Anv and all peisons claiming adsrtsel) the above Jesi tlbeJ I injs ore requesieJ In hie their claims In tins otitic nn or peinrr saia oin ji 01 suioi-er, igi. L. W IIVWlttTt. Reglstei TIMBER UNI), ACT JUNI 1, 1878 notii ft or flint u MION, UnlteJ Sutes Linl Oltue, j Li GranJe, Ongon, Julv iv. luoi.f Notice Is hetilv glvm Hut In lompllinu' with the provisions ol the ait ol congiess ol I nne 1, 1818, en (lit, . I "An act lor tin site ot timtir tiujsln the states of Calltotnla, Oregon, NevaJi anj Washington let- tllorv , asevlenJeJ loan tne I'uiiu i.inj stales oy ail ol August 4, if' IOTTH' IllllitP. ol Whllntv, countv ol llikir, stile nl Oregon, his tills Jiv hleJ In this ollice 111 r swmn stiienieni, no. on, tor the putchise ol lot 4 siillon 7itnd lot 1 In seiilon 18 township 11 south, t.tnge is IW vt, and se i-4 1-4 ol section No. 1 j and 11 e 1-4 ne 1-4 of set lion No ti Inlownslilp No. 11 south, range No must, and will nllir ptiHif In show lint the I nil sought is more valuille lor lis tlmler or stone thin tor agtlcul I1111I purposes, and to rslitllsh Iter ililm to said lind 1 1 Imp Chillis II ( liance, II S uiininlssloner, it Stnnphr, Oiegon.on Wednesdav. the 8lh diy ol Oilnber, imn. She mmes as witnesses Curten A Smith, leon ard Sims, Alav Sims, nl Whlttii), Oregon, and Allie S. Kmt.of Siinipiir. Oiegon Anv and all persons cl liming adverselv the above JesulheJ ImJsaie lequeslej In hie their claims In this olliip on or before salj 8th Ji nl Oitober. iooj. I.. W HvKlllIT, Register. TIMBIR I AND. ACT JUNI 1,1878 Not it I ior I'lllllK.VllON. UnlteJ Slates UnJ Ollice, Li GranJe, Oregon, Jul) 16, iquj.) Notice Is Intel) given that In tompllance with the provisions ol the net ol congiess of June 1, 1878, en tilled "An net lot the sate ot Hint er I injs In the states nl Calilotnla, Oiegon, Nevada and Washington ler illor," as extended lo all the Pulllc Und states by actol August 4, 18'H. CHRISTIAN II. JORGI NSI.N. of Spokane, comm ol Spokane, state ol Washington, has this Jav hli-J In this nlliie his sworn stitement No. , lor the purchase ol Hie nw 1-4 ol seiilon Nn. 14 In township No. 11 south, lange n 14 lM, and will oiler prool In show that Hie lind sought Is more valiial If lor Its tlmler or stone thin lor agiicullural put poses, and In establish his claim to said land be fore the Reglsltr and Ricilver nl this ollue at U Grande, Oiegon, nit luesdav, the 11st Jiy ol Oito- ife mines ns witnesses D II Sillir, of Petry, oiegon, I W Liglin, Arctie) loiwarJ, I. i Con tit II) , ol Ll GranJe, Oregon An) anJ all pusons clilmlng nJurselv the above- .... , ,-u 1. ... ...... .,.. I III., ti,. Ir etnltnt In uesiiiri'u i.tiiaa ,,, , - m ... ...... ... this ollice on or leloie s.ilJ jisl dav ol ottobet, l'o. : VI imkiii ll, ,ir;siri, TIMIII R I AND. ACl JUNE 1, 1878 noik.i ior rillllK.AllON, United St ites Und Ollice, 1.1 (nanje, Oregon, lull 18, fni. 1 Notice Is hi n bv given that In compllince with the provisions ol the actol congiess nl lime 1,1878, in IllleJ "An act lor the sile ol llmbir tiuJs In the stiles ol (jllloinli, Oregon, Nevada and Wishlnglon lei illor)."asextinJeJ tnall the I'ulllc I anj si lies by act of August 4, I)'. PI'IIR W. III.AIV. of Austin, count) of Grant, stile ol Oregon, has this Jay hleJ In this ollice his sworn slatiinilil No l?o, for the purchase ol the wj sw 1-4 section . se 1-4 se 1-4 section 1 anj lie 1-4 ne 1-4 ol section Mi loin town ship No, II soulh, range No I WW. anj will otter proof In show Iliat the lanJ sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or slone than tor agiicullural purposes, anj to establish his claim lo salj lanJ belore If. S. Commissioner Charles II. Chance, al his ollice al Sumpler, Oregon, on SaturJay, the Hill Jay ol oclo- lie names as witnesses William I . I owler, E. J. CrawlorJ, llarley Crawlord, ol Austin, Oregon, and L, Limbeck, ol Whltne) , Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requested 10 tile their claims In this ollice on or before said lilts day 2. October, iqoe. L. W. llARHITT, Register. TIMBLR UND. ACT JUNE 1, 1878. noth.M I or PUIUICATION. UnlteJ Statet Und Ollice, U (irande, Oregon, July 18, ivm. I Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act ol congress ol June 1, 1878, en titled "An act lor the sale ot limber lands in the titles ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," at extended lo all the Public Und stales by act ot August 4, l8o. WH LIAM E. rOWLLR, ol Austin, county nl Grant, tlate of Oregon, hat this da) filed in this olfice hit tworn statement No. Iir), for the purchase ol Hie wM sw 1-4, sw 1-4 nw 1-4 sec lion t and ne 1-4 se 1-4 of section No. 6 In township No II south, range No. it I wm, and will olfer prool lo show that the land sought is more valuable tor lit limber or ttone than tor agricultural purposes, and lo establish hit claim to taid land belore U, S. Commis sioner Charles II. Chance, al hit ollice at Sumpter, Oregon, on Saturday, Hie Nth da) ol October, Iooj. He names as witnesses' Piter W. Mealy, I- J. CrawlorJ, llarlev Crawlord, ol Austin Oregon, and I , I Imbeck, ot Whitney, Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to hie Ihelr claims In Hilt olhce on or before said Nth da) ot October, Igm. I.. W. llARULTT, Register.