Wednesday July o. 1902 IO THE SUMPTER MINER TIMHKIt LAND, ACT .H'NK :, IH78 NOTICK KOK ITIIUCATION. Pulled Stated I.11111I Olllee, I.11 Orandc, Orison, July II), UK):.', f Notice In hereby jfjveii Hint In compli unci with the iriivicioiiH of till lll't of OiiitfrcMi of .lune .'I, IH7H, entitled "An Met for thii en le of tiinher litnilf in the Htlitex of California, Oregon, Nevada and WiiNliiiitoii Territory," iih extended to all the I'lililii: Land StiitfH liv net of AuyiiHt 4, I Hill', KAMI'KL SOI'TIIWICK, of Cove, County of I'nion, Stale of Ore Kin, Iiiih thin day llled in thin olllee IiIh Hworn Htatemeiit No. I'-'ITi for the pur chant of the h w li 11 w ,'4 , 11 w i li HTtioti I 'J, and h e ( n e '.f, n u ( h e ' ectlon II, tow utdiip 1 1 S, rain-e IIH KU'.M. JACKSON W lli:NIN(ii:it, of Maker City, County of linker, Slate of Orecou, Hworu Matenienl No. IL'lll for (he iurrluiNO of w e !, 11 e'.f h e )i and h w i n e ,', ceetlon 10 tiiwnnlilp II S, rane:iS, KVM. AliTllt'll M. IIAWSON, of Nihley, I'nion county. State of Ore- pin, NHoru statement No. IL'17 for the puri-hanc of the 11 w ,' 11 e ,', e 'B 11 e ,' See. 1 1, and 11 w ,' 11 w S;e III Tp II S, rniiKc.'IS K V M. ' HANS J. NKII.SKN, of Nihley, I'nion county. State of Ore pin, Mwirn etatcnicut No. I2IH for the ptirclniHti of e '.j m e See M and w 1$ m w '.,' See l.'l T II S, rannoIIH K V M. I'HANOIS M. 1IIATT of Nihley, Ciiion coiiulv, Slate of Ore pm, riwnrii Htaleiuent No. 1 121 It for the purchiiHc of time'., h w )i See II and 11 '.. 11 w Secll.TIIS.niiip'.'lSIC.W.M. MtAXKI.I&S. ISItA.MWKI.I. of l.a (iraude, Oregon, Hworn htatemeiit No. IL'LM for the purchase of the w v e e 4, h e '.i h e '4 Sec 1 1 and h w '4 h w xi See lLTi II S, ratine .W V. W.M. ItOIIKItT W. (iAItltlvTT, of Aliecl, Cuiou county, State of Orepm, Hworn htatemeiit No. '1111 for the pur chane of the h ',. 11 e U and h '... 11 v Sec III T II S, range IIH K W M. ItODKHT A. I.KATIIXM of Aliecl, Colon county, Stale of Orex hi, M.iru Htaleiuent .No, I'J'J'J, for the pur cliacc of the 11 e '4 11 e 'j See IT, m e '4 h e 1 1 Sec 1(1 and w '.. h v i See 1 1 Tp 1 1 S, 1 a one IIS K V .M. KMII.Y llltAMWKI.I. of l.a liraude, I'nion county, Stale of Oregon, Hworn Hutciucnt No. U'lVi for the purehaHe of the h e '.( h w '4 Sec 11. 11 e 11 n '4 and n 'j 11 u '4 Sec III Tp It S, ratine IIH V. W M all in the din-, trict of IiiihIn hiililect to Kile at l.a liraude. Orcirou, mid they and each of thi'in will offer prtMif to Vhow that the laodN foii)tht liy theiu In more valuable j for itn limber or Moue, than for iigrinil-, tural purpose, and to cHtahliHh their' claim to the land wiiitsht for by them before the llctfif-tcr and Iteceiver-of thin olllee at a liraude, Orepiu, 011 WihIuch dav the 1Mb day of Oclolvr, IIKL'. 'Vlmy nainn a-' witue-Hcs; Arthur M. ItawHou, MaiiH.I. Niel-eu, l-'iaiu-is ,M. Iliatl, all of Nihley, Orcptn; KoU'it A. Leatbain and Itolierl W. liarrett, of Aliecl, Oicuoii; Ijnilv Itraiuwcll and I'Vaukliu . Iliamwell, of l.a liraude, Oiepiit; .lackhou VV. Ileiiiiuier, of Maker City, Orepm, and Samuel Southwick, of Cove, Oiev'on. Anv and all peiMHin claiming adveiM'ly the above iIcm'i ibed laudx are reiplentetl to tile their claims in thin olllee on or Moreenid 1Mb dav of October, Wi. K. V. lliTi.i:rr, Itecifler. TIMHKK LAND, ACT JUNK 'A, 1878. Mllll'K IHH I'l'lll.lfMIOS. UnlleJ Mates tail J Ollice, I j (iranJe, Oregon, lulv li, in. I Notice Is heiebt given lhal in nuipllsiKe with Hie pin, IsUns ol Ihe acl ol congress ol June I. IHjJ. en UtleJ "An acl lor Ihe sale ot ll nber linjs in the states ol Callloinla, Oiegon, NesaJa anJ Washington let lllon," as eslenJeJ loall Hie Publli UnJ slates by atlol August 4. IHg. .loA i. trup. nl Pullinin, counlv nl W'hilnian, slaleol Washington, has Ihls Ja hleJ In this olhce her swoin statement so. lial for the purchase ot the sw'4 ol se'llon so. 11 In iixnshlp so. II south, range o. it lu vt, anJ will oiler '-wit lo shim that Ihe lanj sought Is more valuable lor Its Umber 01 stone lhan for agricultural rurposes. anJ to establish her claim to salJ lanj be ne Ihe Regls'er an J Receiver ol this olhce at la (iranJe, Oregon, on I uesjav, Ibe alsl J-v ol Octo ber. IdOt. She names as witnesses' Rrntena WlnJus anJ Hattv P. true, ol Pullman, Washingten: William D. AinoU, ol la liranJe, Oiegon, anJ . R, MeaJ, nl Sampler, Oregon. Anv anJ all persons claiming aJseisels IheaNive JescrlbeJ lanJs ate re.uesleJ 10 tile their claims in this olfice on 01 before sal I list Jav ol October, loot. E. W HsktlllT, Register. TIMHKK LAND, ACT JCNKII, 1878.- XOTU'K KOK I'ttlll.trATIO.V. I'nllc I Suits UnJ Uffice , La (iranJf . Ortgon, .lul' 7, iqoi. I Notice l hrrrhv gvtn that In comnllnce ulfi the ptovUlont nl II p act of cnnitrrat of June 1, IS78. en IlllrJ "An acl for Ihr talf ol timber Unit In the late i-f California, OrrKnn, Nevada anJ Wallln(;tn Tor rll'irt, a exlenJeJ load the Public LanJ stalrt by ad of Aucuil 4, it'll, CRANK IUI.LCR, of Maker Oiy, counly nf ILiker, Mate of Oregon, ha Hilt Jav Mei In ifilt office lil sworn italement No licit for the purchase of the ne 1-4 ne 1-4 lection 14, e!i ie 1-4, sw 1-4 e 1-4 nf section No. 1) In township No. lu south, range Mi 8 f wm, an.) will offer proof to show that the lanj siiukIiI Is more valuable for Its timber or st'ine than for agricultural purposes, anJ In establish his claim to saij land before the Register anJ Receiver of this office, at La (intnJe, Oregon, on Tti'sJa , the 7II1 Jay nl Oclober, lipa. Me names as witnesses: James W. l:arJley, I'avlJ (ieJJes. I. W. ShurttlH, WlllarJ CieJJes, all of Hi ker City, Oregon. Any on J all persons claiming aJverselv the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are miuesteJ tn lite their claims in this olfice on or before salJ 71I1 Jav of October, loot. K. W. UAHUIJtT, Register. TIMHKK LAM), ACT JCNK 3, IH78. MITIt'K HHl I'tllll.K'ATIOX. I'nlteJ States I anJ Olfice, j I a (iranJe, Oregon, July 7, torn. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tht provisions of the acl of congress of lune I, IE?8, en-lllli-J "An act for the sale ol timber lanJs in the states of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory, as eslenJeJ to all Hie Public LanJ states by acl of August 4, llkj. DAVID CiLlinr.S, of Daker City, county of Maker, slate of Oregon, has this Jay filei In this olhce his sworn statement .No. Ilcj4, for the purchase of the nw 1-4 ne 1-4. n! nw 1-4. sw I-4 nw 1-4 of section No. is In township No. lo south, range So. 8 1.WA1, anJ will offer proof to show that the lanj sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, anJ lu etlal'llsh his claim to salJ lanj before the Register anJ Receiver of this olfice at I a (iranJe, Oregon, on TuesJay, the 7th Jay of October, lgo. lie names as witnesses: James VV. Ijirjley, P. W. Shurtllff, I rank I ullrr, WlllarJ (ieJJes, all of Daker CIIV, Oregon. Ail) anJ all persons claiming aJveisely the above JescrlbeJ Ian Is are reuesteJ to file their claims In this olficeon or lelore salJ rlh Javof October lx. 1 W. IIawiiitt. Register. TIMHKK LAND, ACT J I' NK U, 1878.- NOTIl'K toil ITIII.ICATIOS. UnlleJ States LanJ Office, La (iranJe, Oregon, July 17, iss. I Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Iht provisions of the act nf congress of June 1, 11-8, en title J "An acl for the sale of limber lanJs In the states ol Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter litoiv," as eslenJeJ to alt the Public LanJ states by acl nf August 4, I8gt, HARRY E. TRUE, of Pullman, county of Whitman, state of Washington, has this Jav fileJ In this olfice his sworn statement No. uoi for tne purchase ol the w'i s!( section n'j ne ol section so. tt In township so II south, ranire sn. it ivvst. anJ will olfer proof lo show thai the lanj snuehi Is more valuable lor Its limber or slone than fur agricultural purposes, anJ lo establish 1 disclaim to s.ilJ Ian J belore Ihe Register an J Re-1 relv er of this olfice at la (iranJe, Oregon, on rues- ( Jav, the jisl J.iv of October. Iuoj. He names as witnesses: Joanna I- True. Rowenaj WlnJus. ol Pullman. Washington; William I). At La (iranJe, Ore; V. R. Me.iJe, of Sumpler, Oregon. Anv anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above-Jesctll-r J lanJs are le.uesteJ to tile their claims In thlsolfueonnr belore salJ til Jav nl October, bjs 11 W. II'MUITT. Register. TIMHTK LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. Nliril'K rtlll ITIII.H'.sTHlN. UnlleJ Slates UnJ Olh.e, j U (iranJe, Oregon, Julv 17, ioi. Notice Is hetcbv given that In compliance with the provisions nl the acl ot congress ol lune 1. 1878, en title J "An acl for ihe sale ol timber Ian Js In Ihe slates ol California, Oregon, NevaJa an I Washington Ter lltuiv," as eslenJeJ In all Ihe Public LanJ states by acl nl August 4 I841, ROWI.NA WINDUS, ol Pullman, counts nl Whitman, sliteol Washington, has this Jav hleJ In this olhce her sworn statement So tin, lor the purthave ol Ihe (j ne 1-4. "' se 1-4 nl section so. all In township No. It south, tange So. II Lvvvt, anJ will oiler pioot to s,ho that the lanj sought Is more valuable lor Us Umber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish her claim lu saij lanj belore Ihe Register anJ Receiver of this line at U (iranJe, Oregon, on TuesJa), the -1st Jas ol October, l-t. ' She names as witnesses: Joanna I!. True, Harry 1 . 1 rue, nl Pullman Washington; tvUUam D. ArnolJ, ol U (iranJe, Ore.; V, R. MeaJ, ot Sumpler, Ore. Anv anJ all persons ilalmlng .iJierselv the above JesctlbeJ lanjsare reiuesteJ to file their claims In this ntti.e on or belore salJ alst Jav nf October. Ii. E. W. HMtlll.tT, Register. riMMI.R LAND. ACT JUNE 1. i8r8.-NOTI:t IOR PUBLICATION. UnlleJ Slates LanJ Omce, 1 1 l.a (iranJe, Oregon, .lull 11, iqoi. I 1 Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the 1 pto Islons ol the acl ot Congress of June 1. 1878, entltleJ "An act for Ihe sale ot timber lanJs in Ihe Stairs ol California, Oiegon, NevaJa, anJ Washing- , ton Perrlturv ," as eslenJeJ to all the Public LanJ slates by act ot August 4. 1804, CHARLES O, ML'RRELL. ol Pullman, county ol Whitman, slate of Washington, has this Jay hleJ In Ihls office his sworn statement No 1 m, tor Ihe purchase nf Ihe e!t sesi', sw 1-4 se t-4. se 1-4 sw t-4 ol Sec. no, it In Tp. So- taa.R.No. IS M vt.anj will olfer proof to show that the lanj ought is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than .or agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim losalj lanj before Ihe Register anJ Receiver of this oltue at la (iranJe, Oiegon, on III Jay, the 14th Jav ot Nos ember, low. tie names as witnesses' CiattielJ L. Miller, ol Sisjkane, Washington; EJwIn A. Snow, nl Pullman, Washington; William EJwarJsanJ Jjhn EJwarJs.ot Austin, Oregon. An anJ all rersons claiming aJsersely the above JstrlheJlanJtreieiuesteJ 10 hie their claims In this omce on or belore salJ I4II1 Jav ot November, i4. E. W. lUurieiT, Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE ,. iJJjS-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States UnJ Office. La GranJe, Oregon, Jalv 7, iqc-i. I Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the prnvMons nf the act of Congress of June 1, 1878, en title J "An acl for the sale of timber lanJs in the states of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing Ington Territory," as ettendeJ to all the Public LanJ stales by acl of August 4, tttyi, JAVtr.S W. HARDIXV. of llakrr City, county of Maker, state of On gon, has this Jay fileJ in this office his sworn sta'emenl No. live for the purchase of the tX of ne i-4 anJ et-aof se 1-4 of section No. 15 In township No, 10 south, range No. B r.WM. anJ will offer proof to show that the lanj sought Is more valuable for lis Umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish lls claim to salJ lanj before the Register anJ Re ceiver o' this olfice at I a (iranJe, Oregon, on Tues Jay. me tiii Jay or uctuuer, 1901 He names as witnesses: hrank I uller, DavlJ (ieJJes, P W. Shurtllff. -VlllarJ (ieJJes, all of Ba ker City, Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming aJvcrsely the above JescrlbeJ lanJs are requeued to hie their claims In this office on or before sal J 7lh Jay of October, toot. E. W. BAHTLtTrr, Register. TIMIICR LAND. ACT JUNE 1. 1878. -NOTICE for Publication. UnlleJ States LanJ Olfice, j La tiranJe, Oregon, July la. ton. i Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the acl of cong.ess of June 1 I878, en HtleJ "An acl for the sale of timber Ian Js In the stales of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory," JAMES W. CALL, of Sumpler, counly of Maker, state of Oregon, lias this Jav fileJ In tills olfice his sworn statement o. I181 lor the purchase of the s'f nw 1-4 anJ nw 1-4 sw l-a of section anJ ne 1-4 se I- nf section No. 6 In I township No. lo south, range so. 17 UW'M, nnj will oiler proof to show thai trie lanj sought is more val uable for Its limber or stone than lor agricultural pur poses anJ to establish his ilaim lo salJ lanj before Charles II. Chance. U. S. commissioner, at Sumpler, Oregon, on PrIJav, the 4th Jay nf Oc'ober, luoi. lie names as witnesses: Thomas Atonre, Nicholas L. Tallfero, William A. (ireen anJ PreJ Tleljen, alt of Sumpler, Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above JescrlbeJ Ian Js are reuesteJ to lile ih'lr ilalms In this olhce on or before salJ nth Jav of October l. E. W. HsWHIiTT. Register. TIMMER LAND. ACT JUNE t. I'UIIUCAJIOS. 878. -soncr 1 ok UnlleJ Stales LanJ Olfice, La (iranJe, Oregon, Julv 16, 1001. 1 Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with Ihe provisions of the act nf enngress of June 1, IR78, en tlttej "An act for Ihe sale of timber lanJs In Ihe stales of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter ritory," OLE T. STRANDNESS. of Sumpler, county of Maker, slate of Oregon, has inis jay iuej in inis ooice 111s sworn statement ao Ii7, for Ihe purchase of the s!( se 1-4 of section I lownshlp II south, range 6 rvVM, anJ lot 4 of section 18 anJ lot I of section No lu In township No. II south, range No. 17 HWM, anJ will offer proof to show that Ihe lanj sought Is more valuable for Its timber or slone than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim to salJ lanj belore Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumpler, Oregon, on W'eJnesJay, the sanj Jay of October, Ivo-. He names as witnesses: I'reJ Malt, Mark C (iar ver, -Ihert II. Witt anJ Wm. J. Robertson, all ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming aJverselv Ihe above JescrlbeJ lanJs are reiuesleJ to tile their claims In this olhce on or belore salJ -inj Jav nf Oct., !. E. W. HskUITT, Register. TIMMER LAND. ACT JUNE 1. 1878. setici: ro I PUIIUCsTIOS. . UnlleJ Stales UnJ OAice, ( I j (iranJe, Oregon, July lb, 1401. j Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of Ihe acl of congress of June 1, 1878, en 1 tlttej "An acl lor the sale ol timber lanJs In the stales ' ot California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter . fllory," MARK C CARVER. of Sumpler, county of Maker, state of Oregon, has I this Jay lilej In this ollice his sworn statement So. ' Iis8, lor Ihe purchase ol the se 1-4 nw 1-4 anJ ne 1-4 sw 1-4 anJ lot 1 of section 18 totsnshlp II south, range It IWH, anJ ne 1-4 se 1-4 ot secilon so. 1 1 In township No. II south, range so. ioiww., anJ will oiler pnxif to shim lhal the lanj snught Is more valuable for lis limber or stone than lor agricultural purposes. anJ to establish his claim to saij lanj belore Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner, .it Sumpler, Oregon, on AlnnJav. Ihe suth Jav ol October. I mil He names as witnesses: I'reJ Moll, Albert II. Win, OleSlraJness anJ I rank erlant, all of Sumpler, Oregon. Any anJ all persons claiming aJverselv the above JesctlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ 10 lite their claims In this olhce on or belore salJ x.ili Jav of October, uo. I- W. Hoot LIT, Register. v The New Olympia E. E. HAUSER, PkOl'ktutOH Fine Old (1884) Her mitage Whiskey. IINLST BRANDS OF WINES. ALES and PORTERS OLYMPIA BEER bottle or draught FINE CIGARS CfcsTl k SlkktT. OHP. P. O. SUMPTER --- - wmem H s i ',', Only traiir-coiitiuental line " luiHriiiiK directly through Salt Lake City I : Leadville Colorado Springs and Denver X Three Hplentliilly tru Xilullv TO AM. POINTS KAST. Throuijli SleepiiiK and DiuingCura I and free llccllninj,' ( luiir Lar. i The moHt .MiiK'nilieeut hoenery in Aiuurica hy daylight. J I Stop ovorn allowed on all clueHca J ol" ticfectH. . I'or i'liLaiiruit rated unddercripUve I titiirtittiri. iiililreriri ... . , rD. MNSFELT), General Agent. KM Third Street, I'orthmd, Ore. 4&M OREGON Shorj line and union Pacific TO Salt Like, Denver, Kansas City. CHICAGO ST. LOUIS NEW YORK Otvnii MeuiiK.'rrt ltotwccn Portlmid and .San FrunvNco every live tluya. Low Rates ! Tickets to and from all parts of the United .State, Canada und Kurti'vc. For wiiticularf, call on or address 11. C. Howkhh, Atiiit, linker City, Ore. S5 RID.