The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 23, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday July 2j. 190-e
TItHr LAND, ACT JUNI- i. 1878.
viTii.1 lop'TIMBU LAND, ACT JUNh 3, 1878.
. . S'""V. T.V" ' an, ..V"."!. .
N.lce Is heretn gl,en tint In c.inillinre will, the
in iiiaiu. urri' in. nut 11. iijif 1
provisions 111 1111' ici 01 rongrets 111 nine i, lorn, en-
HlleJ "An .id lor II,- Ml ol limber I in It In Ihe stile.
111 Callhirnii,Oregm, NeviJi inj W.ii'iingmn rer-
rnor,, it 1 ucnj.-j 10 111 me rjbiir 1 111 J
id til Aitguit i, i8.j.
ol Spnkine, rounlv of Spnkini, state tit Withlngtnn,
Imv llil lit lileJ In till, uti e hit sworn stilunent
No i, lor Hie purctme ill Hie ne'i ol section Mi
17 In tminshlp N 11 miuiIi, iuni;e Mi if I n , anj ,
Mill nhrr proiil In sliow tint Ihe ImJ soiiliIiI Is more
rr priml In show tint Ihe ImJ snuchl Is mure
valuihlr or Mi llmler or Mime linn lor a.ilcuhural
imposes, ml 10 e ,1,1.11.1. til, clihn to ,ilj ImJ I e-
Im.. Ihe Register ..nJReielm ol till, mine 11 Li (li? .mi on 1 ,11 ih. .nl, in ,.l ri.-i..l.. .
.Ifi K ' ill CclfiWr.
",' . . .... . . . ., . . ...
,ie mines as witnesses lainnii Mnrsinn, in-
u ,t, ....... 1 r... 1 -.,. 11 1
Anv .111J ill persom rlahnlni! .iiereh Ihe .ilove-
JescilleJ Imitate re inetlej 10 hie Ihelr clihn, In
Ihls ollice on or I elme ilJ 171I1 Jn ol ( )clnl'i r, 1 tni
I W IUmiii II, IreKMir
A(.l JUM 1, 1878.
I'lililli Altos.
Mllll. I KIM
t nlli J Slilis hint Olhce, j
la (,r inje, Oregim, lot, i ion
Notice U heteh, ilinihitln com) li.ince with Ihe
I ro vision, nl Ihe .HI of conret, uf June 1, 1878, in
IllleJ "An acl lor Ihe s lie ol llmher I111J, In Hie st lies
nl (.illhimli, Ofiiinn, Si'viJi 111 J WishltiKlon Itr
lllor,, .iscilinJi-J to ill Hie I'.il lie I 111J sliles In
a(l of August 1, -ii,
Illlllll MAKsroN'.
of SiHikine. rimnit ol Sixikine. sin.. ol W.ishliuMoti.
haslhlsji, lileJ In Ihls nllice hi r smiin sHIemiiil
No 1411, lur Ihe purclnse of Ihe sw1. of siitlnn No.
11 In bit l.lilp s 1 11 soilh, r ine No I , ,1, anj
will oiler 1 HhiI to sIiom lint the ImJ soughl Is more
, .1I11 ille Ini Its llmNriir slone Hun for agrlciilluial
I uipiises, an I lo est ibllth her clilm to s il I ImJ I e
line Hie Reglstir anj Receiver of Ihls ollice al 1 .1
liiinJe, (iegiin,iin 1 1IJ11, Ihe 171I1 Ji, nt Octnler,
She mines 1s wlinesses (.hiiles II (.onrnj,
I loia A (.11111 iJ (noigel leu, .111J Siisiilli ill I),
I iil, all nl Spokane, V.i,li I
An, inJ all letsons clihiilng ajsirsil, Hie aliive
Jesiillel lanJs ne lepiesteJ lo lite their cl liins In
Ihls nllice on or leloie silj 17II1 Ji, ol (Ktnber, iijui
L W llAWIII II, Register
IIMIIIR I AM). At. I MINI 1, 1878
I'lllllll. AIIHS.
Nlllll I IOH
UnlleJ Slales LinJ Ollice,
I 1 (innle. Oui!im. Iui, 11, ni.
Notice Is herein gin 11 tint In ciunpll line wlih the
nl (.allloinlt. On von. NevaJ 1 an J WisIiIiilMoii lei
lltiu,," as eslenjej to ill the I'ublic LinJ stales b,
acl ol August 4, 1814,
(ilOHdl. I IIUKV
nl Spokane, count, nl Sikiii, si He ol Wishlngliin.
liastlilsJi, lileJ In Ihls c his swum stile.neitt
Mi Kit. Inr Hie much l. e nl Ihe. '. '. si. Hon 8
aiUn'.im', nl section No it hi lownsltlpM, ,,
....... in.... '...i
IhilllieliiiJsougiHI.inore, iluible lor Us Ihnbir
nr slone Hi in tor purposes, anj In est lb-
Ilshlilsclilinlnsilj ImJ I, lure Hie Register anj
R. irliei ol this nllice at I I ( nUe. On gnu, nil I il-
Ji,.tliei7lh J is nl (I lulu, looi
I ten lines as I'j.onG .Muslim lib-
lleMiisl.iti.l.hiilesll ( iJ, I Ion A CnniiJ.all
nl Spnkine
i.!. ..1...1 .,...
,.. ...,,,,.-...",. K "'"'' men. nil-
itestilleJ lanJs ate leiue.teJ in hie ttnir clilms In
Ihls nllice 1.11 or leline sal J 171I1 Ji, nl O lotii, 1004
I W lliwtllll, Riglsln
IIMIII R USD. ACI ll'M 1. .8,8 soil. 1 low
I'nlleJ Suies l-anj Ollice, (
I 1 GranJe, Oiegon, Jul, 14, I1N14 t
Nnilfe Is luirl , gi,en thai in iiimpliatne with the
I iiivislnns nl the ait nt Cnngiess nl lune 1, 18m, en
HlleJ "An ail loi the sile nl Hint el 1 111J. In the
Stales nl (.allliiinla, On gnn, Nei iJtanJ Washing
Ion linlliii,, as eslenjej In all Ihe Pullli I an J
Sliles b, at I nl August 4, i8ii,
nl Spokane, (mini, nl Spnkine, Slate nl Washing
Ion, has Ihls Ji, lileJ in Ihls nllice Iui sworn state
inrnl Nn 1 J 1 1. loi the punhase ol ll.e s ' 11 e ', anj
s ' 11 w 1, , nl sei Hon Nn u In lownshlp Nn 11 S,
lange No w , anJ will nun ptiHil in show thai
Hit ImJ 111111.I1I Is mole saluille lor Us lluitti nr
slime man loi agiitulluial, anj lo esialllsh
1. 11 ilalin in sslj lnj leloie Ihe Reglslei anj Re
leliei ol this titlue at Li (iianJe, Oiegon. nn 1 1IJ1, .
the nlli Ja, nl Ot inter, ivi
She names as witnesses I Jsnn (1 Maislnn,
(.hailes II (a.niaJ, little Miislnn, I loia A Con
laJ, all ol Spokane, Wishlngliin
An, anJall I' ilalmiiig ajiitsel, the aline
Jrsctlht J lanJs lie ii'iutsteJ In He tlulr tlaiius in
this ntlite nn til Wltiie salj Mill Ja, nt (.hlohel, looj
L W Msklim, Reglslei
IIMIIIR USD. A( TJUM 1. 1818. Noililiou
I'l'lllll. MH)
l.nllej Stiles I anj Oitice, I
la (nanJe, Oiegon, lul, li, 1001 i
Notice Is lien In gisrn II11I In t.uni llame wllu Hie
I lot islons nl Ihe ail nl cnngiess nt lune 1,1818, en
title J " n a, I tni ihe site ol timber I ,nj. in Ihe suit s
nl Calltniiila, Oiegim, NeiaJa anj Wishlngion lei
llli 1,," as eslenjej In all Hie Pulllc L111J stiles b,
act ut August 4. 1841,
nl Ss.kane, muni, ol Spokane, slali ot Washlnglon,
has this Ja, lileJ In llil i olhce his swoin statement
Nn it8, lot the puichaseol Hie s't nw, nw Mint
1-4 anj ne 1-4 sw 1-4 nl section No 8 in lownshlp No
II south, range No. , lH, anj will otter iihiI in
slum thai Ihe lanJ snugtit is mine saluible lor Us
llmtsrr nr mne than Inr agilcullural puipnses, anj
lo establish his claim 10 salj lanJ beloie the Register
an J Receli el nl Ihls at I a GranJe, ( iegnn, on
I lIJa,, Hie I Tilt Ja, nt Otlobel, 1001.
He names as witnesses Getuge I , Ten,, Susan
nah D Tell,, Chailes A ConiaJ, I loia A CnnraJ.
all ul Spokane, Washlnginn
An, anj all persons claiming aJtei.rl, the sbtne
Jrscilbet lanJs aie leuesleJ I) hie their claims In
this olhcr on nr beloie salj 17th Ja, ntO.ii.bel, ivoj
L W. Ilswillll, Register.
.Notice Isheieln glim tint In ciunpll line wlili ihe ..',,' ... fc. . I . i
1 10, Islons ol Ihe act nl congiess ol liiue 1. 1878. in- , "1 . 'i 'l'.'. '' o ' "' f"ni!,.!,'V',i T,1, I8'"-''"-till.
J "An act lor Ihe s I limber I ill J. In the si lies ' J. .A" '" " " " "! J'.m.r ll? n ".' 'V'"
UnlleJ SHIM LanJ Oilic,.
. .-.,
Nolll, ,, .....hV""""."-!
.....ui.i,,,.. ,lt ,,. 'r. , , " ' . V
K ,v V.' '" 'V". -ungres '" "
lltlej "An .ICt lor Hit tale nl tlmbi r In lh itl..t
5.V1U li. ' Cill'iunl '. On Rim, Nevada anj Washington ler
smes 11 rltor),"aseMenJeJ Ki all I'uMIc LinJ stiles by act
111 niigusi 4. oz.
ot Mikir (.It), count) of llakcr. Hale ol Oregon, lias
Ihls Jay hteJ In this ottice hit sworn statement No
1 310. lor Hie purclnse ol Hie s A n r l. n i r K i.l
1 teCUOn N( lit In ((lUfUcllll, Ml Ln . rnna V.. .. I W
' li ...,... -. ..' . .......: ' " :
" -". V " ".. ' '" ''"" ' V" """ "'a.' ' ""J sougm
Z , 11" I ,?1 "." "l,
',? u!f, ,J W,;,'" Jr "!. '"A' l4J ''' '',"!", '" ,,
"V "I"' the Kegtsler an J Re elver ol Hilt nllice
, at I a GranJe, Oregnn, on IhursJi). the loth Ji) ol
lOclnler. 11..
, 11,. ,,' . ,,,.. . ,.
. He nini as w Inesi. I. M.
Minimi. W. C
Oeeon' :''K """' " W" ""
all ol ll.ikerCIH.
Anv anj all persons claiming aJverselv the nhove
JesctlleJ hnJs,irereiiiesleJ to lile Iheir claims In
llils ollice on or I ilore salj 161I1 Jiv ol Oci , io.a.
I. W. IIAHIII.M, IceKlsler.
DnlteJ Stiles l-inj Ollice, (
Li (irinje, OirKiin, llll) 11 ion
Nonce Is herel y Klvin tint In ioinllince llh Ihe
I'lovUlolis ol Iheaci ol Concuss ol lune , 1878,
i-mIHIi J "An nl lor Ihesile of limhii lanJs III Ihe
stales ol (.ullliirnl 1, Oreunn, NevaJ 1, anj Washing
ton lurllor, is ixlinjej to all Ihe put IK lanJ
slates I') acl ol August 4. l&u.
ol II iki il.ln , count, ot Maker, Suit ol Oregon, has
' 'his J I1I1 J In this ollice his smoiii staiimenl No
h'f.lhe I'liiclnse ol Hie w '1 11 e ',, lots 1 anj
j nl section No , In township No 10 south, range
the l.,J sough. Is ,... valuable lor Us timber or
stone Hi in lor .iL'ilculluial nuipe. anj lo eslab
iiiIiim ,i..t,u..u n I ,.. ...l.l..
IMi his clilm to sal J lanJ belore the Reglslir anj
Reciivir ol tills o'liceat la GranJe, Oregon, on
IhursJiy, Hie Kill, Ji, otOctobir, luui
He names as witnesses Nillle rtiompson. Nils
Aluen, (.lion ,Mnen inj llil ir (. Mai amine, all ol
Hiker Clll, Oregon.
An) anj all persons claiming aJversel, the above
JesCllbeJ lanJs ale le luesteJ 10 hie Ihelr il inns In on or It-ton. silj itth Ja, ol Oct,
iui". L. W. llAkll lit, Register.
IIMIIIR I AM), At. I JUNI. 1, 1878
NOIH t low
I'nlleJ Stales LanJ Ollne
nj Ollne, )
le. On gun,
Jul, 10, igo. )
Li (irinje(
NolUe Is hiieb, gl,in tint In ciimplitnce with the
... ........, ,..,, vr.i.iii, una j...iid .,iiiii;iiii
I linn,"
nf Whit lift . riiiinlv nt lliLir. svt-vti itl (iiHimii linsv
''l J l'lJ In lliUiillic hi sworn sliteimni s
'"J 'r " runhase nl Ihe s', se, anj se'i sv,i, of
'""" IS township losoulh. nnge 4 I W M anj lots
'" ' ' ' '" "' . ' . ' nsiii, no i, souih.
mine Mi it ,. anJ w I ni tr iiont to show tin
"' ' "'., ""' , - v -tltulOt- lor lis llmler nr
!"'"! ","" '"' !'.l:,,lu1.".1". I',',I',,J'n. anj In est ibllsh
"" ". nn no e umir, s.n nee. u.
S n'mmlssliiner. m Sumpti r. Oregnn. on luesJi, ,
Iheiili Ji, olO.l.ilir. igoi
,"'., ,"",,V,,ttllm;V' Jl,"V"' u'Vs""',.""
ilnthllne). ()ieg..n. John McDowell, nt
" '""", Ongnn, anJ Mille) Smith, ol Liwinn,
.-; , , jM , ,,, ,. ...,.
..... ....hi. .. ,. ....., ... u., IH I. .I.ri,,,l
Je.iilbeJ linjs .lie leuesleJ In hie tlulr claims In
Ihls mil. e nn nr bi litre silj 1 4U1 Ja, nt Oi tnber. loni.
I. W. lUwtllll, Register.
UnlleJ Slales LinJ Ollice, I
Li GranJe, On gun, Jul,. 11, io.u. i
Nmlte Is l.eitb, gl, en thai In compliance wlih the
pimlslnn. ot Ihe act nl inngiess nt lune 1, 1878. en
HlleJ "An act lor Ihe sile nt timber I inj. In the stales
nl (.ililmnla, Ongnn, NeiaJa ml Washington Tri
llion, as eslenlej mall Ihe Public LinJ sliles I,
nl nl August 4, 189',
nl Hiker Clli, inunt, nl Maker, slite nt Oiegon, Ins
Ihls J11 hteJ in Ihls nlliie his swoin slitetuenl No
liir. lor Hie puiihisenl thee' ne'i seitlon 11 anj
w1! nw t nl section Nn. 14 in lownshlp No 10 south,
range No ai l, M, anj will nllei iimiI 1.1 show that
Ihe I in 1 sought Is mote , iluable lor its limber or
slone Hi in lor agiitultural purposes, anj to estiblish
ills claim 1.1 salj lanJ btlme Ihe Riglster anJ Re
cti, ei nt ihls nllice al I a ( nanJe, Oiegon, on 1 hurs
Ji,. Ihe Ktli Ja, ol Otiober, iuo
He mines as witnesses Ntttle Tlininpson, Cletira
Mmn.l M Shuillill anj Willi, in (ieJJes, all nl Ma
ker Cil, .Olegnii
An, inj all I'eisuns ttalmlng aJsersel) Ihe abme
Jes lileJ ImJs are le.uesieJ In life their clilms in
Ihls nllice nn or 1 1 Inn saiJ itth Ja, ol O, lober, wo .
I. W II suit I II, Register.
ACI JUNI. 1. 1818.
UnlleJ States I an J Onne, I
1 1 titan Je. Oregnn, lul, l, ioo
Nollie is limb, gi,enlhat ill compliance with Hie
pin, Iti.iiis nl llieattnf tnngitss nt June 1,1878, en
HlleJ "An att tor Ihe sale ol limber lanJs In Ihe sliles
ol Calilomii, Oiegon, NeiaJa anj Washlnglon lei
Hints , as esimJeJ mall the Public I anJ States b,
lit ol August 4, i8gj,
ol Spnkine, count, ol Spokane, stale ol Washington,
las mis Ji, fileJ in this olhce her sworn slatemenl
in I4t, lor Ihe purchase ol the ' sw'',' sw1,
inj 11 w 1, s e '' ut section No 17 In township
in. 11 south, range No 1, 1.1m, anj will niter
iiMit to show that the tan J sought is more saluable
lot Us limber or slone than tor agiitultural purposes,
inj 10 establish her claim 10 salj lanJ belore Hi Reg
tier an J Receli er of Ihls ottice at La GranJe. Ore
tin, nn I lIJa) the 17th Ji, nl October, luoj.
She names as witnesses I Json (i. Ataision, lib
it Marston, George I . Terr) , Susannah D. Teir) ,
in in .-.isniane. ssasningion.
An, ana ail lersons claiming ajseisel, the abo, c
lescrlbeJ lanJs ai retuesiej to Me their claims in
this i.flice on or before saiJ 17th Jai ol October, luut.
fc W lUktim, Retisler.
Unllec Slales LanJ Ofhce, 1
l.afiranJe, Oregon,
, Jutv IO, IOD2 I
Notice Is liereb, gl, en thai In compllince nllli the
provisions nl the acl of congress of Jun 1, 1878, en
tlllej "An act for Ihe saleol limber tin Js In the slales
of Cillloinli.Oreeon. NevaJa nnJ Wishlnirlon Ter-
rior . asexi-njei to 111 me rubiic Lanj slates by
of IhUer (.Hi, couilvol Hiker, slite of Oregon, has
this Jiy hteJ In this office Ills sworn stilemenl No
m lor Ihe purclnse ol the njj se 1-4. s ft se 1-4
secllnn 20anJ nw i4 swt-4 of section No i In tiwn-
ship No 10 south, range No ),'., LWM anj will oiler
pioof lo show that the lanJ sought is 11 or valuille
for Its llmler or stone than for agricultural purposes,
anj toestilllsli his clilm to silj hnJIelnretheKeg-
Isler onj Receiver of this lithe al l.a GranJe, Ore
gon, on 1 uesj ly, me 14th Jiv ol October, ioo.
He nimes as witnesses Amv (!. Atkinson, I lor
tncell)Je, J W Lirjley, DavlJ (ieJJes, all of Ma
ker Cits . Orecon
An, anj all persons claiming aJverselv the abo,e-
JtscrileJ ImJsars reiitesej lo tile their claims In
mis oince on or belore siu 14H1 Jivnllr.tnber, loot.
L W llMrntrr, Register.
UnlteJ States LanJ Olfice. I
I a GrinJe, Oregon, Jul, g, Iooj I
Notice Is In reby given hat In compliance with the
provisions ol Ihe acl ol Congress ol June 1. 1878, in
HtleJ "An at I for Ihe sale of timber lanJs In the
Slates ol Cillliunli, Oregon, NeivJt anj Washing
ton Terrlloi, "as esknJeJ to all the I'liMU I inj
Sliles b, acl ol August 4 I8q,
nl Sntbuek, counlv of Oilumbli, Stale of Washing
ton has this Ji, hie I In this olhce his sworn slate
mini No. II78, lor the purchase ot Ihe se I-4 ol sec-
"" : I , "' I,?" '. ?.i TV"; '?. V.
""" t-..F. .v ,....n llu, ,,,.- , .. UUKII1 IS
mine viiuii le tor its nmper or siiin" man lor agrl
cullural purposes, anj to estilllsh his claim In salj
lanJ belorj Hie Register anj Receiver ot Ihls office
ai Li GranJe, Oregon on WeJnesJa, the 8th Jav of
Ocinler, Ia,.
He mines as wltnessis StanfurJ l. stonier,
William I'eierson. I rank I I enJer all ol Walisb rg,
Washington, anj John II. RoJJ,, of S arbuck,
An, anJall persons chiming a JvirseK Hie above
JiscrlbeJ lanJsare rvuesleJ lo hie their claims In
this olhce on or belore salj 8th Ja, ol October, lw.
I. W llAkTtEU, Register.
UnlleJ Slates LanJ Olhce, )
La (iranJe, Oregon,
July lo lvo.
No'lce Is hereby given that In compliance with ihe
provisions of the ait ol enngn ss of June . I88, en
title J "An at t for Ihe sale ol li nber Ian Js In the states
ol California, Oregon, Nevaji anj Washington Tor
lllor) ," as esienJeJ to all the Public LanJ slates by
act of August 4,l8gj,
of Maker Cits , count) of II iker, slate of Oregon, has
HilsJi, fileJ In ihls ollice hei sworn slite irni No
in tor me purchase of Ihe se 1-4 ne 1-4, ' se 1-4
seclon S lownshlp io south, range ijl
I section o In township io range 6 I ,,M.
anj lot
anJ Will Ol-
tpr nr.u it In tin .u, 1 1. .1 lh. Im I . ...... I. I.. m... ..l..
V, . . . . ." . " . '." ' . "'" ana win nuerprooi io snow mil me lanj sougnt is
able lur Us Hml er or slone than for ogilcullural pur- more viluable lor Us tinner or slone than tor agrl
IHises. anJ lo establish her Claim lo salj lanJ belore cultural Piiii-ose.. anj to eslal llsh his claim to salj
ne Ketelver iiMIilsnlliieal la GranJe. ImJ before Ihe Register anJ Reil,er ol this ollii
Oiegon, nn TuesJi) . the I4II1 Ja) ol October. Iuc. at Li GranJe. Oregon, nn WeJnesJa) , Ihe 8th Ja, ol
Vila 11 sinua . ullna.tdi I s. n.. 11.11 ll "...... -- ,- . 7
H,Je. I W I arJIe) . DavlJ GeJJes. all nt Maker
Cil,. Oregnn.
An) anJall persons claiming ajiersel, the atuve
JestilbeJ lanJs are re.uesleJ lo file their claims In
this otlice on nr belore saiJ 14th s'a) nl October, iijci.
L. W. HtktuiT. Regsler.
ACT JUNE 3, 1171.
UnlleJ Stales LanJ Olhce,
l.a (iian.e, o egon,
July lo, ivna. )
Notice Is hereb, gisenihal In compllanc with lh
pro, Islons nl Ihe acl ol contrress nt lune . IS.R. .n.
llll J "An acl lor Hie sale nl limber lanJs In the stales
ol Calllornla. Oregnn. Ne,aJa anJ Washlnginn Ter-
lllor,." s utenJeJ to all Ihe Public LinJ stiles b)
ailol Augusta. I841
nl Hiker CH, , cnuni) nl llikei, si lie ot Oiegon, has
this J.) MeJ In 11 Isollite her sworn slatemenl No.
j for the purchase ot Ihe w1, se 1-4, ne 1-4 sw 1-4,
se 1-4 nw 1-4 ol secilon No. a, in tnonshlp No lo
miuiii, rang No. u , iw ,1. anj will oiler proo to
show tint Ihe 111J soue lit t more i a uibfe Inr Its
"".''i.l u.r .""'""i ,!,;",. ,or ?P.ltUl.'T! I'"''""?: "! ,0 , "l I lr Us Hml-er or stone than Inr agricultural pur-estab-lslihercLiiilosilJ
lanJ belore ihe Register pes. anj to establish his clilm 10 salj lanJ belore
1 ".!.! '.t.'." . " : " !,a Vir.nJ'' "e"n' "n ' """ ' -nc. U. S lommlsslnner. a. Sumpter.
t.. ,.; .," , ,,. ... .. A.. "v ,
TuesJa).the lull Ja) ol October, hwj.
Li-..nnTvV..VKVrs':ii - . 'JlAra ) V. r
klnson.J. W. UiJle)iDa,IJ GeJJ.s.all ol Hiker
Cln. Oregon.
Any anj all persons 1 lalmlng aJversel) the abo, e
JescribeJ lanJ.aie reiiesteJ to tile their claims In
Ihls olfice on nr belore salj I4H1 Jav ot October, Ij.
I . '". Mawiihi, Register.
ACT JUNE 3. Illl
UnileJ Slales LanJ Oltue, (
Iji (nanJe, Oiegon, lull 7, iuoi. (
Notice Is hereb) given that in compliant with Ihe
pirn Is ons ol Hie act ol Congress of June 1. 1878, en
llil r J "n ail Im the sale ol timber linji In lh
slates of Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa. anj Washing
ton Tenlior)" as estenJeJ to all the Public LanJ
States b) ait ut August 4. ISa,
il la GranJe, count) ot Union, Stale ol Oregon, has
ihls Ja) MeJ In this othc his swoin statrment so.
Il lor Hie pirchasr ol the Lois I, a anj 1, s 1-4 n
1-4 anj S sr l-4 0t srillnn No I In township No. II
s, range No. 18 I. w H, anj will oiler proof 10 show
lhat Hi lanj sought It more saluable lor Its Umbel
or stone than lur agilcullural puipnses. anj 10 es
tablish his claim 10 salj lanJ belore lh Register anj
Wei elier ol this olhce al La GranJe, oregnn, on
TuesJay Ihe 7th Ja) ot o. lober, t.
He mines as wi nesses hrank J. Hramwell ot La
GranJe, Oiegon; frank Hurt ol Hakrr Clt), Oregen:
wiiuani j. Kaw son ni isine), Oregon, n. J. cnn
lenson ol La GranJe. Oregon.
An) anj all prisons iblmlngaJielsrU the aboie
JescllbeJ lanJs are request J In Me their claims In
this otlice on or belorr saiJ iih Ja) ol October, 1001.
F. W. Bamhett. Register.
Unite J Stales I an J Ollice, I
la GranJe, Oregon, Jul, 7, lvo I
Notice Is herein gl,in that In compllame with Ihe
pro, Islons ot tl e act of Crngress o' lune 1. 1878. en-
IlileJ "An act for the sale of timber ImJs In the
slales ol Cilltnrnli. orepon. Ne,aJi anj unshlmr-
ton Terrllor, ," as estenJeJ In all the I'uMIc LanJ
t sines b, ictof August 4, I8n,
, OrinJe, count, of Union, Sine of Oregon, his
1 Ihls Jiy lileJ In this olhce her sworn statement Mi
, IM. lor Ihe purchase ol He I ots I. , anj 4, s e 1-4
w 1-4, ol section No 1 1n township No. II S. range
No w I M, anj will ollir rmof in show that the
lanJ sought Is more valuible lor Its limber or stone
thin fur agricultural purposes, an I to estibllsli her
claim lo silj ImJ beloro the Reels'" nnJ HeCeher
ol this nitre al La (iranJe, Oregon, on TuesJaj the
1II1 J.1 nl O Inter, lioi.
She names as witnesses' I rink J. tlramwell nl
I a (iranJe, Oregon" I rink Hull of Hiker Ut, , Ore Ore
eon: Wlllliin I Icmson ol Nllle,, ongon; N. J.
I Chrlstenson of Li (iranJe, Oregon
An, .in J all person claiming .uerel,' Hie above
JescllbeJ lanJs are reuesleJ to tile their clilms In
Ihlsofhce on or Inilore saiJ 7II1 Ja ot Octnber, I402.
L. W M M11UTT, Register.
. TIMIR UN0- eT JUNt J- - "
L'nlteJ Slates LinJ Ofhce,
La GrmJe Oregon,
Jul, 0. 1 imj )
Nolke Is hereb) given lint In compliance with the
provisions ot the acl ot congress of June 1, 1878. en
title J "An acl lor the sale ot limber Ian Js In Ihe slates
of California, Oregon, Nev 1J1 anj W ishlnglon Ter
rllor, ." as eslenjej in nil Hie Public LanJ States by
act of August 4, 1891,
of waltsburg, count, of wall 1 walla, sine ol Wash
ington, has this Ja, lileJ li this olhce his sworn
statement No 11S0 for the purclnse of the s w 1-4
s e 1-4. s e 1-4 w 1 4,,,'s s w 1-40! secilon No. io
In township No 11 south, range No u Lw n, an J will
oiler proot to show that Hie lanJ sought Is more val
uable lor lis limber or slone llian lor agricultural pur
poses, anJ to establish his claim to siiJ ImJ belore
Hie Register anj Receiver ol this ollice at La GranJe,
Oregon, oil WeJnesJi) , Ihe 8th Ja, ol Oregon, iooj,
He names as witnesses StanforJ D. Stonier,
I lank L. I enJer, ol U ilisburg, Washingten: John II,
RoJJ, anj William I . Sprout, nl starbuck, w tsli.
Any anj all persons claiming a neiseiv Hi above
JesirlbeJ lanJsare re.uesteJ to hie their claims In
Ihls nllice on or belore salj 8th Jay ol 1)1 Hirer, 1001.
I. W. muni. 11, Register.
UnlleJ Stales LanJ Olhce, 1
La GranJe, Oregon,
, Jul) j, I401.)
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Hi
provisions ol Hie acl ol congress ot June 1, I878, en
HlleJ "An act tor Hi sile nt timber lanJs In Ihe states
of Ca'llomla, Oregui, NevaJa anJ Washington Ter
rllor) ," as entenJeJ lo all the Public LanJ Stales by
b) acini August 4, I8v.
nl Waltsburg, county of Walla, slite of Wash
ington, has Ihls Ja) tilt J in this otlice his swoin
slatemenl No. II79 Inr Ihe piuchase ot the w i s w 1-4.
n e 1-4 iw 1-4. secilon 17, anJ s e hi s e 1-4 ol sc- In. ft In Inun.ltlt. Vi, II .., n r .n.. v.. .. I ,. u .... .. ... "...
He names as witnesses William Pi
vlernn. I r.inu
i. lenaer, 01 waltsburg, Washington; William I.
Sprout anj John II, RoJJ), of staibutk, wash.
All, anJ all persons ilaiming aJvirsrl, the above
Jescilbe J lanJs are lequesieJ 10 hie Ihelr ilalins In
Ihls ollice nn nr belore mlj 8th Ja) nl October, I401.
h. W. lliwilim. Register.
UnlleJ States LanJ Ollice, I
Ijt GranJe. Oreeon. Jul. it. i.m.. t
Notice Is hereb, gl, en that In compliance wlih the
I K?'V.,in ",.,.h ?.CI "' f,,nE' ''" ,1. '6'8. "'
lltlj An ail lor the silent hnberlanJs In ihe states
of Calllornla. Oiegon, Ne,aJi anJ Washington Ter-
rllor, .'
nl Whllne, . cnuni, nl Hiker, stale' ol Oregon, Ins
this Ja, fileJ In ihlsolhte his sworn statement No.
1171, lor Hie purch ise ot Ihe nw 1-4 sw 1-4 of section
i anj ii'i se 1-4 ana sw 1-4 ne 1-4 01 secilon No
1 1 township no. 11 south, range Mi. (,lw. anj will
I ...1 ........ '... 1... !,... i. ',..,. .L". .'.
.,iur wun.r, u. .-. itfiiiiinssiiiiier. ai jumpier.
1 orei-nn. nn WeJnesJai. Hie nJ Ja, oiivmh,r..Un,
Henamesasiillnessis .Marshal K. Ynung. Ro,
, ChltienJen. I.J A. Wrenn anj I'erC) At. Irs, all ol
.nine, , I'Tegiin.
An, anj all persons claimlniraJtersrli ihe aboie-
JesciibeJ lanJs are requesteJ lo tile Ihelr claims in
this mine nn nr belore salj imJ Jai nt Oct , 1001.
L. W. lllkillTT, Register.
TIMMI R LAND. ACT JUNK 1, 1878. sum I' low
UnlleJ Stales LanJ Ollice, (
La GranJe, Oregon, Juts 17, imu j
Notice Is hen bi given that In compliance with Ihe
pun Islons ol Ihe att ut congiess ot June 1. 1878, en-
litlej "An act lor the sale 01 limber lanJs In Ihe slales
ol California, Oregon, NeiaJi anj Washington Ter
mor) ,
ol Whllne, , counn ol Maker, slate ol Oregon, has
this Ja, lileJ in Ihls ollice his sworn statement No.
7u, lor Ihe punhase ot lot 4 anj sw 1-4 nw 1-40!
set lion a anj lots 1, aanJ anj se 1-4 ne 1-4 of sec
lion No 1 In township No. 11 south, range No uiwvt.
anj will otter prool to show that the lanJ sought is
more valuable tor Its limber or stone than lor agricul
tural purposes, anj 10 establish his claim lo salj lanJ
before Chailes II. Chance, V. S. commissioner, al
Sumpter, Oregon, on W (JnesJa, , lh amJ Ja, of Oc
tober, iv.
He names as witnesses James Shunt anj llerl
Hrowntee, of Whllne), Oregon; John McDowell, ol
All. Vernon, Oregon, anj Mallei Smith, ot Law ton.
An, anJall persons claiming aJversel) the aboie
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requesteJ 10 lit their claims In
Ihls othc on or belorr salj jmj Ja, ol Oct , 1001
F. W. HsHiLETI, Register