Wednesday, July 2$, 1902 THE SUMPTER MINER BIG TIMBER RUSH ON. Cruisers Are Making Money in Eastern Oregon. One of the blggeM ruslien for timber locutions noun in the northwest in now in progress in various eaMern Oregon counties, especinlly Crook and (irant. It is claimed that in Crook 10,000 acres have been taken up in the last 100 days. In Grant parties ot prospectors have been met everywhere traveling through the wood In company with timber lo cators on a still hunt for corners and government stakes. Along the north fork of the John Day and on the numerous creeks tributary to it a heavy belt of yellow pine, hith erto almost untouched exists, measur ing several million feet generally to the quarter section. Small settlers are scattered through much of It, and the holdings of these men, located generally without regard to government corners, generally overlap somewhere. No dif ficulty of tiny account is Iteing expe rienced with them, however. A real harvest is being made by the professional timber locators, who, through a knowledge of the country are able to command foO, f".r and 100 and even more from those parties who want to corral a good yellow pine tract. These locators are having a pretty busy time of it now, for some times a dozen timber hunters strike the John Day in a single morning. The outside world is just awakening to the fact that a virgin forest of pine is left in eastern Oregon. The l'alouse has furnished a large number of claim hunters. Others are flocking in from eastern Oregon towns, while some people on the sKit them selves are beginning to look up quarter sections, lest the stranger come in and take everything there is before the resi dents get round to it. l'endlen Tribune. the camp, haulers would rather come here than go out any other way, because the roads are so rough and steep. It would only take a little mouev to make this : miles of road passable ami some thing ought to bo done toward it. Pen dleton would get all the trade from Sns auvlllc if this pice of road was made decent. The rest of the way is all right." Kast Oregoniun. BADGER CONCENTRATES. Arc Bclog Hauled by W"gon to Pccdlc ton for Shipment. The first loads of ore and concentrates arrived Friday evening from the Hunan ville mines to be tthiped from Pendleton via the W. & C. It. and X. P. roads to Taconia to be smeltered. Dan .McAlpin and James Griltiu brought u loud each and took them to the Hunt depot, where a cur is being loaded. This ore is coming from the Badger mine, where an eight-stamp mill was recently installed, and is the first to come out. In speaking of the Badger mine and Susanville camp, Messrs. McAlpin and Griflinsaid: "The camp now ban about 'J00 eople who are drawing their supplies from it. While Susanville is not a city, or one of those boom mining camps which grow up in one day and perish almost as quickly, it is growing very rapidly and is as lively as could be expected. The Badger mine is one of the best proierties in that territory or it may not be the best, either, but it is being dcveloed beyond any other and is showing what is in it. .Many other proterties are showing up tine and it only requires a few more mills in there to prove to the world that Susanville is a mining coun try not to be sneezed at. "The roads between Susanville and Pendleton are excellent except for about 35 miles. This is from Dale into the camp. Part of the road is almost im passable with a load. The eople of Susanville would like to see this oeiied, so they could haul their ore out and u plies back from Pendleton. While it is almost twice us fur from Pendleton to Struck It Rich in the Blackcye. W. II. Butler, the well-known mining man, and bam Kershaw, who has ex extensive mining interests in the Spanish gulch country, returned Tues day from u two weeks' trip to the Greenhorn district, in the northern purl of the county. Air. Butler stated to a News representative that he and his partner hud struck something that was all right while over there. They have named their claim the "Blackcye." It is situated just west of Greenhorn City and the rich Psyche mine. The ledge is twelve feet wide and is literally lousy with free gold. Mr. Butler was offered a large sum for the mine while there, but refused it, saying that it would re quire 25,O0O to talk business. Messrs. Butler and Kershaw will return to Greenhorn in a few days and commence active operations. Grunt County News. Rates Again Reduced From All Points East. Before you make detluute arrange ments for that trip east let us quote you rates via the Illinois Central railroad Our rates are the lowest to lie had, and it will pay you to write us. If you haven't time to communicate with us, tell the agent from whom you purchase your ticket that you want to travel by the way of the Illinois Central, and you will never regret the trip. If any of your relatives or friends in the east are coming west while the low rates are in effect, write us about them, and we will see that they get the lowest rates with the liest service. Through tourist cars, free reclining chair cars in fact all the latest convenience known to modern railroading. For particulars regarding rates, time, service, stop-overs, different connection and routes, etc, call on or address, B. F. Tkumiiuix. Com'l. Agt. 142 Third street. Portland. Oregon. aim. mjmmHib OREGON Short line and Union Pacific TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City. CHICAGO ST. LOUIS NEW YORK Ocean slcniners between Portland ami .San Francisco every five clays. Low Rates I Tickets to and from nil parts of the United States, Canada unci KimiH. For particulars, call on or address II. C. Bowkkh, Agent, Baker City, Ore. r BLUE BIRD MINING COMPANY D3 Capital $200,000 FULL PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE MINES LOCATED IN GRANITE MINING DISTRICT. EASTERN OREGON 50,000 SHARES OFFERED ClSicll if- i Wrllt (or tptclil prices anj prospectus WHEELER & CO., lukirs It BROADWAY, NEW YORK Mention No. to anJ the North American Miner will be millei you six months Iree I. r , i FRED G. LAWSON w Ohm Keun Itoek fkMt 345 Suiptir, Oregon. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER Wi nuki i Spioiilty if Sappliisfir Mimrs. Hiiizi's Cilibntii GiMii finds Mi t FhII Lim of firotiriis StnwbtrriisudVitittblis Frist. Every Diy. A NEW GOLD MINE THE STOCK OF THE NEW GOLD MINE THE CRACKER OREGON Located in the same dis trict with the famous North Pole, the Eureka and Excelsior, Golconda and Columbia mines in the Sumpter District in Eastern Oregon, is now being offered, to provide money to do the neces sary development work, such as run tunnels, build mill, etc. f This mine shows an ore ledge which extends for a distance of 1,000 feet on the prop erty, showing a dearly defined vein of from 10 to do feet in width. It will undoubtedly prove to be as great a producer as its rich neighbors. The price of the stock is 25 CENTS A SHARE Par value $1.00, Non forfeitable, Non-assessable, and no personal liability. Thi MistSiirehiiflmstititrti Is AsM fir This PrtftsitiH WHITK OH CAM. UI1IN THE OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. LEES.OVITT.Agt. Third Floor Merrill Building MIMVAUKKK, - WISCONSIN