.jt53r, mmtTiKBtaani.. THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 2j, 1902 ONE DOLLAR ORE PROFITABLE Alaska Company Revolutioniz ing Modern Mining Methods. A well known niininj.' utithnrity made till) ntlttclllcllt MIIIIO llllllllllH up) that till' minimi rcportx of the .Miinkii'Trcmlvvfll 'nmiiuy, Dcr:itiii on Motltshin Inlmiil, Alunkit, cnuntituto an nclmlriililc text honk iimiii iihmIitii million. They nhnu tUewly iliviilcinln 1111 tin1 one IiiiikI ftcmly improvement In the tm-t ImmIh of iminllliii; low unicli- ore on the other. Ilotli ri-HiillH art1 iniMirtant, ami whcni Iki improvement i'xIhIh tin iliviilcmln HH) nlninnt certain In follow, an lint low Krailc koIiI iiii in imuiilly uciicrnim nn lo fiO Mllll HTIII!IIH'tll in tllf ill'lllo(lll'llll. TI10 Alimkit'Trciulvvcll (iolil .Mining company in a llonton rorHiratlon, ll 1h ciipltiilircil at .r,IHMI,(NK, tint uir value of lint nhnrcn Im'Iiik $L."i each. In .limn nry hint il npciicil ItHI'.' liy ilccluriiiK a tlivitlcinl of 175,1100, 11111I tlitt total paid lo (lint Hunt wax f I,MI5,INNI. In IiImiiiiiuiiI report the iiiiimie,fr nhovvn Unit the Im proved iiii'IIiimIh in miniiiK anil milling iiilnptcil hint jcitr reniilttil In reducing tllll UVcrilK" Cnnt pi'l' ton, for Imlli tlicnn ileum, from nil iivcriif of fl.lt) lliu reennl lii'ri'lofoii' on oii-H not ali-o-llllely free uiillillt In liH ci-uln xt Ion, (lui new clialli'iiKu IlKiirt'. The cnmpnuy ovvnn ami oMTati'n find nliimpn, which urn fcil from a inoiintain of ore. An tlm irn hvcihuch It-en than '-' per ton, tin' mm proeenn tnrniiH nni only a rut of nearly one half nn t lit xhiim of mine mill mill oHritlinn, hut it hrinisn within tlio lli'M nf prollialilc reduction u list umniiiit n( ipiurt. which under former I'liutlltlnun would lie chinned iih Imrren anil uorllilenH. In itH eointnelilH on tlm uMonirliinn rcniill 11 1 Hive net forth, (lie San I'ran cinco Chtnuicle prcdictn thai the Aliinku Trend well iiii'IImhI will imtkenrcn worth mm ilnllur cr tnu Hie iihnuv, nf cntime prolllalile to work, ami in the cum1 of tlm Treailwell mine the nuoilolhirntiiutl aril will 111I1I mlllmiiH nf tnun of availahlti ipmrlK in nicht to the fnrNiriilinn'n HtlH'k. No one nave a praelieal miner run fully comprehend the niHlilllninee of a prnllt in one ilnllar ore. If the new Treailwell prneenn can U applied in California, ('nl oriulo, Nmlh Dakota anil New Mexico, 11111I il prohalily eau, il will hriutt into the lielil nf iiclivo neratinu mi iuiletliiite viilumn of unlil-heariuu iuarlx which now ufTnrdn no prnllt whatever. In C'nl orHiln mill the lllaek llilln the cnnt nf miiiiiiK anil treating cnlil ore Iiiim heeu reduced from f.'tO mt ton in the IH70 lieriinl exteinliiii; fur almoHt leu yearn to ulmul live dnllurn at piei-ent, with even a lower neurit where the ore in of it HuxiiiK uatuie or will yield ninety ier cent of iti allien to cviinidc treatment. (Ill (lie ureal iiinthel liMle ill California nne nf the hirt-nt low grade hodien in the world the cunt nf iitiulli)! mid ill UN inn Iiiih Imh-ii cut dnwu from ahnut nine dnllitrn per Inn twcnlyllve vcitrn a no to l!.UT at prei-ent, and now (our dollar ore in worked at a prolil. Hut there if, nay i the San rr.iiii'iM-o Chrouiele, "a vunl re nerve in the vein, c.irr.viui: from - to fit I xt ton, wliU'li nolhMly eau altord tu tiiucli with :i f-.'.'.'i prooenn, nil of whieh will yield a hit: profit for working if the new piocenn of the Tieadwell mine e.ui lie applieil to it, (inld ipiart. mining him reached a wonderfully line xint when the cnnt nf winning the piccinun uii'lal fmm iti matrix in reduced to uSJ ceutn per ton." ! InitUI Run for th Hidgcr Milt. Tho new tpiartz mill which wuncnii., t-truutcd nu the Hadger mine at Sunhi-t villu I iv the Hunker Hill and Sullivan company, the ovvuurn. nf the property, in complete and Ih at prenent engaged in milking itn initial run on rich ore taken from the famous Suxanville mine. The mill in Hiipplled with eight Htaiupx mill rolls and other late improved ma ehinury that given it a daily capacity nf from 70 In 100 Ioiih nf ore. Tlm nru in conveyed to tlm mill from the mine nunc dintance liy itiemiH of a tramway which in kept huny in nupplyiug Hie mill with ore from the mine. Ite fore the prcccnt owiiern acipiired thin proierly, a lurge amount of oi(i from thin mine vvjih hliipM'd direct to the Tacoma and Sun rrunuiMcnnmellern. Owing to tlm heavy expense of handling the oro in thin manlier, Ihe ore wan carefully nnrted and only the richent prepared fnrnhip meiit. The new mill jllnl erected will reduce the large amount nf hecouil grade oie that had accumulated during the pit M three yearn, mid only theeniicen triitcn will in the future lie nhipju'd ton nmelter. The present cnmpaiiy Iiiih eoiumeiiceil work on a tunnel which in to ho driven from Ihe millnite to the nliaft, ntrlkiug the latter TiOO feet fmm the sur face. Thin tunnel will ho ahnut o()0 feet lung when completed, and will lit) the nieann for working the entire property. Full nhiftn will Ih employed then until Hit) work in filiinhed. The lliulger mine will IhmIcvcIojpciI at a rapid rate liy iln pre.-ent nwnern, and (iraut count v peo ple need not he niirpriniil to nee thin mint develop into one of the greatent piotluicm nu Ihe count. Illue Mountain Kugle. "Now Is lh Appolnttd Time." The O. It. it X. Co. has junt inniied u huiiilnumely illustrated pamphlet en tilled, "Oregon, Washington and Idaho and their resources." People in the east ure anxious for Information ithnttt the I'acillc northwest. If you will give the O. It. Ac X. company agent at linker City a lint of names nf eastern cople, who are likely to In- interested, the honklcl will ho mailed free to nilch er sons. Yours truly, A. I.. Craig, Ocuc nil I'assenger Agent. r'nr tlucst coiifcctiniin, fruits, tobaccos cider, ule., go In "Sturgiir." If in want nf clothing, see Xeill Mcr cautile enmpany. Wnuliln't that jar yerV Miwder. What? (iiiint ...J. W. C0WDEN... HAS A FINK LINK OF PHOTOGRAPHIC VIKWS OF ALL THK MINKS AND PROS PKCTS IN THK SUMPTKR COLD FIKLDS 5555225.55 MINK VltWS ONLY Address J. W. Cowdcn, Suuipter, Or. C. F. RAHT Assayer and Metallurgist OPPOSITE POSTOFnCE SUMPTER, OREGON OREGON MONARCH GOLD MINING COMPANY Offers Stock again to the readers of THE MINER SINCE our last offering a great deal of permanent work has been done at the mine which, as will be remembered, joins the great Red Boy on the South, and carries its richest veins. The Stork has advanced to 25 cents per share, and is moving rapidly. We want you to write to us for a prospectus which will tell you all about the mine and its plans.and which shows photograph and map of both the Monarch and Red Bov mines. J j j j t KILLEN WARNER & STEWART j AGENTS j fc ft Sumpter, Oregon. CODE BEDFURD-McNEILL nitvM'ii omens. New York, Hoston, Halliiiiotv, IMiilmlelpliiu, Milwaukee, J. P. HOLLAND & irooToToinnr oo t it Wholesale and Retail Commission Business No. 1 Hay, Oatn, Hiuley, Bran, Wheat, Kluur anil Potatoes Carload lotn a Siecialty Special Attention Given to the Mining Trade JUUUULUJUUUUUJUUUl Oflivu: .I11I111V CoV WhivIhiuw. IMiuiio 2811. HUMITKK, OREGON GRIZZLY STOCK... 33,111 Shares at lens than ground Hour price. You can have it for 2k cents in one lump, nr.'t cents in broken lots. 111,111 SHAMS Sf TRUNK FN ttSI Until iirv j,'imm! linyn. Write for particulars to BERNARD FLYNN sumpter, ore. IF YOU WISH TO Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS rRSANDERSONSTH'! SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON ? t. tt