MifV mill- Wednesday, July 2$, 1Q02 THE SUMPTER MINER RED BOY STOCK FOR SALE Three Thousand Shares in the most Famous Mine in Eastern Oregon. This is the first opportunity any outsider has ever had to get in on this dividend paying mine. This is indeed not a speculation, but a safe and profitable investment. This block is now offered for & & & $1,350 Cash, 45 Cents a Share The buyer will not only receive big interest on his money, but the value of the stock will undoubtedly double and probably trebble within the next eighteen months, as the mine's output will soon be largely increased. dt ot Address: "B. R" Care THE MINER. SUMPTER OREGON J! - . SUIT AGAINST SMELTER TRUST. Attorney Central of Colorado Wanti to Put it Out of Business. Attorney (it'iiural Post Iiiih Med in tin. Colorado supremo court a complaint in which lit! seeks, to have all corHrato rights, privileges, mwors anil Irimrliiffi of tlio American Smelting and Itefluing -company taken away, its. charters, va cated anil itH cororato existence an milli'il. Ho asks, that a receiver lo ap Kilntel to take charge of tho company's properties, in Colorado and for other and further relief. The complaint avers that duriiiK .lan uary, February and March IBIBI, the smelting concerns absorbed hy tlm Amer ican coinaiiy in Colorado entered into an unlawful combination and conspiracy to destroy coiuHtitiou in tho smelting business, ami effected such coiuhiuation for the oppression and injury of tho n'o pie of Colorado. It in alleged that ex tortionate prices are charged for imi treatment, that illegal related am re ceived from railroad companies and that certain ores are refused Ireatiueut hy the company. Tho complaint also alleges that the proK.'rty of the company in worth 1'5, (HXMKW.'hnt Ih capitalised at flOO,Ollu IHX). Tht) court Ih asked to take original jurisdiction in thu cane and declare that the American Smelting and Kclliilug company, has forfeited all right to do business in that state and order that it bo forever excluded from Colorado. Woloott and Vail, attorneys for the American Smelting and lteliniiiK com pany, tilled tho company 'HiniHwer to the application of Attorney (ieueral Pont for leave to tile suit in the supreme court for the dissolution of the company on the ground that it Ih a tniHt. The an swer denies the right of the court to take originul jurisdiction, declaring that no emergency exists, nuch an would JiiHtlfy Hiieh action. It ileiilen that thu company in a trtiHt or that public Inter ests are injured hy itH methods. Why Go East I Over tho sun-burned sago brush and ; alkali plains when you may just iih well ' take a delightful, cool and comfortable ' ride through tho heart of the Itocky mouutainH in view of the grandest seen ery on the American coutineut'.' This you can do hy traveling on the llio (irando system, tho far famed "Scenic Line of the World." tho only transconti nental line panning through Salt Like City, (ileuwood SpringH, (.cadvillo, Col orado Springs and Denver, en route to eastern points. Three dally express, trains make clone count i-tinus with all trains east and west and afford a choice of live distinct routes of travel. Tho equipment of these trains is the host, in cluding free reclining chair cars, stand ard and tourist slooiorr, a crfcct dining car service, and also personally conduct ed excursion cars, each inchaigoofa competent guide, whoso business is to look after the couifoit of his guests. No more pleasant and inexpensive means of crossing the continent can lie found than is provided hy those excursions. Tor additional details address .1. I). Mans llcld, general agent Itio (iraude Hues, No. I'-'l Third street, Portland, Ore. Hoffman's I Ink cry makes a siecialty of furnishing ice cream for parties. Prompt attention gitcu all unlets. Harrison can tell you why all lucky strikes are made with (ilant Powder. Hii.IowihhI ice cream will Ito sorted daily at "SturgillV." INCORPOMTE UNDER JRIZONI uws. Most liberal corporation laws in tho I'nlted States. No franchise tax or ex orbitant fees. Private property exempt from all corporate debts. Par value of stock made any amount. No huiiton cap italization. Stock is non-assessable for any purpose. Noamount of stock rcuirHl to bo suhscrilNMl. No state control. No state examination of looks. I.egislaturo can't reeal your charter. Keep olllco and do business anywhere. Wo attend to all business, pay all fees and charge you but $.riO.(Kl in any case. Wrltu for Itonklct of CorMiration Laws anil other Information. Address ARIZONA CORPORATION CHARTER CI.. MOHIKAM lUILDWfl. NKMI. MIZMU. Friction Clutch COUPLINGS POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY 1 SPECMLTV COMESPOHDUCE SUICITEI AND- PULLEYS POWERFUL, SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS adorers WILLAMETTE IRON AND STEEL WORKS PORTLAND, OREGON