THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 2j, 1902 The Sumpter Minerir,Sr w.r I'UIIHSIII II HVPfcV WrilMlSIMV IIV J. W CONNI-U.A Kwiry money. They III reruivu (lit) bene- 11 1 m from till- iiilvurtlfiii; tliuy are able to mid fIioiiM pay for it. Tin- mining moil of Sumplcr have (lone more to l-ii-liuhtcn tin world on tin; ureal wcultliof iT'tt" mir:: rhi ; n .,., w,m m,w .i..h..k tiau pant tuiiyeiirH tliuii linker C it y line (lone i In tliirty, mill they t-tiiiiil remly to elm re j One Year ,,,u "--.ipt-MiM- 01 liny practical lilll nil ''jjfxtuntl tin.' kooiI work. I hoy will not, however, enter Into miy fool fclicinu tlmt will iiinke the. di-trlct rliliiMilmif. fcntereb trantm mailer. Six Month SUHM.HII'TION WATFS ALWAYS IN AllVANCI'. Oil Treatment for Ores. There ceenm every prnlmlilllty tlmt the iiilititiitlon of the oil procenH to the 1 trit- Icli Columbia oreH will prove entirely Muvecfiiil, mill If thin Imi hi, the outlook for the Kootetiay illftricl iim ii great mill inu country will Im aliiiont indellnltely enlarged, Miyn the Vaiu-oiivcr I'rovi tlenre. The more far-pceinu; of invectorn are already preparing to hceure the ad vantage which will lie offered hy being the llrHt in the Held, and once it Iiiih With the withering' lire from the po litical death dealing hatterieHcomuiand I'd liy hoth Wiitterrnii and llryaii turned on Cleveland, the "beast from Itilffalo," (Jiat poinMiiiH fakir, that more holy than thou crook, will never attain wield an iota of Influence in the democratic party, in national affair. In a recent lewie of the New York Commercial In a couvinciuu', exhaiiHtlve nrticle on the gold IIcMm of eiiHteru Ore gon, written liy.l. K. Mc.Miiiiut., of So little, who !h largely interested in the llalma and the KxcelNior, and is thilnu ! "'" 1"-I tloyoml all doiiht that the hh much iih any other one man in telliiiK Koolenay orec can lie treated for from the world of how rich and great thin ' HM t'a'ru will undouhtedly lie it iiiiiltiK region really in. I ! "it-li of capital into that country. j Kven now, according to the interior pa Thk nale of the Maxwell renders it mI ill htm, money Ih lomiug in in anticipation more iuiHirtaut that the Cracker creek I of the Htitress of the proeess. It will not road should be extended over to the only mean immense activity in milling Kock creek fide of the divide. Kxtcn-, eircli'H, hut it will mean a revival in all nive mining operatioiiH are N'iug curried . the interior rlties and Iowiih. Ah an ex- on in that district thin season, and sup ilii)M are heing hauled from ItaiiieH and linker City, two or three timeH the din tiuice that it in from Sumpter. This ceciiiH to In hiicIi a trilling effort to ac eniuplisli an iiiiHirtant end that the inerchantH of Sumpter ought, really, this one time, work together for their own advantage it in playing a h lire thing game. Ih thk Sumpter Valley railtoad ieopte uolng to force the citi.enn of Sumpter into ii fanatical, Hcctariau, Hiliticul tight by their coiiHtaut, irritating atteinplM to injure Huh town? If they iiersist in thin iolicy and exastieratii our eople into taking IhiH ftep, aga lint their inclina tion, the trade with the national com mittce in turning I'tali oer to the re pulilicaiiH will not mt them from Mug wicil off the map of Oregon, ho far an political iullueiice in concerned. If liar ton and hi Ihihh have enough sense, to come in out of the wet, they will keep their liaudH off of star roiileM. IUkkii Citv puperH and xiiple are din cuHxiug feasible methods of raining money with which to advertise thin sec tiou of (ho Htate in the east. It Iiiih Iiccii propnwsl to conduct a course oflcc tiireM, and a few other kiudcrgiirteu schemes have been presented and re ceive! I with favor. The proiuoterH of thin enterprise Hhould hold a series of ice cream socials, tea and pound parties, give an amateur nigger lniiihtrel hIiow, or hoiuethiug of that kind. The whole scheme ill ls a dismal failure, unless linker City business men and owners of iiiining proMrtieH that are for sale go down in their own individual pocket SUMPTER LIGHT H POWER COMPANY. A FULL LINB OF Electrical & Supplies Wiring Neatly Done. The finest light plant in eastern Oregon SEYMOUR H. BELL, Gan'l. Mgr. B. L. McLAIN ample of what may he looked for in thin direction, Itosslaud, where business de pression Iiiih existed for the pai-t vear and a half and where the commercial iutercHlH have suffered ho severely at the IiiiiiiIh of ntiN'k iiiauipiilatorH, should double itn Hipulation in (lie con rue of two or three yearn. The tremendous IhhIIch of low grade ore in the IiIIIh mir roundiug that town assure itn iierniiiu nence and prosperity, once ores contain ing values of eight dollars can lie treat ei) with a margin of protlt. If hiicIi n result were olitalncd, HohhIiiihI would wry ipiickly rival, if it did not suriiasM, llutte City in nir.e and proMiierity. There in every reiiHou to imagine, too, tlmt the viiIiich contained by tliene ores, will in creane an depth in the niincH iHolitniiied. In moHt iiiHlanccH In HoHHhiud, iin in the other cum pH of the Kootenays, the ore Ik'Coiiich higher grade the further down development in pursued. At the worst, the outlook for Hritish Columliin'H min eral country in not dark. The celebrated tSiiud'H "the lieur of gtMMl cheer" always on draught at Dun phy'n The Clnlt line Oiant Mwder, fuse, and nip. Leave your meiiHiire for u nuit of clothes at Neill Mercantile company'. Leave your order tor anything in the reading line with DoNeffe fc Mur.zy. Komethiiig to deieiul umiii CSiunt IMiwder. All the latent noveltieM in liutn tit Neill Mercantile company'. Only the liext hrand ot llipiorH ami cigar at Oinipliy' " The Club." If you wih to ntrike it rich ue Oiant I'owdcr. American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co. E. SIBER, General Manager. Manufacturers of First Class Draught and Bottled Also Ice Made of Distilled Water. The most modern equipped plant in the state. All orders promptly attended to. Telephone, Main 15. BAKER CITY, OREGON. BEER MILL WRIGHT ERECTION OF QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter j Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL p A. E. STARR. Attorney-at-Law Ccnltr. cor. High St, Sumpttr. Or t ton F. K. HOBSON. Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mlntril Surveyor for Ortgon, En gineer for Ihe City ot Sumpttr. VUtttti t4 rti(t tini. IIm rrlU OrHktln. CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Cite MUrMf U. I. Cinalllltatr Rooms 2 and 3, First Bank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON L. T. BROCK, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. SrecUl Attention (ilven to Surgery n4 10 Dl. iiiock; eitei ol Women. Ornce. Neill (iranllt Street near Mill. HeklJence, IJR. PEARCE tV. ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons PROI'HIETOW SUMI'UR Ut.MRU IIOM'IIAL I SUMI'ltW.OhtliON. , , 1 Ol I ICr. Main 8i. Telephone Hommt.M. Atain t. I lURNOb. E.L. MANNING, RtM ISTATF Clt' RecorJer an 4 Noiarv Public. Collection Abstract Agent tor TyriclJe Fire Extlnguliher. Sumpter Basche Hardware Co. . . . Sumpter . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for "HERCULES" Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER E. A. CLEM & CO. MINKS I'K08IKCT8 ST0CK8 Write ui for llt of properties and lowest market quotations on lock In producing minei anl oil wells. Excellent opportunity for profit In low price J stocks. 4ltiCliani. of Com. I'ohti.and.Okwiox. First bank of sumpter Ue...-...T..) Capital Stock f 20,000 OFFICERS. J. II. Robblns PresUent J. W. Scrlher Vice-PresUent R. H. Miller Cashier DIRECTORS. J. W. Scrlber R. H. Miller Clark Snyde J. H. Robblns Transact it General Bunking and Exchange BuMines . . . THE , , , SUMPTER MEAT MARKET AUSTIN MEAT Co. Props. Butcher and Packer Fresh ami Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON