The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 23, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    Wednesday, July 29, 1902
for Publication.
itates Land Office, 1
l.i Grande, Oregon,
July8, ioo. )
Notice li hereby given Ilia t In compliance with the
provisions ol the art nt congrett of June . 187B,
entitled "An acl (or the sale nl timber landt In the
states ol California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing
ton Territory," at extended to all the Public Land
Slain tiy act nl August 4, 1B91,
of Whitney, county ol Halter, itate ol Oregon, hat
this day fifed In this office hit tworn statement No.
tailor the purchase of IlieeVi nrt. swSs ne( anJ
nwK setf of section No. H In lownthlp Ml. tr toulh
range No. u iww, and will nffer proof to thow that
the land tought It more valuable lor lit timber nr
stone than lor agricultural purpotet, anJ to ettabllth
hit claim to ttld lanj belnre Charlet II. Chance, U,
S. commlitlonrr, al Sumpler, Oregon, on Wednet
ilav, the Blh Jv nl October, icn.
He namet at wltnrsset' Curren A. Smith, ot Whit
ney, Oregon; Alice Kent, of Sumpler, Oregon; Leon
ard Slmt and May Whl net, Oregon,
Any and all pertont claiming advertelv the above
detcrlhrd landt are requrtled to file thrlr c'almt In
Ms ofllce on nr hrfni said Kill day nt October, loot.
I'. W. llAktll IT, Krglttrr.
TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1, 1B7B.-v11lt.1J iom
United Stairs I and oltice,
I a (irinde, Oregon,
Julv K, 1971 )
Notice It hereby glvrn that In compliance with the
prnvltlont nt Hie act it rongrett nt June I, 1818. en
titled "An art tor the tale nt limber landt In the tlalet
ol California, Oirgun, Nevada jnd Wathliiglun Irr
lfory,"t rtlrtilrd to all Ihe Public Land ttatet by
act nt Augutl 4, i8.
AlK.i: S. KENT, unmarried,
ul Sumpler.rnunlvnl llakrr, tl.He nl Oregon, I1.1t
Ihlt Jay hied In thlt oltice her tworn tlatrmrnl Mi,
ikij for the piinhate nt I nt 1 .in J te' nr'l and eii
tt'i ol tecllnn No, one (1), In lownthlp No. 11 toulh,
range No. 14 I WW, and will oiler prool to thow thai
Hit land tought It more valuable lor lit timber nr
alone than lor agricultural puipntrt, and to ettabllth
her claim lo tald land hrlnrr Charles II. Chanre, II.
S. commlttloner, at Sumpler, Oregon, on Wednet
Jav, Ihe 8lh day nl October, i.
She namet at wllnrttrt John William I leegle,
CurrenA. Snillli, I ennar J Slmt, I ollle I leegle, all nl
Whitney, Oregon.
Anv and all nritont claiming advertelv the aWive-
detctlhed landt aie requetted In hie their clal-nt In
Hilt office on nr belore t.tld Klh dav nl October, iu.
i:. W. Kami I I'M. Rrgltler.
TIMBER LAND. ACT JIINI: I. ilfl. isotli.iilOK
United Stalet Land Ulhce,
La Grande. Oregon J
Julv 8, tcj-ll. )
Notice It heiebv git en that In compliance with Ihe
pnivltlont nl the acini cnngrett ut June 1, 181H. en
tilled "An act lor Ihe ta'e ul limber IjnJt In the ttatet
ul Calllninla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory." at ettended to all Ihe Public Land States by
act nt Augutl 4, iBoi,
nl Whllnry. county ot Baker, tlale ul Oregun, hat
Ihlt dav lifej In lint nthce hit tworn ttalemrnt No
iui fur the mirchJte ot the te!f trtf nl Sec. a and
s tw) and i'( te'f ol tetliuu So, 41 In limnthlp
Nil ir tniilh, rtnge so, 14 twvt, jnj will oiler pnmt
to thow that the lull tought It inoie valuable lor lit
timber or tloiie than lor ag1kultur.1l puipaitet, andlo
ettabllth hit claim In t.nd land beloie Ch.tilet II,
Chance, II, S. cnminlttlnnrr. ,H Sumplrr,oiegon,nn
WrdnrtJiv, the Kill div ul o, tuber, wj,
He mmet at wllnrttrt John WiIIIjiii I leegle,
I little lleegleaud I mtuid Slmt, .ill nl Whllnev.oie
gun, and All. e S, Kent.nt Sumpler, Oirgmi
Any and all pert int chiming .idveivrlv the abuse
Jetcilbedlaudt aie re.iietted to file Ihrlt claims In
Ihlt nlliie on 111 betoie tald 8th Jav ot iMnhrr, ii.
li. W. UvMill 11, Krgltlrr.
TIMBER I AND. ACT JUNE 1. iSt. viiiohior
United Statet land Oltue. I
la Grande, orgu,
Jult 8 tu",
Notl.e It hereby git en that In compliance with Ihe
pintlt'onsollheactnt iiiiigiett ol lune 1, i8t8, en
titled "An act lor Ihe tale nl limber landt In Ihe ttatet
nl California. Oregon, Nevada and Wathlng on Tertl
tort," at etlen Jed In all the I'ublic land ttalet by
aclol Augutl 4, 180,
ol Walltbuig.cliunlv ol Walla Walla, tlale ol Wash
ington, hat ihlt da) MeJ In Ihlt oilier hit twmn
tlaltment No. lisci or the puiihate nt the teK ol
tectlon No. as In lownthlp No 11 tnu'h, tange No 14
I ww, and will oiler pin .1 In thow that Ihe land
tcuglil It note valuable lit lit limber or ttone than
lor agii.ullitial puipotrt, and lo ettabllth hit claim
to tald laud beloie Ihe Regltter and Receiver ol thlt
ottue at lCt'de, Oregon, on Wednetdav, the 8lh
Jav ill (Klober, ne
"He namet at wlmettet, William Peterton, Solon
Prtnton, I lank E. I ender and Slaulord l. Slonl.r,
II ul walltbtug, Washington.
Any and all pertont ctatmlog advertelv Ihe above
drtOlhrJ landt aie teuetted tn Hie their clilmt In
Ihlt office on m leluie tald Hill Jav ot October, t.
I: W BtHtltu, Kegltter.
TIMIIfH I AND. ACT JUNE 1. iHr- MUici'low
ruiinc. viidn.
UnllrJ Maiet land Office, 1
la (irande, Oregon,
July 8, iui.)
Notice It heiebv given that In compliance with the
piovlt'imt nl ll e act ot cnngrett ol June I, I8r8, en
titled "An ad tor the tale nl limber landt In the ttatrt
ol Calllo nla, Oiegon, NevaJa and wathlngton ter
mor) ." at etlrpded 10 all Ihe Public Land ttatet bv
acl ol Augutl 4, 1811.
ol walttbutg.vtiuniy ol Walla walla, tlale ol wath
liiglun, hat tliltdav tiled In ihlt ottue hit woin tlale
menlro nuK lor the puttliate nl the nel ul tectlon
No 1 1 In lownthlp no. ti toulh, range No 14 IWM,
and will niter proof 10 thow that the land tought It
more valuable lot lit limber nr ttone than tor agrl
cullutal puipovrt, and to ettabllth hit Claim to tald
land beloie ihe Kegltier anJ Rrclver ul thlt oltice at
la (nanJe, oigun,oii WrJnetJa). the 8th Jay ot
octotet, in.
He 1 inwi at wllnettet: William Peletton, Juteph
M. Hi 111 e), I rank 1 lender. Stanlord I). Sionter.
all ol Walltt'6rv. Wathlngton,
Anv and all pertont claiming aJveitelv the above
JetcnbeJ lanJt are trurtteJ 'u tile thrlr clalmt In
thlt olhce on cr belore talj plh Jayut O.lober, igo.
ll. W lUkflllt, Krgltirr.
United Slates Land Office
United Slalet Land Office, )
La Grande, Oregon,
July t, 190. 1
Notice li hereby given thai in compliance with Ihe
pnivltlont ol Ihe acl ol congrett ol June 1, i8j8, en
titled "An act (or the tale ol timber landt In Ihe
Statei nl California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wathlng
ton Territory," as extended to all Ihe Public Land
Statei by act ol Augutl 4, 1841,
ol llalnet, countv ol Baker, State ol Oregon, hat
Ihlt day filed In this ollice his sworn statement No.
11B1, lor Ihe purchateol Ihe'stv i-i n e r-4 andn w
i-4 1 1-4 ol tectlon No 11 In lownthlp No, 7 south,
range No. 8 E.W.M., and will oiler prool lo show
that the land tought Is more valuable lor Its timber or
slnne than lor agricultural purpmes, and lo ettabllth
his claim to tald land belore the Register and Re
ceiver ot Ihlsnfllce at La Grande, Oregon, on Mnn
dav, Ihe till Jay ol October, tu-.
He namet at wllnettet; George II. Chave, Peter
llanten, Harry Joy and Mack Mullen, all ol Rock
C'eek, Oregon.
Anv and all pertnns claiming advertely the above
Jetctlbed lands are reiuetied in hie their claims In
Ihlt nftice nn nr before tald rith day ot October, ion.
I: W, IIAHTLl.tT, Kegltter.
Unlled Statet I and Ofri e, )
La Grande, Oregon,
July t, io. '
No'lce It hcrrby given that In compliance wllh the
prnvltlont nl the act of cnngrett nl June 1.187'. en
titled, "An act lor the sale nl limber landt In Ihe
Slalet nl Call'nrnla, Oregon, Nevada, and Wathlng
ton lerrllnrv," at extended In all Ihe Public land
Slalet by act of Augutl 4, t8i,
ol Sumpler, rnunly nl Baker, stale ol Oregon, hat
thlt Jay hlej In this oltice his twmn statement No.
1144, lor the purclnteot the n w 1-4 nt tectlnn No,
ru In township No. u touth, range No. ll E.W.M,
ond will oiler prool lo slinw thai the land sought It
more valuible lor Its limber or ttone than lor agri
cultural purpotet, and to ettabllth hit claim to tald
land belore Outlet II. Chance, U. S. commlttloner,
at Sump'er, Oregon, on Thurtday, the 18th Jay ol
Seple 1 her, ioo.
He namet at wllnrttrt, V. R. Mr.lJ, Irank I:.
O'Rourke, Percy Jackton and Ike Wllllamton, all ol
Sumpler, Oregon.
A.. I ll . . ..Ha lllM.a A lual.J,, ll.a thflU..
nnfllMHIITll,lllllM 1U.C-Ir,, l.IT .,.
Jetctlhed land ire re,uetted to he thrlr clalmt In
thlt oltice on or belore talj 181I1 Jay ol September,
out, E. W. BAHUhlT, Register.
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon,
July j, rgoj.l
Notice Is hereby given Hill In rompll -nee wild Ihe
prnvltlont ol the 'acl ol cnngrett ol June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act lor the sale nl limber landt In Ihe
Stalet ol CalllornM, Oregon. Ne'aja and Wathlng
ton Territory," at rMended lo all the Public Land
Stalet by acl ol Augutl 4. i" J.
nl Sumpler, countv ol Baker, ttate ol Oregon, hat
Ihlt dav tiled In Ihlt nlli.e hit twurn tlatrment No.
ill lor the purchase ur the n r 1-4 nltrctlnn No. 17
In lownthlp No, i toulh, range No. 16 EVYAt, 1
will ullrr proof to thow that the land tought It more
VMluable lor lit limber or ttone than lor agllculiural
purpotet, .md lo ettabllth hit claim lo tald Uni ie
lure t.h.ulet II. Chance, U. S commlttloner. al
Sumpler, Otrgun, on ThuttJay. Ihe tSih day ol Sep
trmbi'i. nr".
He wllnrttrt; V R. Mead, Philip Ar
trnault, Ike Willl.imton and Percy Jacktun, all nl
Sumpler. Oregon.
Any and all pertont claiming advettrlv the above
detctlbedlandt ateie,urttrd to tile thrlr clalmt In
Ihlt office on nr belnre tald i8lh Jay ol September,
iu.j. I:. W. llAWIIIilT. Reglttrr.
UnlteJ Stalet Land Office, )
la Grande, Oregon,
July 8, looi.r
Notice It heteby given that In compliance with Ihe
prnvltlont ol the acl ol Cnngrett ol June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act tor the tale ol timber lands In the states
ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
rltorv," at ettended loall the Public land states by
aclol Augusta, i8o.
nl l.lberton, countv ol Whitman, stale ul Washing
ton, hat Ihlt day tiled In thlt office hit sworn state
ment No. iii, lor the purchase ot Ihe t e 1-4 ot tec
tlon No 10 In lownthlp No. 11 toulh, range No it
I ww, and will oiler prool lo thow that the land sought
Is more valuable lor lis limber or stone than tor agri
cultural purpotet. and to ettabllth hit claim to said
land belore Ihe Register and Receiver ot this office
at la Grande, Oregon, on Irlday. Ihe will Jay ot
Seplember, igoi.
He names at at wllnettet: Hugh laton, George
W. Penn. Jamet T. Penn, all ol l.lberton, Wathlng
ton, anJ David T. Clark, ot GathrlJ. Wathlngton.
Anv and all pertont claiming advertely the above
drtctlbed landt ate rrquetted to Me their clalmt In
thlt oltice on of belore tald tuih day ot Septtmber,
190a. I-. W. IIAHTIETI, Register.
Unlled States Land Oltice.
La Grande, Oregon.
Julv 8, iuoi.i
Notice Is hereby given thai Incompliance llh Ihe
provltlont ot the acl ol congrrtt ot June 1, i88, en
titled "An acl lor the tale ol limber landt In the ttatet
ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada and Wathlngton Ter
rltoiy," at ettended toalt the Public Land Statet by
act ul August 4, 1844,
ol Garheld, countv ol Whitman, ttale ot Wathlngton,
hat thlt dav hied In this utIUe his sworn statement
No. 1144. tor the purthase ol the n e 1-4 ol section
No. 11 In township No. 11 south, range No it twt
and will otlrr piool to show that the land sougnt Is
mure valuable lor Its timber or ttone than tor agri
cultural puipotet, and lo ettabllth hit claim 10 said
land belore the Regltter and Receiver ol Ihlt oltice
at I a Grande, Oregon, on Friday, the igth Jay ol
Seplember, torn.
He names as wllnrttrt: Hugh Eaton, Willis G.
Ctonk, Jamet T, Penn, allot Llberton, Wathlngton,
and Dav Id I . Claik, ol Gaihrld, Wash.
Any and all pettont claiming adversely Ihe above
JetcrlbeJ landt are resetted to hie their claims In
Ihlt oltice on or belore said win day ot September,
iuos E. W. UtKUUT, Register.
United stales Land Office, )
La Grande. Oregon,
juiy i, tooi. 1
Notice Is hereby given thai In compllancs with Ihe
ovlslons ol Ihe acl ol conerest ol June I. 1878, en
titled "An act lor the sale of timber lands In Ihe slates
nl rlllmnla. fluonn. Nevada and Washington Ter
rllorv," as extended to all the Public Land Slates by
aclol Augusta, 1801,
ol Garfield, county ol Whitman, state ol Washington,
has this Jay hteJ In Ihlt office his tworn statement
Nn, 1 1 47, lor the purchase nl Ihe f e r-a ol section
No. 14 In township No. 11 south, range No. 14 EWM,
and will offer prool to thow lhal the lanj sought It
more valuable lor Its limber or stone than lor agri
cultural purposes, anJ to ettabllth hit claim lo tald
lanj belore the Register and Receiver ol Ihlt office
at La Grande, Oregon, on Friday, the 19th day ol
September, tooj.
He names at witnesses: James T. Penn, George
W. Penn. Willis O.Cronk and Hugh Eaton, all ol El
be r ton, Wathlngton.
Anv and all pertont claiming advertely Ihe above
described landt are requetted to file their claims In
this office nn nr belore said loth day ol Seplember,
ioui. E. W. BaHILUTT, Register.
riMHI-R LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878
United States Land Office, j
La Cirande, Oregon, July 8, 1907.
Notice Is hereby given mat In compliance with Ihe
provltlont nl Ihe act ol Congntt ol June 1, 1878, en
titled "An acl lor Ihe sale ol timber landt In the
Statet ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended loall the Public Land
Slates by acl ol Augutl 4, iftoi,
nl Keyttone, county ol Adams, State ul Wathlngton,
hat thlt Jay filed in this office his sworn statement
No. 11(10, lor the purchase ol Ihe n line 1-4 anJ n
Hn w 1-4 of section No. u In township Nn. ta S
range No, )6 EWM, anJ will offer prool 10 show that
Ihe land sought Is more valualle lor Us timber or
stone than lor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish
hit claim to talj lanj belnre Charles II, Chance, U. Sumpler, Oregon, on Tuesday
Ihe nrJ day ol Sept., igoj.
Me namet as witnesses: Van Renseler Mead,
Frank I:. O'Rourke, lannle R. O'Rourke. Philip
Artrnaull, all nl Sumpler. Oregon.
Any and ah persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to tile their claims In
Ihlt office on or before said aird Jay ol Sept. woi.
li. W llAWriliTT, Regltter,
United States Land Office, I
La Crande, Oregon, July 8, toua. t
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Ihe
provltlont ol Ihe act ot Congrets ol June 1, 1878, en
titled "An acl lor Ihe tale ol limber lands In the
States ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
Ion Territory" as extended to all Ihe Public Land
Slates by acl of August 4, 1891,
nl McEwen, county ol Baker. Stale ol Oregon, has
this Jay lileJ In this office her sworn statement Nn.
1 161, lor the purchateol the s!i sw r-a, s w i-iu
1-4 section 11, anJ nwi, 1-4 nt section No. 4
In township No. 10 S, range No. 8 EWM. anJ wl I
nffer proof to show that the lanj sought it more val
uable tor Its timber nr stnne than for agricultural
puipotrS, and to ettabllth hrr cl.lm In said land be
lore Chat. ll. Chance, U. S.iommlttloner, at Sump
ler, Oregon, on Tuesday Ihe rj Jay ol Sept., io.
She namrs at wllnrttrt: Joseph HuJg nt, Sam
uel Ihompton, William llakrr, Slllut Dean, Sr., all
nl Sumptrr, Oregon.
Anv and all prttnnsilalmlng adverser the above
described landt are requetted to hie thrlr clalmt In
this ottue on or beloie said aird day ol Sept. tf.
I:, W. IIAHIIUTT, Register.
Unlled States Land Office,
La Grande. Oregon, July 8, igoi, I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol Ihe acl nl Congress ol June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act lor the sale ol timber lands in Ihe
States ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory." at ettended to all Ihe Public land
States by aclol August 4. i8g.
ol Llbetton, county of Whitman, State of Wathlng
ton, hat Ihlt Jay tiled In Ihlt. office hit sworn tlale
menl No. uio. lor the purchate ot the n e 1-4 ol
section No. 10 In township Nn. 11 S, range Nn, if I:
W M, anJ will offer prool to show that Ihe lanj
sought Is more valuable lor lit limber or sione than
lor agllculiural purpotet, and lo establish his claim
to said land belore the Register and Recrlver ol thlt
olhce at La Gtandr. Oregon, on Friday Ihe 19th Jay
ol Sept. loot,
He names as wltnestet: James T. Penn, Willis G.
Cronk, Hugh Eaton, all ot Llbetton. wathlngton,
anJ DrvlJ T. Clark, ol Garheld, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
this olhce on or belore said 19th Jay ol Sen. 1901.
E. W. Bartlltt, Register.
United States Land Olhce, j
'La Grande, Oregon, Julv 8, ioo. j
Nnlice Is hereby given lhal in compliance wllh Ihe
provisions ol Ihe aclol Congress ol June 1. 1878, en
tilled "An acl lor Ihe sale ol timber lands In the
Stales ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory" as extended 10 all Ihe Public Land
Slates by act ol August 4, 18 (t,
ot Llberton; countv ol Whitman, Stale ol Washing
ton, has mis Jay ttleJ In this office his sworn state
ment No. 1 148. lor the purchase ol the Lots 1 and,
and e'j n w i-t of section No. 10 in township No. 11
S. range No. if, EWM. and will offer rrool 10 show
that Ihe land sought Is more valuable tor Its limber
or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and 10 es
tablish his claim to said land belore Ihe Rrgister and
Rrceiver ol this office at La Grande. Oregon, on
1 rlday the 19th day of September, 190J.
He names as witnesses: Hugh Eaton, George W.
Penn, Willis G. Cronk, all ot Elberlon, Washington,
and Datld T. Clark ot GarhelJ. Washington.
Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands rre requested to hie their claims in
thlt office on or before said 19th Jav of Sept. too.
E. W. HAWtUTT. Register.
n. j
La Grande, Oregon,
Julv o. too.
Notice It hereby given lhal In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress ol June 1, 1878, en
titled "An acl lor Ihe tale of Umber lands In the ttatet
ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," at extended to alt ihe Public Land ttatet by
act ol Augutl 4. 1891.
ol Baker City, county of Baker, ttate ol Oregon, hat
Ihlt day filed In thlt office his tworn ttatement No.
118a lor Ihe purchate ol the ne'4 ol lection No. to In
township No. 10 south, range So. 17 EWM, and will
offer prool lo lo thow that the land sought It more
valuable for lit tlirber or stone than lor agricultural
purposes, and to establish hit claim lo tald land be
fore Ihe county clerk ot Baker counlv at Baker City,
Oregon, on Friday, the tth day ol September, 9o.
He namet at witnesses: I rank Shurtllff. Grant
Geddes, David Balrd and V) llllam Baird. all of Baker
City. Oregon. ,
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
thlt ollice on or belore said 6ih dav ot Sept., 1001.
E. W. Barhbtt, Register.
Unlled States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, July 8, 100s, (
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions ol the acl of Congress of June 1, 1878, en
tllled "An act for the sale of limber landt In the
Slates of California, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing
ton Territory" as exlcnJeJ lo all the Public LanJ
Slates by a.t ol August 4, 1891.
of Elberlon, countv ol Whitman. Slate ol Washing
ton, has this Jay fileJ In Ihls olhce his swotn ttate
ment No. 1146. for Ihe purchateol the Lots j anJ 4
anJ EU s w 1-4 nl section No. 19 In township No. 11
S.iange No. 15 EWM, and will oiler prool lo show
that Ihe land sought Is more valuable lor Its limber
or sione than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim lo said land belnre the Register and
Receiver ot Ihls ollice at La Grande, Oregon, nn
I rlday the 19th dav ol Sept. tv.
He names as witnesses: James T. Penn, G',0'?'
W. Penn, Willis G. Cronk, all ol Llberton, Wash
ington, and David T. Claik, ol Garfield, Washington.
Anv and all rersons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lands are rexuested to lite their claims in
this olhce on or belore said 19th Jay of Sept. 1901
E. W. DARTTirtT, Register.
UrlteJ Slates Land Office, )
La Grande, Oregon,
July f, 1001,)
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions of the act ol congrett ol June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act lor Ihe tale ol limber landt In the
Statet ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada, ar J Wathlng
ton Territory," as exlcnJeJ to all Ihe Public Land
Statet by act ol Augutl 4, 1891,
ol Eilentbtirg, county ol Kittitas, slate ol Washing
ton, has this Jay tiled In this office her tworn state
ment No. 1187. lorlhe purchase ol these 1-4 se 1-4
ol section 10 nJ eji n e 1-4 and n e 1-4 se 1-40! sec
Ion No. it In township No. 11 south, range No 14
U.W.M., and will offer prool lo show that Ihe land
sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than
lor agllculiural purroses, and to establish her claim
to said land belnre Charles II, Chance, U. S. com
missioner, at Sumpler, Oregun, on Monday, Ihe 6th
day ot October, ious.
She names as witnesses: Frances Tlie.ol Ellens
burg, Wathlngton. Irank II, Mackev. Clark M,
llradthaw and Percy II. Iliadthaw, all ol Auttln,
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described landt are requested to hie their claims In
this office on or belore said 6ih Jay ot October, idoj.
E. W. IIARTLUIT, Register.
"UnlteJ States Land Office, )
La Grande, Oregon.
July 5, 190J. )
Notice II hereby given thai In coipllance wllh the
provisions ol Ihe act ol congress 01 June 1, 1878, en
titled "An act lor the SMle ut limber landt In Ihe
States ol Calllornla, Oregon, NevaJa anJ Washing
ton territory," as ettended lo all the Public Land
Stales by act ol August 4, 189s,
ol Austin, county ol Grant, stale ol Oregon, hat thlt
day filed in Ihls olhce his sworn statrment No. 118),
lot the purchase ol Ihe n e 1-4 n w 1-4. njine 1-4
and te 1-4 n e i-4 0l section No. 14 In township ,No.
11 south, range No. 14 EW.M., and will offer prool
to show that the land sought it more valuable lor Its
limber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and lo
establish his claim lo said land belore Charles II.
Chance, U. S. commissioner, at Sumptei, Oregon,
on Monday, the tin day ot October, igoj.
He names as witnesses'. I rank H. Mackey, ol Aus
tin, Oregen: Pearl liradshaw. of Ellensburg. Wash
ington; II. T. Campbell and Justus Wright, ol Aus
tin. Oregon. . .
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or belore said 6th Jay ot October, toot.
E. W, Barhbit, Register,
United Stairs Lanj Office, )
La Grande, Oregon,
July t. ioj. )
Notice It hereby given that in compliance with Ihe
provisions ot the act ol congress ol June 1. 15;8, en
titled "An act lor the tale ol timber land In ihe
States ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
Ion Territory," as ettended to all ihe Public Land
Slates by act ol August 4. 189'.
ol Ellensburg, county ot Kittitas, stale ol Washing
ton, has thlt day hied In Ihlt office het tworn ttate
ment No 1188, for ihe purchate of the s) s w 1-4 ol
section No 11 and thew), n w 1-40! seel on No, 14
in township No. 11 south, range No )4 E W.M., and
will otter rrool to show that the land tought it more
valuable lor Its Umber or ttone than tor agricultural
purposes, and lo establish her claim to tald land be
lore Charles H. Chance, U S. commissioner, at
Sumpler, Orrgon, on Monday, the 6th Jay ol Oc-
She names as witnesses: Frank II. Mackey, ol
Austin, Oregon; Pearl BraJshaw, ot Ellensburg,
Wathlngton; Juttut Wright and H. T. Campbell, ot
Austin, Oregon.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
thlt office on or belore said 6th day ol October, iooa.
E. W. BAHTLBTT, Register.
United Stalet Land Ollice,