IO THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday July 25, 19a RICH STRIKE IN THE TINHORN Seven Feet oi Solid Ore Carry ing Wire Gold. .I11I111 llnrtli'ttt, tin) prominent citizen of licisor, wiih In town hint Friday, anil Inlil nf 11 wonderful strike that had two days previously lieen iinule on Hilly .lor dan's property, at Kast (ieiscr. Il Ih now lining worked under Ixinil by A. I'. Harrison, Dan Mel. cod and Wil Hani lingers, who liavn inuneil it the Tinhorn Mining company. 'I'liey li:ie sunk 11 shaft I'M feet ami at that point (truck solid ledge matter currying largu iiiuntltieH of wirn gold. No assays have licen made, hut tint valiien certainly run hiiih in tin) thousands. Seven feet of ore hail lieen cxpo-ed, withonly one wall in sight anil wire isold everywhere. .Mr. Iliirtlittl assured tint writer that it Ih the inoHt vnlilillile llinl ever made ill tin) lliiiiau.a district. It Ih iiImiuI a half mile from the llonaua mine, anil Issup posed to he on that ledge, although it Iiiih not lieen ilellnitely traced thu oil tire distance. Hilly .Ionian Ih one of the oldtiiucrs in eastern Oregon, Iiiih heen mining hem for thirty years and Is still washing out gold from hin nearhy placer ground. He liH'iiteil thin property many yearn ago. .Mi'HHrn. Harrison, .Mel. cod ami lingers have iiIho resided In the district for a long time iid are all well known min ers, w hone many frlemlH am congratu latino them over their miccchh. Unfortunately, thin rose, like cveiy other one, Iiiih Hh thorn. There Ih ii con lent over the title. Charley I'orbare, of Sumpter, claims it prior title. HIh side of the story Is thai Mr. .Ionian locatcil the properly iih placer jrollliil J that he discovered the ledge ami locatcil it iih a ipiait claim. If thin in the cum1, iih evervouo known, Mr. I'orhaicV claim will Im-sustained by the courtH, where, it seems, the ciim1 will Mirelv go for M't tlemeiit. It in uiidcrsto il that Mr. .Ionian claiuiHlhiit thin ledge in a hlinil one, din covered ninety feet Itclnw the nurface, and Iiiih no couiiectloii with the one located. And that putH the whole iUCHlion in a different light. 24 MILLS IN OPERATION. Man Ttlli ol This Wuadtrlul Mining District. "The Sumpter minim: district Iiiih in actual opeiation twenty-four mills and cyanide plnutH," said John It. fiissiu yesterday. " I'lin output of uold ranges from fVMHl 1 XT inoutliH from the Hiiuiller iiiIIIh to $7o,WHI per mouth from the linger mil Ir- anil richer properties. "K.tcnsivu ileveloiuieut in in evidence in the district. At the llnuau.i mine n new hoist in now in oxratiiiii whichco-t tlMI.IMKI to erect. The Ited liny isaildilii. sixty stamps to the twcnlv already in opeiation. Several new luillniue iindei coiihtriiction and the Ited Hoy company i working on a gigantic water power on Olive lake, which it cpcctH to utihe to Mipply electric Hwer for Itn plant and for other prniortics in the vicinity of the Alamo group of claims, near the Alamo towusite." Mr. ('assin is secretary of the Ahum Consolidated Mining V Milling company, 11 SHikiine corMiratlon, organized to de velop thu Alamo group of nix cIiiIiiih. Ii Iiiih several hundrcil feet of development work. The company has just increased itM capital Mock prepiiralory to putting in 11 mill, When linked coucc riling this pro'rty, Mr. ('ussin said: New York city, recently examined the proptrty and estimated thu ore ''locked out in thu upMT luvelH to lw worth $8LT, 4(H). "Thu ore in free milling gold, averag ing in mill tests from $7 to f 12 per ton. Several rich streaks of ore vvuru eneoun tered in thu No. 2 level, gold being visi hie to the naked eye, and it in excctcd, hh Iiiih lieen the cane in thu big produc ing inlni'H in thu district, that higher grade oru will lx encountered in the lower level. "The stockholders of thu Alamo Con- Holidated Mining A Milling company are chielly SKikitne people. Up to thin time them Iiiih Ih-i-ii exeiidcd on the property $:il,llHI. We are now putting in a water wheel and fan to Hiipply air in the lower level. Ah coon iih we cut our lead in thu lower level men will he put to work driv ing right and left, aiming to block out oru iih rapidly iih HiHHible, while thu main tunnel will Im) continued on IHKl feet fur ther to cut a parallel lead which Iiiih been devclncil to some extent on the mirfacc. Thin parallel lead Ih not iih wide iih thu main Alamo lead, hut carrier high er valucH in gold. "Thu company in in condition, hhhooii hh the om Ixslv, Ih struck in thu lower level and the detailed character of thu mill suitable for handling tin) oru deter mined, lo Mart immediately iiniii ItH couHtriictiou, and the company cxccIh to have it in operation before the clone of the present year. "Mining in the district is carried on on an extensive scale. The mills already erected in the district are modern and kept in excellent repair." Spokesman Iteview. Coppxropolli Elccti Officers. The CoppernMills company, at their iiuiiual stockholders meeting, held in llio olliee of the company, (KIT Mariiiam liiiildiug,.luly llth, elected A. II. Wll lell, president ; A. W. Dunn, vice-president ; Momi Marks, Omaha, Neb., sec ond vice-president ; W. W. (Will, see lelary and lieasiirer. Several of the stockholdeis of this wide awake, pro gressive company were present, and ex pressed themselves highly pleased at thu progress thai had been made and the financial condition of the company. Mr. Willed, president, and Mr. liibbx, eerclary and treasurer, have been un tiring in their effoi Is, having given the company nearly their entire time and attention, and we must congratulate them, as there is no property in any of the famous mining districts of our fair -tale that Iiiih more promising show iugs lor becoming one of the greatest copper mines in the I'liilcd States than the t'oppropolis. Such untiling energy an that shown by the president mid secre tin v can oulv result in ultimate success. Golden Eagle Hotel HALF BLOCK FROM R R DEPOT Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. pie Rooms. Electric Light. Telephone, etc. supplied with the best the market affords. MesdameH Sparks & Hrnndenburg Sam-Table Sumpter, Oregon --''''? I'aciile Miner. Production ol Gold and Silvtr. While Miine silver was mined in I Ml 1 , il was not a good year. The total pro duction of the world amounted to 171, S.'.1,:UM ounces, valued at HKI.OTI.Sill. I'he amount mined in I1HK) was, ,'l!H ounces, or 10,SVl,7-,:i greater than following. Theie wan a differ ence in tin' price of the metal during the two wars, however, the ((notation for HKK) being lll.:t:i, and only .rS.I' ill I1HII. The output of gold during HHH) was flU),7i:i,S:iO, and in I1HH it aggrega ted flM 1.8111,477. Of this vast sum for 11HM thu I'liilcd States contributed ), .'11,515111111 Australia f7",05S,H:w, which is about f.',(KK,000 more for the United Elites for IS'.U.und H.tXKl.tKKl for A us traliii for thu same year over HKK). Dur ing Ihu two years the two countries pns duccd 58 mid 51) Kr cent of the total lltpilt of the world. The most iMiwcrful ami popular explo ive tiiiiut H)vviler. A. P. (JOSS, President GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 3 TunMcU Oimril linklni Imlnni Interest Allowed on Time Deposits br.ills Ji.iwii un Jl SUMPTER, p.nt! f the a 01 1 J Spt.ul attention ic .olle:tlcns. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. - - - - OREGON !-''''''''''''-'''' THE GEM SALOON A.J STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stinson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, OREGON 1V'V'--' OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ONJ)RAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Agents for Matting ly and Moore Whis key a 2o-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON 'V fe- '' Hcst brands ol cigars at lloffinun's "V. S. Khcruiaii, mining engineer of ll.ikory. Don't Guess but if you are going east write us for ourratesand let ustell you about the ser vice and accommodations offered the AT IT SR IUI1S CEHTBIL MILBOID Through Tourists Cars via the Illinois Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don t tail to write us about your trip, as we are in position to give you some val uable intormation ana assistance. 5, $ 19 nines 01 iracK over which is operated some of the finest trains in the world. For particulars regarding freight and passenger rates call on or address, J. C. LINDSEY, B. H. TRUMBULL, T. r. P. A. Com'l Agent 142 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE. J