lHjftgljBWW Wednesday, July 16, 1902 THE SUMPTER MINER OFFICIAL RECORDS. The following instruments were filed at the Bnkcr county court houro during the week ending July 15, 1IH)2. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 11KKDS. Julv 5, Sheriff to Jiih Cluary, lota 7 to 12 b21,HuutiiiKton 1H!K) Feb 3, F G .Tewett, nclinr, to II L Davief, lot 14, b -1, Snmptur HeightH 75 June 28, E WilkiiiHon et til to W'endt HniH, 151) acres in nee U tpl2r41 175 July 5,0 II IiuwkiiiH from II C Slieilmrd,n,Ji nwl-i,ouu34 t8 r 40 e 1280 Apr 18, J no Waterman et ux to T II Hudivtli, lot3& 4, b 2, Pur ker'n ud linker City 625 Apr 18, '1)5, U 8 to M McCormii'k tie 1-4 hv 1-4, hoc 24, to 10 r 38. Jnn 5, II2,U S to M McCoriniek, DM) acren in sec 23 & 24, tp 10 r 38 July 7, Mary S Sturgea et vir (o Itolit L Xulraii, lot 3. b 2, Stur giH & Omwell'H ail linker Citv. . July 8, J II Donald et ux to Vm A WuttH, went 50 feet lot 4, b 5, HellnerV ad Uukcr City June 2, W II Gilbert et ux to W II Shoemaker, loin 2, 3, I) ID, Mc Crury 'm ad linker City June 30, V A JoIiiihoii to Stoddard IiroH, 13.3 acres in sec 32 tp 10 A ec5tji 11 r38 July 8, J II Fresh to J C Martin, lotM 1, 2, J E Smith's nd to llaker City JulyJl, Jenniu KeHUgli to Juo N Amen, 1-2 lot in b 10, II Me Coiiiiih' ad linker City July 0, Maria J Munro et vir to Frank V Allen, lot 14, b 4, Sun tiypide ml Suuipter July 11, A .loimn,to V A lirvnut, h 1-2 hw 1-4 net; 20, tp 13 r 45. . . July 11, V A liryant to A Jonas, lot 5, l41l, Huntington May 24, M J Iliudniaii et ux to Patterson & Eiipingor, 50x100 feet just v.est of li 13, ISovd'tuul Iiaker City '. July 8, It W Makinseu et al to A M Kendall, 75x100 feet in nw 1-4 se 1-4, sees 23, II, 45 & lot 4 & w 1-2 lot 3, bl, Richland Apr 10, E Duffy et al to Charles Kelles, lotO, I) 1, Duffy'H north ad Richland & lot 8, b 10, Cor nucopia July 10, M lleamer to J II Stod dard timber on 100 acres in sec 32 tn Or 37 Apr 21, V S Daugherty it wf to 0 O ilnisley 120 acres in sec 32 tp 0 & sec 5 tp 7 r 30 MINING MATTERS. 300 400 1000 575 1150 100 (XX) 500 500 450 300 225 1000 2500 Julv 5, V II Fern et al to Eugene Way, Gold Dollar & Gold Nug get 'placer claims June 23, A L Feruald it A li Frame to Or. Electric Power Co. Hud con Placer and Water Right June 20, W M lirowu et al to Jus Wood, hit in Alice A, Teddy tV: Crystal quartz claim July 8, J W lltickley to Jas Stew urt, K i'lt in Lulu iuart claim. May 10, A W Elli-t et al to North 100 50 100 l'olu Exteu G M Co, Duwey and 3 iiiart. claims 1 July 10, Sheriff to I) L Chontc, liaiuette No 1 and llomiparte (inartz claim 805 Julv 5, Jas Granger et al toDT McCoy et al, hit in Sxkauu placer claim 1 Dec 2, '08, U S to Wm. Smiley et al, Crystal Palace Con iiurt. claim Jan 20, D E Kearsy to R II IJncli elder, i hit in Diugwhnngiis Cala'iitus Mug Claim 1 Julv 11, Emina V to M F Grillln Humming Bird tz elm 1 OTIIKK INHTRDSIK.NTH. Lease Julv 1, W W Travillion et al, 11 O Kemiier et al, Blue Can yon placer claims, one year.... Incorporation June 28, Valley Queen G M Co, by C H McCol- Irtnli Trim O. (nv .(' (!liiirhu K Warren Jr, Sunipter, Or 250, ,000 Agreement Jan i, L V Swiggett to Oregon King Gold Mining Co to sell Blue Swan qtz elm Articles of Incorporation July 2, Iximbard Cornier Co by r L Evans, II G Pearson, W J Slay, Baker City 2,000,000 MORTGAGES. July 5, G Bruce Hawkins to II C Sheplmrd, a 1-2 nw 1-4, sec 34 tp8r40 000 July i, Robert L Nelson to Mnrv S Sturgis, lot 3. b 2, Sturgis & Crowell's ad Baker City 275 June 27, Ella It Davis to Jno li Rogers, lots 1, 2, 3, b 18, Pacillc ad Baker City 400 Juno 30, M McCormick et ux to Union C L Iiir Co, 300 acres in sees 23, 24, 25 tp 10 r 38 800 July 8, C S & A D Smith to Wilkin son Bros, 0 cattle and 2 horses . , 120 July 11, W A Bryant to A Jonas, s 1-2, sw 1-4, sec 211, tp 13, r 46. . 3(H) July 12, J P Kiniusoii ct ux to State Land board, 480 acres in sec 34, tp 35, r 28 and 100 acres in see 2, tp 21), r 31) 5000 July I), FG Bergen to Austin Meat Co blks 1 to 4 Twins adu linker City 128 MISCELLANEOUS. Judgment Spokane Drug Co favor T Turner et al (12 Judgment Jno Harrington favor J li Bowdcn 80 Judgment Jas Milne favor II A O llrumcttu 21 Judgment Win Ebleu favor II & O Briimette 21 Judgment E A Wren favor J F Allien et nl 80 Attachment Mamie Ilostwick vs Juo T & II V llaird unit note. . . 144 Agreement July 5, E W & Ohio Cole to W J May leases Cole's hot springs and 30 acres of laud 40 years Attachment W It Haw ley vs Kev- stone Hydraulic Co unit goods'. . 405 Bill of Sale June 10, C O Stwart to J li Wood 807 shee 1037 Quart, location blanks, with atlldavit covering location work done, as the law requires, are for salo at Tun Minkii olllce. Harrison, the Giant Powder niaii'i wants every miner to make his olllce headquarters when in Suuipter. T. G. Harrison, agent for Giant kjw der company All the latest novelties in hats at Nelll Mercantile company's. Only the best brands of liquors and cigars at Duiiphy's "The Club." 1 you wish to strike it rich use Giant Powder. Leavo your measure for a suit of clothes at Nelll Mercantile company's. faniOGMNOE Sim Bint Only transcontinental Hue passing directly through Salt Lake City Leadville Colorado Springs and Denver Three snlcndidly cmiiimcd tra na . daily TO ALL POINTS EAST. Through Sleeping and DiningCara 1 ana tree ucciiinug uuair lars. .. .. , "... .-. The most Magnificent scenery in America by daylight. Stop overs allowed on all classes of tickets. For cheajiest rates aud.descriptlve 2 lltiiriiliirit. UfhlresH 4 i J. T. ZMtAmFlELTD, 1 General Agent. 124 Third Street, Portland, Ore. J. G. Connell Hay, Oats, Steamed Barley, Bran. All Kinds of Feed and Poultry Supplies, Condition Powders for Horses and Cattle. rruck and Transfer. Granite St. J. G. CONNELL, Prop. ALL o I f EUREKA FEED AND LIVERY COMPANY ss T. II. TAYI.OII, CHOC. Horses boarded by the day or month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our specialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. OFFICE OF THE CABLE COVE STAGE LINE DELM0NIC0 HOTEL RATES, $1.00 PER DAY AND UP. Electric Lights and Phone. Hot and Cold Baths. M. SPENGLER, Proprietor Joshua Hendy Machine Works Nos. 38 to 44 Fremont Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA IMPACT WATER WHEEL WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES COMMISSION GO. Whdtsilt and Retail Outers in The Celebrated Cream of the West Flour. WELL DRESSED MEN In Sumpter and vicinity have their clothes made by FLYNN, the Tailor. Big line of spring geeds to chcose frcm. Center Street, near Postoffice, SUMPTER, OREGON. Suartz Mining and Milling olstlng, Pumping and Saw Mill Machinery. Hy draulic Mining Machliieiy. Giants, Water Gales and Hydraulic Rlvlted Pipe. J Water Wheels and Water Motors, Engines. Rollers. Pumps and Machinery of every description. J J j Prospecting Machinery.