The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 16, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, July 16, 1902
Oregon Monarch Buys (or Cash
Adjoining Property.
I np Fr.nM
Another mining iimtu'T Iiih Ih-cii ef
feeleil in tlio Iti-.l Ituv ilixtrict, 1111 iin
Hirtiinl iiih, (imi. .Mnmluy tlm Ori'ii'in
Mmiiiri'li Mining - mi .i iiy IhiiiIiI the
itiljniniiin Knnii nf c In me , know 11 iih tilt1
Miiiniliiiii A Muriliy. I'reHitlent Itnli
IiIiih, Ingetlier wllli Klllen, Wurner iV
Hteuiirt, tin1 llni'nl iictitH, nccpliiilcil tin1
Thin irnierty, liH-iltfil mill ouiieil y
MiiiiiiIiiiii A .Murphy, In Hituuteil .t rit I ) I
with tin1 Mnmireli urinii, uinl i-niiHiHtHtif
five rliiiniH, n mill nite iiml wilier rilit,
011 Clear creek, tiikini; in nil llie jrnuml
between tlm ereek uinl tin1 .Miniiireli.
1 '11 it t rnuii.iliy previously imuetl four
oliilnirt, It mivv (iriii'lii'iilly i-oulmlt tint
entire iniilllitilili, one nf llie mont extern
nively iniiierulieil peiikn in the I tl tit
IMI III lit 111 MH.
Thin new ni'iiiUitiiiii in nf iiifplimiihle
vullle In llie Miniiireli ; fur, m-iile fiotn
the leilyeH it I'lintniiiH, tin1 witter riu'ht
anil mill Hie, nil worth iniiiiy thniiniimlH
In tlienihclve, it eliilhleH the Moniilehtn
open ili it m niiuiunl holilinu to iiiueh
jjreitler inlviinliiKe limn wiih heiftnfore
poni-ilile. The enllie iliin of develop
liienl will therefore he eliiniueil. , new
lllllliel will lie hliuleil, ithitve Clenr
ereek, ciilixeiiienl In the mill rile, mill
tliixen through t Iiih newly neiiiirel
Kroiiml, into tin1 (ioMeii Moniiii'li nnil
iiiljoinini t'liiiniN, iittainiiii; yienl ileplh
iiml eullinu nil the leileH, of iinkimwii
iinniher. Thin plnn iloen not rentier the
0I1I tunnel wni t lilfc-, for, by foiiuft-tini:
it with (hi1 new, it will miike n perfeel
Hyrleni of entilnltoii nnil remler linnet1-
t'HNiiy mi epenie nlr piimpiim pliint.
'I'liin tunnel will In1 driven iih inpully
lot po'rihle, mill to Ininlen nieriltinUH,
iiriiilip'liienlM hne heen minle with tin1
Iteil Hoy to fiirnUh nir for llie operiilion
of power ilrilln.
V. V. ItnlilniiH will proh.ihly he em.
plnyeil n m con-iillln engineer, while
Tom Moffett will he lelnilietl iih Miperin
teinlent. Tlie piiee p.iiil .Monithiin A MiupliyiH
not untile pnhhi1 It wit- mi .ill i'iihIi
propo-ilion mnl the lljure in repotted to
lie in the nemliborlioo,! of f 10.IXH).
level, tlm. ImsIii); 100 ft-i'l iintlur water.
The tunnel in well timbered nnil Ih in
Koil hIiiim'. .Inile I'ltwuett hhvh thu
ore tit thu bottom of the nhuft in citnilly
iih koihI iih tlm llrnt Inkeli out. Demo
eriit. The Great Hewctt in a Great Show.
The i rent llewett will npieiir tit the
()ierit house, Siimpter, Monihiy, .Inly
L'l. Thin enmpiiny enrrieH the fluent
IIIuhIoiih ever brought to the went. The
miliil remlinj.', npirit eithinet, liypno
tinni, tire features entirely new. TIiIh
ntlriielioii Iiiih iK't'ii playing to crow (led
houses exerywhero. Hf't-ieV hnr'liir
Introduces buby IMwInn, the greatest
lixlnir clilltl ni'trt-HH, uinl surpasses iiny
thiliL' of the kind ever Keen. Thin hIiow
in the talk of the town for weeks after it
lenveH. Thetireiit llewett in n Htrmi:er'
to yon, hut he will hnve iniiiiy frieiidn
in Sitnipler after .Monday, .Inly L'l.
NOTICK l(l I'l'lll.'lCATIOX.
Found tlii- l.ol Nugget Vin.
lumen Vnihmu Iiiih m.ide one of the
rieheM hit- tei heen in.lde
in Mulheiit mid linker eoiinlieH, l.itht
1'niltd StatCH l.nii.1 Ollii-e, )
Lit (iriuide, Oregon, .Inly III, I WW. )'
Notiet1 in hereby given thiit in ennipli
micewitli the proviHioiiH nf the net of
CoiitrreMHof.lnne:!, IK7H, entitled "An
net for tin1 naln of limU'r IiiiiiIh in tlm
HtatfH of California, Orcein, NYxiula and
Washington Terrilnrv," iih exleiiiled to
nil tin1 I'nhlie lniil StnteH hv act of
AllgUSt I, IWW,
of Cove. Connlv of I'liion. Stiile of Ore
gon, has thin tlav lllnl in thin olllce IiIh
HtMirn Htnlenifiit No. IL'I'i fur the pur
ehiiHti of t he h w ' n w 'i , n w '4 mm ' (
Hcclioii , and m '4 H r ' i, n '4 h
Hellion 1 1, tow ncliip 1 1 S, rant:e X KW.M.
if linker City, County of linker, Stnte of
Oreuoti, HWoril Mnlemcnl No. Il'lll for
the plirt'ltilHi1 of w 'j He '4 , n e'. H v '4
mid H w lie S.MTtion It) towilHliili II
S, rnnue-IS, KW.M.
of Nlhley, I'liion nuiiity. Slate of Ore
Uoii, Hworn Htiileoiint No. I'.'l" for the
piircliin-e of the 11 w '4 11 e ', , t1 '... 11 11 '4
See. II, mid 11 w t 11 w 'i See 1,'fTii II
,S, riintsf.'W i: V M.
iians .1.,
id Nihley, I'nion nitintv, Slnti1 of Ore-
u'oii, hwoiii Htalenient No, IL'IS for the
plirilmi-e of e ',. h e ', See It and w V,
w "4 St e III Tp 1 1 S, uiiine.'tS K .M.
of Nihley, I'nion iiinntv, Slnle nf Ore
pin, h win 11 hliitemeiit No. Il'lll for the
pnreh.iHi1 of the e, h w '4 See II anil n
"... 11 w ' See I Tp 1 1 S, immeHS K W M.
, of Li (iinnde, Oregon, hwoih Htiileineiit
o. Vi'M for tin1 inii'liitM of the w ' hi1
1 1. i 1' ' 1 h t1 '4 See 1 1 ami h w ' h w '4
See IL'Tp II S, ranuellS i:V.M.
of Aliiel, t'nion niiinly, MntiMif tirecoii, I
Hworn ntnteinciit No, I'.'JI for llie pur-;
emiM1 01 men ,, 11 e ( ami h 'tt 11 w '4
See III Tp II S, rane:is K V .M.
i:oiii:i:t a. i,i:atii.m
week while pro.eftintf on the divide ,,f Alieel. Cnion eonntv. Slaleof (lre m,
lietween Sh.iHtn and CI. irk ereekn, out1 hwoiii Htnlement No. 1-L'l', for the pnr-
ami iuiimmII iiilli'h inn Hi nf .Mnllietir, lie i-iiiim1 01 men t1 ' 11 e mm1 hi. m '4 h
oneniinteied .1 xein of oie four feel wide ''. ' S,v !!'"'"!".! " H ' S,r " Tl'
. 1 1 '1 I'liiK'' i,;l " ".
whiih wiih jn-t litemlly full of pild.
Tin1 on1 will run -exeinl thotl-nndilolliirH
per ton. .Mr WoihI 1 Iin- Uone tlown ;'N.a tiraude, I'nion nuiiity. Slate of
I , , . ., . ... tlrejon, nworn htnteinent Nn. IlWi for
ten or tweUe feel on the vein, mid it ih ,. ,mr,.,.,HM,f ,, h ,. t4 h w i4 See 11'.
impinwiiK with tlepth. Il ih i.iiihimiI ne 11 w '4 mid n j, ne '4 See III Tp
to In1 the fiimoiiH l.o-t Nnuet vein, for II S, ranuo !(S K V M., all in the iIIh-
whifholdpre.peftoiHh.iM.lvenl.Hikini: T1'1 ."' , l"1"1" ""'tTi' "' "'I1'' "! ''')
. ' ' . , . .,.,., tirande, Oregon, and they and eneh of
forie.trh. llie xein joinn of the H,,.,,, will offer prtnif to nhuw that tlm
Mnlhetu liohl .Miniim eiiiip.iny, on IhmiIh hoiiIiI Iiy them ih more viiliinhle
uhit'h Ihev liiUf a ein of erv rifh ore fir Uh liinlier n'r Htone thnii for iinrieiil-
and me wi.rkintr nl pri'Mjnl -Herald. J11 "' 'J'"' I", 'HtablUh their
1 eliilni to the land Hoiiuht fur hy them
.. , , . 1 liefmv the Ittvinter anil Keeeivcr'nf thin
Stamp Mill for the Piych. ,,. , M tirimde. (Irnniu. on Wnlnen.
The well-known IVti-hn mine, in tlio dav the irithduy of (VIoIkt, lIKt'.
ireenhoriidiHtri,t,wi,.el. one vear ap. .. J""?. ,miMI "" i ' vVT't '' vtXi"r m
... , . .. .',, , Kawiton, H1111H.I. Nielwn, Iruiu-iH ,M.
wiinwiMIiiJuiIkkJ. Itiwtett.ofdiniiha, Miatt, nil of Nihley, Onpm ; KiiIntI A.
Mill himiii Im fitupml with n lO-Miunp
mill. JiihI Mt preM-nt work in not heinn
thine on the win, hut the HiiH'rintend
enl linn h Hinall force of men Uhn nn
iloiliKexcellent work on a eriiHHcnt tunnel.
Tlm work wh U'nun live weekn rto and ,
(.eiitlmtn and ItolK-rt V. (iurrett, of
Alicel, t)renon; Kuiily llrnmwell and
Kninkliu S. Hraiuwell. of 1 41 (irnnde.
Ori'Kmii Jiit'kHtni SV. Ileninuer, nf linker
City, t)reon, mid Saniuol South wick,
nf Cit, Oregon.
Any and all iH'rHnHclniiniuL'adveriHlv
I .1 1 1 !!....! I I . - 'l
.1... 1 1 1. ...1 .,,.1 1. tin1 mni' tirHiTiinti iniitit nrv rniiienim
"! V '"'"'""-'-'"' ,", to lilo their ihiiniH in IhiH oiHw mi or
will Imi continued for . dihtaiioo of UK) Mntv wiltl lfitli iluv o( OotnlMr, 1W)-.'.
Jei't, litppinu the eiu at the 'JOO-fmit j K. V. IUkti.ktt, Heninter.
Offers Stock again to the readers of THE MINER
SINCE our last offering a great deal of
permanent work has been done at
the mine which, as will be remembered,
joins the great Red Boy on the South, and
carries its richest veins. The Stock has
advanced to 25 cents per share, and is
moving rapidly. We want you to write
to us for a prospectus which will tell you
all about the mine and its plans.and which
,, siiuws I'liuiuuipn unu map ui uuui iitc
J, Monarch and Ked Boy mines, j j j j
t , i 1 , , , 1 1 . , i 1
f. k AGENTS j
J ft. Sumpter, Oregon.
iiiixncii orncKH
New York, Hu-lun, Baltiiuoic, IMiiliulel)l)iii,
Milwaukee i
Wholesale and Retail Commission Business
) Nn. 1 I lay, OntH, Hui ley, Hriin,
o Wlient, Kltnir nnil Potatoes ot
No Cnrloiitl IoIh u Specialty ol
yo Special Attention Given to the Mining Trade erf
Olliu": .lulmV A CtV WiiivIioiih1. l'limic 1'WI. Sl'MPTHU, OKKGON
33,666 SI 1 n if- at It'-" tlian ground floor irico. You enn
hnve it titr 'JA cenln in one lump, or .'! cents in liiokcn lots.
ltotli lire piotl Iuivh. Wrili1 ("or piirtieiiliiix to
BERNARD FLYNN sumpter, ore.
Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect
that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that
is already made, write me what you want
and permit me to submit a proposition.
itfSliinri,i ,1.