Wednesday, July 16, ign2 THE SUMPTER MIN'FP --------- -- RED BOY STOCK FOR SALE Three Thousand Shares in the most Famous Mine in Eastern Oregon This is the first opportunity any outsider has ever had to get in on this dividend paying mine. This is indeed not a speculation, but a safe and profitable investment This block is now offered for &,& $1,350 Cash, 45 Cents a Share The buyer will not only receive big interest on his money, but the value of the stock will undoubtedly double and probably trebble within the next eighteen months, as. the mine's output wi soon be largely increased & dt dt $ & Address: "B. R" Care THE MINER SUMPTER, OREGON s MORE GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS. Four Corps; lo Work This Season in Eastern Oregon. Much intercut Ih being expressed in thin vicinity regarding the work to be done by the government geological pur vey parties now hiking the Held in east ern Oregon. There ure four of these parties and they will tiiwriiU. in different sections of the country, while lit the name time working in conjunction with one an other. The first will Hieiid the cummer mak ing surface examinations in the northern extremities of Malheur and Harney counties, to determine the amount of arteriiau water available for irrigation and the prnh.iblo depth to which hcIIm lllllst Im) Sllllk. The second will make triaugulation surveys of the country to the north of Maker, paying particular attention tothu Cornucopia mining dihtrict. Later the extent and richness of the mineral de posits will be examined into. A third party will work through the Hlue mountaiiiH, locating feasible sites for Htorage rescrvoirs.with a view to their ultimate line by the government under the new irrigation law, for utilization by private enterprises. It !h believed that the waters, of streams in the Hlue nioiiu taiiiH, if projierly controlled, can he made to reclaim by irrigation large areas of lundn which ure now valueless. That part of Crook county along the I)c ChuteH river will be uImo similarly ex umined. A fourth party will work through Jose phine and Jackson counties in search of similar reservoir sites. Hast Ore gonial). Harrison, the Giant l'owder man wants every miner to make his olllce headquarters when in Sumptcr. Why Go East Over the nun-burned sago brusli and alkali plains when you may just uh well take a delightful, cool and comfortable ride through the heart of the Kocky mountains in view of the grandest seen cry on the American continent? This you can do by traveling on the Kin (irande system, the far famed "Scenic Line of the World." the only transconti nental line, passing through Salt Lake City, (ilenwood Springs, ladvillc. Col orado Springs and Denver, en route to eastern points. Three daily express trains make close connections with all trains cast and west and afford a choice of live distinct routes of travel. The equipment of these trains is the best, in cluding free reclining chair curs, stand ard and tourist sleeper, a ierfcct dining car service, and also personally conduct ed excursion cars, each in charge of u coniN'tent guide, whose business Ih to look after the comfort of his guests. No more pleasant and iuexHnsive means of crossing the continent can be found than is provided by these excursions. For additional details address .1. I). Maus lleld, general agent Kio (irande lines, No. 124 Third street, Portland, Ore. Investors, Attention. :tO,(MM) shares of lies! mining stock in eastern Oregon for sale. Write for terms and proscctus to T. Costello, Cable vllle, Oregon, Cable Cove district. HoffmanV llakery makes a specialty of furnii-hiiig ice cream for parties. Prompt attention given all orders. Leave your measure for a suit of clothe- at Xeill Mercantile company's. INCOIIPOIMTE (WDH MM IAIS. Most liberal corporation laws in tho United States. No franchise lux or ex orbitant fees. Private iiroitertv vxemnt from nil corporate debts. Par value of stock made any amount. No limit onca- italixation. Mock, is non-assessable for any purpose. Nnuuioiiut of stock required to 1st subscribed. No stale control. No state examination of IsHiks. legislature can't repeal your charter. Keep olllio and do business any where. Wo ntteiil to all business, pay all lies and chari'o you but fMMHl in any case. Write for llooklet of Corpniatlou Laws and othi r information. Address ARIZONA CORPORATION CHARTER C0.f MONIHAH BUILDING, PHOENIX. ARIZONA. x r liHlliiliiliiliiHMiliiliiHMifllHlllikHHMIi M Friction Clutch COUPLINGS POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY A SPECIALTY CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED AND- PULLEYS POWERFUL, SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE for further particulars iddrcsr WILLAMETTE IRON AND STEEL WORKS PORTLAND, OREGON