THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July i6, 1902 The Sumpter Miner I'UIKISHIII lvrlY ttlllMMlAY IIV J. W CO N NULLA Irnlftru at thr il'!fttce In Sumpter, Oregon, lor I tranmllin through thr mall at ternnj cum matter, i One Year Six Muntlu MIHW.IMI'TION WAtl'S AIWAYS IN ADVASCI!. . .. .$joo 1.1 A mi.mmi broker frmii tint fiint who miih hi Siintpter a few iliiyn dnee, in die 4'iihhIiik wIverlMiisr with tin) writer, rounted tin' eaMern llnanriiil, miliiiiu mill iuvi'Hiinu' journal to 11 ilclieatu Iirown. Hi' hiiIiI whi'ii yon cei in out) of llio-i' i.iifrH 11 Mire or two ilcot til to iiiiMHi'riMi! iiierlc iiIhuiI certain foiiipuiiii'H iiinl lln'.r .ro.i-rtici, you run rely on tlin fuel that thuy li on black mail. MoM of tlii'fi'iini'KtioiiH an' writ ten in tin' Iiiiiiic nlliri1, ami it i a ten to out' mIioI that if an iinfaoralli' ri'p rt In printed, the company Iiiin refilled to Ih lilcil; if favorable, thiHii'ii.l Iiiih Im-i'ikoii-Hiiimiiali'il, to tin- patixfai'tioii of tin' publirdicrH. Thin Im-Iiik tliu cane, it Ik almiiHt a urc thinu' tlial tin-owm-r of a wurliih'HK proM'rty will pay for itn laud' utiou and tint owner of a valuable one will not; tin-en piilihlicd "report" tdinuld Im- "fopiH-ri'il," i:eryoiie known Hint there ciitcru Journal hao no ex pei'ial fat'ilitlex for xeeuriiic information repinlinu nihil ami that they will not lni'iir the larne cxpciii-u of himiii; an en mincer tnal.e mi examination ami leport. Their iiliHwelh to ipieriex me then-font of no aliie to tin- proHpeetiw- hive-dor. Tin: lire inxiiianre rale inSiiinpterhax mixer heen reilui't'tl xlnee the water xyx tern wax inxtalleil. It iiexcr will he un til the piopeity ownerxof thix town yet together ami make xoiue uuiteil effort to net pllxh that end. The rarillf In- Mirance I'niou i-oiic of the liH'-l hide pemleiit irritatinnly iu-olriit truxtx in exixleuee, ami reyanlx a protext fioni an individual with aiiiiiM Ml, ami the ait of a newxpaer In xeicini: xiieh protext with xiiperi-illoiix contempt. The only way to ileal with thixi-oiuhiiiation ix. to Ho at it with 11 loinleil dub, in the form of another eoiiihiuatiiin. If the t-itieux ofSumptei who i'ii rry iiixiirauie at the piexeut cxoihitiint late will unite ami demand a reaxunahle reduction, lucked hj a bonded arremeiit to eanrel their poliilex unli'xx the tlemaml ix granted, the inxiiiame iiiralex will ictfiird xiieh aftinn with neither nmueinciil nor eon tempt. It will lv treated with the ill moxt ii'xpei't. Thlx town liax alieaily pahl ten tituex ax mueh In ilixiiraure premiiiuix ax the tile Ioi-m-i haxi amoiiiiteil to ami it ix time fur xome xori of ii'iiMinalile, halfway decent treatment to lie extended to it hy the eolupanic-' aluiiil huiui,xx hcr. Uxi'lll'iMl the autlinritiex of the entire M-hiiul IhiuiI, Cato.lohux ix now doiuc cxaillv what the taxpaxeix of Sumpter xoteil xhotllil nut U'llolie, ill leferenee to ci'hiMil hiilMliux. He ix liaxlnn the ohl xchool lioiixt) re pit I red ami an addition hiiilt thereto. At the. recent m-bool elec tion $1,500 wax voted for a new liiilldlnir, on tlie promixe of the hoard that it xlimild 'e of hrii'k. On mi informal bal lot tliu hrick hiilldliitf proH)xition car ried by an overwhelming majority. On the informal Imllot the plan to erect an addition to tliu prexeut bulltliiiK received only xix voice. No ImiiiiIx were voted for thix ptiroxu, mid an attempt to xell them will doiihtlexx Ih) unxtiri-exxfiil, for they will not he worth the pacr tliey are printed on. .IoIiiih Ih all ronjr and he ean't ho rlKht under any clreiiiiiNtun eex. Tin effort of the American to make thix whole trauxaitioii look xtrailit and regular, to apologize, for .lolmx' action, wax a ridieiiloiix failure, u tranxpareiit nioxuto inilure .lolmx to relnxert hlx nil xerllxeinent in that paier, which wan ordered out xome xxeekx xlnee liecailxe tlie nmnatseineiit tliereof xhowed a die portion to nxxert itx inilependenee, of which raxh ait it now repentx ami ix auxioiix to grovel in tlie ditxt for llxedol lam a month or lexx. Shoexof all klnilx at Neill Mercautilu roiupany x. Ilarrixoii can tell you why all lucky utrlki") urn made with (ilant Powder. GOOD THINGS TO ii EAT f AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, New Building. SUMPTER LIGHT POWER COMPANY. A FULL LINB OF Electrical & & t Supplies Wiring Neatly Done. The finest light plant in eastern Oregon j j j j SEYMOUR H. BELL, Gan'l. Mgr. '''' The New Olympia i B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT tRCCTION OP QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter j Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL Basche Hardware Co. . . . Sumpter . . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER C A. C STAKR. Attonieyat'Law Onlcr. cor. Hlch Sl. Sumrler. Oregon E. A. CLEM & CO. MINKS - PKOSI'KCTS - STOCKS 111.11. m 11-. .. KHiiufiUi .n( m.rk.l wrur u iui iii "i i'iw'Tii - .". ...-."- uuolitlonon Mocktin rrojuclne mines nj oil welU. Lxccllcnl orro'H",Uy lor profil In low prkcJ tlocks. llllClllllll. of Com. 1okti..xniiOkkiion. fa i:, I.. HAIISI.R. I'MOI'HII IOH Fine Old (1884) Her mitage Whiskey. IINI.ST IIRANDS Ol- WINES, ALES and PORTERS OLYMPIA BEER bottle or draught FINE CIGARS U Ml w Mm 1 1. oil'. I'. O. MIMITLR '.' , r. i-:. iioiison. I Civil and MIiiIiik EiiRlneer. I U. S. Of puly Mineral Sutvror lor Oregon, En. 1 Rlnrer tor Ihe City ol Sumpter. Unfroni in Pttinl Surtifi. Ilti Prlatln ma OriiMln. CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW City Atlemty U. CommlMlomr Uoom 2 and SUMPTER, 3, Flrbt Bank of Sumpter HlllldillR, OREGON American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co. E. SIBER, General Manager. Manufacturers of Fir Class Draught and Bottled Also Ice Made of Distilled Water. lost modern equipped plant in the state. Ml ordeis promptly attended to. in is. BAKER CITY, OREGON. ER T. BKOCK, M. D Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter. Oregon. .,.-!. I Aiivnilon Cilven to Surcerv nJ to 01s. ak ol Women. Orhce, Nelll llloclc HtM liitnlte Street neir Mill. tIJence. DR. PEARCE A ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons PHOI'KlbTOKS SUHI'UR OIMKAL IIOsl'ITAL First bank of sumpter (,N.0.-0-.T0) Capital Stock 20,ooo orriCLHS. J. II. RofNns I'retUenl J. W. Scrlt-er Vlce-l'reiUenl R. II. Miller Oihler IHRECTOK. J. XV. Scrlber R. II. Miller Clark SnyJe J. It. Robblnn Trutwii'ts a General Banking and Exfliiiiigo Business Teleplione Suhi-iek.OheUon. Ol I ICI', Main 181. j HOM'ITAL. Main )8. MIRACE. UEM trSIATE E.L. MANNING, City RecorJer anj Notarv Public. Collection Abstract Agent lor I rlclJe Hre Utlnsulher. Sumpter THE . SUMPTER MEAT MARKET AUSTIN MEAT CO. Props. J Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON .... -aMMivaM "