The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 16, 1902, Image 12

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of the
Pay for
'" """"iJ
Arthur Scout, of Kearney, Nuhraska,
!n visiting IiIh friend, I). I.. Klllcn.
DeNuffu A Muzxyuru moving into their
new brick, building. They Imvu tliu
MwcllcHt cigar Htoru in cuntem Oregon.
Mr. I). W. Ilaird anil mother, Mr?.
C. Ilernlpou, of linker City, wcru giii'MtH
ycterduy of Mr. and MrM. .1. II. Kng-
Hun. . I. II. Haley, of Pendleton, ar
rived In town thin forenoon. Ho in In
(ereHleil in Inith tliu lied I toy anil
Dr. W. I). WimmI, of, thin
nlate, who Ih InlereMliil in Neil .1. Snren
mcii'm placer iniucM, vihiled thoprnKrticM
Mcvcrul duyn hlncc,
.1. W. SitIImt, of I .a (iraniln, Ih In town
tiMlay, on IiuhIuchm connecteil with tint
Kind Hunk of Suuiptcr, in which iiiMtitu
lion ho iiwiih a I'onlrol.
Attorney Itntler, of linker City, wum
in Sumpler Sunday anil .Monilny, cuu
cunning with .1. A. Howard on porno ileal
that they am keeping' ipilel.
Them Mill Imi log loading content here
Suiiilay afternoon at - o'clock, for fLtMlu
nlile. The I'onteHlantM will he William
Seott anil V. A. Green uguiiiHl William
linker ami Allinou .Ioiicm.
Dr. ami Mrn. Ilrm'k anil Mrn. Itoy II.
Miller left yeMtenlay afleriiiKin for lint
Lake. The DiN'tor will mail a pnMT he
fore the KiiNleru Oregon Medical annici
iitioii, that uieittH them IIiIh week.
MrM. Ilimanl ami little daughter, of
I'emllelou, are Hpt'iitliug several ilayH in
Sninpler, having accompanied Seemtary
.1. A. Howard, of IniIIi the Iteil Hoy ami
(iolconda cnmpauicM, on Mm hint trip
The Similiter Valley llnllwny company
Inii fully paiil itM Mreet Improvement
taxed, amounting to ahnut fKI. Attor
ney HiihanlH went at tliu eomprtny with
a legal el ii h ami got tliu money. Ami
thin in tliu only way to deal with tliu
MIhh Alpha JuukiiiH, formerly an op
erator in tliu local central phono oflico,
ih vinlting with her many Sumpter
frlemlM. Shu recently returned from a
yeur'M vixit with rulntiven in California,
where nliu ucnt for tliu henetlt of her
.1. W. I.urkiii, tliu managing owner of
tliu Cougar, anil V. II. Townxend, iiIko
connecteil with that mluu, weru in town
yeMtorday. It Ih rcMirtcd that prepara
tioiiM am iM'ing made to work tliu
Cougar on a very much more uxIuiihIvu
hciiIo than wit licforo.
M. K. Swan came up from linker City
today to help out the Handle Hardware
company for u couple of weekM, during u
riiNh of hiiHltiCHH. Ilu wiim with tliu com
pauv hem for two yearn, and a month or
mi ago accepted a mihH1oii with the
hraiich limine at linker.
Colonel. I. T. (iraynon returned thin
foreuiMiu from Portland, accompanied hy
Dr. A. II. .Morrixon, rector of Trinity
church in that city, mid will ho the
gucHl of the Colonel at tliu Alpine mine,
in Cahlu Cove diHtrict, where hu will en
joy a few week vacation.
Mr. and Mm. .lolm Cageii, Mr. mid
Mrn. J..I. lli'iini'Hiy ami Mr. and Mm.
I'. D. Ilealy left yeHterdny for Thomp
honV hot xprlngH, near I'rairiu City,
where they will camp for Noviirul wii-kn;
except Mr. llenueHMy, who will return
in n feu iIu.vh to clone an important min
ing deal.
Mr. mid Mr. A. W. KIIIh, Mix Amy
llalneH, of linker C ty. and llnrley WimmI
left Monday for a Uniting and camping
trip into tliu liilln. They will I hi gone a
week. Mm. WimmI had oxK'cled to Im
olio of the party, hut her iinter, who
liven in Nevada, arrived unexHetedly
For Mining or Power Plants
and Water Works it & &
Wrought Iron Pipe
Cast Iron Pipe
ClTWhcii mu-wcritig thin uihcrt icemen t pleiu-e mention thin aor.
the day lufore, to vinit with her for some
A. W. KIIIh received Heveruldayn wince
word from WiiHhington that u (intent
hud Imi-u granted him on a window
mIuuIc which hu Invented. The applica
tion tor thlH patent wan made a year
ago. The feature of tliu Hliado Ih that
It can In) either rained from tliu bottom
or lowered from tliu top at will.
Mr. mid Mm. Null J. SoreiiHcu return
ed Hovoral ilayn since from a trip to For
ent Grove, accompanied by MIhh Helen
Pciiuoi, of Portland, who will bu tliu
guuHt of Mm. SoreiiHuti fornoverul weekH.
Null brought hack with him an intereHt
ing Indian curio found near Korent
( i rove, a Htono lant lined for making moo
A party of HtockholdtTH in tliu Oregon
Monarch, connlnting of J. A. and II. I..
McLaughlin, of Lincoln, Otto 01 b ton, of
Nebraska City, Nebraska, und Robort
Demurell, Kcd Cloud, Minnvoota, ar
rived in Sumpter yesterday. They will
visit the Monarch mid other mines in
tliu district, remaining here several
Timber and Homestead Flllop.
Timber and homestead filings, as well
ns Haul proofs, can bo made before
Charles II. Chance, United States com
missioner, office in First Bank of Sump
ter building, Sumpter, thus saving ap
plicants expciiHu of n trip to I .ft Grandtj.
Tho celebrated Gundo's '"the beer of
good cheer" nhviiys on draught ut Dun
phy's Tho Club.
Leave your order tor anything in the
reading line with DoNeffo & Muzzy.
Something to doMnd
iiioii Giant
Shoes on Our Hands
that should be on your feet. Little
prices and big values will make the
On men's and boy's shoes, 'till certain lines are gone,
will be a saving on your foot account.
At $2.50 the Brown Queen Bee is the best shoe
for the price and ladies' feet.
Yours for a shoe trade,
Hobson Mercantile Company
Books and Stationery
I have added to my stock of Cigars and Tolmccoes a largu number of
(Mipular novels, tliu leading puriudittilriiiiiil a complete line of stationery
....The Elite Cigar Store...
L. HARRIS, Proprietor
Quarts and Placer Loca
tions, Tunnel Claim and
Water Right Locations,
Proof of Labor, Affidavit
of Discovery Work
Mining Deed, Option to
Purchase, Quit Claim
Deed, Lease .