IO THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday July 16, 1902 DANGERS IN MINING. Thrilling Incident That Oc curred in the Friday. inilce to the riillro.'iil anil chipped to Suit Lake for treatment; but, it Kipplin love to repeat, tlmt Ih another Htory which Tiik Minkk will not hero relate, tin eiich Muff rumen Mriclly under the head of i:i!l mutter, which thin Ih not. STRIKE IN THE BLUE BIRD. 1 Four and a Half Feet of Ore Going $12 A party of mining men, fitting in tint j t0 525 a Ton. hotel lohhy an cvciilnc or two ninec, .... ... ... , , .. ...,, .. .... i ' I he llliiu Hiril company report thu drifted into a d h-cufMnii of the iliinpTH l .... . . . , ,. ' . , ,' .. . . . , ., , . Mrikiui: thin week of the leditti for which encountered liy in work hi)! under ., , , ... ,.,. . .. , ,. ' ... .... they have, liren driving. I liu ntrike wiih urn ii. i h w ih 10 how cci nv me liar-1 . ... ,,,-,, . . . u. " I 1. 1 ill i. .I...1II1 .if '. I.i. it .it ..I... lit 'IlUl ..ll.'.l ... .. "I. Mill IF. ft..!. .. ..If IN ... .1.11. I.SJ ration of n-vcral hair hreadth eccnpe which had come under their pernomil ol)-n'rv.itiiin. Nell .1. S irc-iiH to won the II ret prl.e with hit Mor.v, which, under hix hkillfol mouth manipulation, wan a veritable hair'Uilidii;: incident; relieved liy the humor of Irich wit and inluiit nhle dialect. feet from the mouth of thu tunnel, uini None that will prove of ureal Impor tance, to the camp, mm well lit. for the de velopment of the mine. The vein where, croMcut Iiiih a width of four undone half feel, ami hIiowh value rniiiliiu from 1 1 to -. Thin Mrlke win made. directly under thu dlccovery cluift Mink Ink , will make no attempt to ,. . , . .. , , , . . ', on tin' vein, and hIiowh it to lie about reproduce the humor, nor to workup ,, .,., ., . .. , ' . . . ' ,i mi 1 tlii'Hiiiiii width iih 011 tbohurface, though the Mory in the dramatic Mylc in whicli it wax related, hut even stripped of ihe-u verbal ailorumculH, it in worth repeat ln.'. The incident liappeued at the r'riday in lie fcvcral yearn ayo, when Mr. Sor- .......... ...... il.. m ..f ll..ll .....I. ("IIPIIII I1IIP III,' IIIIIII.IKI'I HI llllll III II I I . I .1 I .1 ! , . , . . 1 meiiced liift HpriiiL'. One of them ih 11 properly duriuu it h I) rj-t palmy day of ,,.,,, , , . 1 ' " ' . li.iiul I... I.r.t. 1111. 1 ..inn. 1 ,iu 11 uilnirlij., I.i priHluctioii, Irefore it wan cloned down by ,. ..11 1 , , , .... , , . . , ' the management, though it verv agree- iiiifortiiuatiMiti).'iitiou now, forluiiately, 1 .. 1 .1 11.. . , 1 ,1 1 ,.,,. able one, much the mhciivh proved it to currying higher viiIiich, ami thuHilemou Mrnting the fact that viiIiich iiicreacc. iih depth in piiucd. Thin tiiakeH the third ledge that Iiiih Ik-cii cut in the main working tunnel of the Mine llird nince work wiih com- Golden Eagle Hotel HALF BLOCK FROM R R DEPOT Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. Sam ple Rooms. Electric Light. Telephone, etc. Table supplied with the best the market affords. Mi-HdaiucH SparkH & Brandenburg SUMPTEK, Oregon iy'.''1 heipiile rich in (,'oiil. The ledge jiiHtHtruck Ih the hccoi.iI of the live known to be in the property, and it Iiiih proved to Ik- ho rich, thu value of the Itlue Hint it would mi-in will hook rank anions thu lament and rlehcM luiucH of the ntate. Development work in licing piiHhed iih rapidly iih HMihlo, and the public need by 110 meaiiH fear that thin in thu hint valuable tlud that will Ims made at thu Itlue llird. The Ited Hoy will hihiii have a nclnlilKir in thu Itluu Itird that will make it keep moving to maintain Uh 1 Mipremacy in the camp. I.awtou Stand ard. Another Wondttrfut On; Treatment. hcltlcd and nctie work rcHiimed. The bent miner nt the I'riday wiih Tom Ityau, an erratic geiiiiiH who wiih everliiHliugly doing Homelliiiig that no other man would think of or dure do. One day thu engineer in charguof the hoinl wiiHilelay ci I for hoiiic. re.iMin in raiHlug (he cage in which Itvan winhed to dei-icnd. lie Uriiuiu impatient, Maidenly enraged and dually Hindu a leap for the cable and 1 Hlid to the bottom of the dntft. When 1 begot there, bin IikikIh wereeiitirely out of coiiimiHxiou. I'roni the friction they were burned mid bruihed and lacerated, and he bad to lay off for two weekn. Kveu at that lime they had not healed, but he tired of idlcucHH and longed for the drill ami hammer. The. "n" ''" " W,,H I"" '" w,irk h,,,,,l A preH dinpatch from l-lorence, Colo., upraine, from the l..(M,M.t to the ND-m-iI hllVH. A ,.. or ,ri.Mtill!. ir((l.iw ,1I1H level. Thin iiiih in excellent ore all the j,,;, ,K u.rf(,,.,, ,IV ,,,,,, Stonekin.of way and our friend Ityan wan co.npara- liH ,,,,.,., wli(.,, ,; WIV1 H, .,,. lively happy; liir.iiiiMiMii.r.-iiliiirilliN 1H1, . 1m! (f ,',r,.,..f,mrt,H f wiih that he delighted to work In Ml tli.. CrippU-Crt-ik oren. Il in an agita- ore and bated barren rock an the devil ,i(lll ir,HVN llll(1 r1(H,ing, concentration in credited will, loathing holy water. n,, ttlllIt!ItIlllltlii are foreiun to tliu The upraUe wan only leu feet from the ,(,w VWj Mf Stonekiu Iiiih Urn NI-f.H.1 level, mid there Ityau diilled am H(irklllB , ,, v.-n I i.M. for never.. I lon.led bin I.oIch, tired Iiih f.ine ami vw(ri ,,,,, (v r,.ivllv , n,,v, 1U ,"",r"'', "" ' !"" 'fenluieHthat he h.vh made the hvMci.i Hut, uulortnuatcly, he had ntuck h irm., ,,.,,,,,,., v ,; siouckin nvnli it '"" h,," ,,l,," "I " l"-'"l!'i ' li ' h claimed, ore'earrving fi in'u..l. can in Iiih ove.allH, made for the puipoM-. iK, lrt.illMi Ml ,tr..lli im.l ..f tlili. itiiM.unt and became faMc.ed in , M ll( ,,( HllV(.( T(, w, w, crevice in the rock IIIh Iiuii. h were ( , ( () lmlltUt ,,, ,,, . Mill Horc and he con;dn I let go the ...,e lnm up UlWu .,.,, ,,., ih .. will, either, for ucilher would hold ''; Uarlv adapted to iron; in fad. weight; ll.cfuhewaHhur..ingwHI,pci..iiOM-ih 1WlHUrv ,.flir,. . .,,., ..iih rapidity, but nol an fi.M an Ityuu wan w Mw i talking, pleading for ihihtai.ce, Hying loHiiare IhingH with bin .Maker, cun-iog ecrvthing iiIh. and below gioiind ; the while tugging away at that ieilifu rou hhx.ii that wan holding him f:n-l ill the face of certain terrible death. That Mirely wan a dramatic climax that an urtiht could work up to great ad "Now Is the Appointed Time." The O. It. A: X. Co. ban junt ic-ued a haiiih-ouicly illiistrnteil pamphlet en titled, "Oregon, WiiHhingtoti and Idaho and their riHourcen." I'eople in thoei.Ht are auxioiiH for iiiforu.iitiou aU.ui thu 1'iieilli tiiirllivi.itat . If I'.m ulll i,i,. tin. xantage, which Mr. S.ici.m.u did, and , () ,. . x .............,.,..., ... ...1..- ou tlilH Hut wo., the high '"! l-ri'-lcitviUiHt of na.ueH of eaMern K-ople, lludidn,t re.nain to Witney p.H.r Uyan h Hhi( 1((( kt.u. , ,, 1,,,,.,,,.,,, ,,e terrible end, but made a .IuhI. for a Kifej UmU( w ,,, fr,.,. , MU lt.r. retreat from the iu.H..dii.g deadly ex- Mm Yourn truly, A. I., fri.ig, tleneral 'lVHi""' , , IW-nger Agent. It wiih not until utter the parly f 1 mining men had refrerhed theiiiHelxeh I'or llneht coufivtioiiH, fruitn, tokicco-, would he c.uiHcut to tluihh the ntory. In 1 eider, etc., go to "SturgillV." Home inexplicable wuy, iih hucIi thine- ' liipHnou the htage, Ityau rele.te.l him-j If in want of clothing, ecu Neil) .Mer it il fund dulled down the drlt jut u ' cautile company, the bliiht exploded and knocked down " " M.ut -eventee,! to.iHofore. Sir W ouldn't that jar yerV bat .' (.hint u.iMiu then xoltiutccieil miiiiu iufoiiiia- lH,w,,,'r' tlou iiIh.ui the Mueller rctimo-on that lla.lewood icu cie.iiu will Ik- -cru-d rock, which vMK- Hurled, liattle.1 i.wtnu dally lit "StuigiltV." A. P. (JOSS, President GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 3 Trintieti a Central linklni la.lntii Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Ijr.ilis Jiawn un jI pad: i.f Hit aoiIJ Spcbl alteutluii to ,oile:ticns. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON t-''' -'''''''' THE GEM SALOON A.J STINSON.Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stlnson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bir SUMPTER, OREGON ''-V OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTERjfeER ON,DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Agents for Matting ly and Moore Whis key a 20-year-old whiskev as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON k '' '''' -w-- Don't Guess but if you are going east write us for our ratesand let ustell you about the ser vice and accommodations offered the IllllS CENTRAL RlllROiF Through Tourists Cars via the Illinois Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fail to write us about your trip, as we are in position to give you some val uable information and assistance. 5,3 19 miles of track over which is operated some of the finest trains in the world. For particulars regarding freight and passenger rates call on or address, J. C. LINDSEY, B. H. TRUMBULL, T. F. 4 P. A. Com'l Agent. 142 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE. AT IT jgjjg