Wednesday, July 9, 1902 THE SUMPTER MINER CELEBRATION OF THE FOURTH Dunn and Bessler Win Their Third Drilling Contest. The Fourth was a rainy, cold, din agreeable day, of eonrne. Ah ii eonco qnenco the literary exurcitH were held in Kills opera bonne. Mrs. Sanford read tliu Declaration of Independence mid Hev. J. It. X. Hell, of linker City, celivered the oration. There wan in ad dition a inimical program rendered. The littered of the day wan centered in the team drilling content, which took place at the corner of Granite and Center Htreetn. Five teanm were entered ; from Goleonda, Campbell and (levin; Ho nanxa, Lemon and SwiUler; Alamo, Kmitli and McDonald; Maker City, ltoHHinaii and Cornitw; Oregon King, Dunn and Howler. The hint nun led team, from the Ore gon King, drilled a hole into hard Gran ite IIIJb iuclien, winning the llrnt price of $100. The gentlemen from Bonanza drove a hole 'W.'x incheH deep and took neeond money, $100. The Golcouda 1kvh miHKed winning thin hundred hy a want elglith of an inch, their hole measuring l!05B inchec and Mayor Kol Mum regretted their defeat more than they did tlieincelvex. lloth the Ilaker City and Alamo teauiH broke drilln and hud to tilt. The Hinglu hand drilling contc'Ht huh pulled off Saturday afternoon, at the comer of Granite and Mill Htreets. Krnett A. Urenfell, of the Oregon King, wontholirnt prixe, 11'51 drilling Hltf incheH. Coudu, of the Golcouda, car ried off the Hccoud money, (50, going down U)i. RoHKinau, of linker, sunk 10?4' and Smith, of Alamo, 8l TIjIh Ih the third year that Dunn and Hetixlur have won the llrxt prize in the team drilling content, and they wore on thin occimlou the gold and diamond medalH that the ladicB of Kuinptcr pre- pcntcd tliem two yearn ago. That night Home one stole Diinn'ti highly prixed dec oration while he wan celebrating. Tom Bonnier BhnrHMied Grenfell'H drills and couched him duriim the context. Tiie iiiiprcnnion prevails that Mr. llennler and his partner'n continued triumpliH are due an much to bin nkill in Hharpen ing and tcniHring their drills, an in their joint line of them and the hammer. He in naid to imwhchh a knowledge of the art of working nteel that no one in eantern Oregon can eual. In tiie log rolling context Friday after noon, Will Scott, Will Green and John Irvln won the (75 prixe money, loading the ten big logx on a wagon in seven minutcx and twenty-live Hccoudx. The other two crewx were UugheH,Tibbxaiid Johunon ; linker, Nepali and Findley. Iloth did excellent, rapid work, but met witli accldeutx and loxt like thorough bredx. Saturday afternoon Ilaker and Jones won llOOagaiuxt Scott and Irvin,ineight miuutcH and thirty-one xecondx, official time; outxide timers xuid 7:31. There were many minor events which tilled in the time and entertained the crowd. Sale of the Red White and Blue. A sale of the Red White and Blue mine at Malheur City to an eastern syn d'eate has been consummated, and Mary Richardson, tlio owner, has been made wealthier by several thousand dollars. The first payment on the purchase price, f7,500, lias been paid over to Mrs. Rich ardson, ami two more payments are to follow. The Red White and Blue mine attracted considerable attention from mining men for tho past year or more and has been under bond several months to the syndicate purchasing it. Ontario Argus. MALHEUR GOLD DISTRICT. Hoffman' Itakory makes a npecialty of furuixhiug ice cream for parties. Prompt attention given all orders. Harrison, the Giant l'owder mnn wants every miner to make his otllce headiiunrterx when in Sumpter. Tho celebrated Gnndo's "the beer of good cheer" always on draught at Dun phy's The Club. I.eave your order lor anything in the rending line with DcNcffe A Mnr.zy. For tluext confections, fruits, tobaccos, cider, etc., go to "Sturgill'x." If in want of clothing, see Nelll Mci cantile company. THIS PAPER K.kT 'oak K"s Advertising Agency, IH and (15 Mer chants Exchange, San Francisco, Cali fornia, also Alfred Hovey Italian! adver tlxingageucy, (115 Marquam llldg., Cort land, Oregon, where contracts for adver tising can be made for it. Receiving More Attention at Present Than Ever Before. The Malheur gold district continues to receive attention. Operations on vari ous properties there are brisk, 'and somo worn of magnitude is under way. A mill is being put in by a La Grande com pany that will cost (75,000. The Sunset company, of Weiser, is sinking n seventy-foot shaft on the Ten derfoot ledge, and a sixty-foot tunnel will be run along this ledge to strike the contact with the Little Johnnie ledge. Two shifts will be engaged in sinking. The work will require about a month and a half. The shaft is now down alwut twenty feet, and the ore is be coming baser. This is encouraging, as it indicates the presence of a Inrge ore body. It is conlldently predicted that as the shaft goes down permanent values will be demonstrated. W. I). Manley, a well known mining man of Calaveras county, California, lias become associated with tho com pany, and is now at the mines aiding in the work. The mines are four miles from Malheur City and twenty-four miles from Huntington, by a good stage road, and water for sluicing and stamp mill work is abundantly supplied by First creek. W. A. Anderson, of Payette, has a claim below the Sunset property on which he has sunk a ten-foot shaft, from which lie received twti nssays of f 120 mid $323. L. K. Verlieck, of this city, also owns a promising procrty. Seth Roberts, Harrison Jones and others, of Weiser, have secured interests there. Mr. Kriden, of Payette, has recently taken u bond on a claim and will sink a shaft this summer. One of the most convincing proofs of the richness of tho section is the fact that Jack Knnor, who belongs at Wei ser, last season took out $750 in gold with nrnstra and pan. Mrs. Knnor re- BLUE BIRD MINING COMPANY Capital $200,000 FULL PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE 9 MINES LOCATED IN GRANITE MINING DISTRICT, EASTERN OREGON 50.000 SHARES OFFERED SMSS! "p,,c" WHEELER & CO., lukirs l BROADWAY, NEW YORK Mention No. to nJ the North American Miner will be mallei you six months free cently panned out two large nuggets. Weiser Signal. Investors, Attention. .10,000 shares of best mining stock in eastern Oregon for sale. Write for terms and prosKctux to T. Costello, Cable vllle, Oregon, Cable Cove district. : The NewOlympia J ( E, E. MAUSER, I'hophibtok J. Pine Old (1884) Her ! mitage Whiskey. FINEST IIUANDS OF WINES, ALES and PORTERS OLYMPIA BEER bottle or draught PINE CIGARS CiiMrw SmiBT. ore. I'. O. SUMPTER 4 V4 'flVBBBBKsSSSSHPr FRED a LAWSON Optra Hwti llNk PhMi 345 Sunpter, dragon. WHOLESALE AND RETAH. GROCER Wi Miki a Spoitlty if Supplies fir MiNrs. Kiiizi's blifcritifj CiiriI 6h4s and i Fill Lin if Grooiriis Strawbirriis ui Yi(itiblis Frisk Eviry Diy. A NEW GOLD MINE THE STOCK OF THE NEW GOLD MINE THE CRACKER OREGON Located in the same dis trict with the famous North Pole, the Eureka and Excelsior, Goleonda and Columbia mines in the Sumpter District in Eastern Oregon, is now being offered, to provide money to do the neces sary development work, such as run tunnels, build mill, etc. This mine shows an ore ledge which extends for a distance of feet on the prop erty, showing a clearly defined vein of from 10 to 40 feet in width. It will undoubtedly prove to be as great a producer as its rich neighbors. The price of the stock is 15 CENTS A SHARE Par value 1.00, Non forfeitable, Non-assessable, and no personal liability. Thi MistSiinhiif livistigitiH Is AsM ftr This PraptsitiM WHITK OH CAM. IWIN THE OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. LEES.OVin.Agt. Third Floor Merrill lliiilding MIMVAUKKK, - WISCONSIN asssssss rVaW-KMIBS3sWt "iJSSJSS?