THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 9, 1902 The Sumpter Miner IMJIII ISHI'll I'VI'bY WI'IINPSIIAY II V J. W CONNEI.LA Entereu at the putt'tnlce In Sumpter, Oregon, tor trantnishlaf) lliritugh the malls at secnnj clatt tier. Mlllil.lllPtlON RATfiN On Yfr Six Months .$1 00 ALWAYS IN ADVANCE, Tiikkk urn more men in Sumpter tit tho (iri'Hi'iit time looking tor liiitiin firoiMTlii-M, with 11 view of iiircliiiMiiif, tliHii over Ix'fnrc in tlie liiMtory of tint cum p. NkvhmI of tlii'in art rprrnentii tlvcM of tint mining kiiiKN of tliu world. If Miiyor Koliliitin wmitn to timkti liiiiirMilf hoIM with IiIh t'oiiHt itui-titr, hit rilioulil wNMirii tin pawned of n law by tlm rilutii Icnixtntiirc rliiinuiuu; the iliitit of tint Fourth of July to the AiiuunI dry uiiihou, when the weather Ih Mettlel; voiiNolidiito it with St. Patrick day mid VuHliiiitnii'H hirthdity form 11 celehra tiou t runt , km it were. Tiih llwiHti I'limni ttee on milium', wiiinhlM and nieiiNiirex, which reported fuviiralily on the hill cHtaliliHhln 11 )overuiueut iimhuv- nlllcn at linker City, incorporated in that ollicial report an article piililiHlicd Hcvcral ueekH nlnce in Tiik Minkii, relative to the Imilillnn in rlliupler of a Hinelter, which the hoiihe ordered printed in the Itecoid, a copy of which CouurcpHinau MiHMly Iiiih kindly mint to thin ollice. That wan a characteriMtie piece of kindergarten nicauiieHX which tlieSmnp ter Valley railroad luauiiKeineut perpe trHteil on the pulilic IiimI week. It had ailMTttHnl one fare round trip ticketn in IhiIIi directioiiN for the Fourth of July ecleliratlniiH here and at linker. A crowd wan at the depot Wediicrlay afternoon to ho t" Hakcr Oily, hut the iinenl re fllhcd to rell exciirclon rate tickeln, Mut ing that they would lie on Hale the next nfteruiMiu which would halo allowed the vixitora to reach the county neat after the fcntixiticN were concluded. A numherof excurHionintH refund! to he held up and didn't make the trip. IIm'kmi.v the New York Herald Mated editerially: It it an undeniable fact that iiiohI iiilliicutial liiifini'HM men of the world have Innicd their attention to mining, the source of nearly all wealth; for perxouH who bae been en hIhwmI lo the idea that the only cafe proportion wiin a the per cent or a hjx percent xecurity, now realize that many luillioiiNof iutereM have Ihcii lent to them through heeding the mix ice of t Iiom iuteierlid ill cheap money, and that among the banking iiiHtitutioiiH of the Wed eighteen and twenty per cent per annum in not considered a hazard oiih wchteru prolit or execive dividend on the gieat majority of our uilt-cdged iniiiitig MiunticH, and, further, the riebcht men in the world are mining kimiM. It In proven that while m idiom of ilollarc have U'cn lost in American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co. E. SIBER, General Manager. Manufacturers of First Class Draught and Bottled BEER The most modern equipped plant in the state. All ordeis promptly attended to. Telephone, Main 19. BAKER CITY, OREGON. railroadH, farm mortgagex, cantorn in diiHtrlal and building iiKHociationn, the Ainurimu mining indiiHtry Hteadily ad- vanci'H, making uiioriiioiiH profltn for Itn HiipporturH ; building great Statea and cilice, and X)intH with pride to the American mhhchhIoii of '2Kt milieu that liavu paid In ill viduiulH over f HIT) .(Mm.OOO. In legitimate mining a twenty-live er vent dividend Ih not (onHulerod utiirtllng, and the mining iuterentH of the Went are willing to pay that intercHt for tlie iimj of the money, for by the aid of capital they oH!ii up tremendoiiH ore ImhIjch that lend to Htill greater fortune. The em ployment of $1(1,00(1 in mining Ih the 'Univalent of $40,000 in moNt any other branch of iudiiritry. Timber and Homestead Filing, Timber and hiimcntead HliligH, iih well iim tlual proofH, van be made beforu CharlcM II. Chance, 1'nlttil States com iiiiHnioner, ollice in FirHt Hank of Sump ter building, Sumpter, thiiH wiving iih plieantH uxhiih(i of a trip to I .a (.intuitu, Uhu (iiant xiwder, fuwt and capH. FreMli candy daily at Huffman link- fry. T. (5. HarriMoii, agent for Uiatit miw dur company. ' GOOD THINGS TO ii I AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, New Building. The New Olympia m i:, i: IIAUSI.R. Propriiior Fine Old (1884) Her mitage Whiskey. I INI.ST URANUS OF WINES, ALES and PORTERS OLYMPIA BEER bottle or draught PINE CIGARS J Umih Simi'T. oi'ft I'. O. SUMI'TIR - Also Ice Made of Distilled Water. EAT SUMPTER LIGHT 3 POWER COMPANY. A FULL LINE OF Electrical & Supplies Vyiring Neatly Done. The finest light plant in eastern Oreponjjj j SEYMOUR N. BELL, Gan'l. Mgr. B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT ERECTION OF QUARTZ MILLS A SPECIALTY Sumpter j Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL C A. E. STARR. Attorneyat-Law Center, cor. High Si. Sumrler, Oregon K. K. IIOIISOX. Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy Miner! Surveyor (or Oregon, En gineer lor the City ot Sumpter. UnfMiraiai' ' PtUM !!. Il( Prltl 11 OrMktlr.. CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNFY AT LAW Clli MUrMf U. S. CiMnlulMir Rooms 2 and J, First Bank of Sumpter HulldiiiR, SUMPTER, OREGON L T. BROCK, M. L Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Sreclal Attention Given to Surgery nj to Dl. eae ol Women. Ofhc. Nelll lileck: RetlJence, iiranlte Street near Mill. DR, PEARCE A ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons PROt'RIETOWS MIXI'IEH OtNtHAL IIOSI'ITL SUHI'ICW.OkbGON. , Ol I ICI . Main i8i. I IkiM'im. Main 8. Telephone INSURANCF. L. MANNING, Kfctl tbTATI- Clt RecorJer anJ Noiarv Public. I Collettiont I Abstracts Aitent lor I rUIJc I Ire tlnu!stiei. Sumpter Basche Hardware Co. . Sumpter . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER E. A. CLEM & CO. MINKS - PItOSPKCTS - STOCKS Write ut for list ot propertlet ani loweil market quoutlonion ltocki In proiuclng minei ani oil welU. txcellent opportunity lor profit In low priced ttocka. 41II('Iihui. ufCom. Pohti,ani,Orkoon. First bank of sumpter Capital Stock f 20,000 OFFICERS. J. H. Robblnt Pratlient J. W. Scrlber Vlce-PretlJent R. H. Miller Cashier DIRECTORS. J. W. Scrlber R. H. Miller Clark SnyJe J. H. Robblna TmiiMncU n General Banking and Exchange Busincrw f THE a . SUMPTER MEAT MARKET r AUSTIN MEAT CO. Props. J Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats ami Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON