THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 9, 1902 STAMPS DROPPING AT THE GOLCONDA Mill Started on a Continuous Run Sunday Morning. Ti'ii rduniiM uf the (iolrnnilu Mill Im." Vim dropping Siimliiy mnriiinn. Klvu morn will hit Hlurtrd in n few iIiijh, iiiiiI llm other live unit ilny next week. Tin object hi only npcrutlin! ten I" Mturt with, lit tlmt (lie iMttcrii'H limy be iroM'rly ndjuMcd, which in nt'rci'i'ury ultrr tin! limn flint down. No trouble vvlmtttvcr lmi been xHriwinfil with any lif tint nntchiiicry; I hi ten Htutiiri lint wnrkiim" to perfection, IiiivIiik crUHhcd thirty Ioiim of on during the twenty-four hour endhiK .it nix o'clock liiNt evening ' '. CurlHoii Im mill ruicrintciidcnt. Hi i entirely en pithlo. 'I'Iki iiiiiimpeihclit cidlniii(cn thill thcie Im now i'IiuiihIi ore blocked out iiImivi' the '.IHMoot level to feed the twenty hliillipH for twelve lunntliH. There tire ore ImmU Ich prncticiilly in fluid nnlllclcnt to Mtp ply double thin iiiiiuher of rdiilnpn lor ninny .vciirn. The (Solconilii in n pent mine, proven to lie nirh. And everybody in ciiiiurntiiliitiiiK' the coiupiiuy niiiiiiiutTH, toniiiu' llorul offer illM to Superintendent Melkle illlil elf vying the fuitoniitc ptockholdcrx, over the fuel Hint thcpc nplcudiil rcHllltn Imvc liecn nttiiineil in it little ovcrtwouiouth work, nince the new coiupiiuy took hoM, At llmt time Iheie were nkcpticH vhn leclnreit tlmt the (iolconilii huh worked out. It in it fuel thill there wiih little or im ure in clulil. How it IiiiiI happened I hut the ore ilntx hud Ih-cii IuhI iiiiiI the bin ImiiIIch cnvcicd in a nivMcry that no one Iiiih vet I II utile to nilxe. Sup- eiiuleiiileut Melkle hiih in two lunntliH revealed all till" lol and hidden wealth, hieiikiiiK all rccoiilx nml i-ill i i-inu even the new hwiicih of the vulualile plop erly. And all thin wealth iciiiiiin in Oic con. Manager liobbiiiH and a few other will circulate 11 lot of it heie in Sump ter, and the I'eiidletou people, gitnie MHiitH all of them, will throw tlievsri'iitt'i Hirliou nf it at jiickrahlnli in t'uiatilla hic lnnli. Montana Ihi I'roductd 4 Billion in Gold. The ieHiit of II. II. Talem, iim-.iv it in chame uf the t'uiled Mate- itr-M)' olllce at Helena, to the director of the mint ful the vein t'KII, jilft lh-ncd, rdinvvr thul the value of'the jtilil, hilver, copper uiul lend piixluivd in that vcar wax fUl.II'i", ill'.Mll HI that aiiioiiut l,Mi.',7l7.:l'.i wax in pM. Hs.''"l,ll'.".'il in -liver, ::ii,7M,M7rtl In M.ppei and llis.iii'L'.lt' j in lead. iA iiiliiUied with the pin ductmti ol, IWt, the iIccicum lc uhollt f;l,UOl,IHMI,duf In the Ict-i-cuid plodue tiou of tMpplll. 'I lie (epiirt rdmtvr that -Hire the di coverv ill u;ilil in Miuit.iii.i, III ve.iic ups moie tilling I. tHHl.lHHl.tHHI ha- Weill taken fmiii the Miti.iuir.iiud mountain- uf the -tale. Little ihalipe in the value of the Cold'tion, at- ioiup.iied with the pi cvii in-vvc-vi, i- fliiiwu, and utteutiuii I called to the eulaicd il-e of the cviimd ill pim-e durum lite Theie wa iiImi little iih.iuce ill the value of the i-il-vel pnxluced. Ill the tahle -howiuc the production b) couutie-, Lewi- and Clink lead III lu value of the cold, with $,fi.M'i,:i:i'.. liiauite lead- ni the value of -ilvei, Willi f-M-VI.Jhil Il'i. Sil ver How in topper, with L:.N,7 '-Y-"'-' line Miitnd-. Mcachcr lead- in the produe lion of lead, with .'..MHt.OOO line ouud-. RiU Again Rdud From All Points Eit. Hcfiue vou make delluate uir.inne- ment- for that Hip ea-t let u- nuote von rntcH vln tho IIIIiioIh Central railroad. Our nitt'H aro the lowunt to lw had, nntl it will pay you to write uh. If you haven't time to conimunu-atu with uh, lull tliu iiixent from vvliom you purchiiHu your ticket that von want to travel by the way of tho IIIIiioIh Central, and you will never rerut the trip. If any of your rulatlvoH or frlemlH in tlio Mint nro romitiif went while Hit! low ruteH are in effect, write, uh ulxiut them, and wu will Hee that thuy et the lowcHt rate with the hent cervice. Throucli tonrift enrn, free rccllnim,' chair cilrH in fncl all the latent couveuienceR known to modern railrniiillnc. I'or particulart recardiiiK rati'M, time, nervice, Htop-ovurH, different coiinuiitloii mid roiiteH, etc, call .On or, addre-H, It. V. I iniMiun.l.. Uoml. A;. It'-' Third Htreet, Portland, Orison. TIMIII.K I AND. ACT JUNK i. iB8.-NOTICU I OK PUBLICATION. Unll-J Suir l.nJ Oftice, La tiranJr Oftice, sOirgon, July -.igoi, i Nutlcr It hrieby Rlvrn that In rompllance with the piovUliint ol llii-act of congrrit ot June I, i8?B, rn ililrJ "An ad lor Hie talr ol limber lanji In the Sialr nt California, OrKiin, NevaJa. arJ Waihlng Ion 1ctflloiy,"a rnlrnJrJ to all Hie Public LanJ Slatrt I'V acl of AuRUst 4. I)'. PUKL IIKADSIIAW. ol Mlintburt;, county ol KlltlUi. tlatt ol WaililnR tiin, ti iv thK av filf J In Dili nHice lirr twrrn kill mrnl No 1187, lor llie purchase ol (lie e t-4 1-4 nl vullon ionJt!nn-4anJnei-4 i-4oltc-Hon No. it In towntlilp No. 11 viulh, range No 14 lW.M.,iina will oiler prool M thow Hut Hie lanJ ioukIiI li more valuable lor 111 limber or klone llian lor agricultural puti'ittev. and lo eitablltli tier claim iivjiJhnJbeloiei;iiailev II. Cliance, U. S. com mllnniT. al Sumpter. Oregon, on MonJay, the Olli Ji ol Oilnber, i. Slirniinevallnetes I ranee Tke.ol Lllenj buig. Waihlnglon I rank II. Mackev. Clark M. IImJIijw iinJ l'en II llraJvliaw, all ol Autln, Oregon. Any anj all permnv claiming aJvervely the aNive JesctlleJ I inj are reiieteJ to die llielr claim In lliioll!,e im iir telnlrolJ bill Jiv ol Oilober, n I , W llAWIIIMT, Icegltter. 1IMIIIK I AM). ACT JUNI. I. 18)8. NOTICE I OK 1'lHIIICAriON. UnlleJ State I nnJ Oldce, i l.i tiranJe. Oregon Jul) , luua ) Nnllie I herein glien In coinnllance ttlth Hie lrolioiil Hie aciol tongreot June i, i8r), en lllle.1 "An ail lor the vile ol llmler lanJ In the Slate ol Cnlilornla, Oregon. NevaJa, anj Wahlng ... T. .li.... ..v .kl.,n.l.l In all the I'lltlC LAnJ Slue I) ait ill Augutl 4, iB,7. I KANK II. AtACKLV, . ... .1 , il,lmil.1tiii,nn. Ilit tllltt III 111111, IIMIIIIV M .III... I, JW .' .'. K' ....-- ail lileJ In IliUiiltiCehl orn talement No 1186. Im Hie purcnae in me iwi-iiiwi 4 mu nn 1-4 ol eitlon N. iianJnei-4 e 1-4 ol eCtlin No 14 iniiinlil No. ii miuili, rtnue No. 14 L. W. Vt , .mJ m III tiller priHil to how mat the I inJ kouglit liiiiire.ilujblelorll llml-er or tone than lor ag iluilliiial piirpie. miiJ loetall(li hlcli m lo k.ilJ linj leloir t.hailell tJiime, II. S innim ahinrr, .n Suiiiniri. t)iei!iin.nn .VtnnJii, lhi'6li J.u ol t)c- tuber, iu ..... lie iume.i wnnpr v.i iik hi. rruiiMw, m Austin, In ml iminli. Hieon; I lance Ike anj l,.irl HriJh.iH. ut llliiiklurg, Kitllla inuni, V.ihliigliiu, nnJ I eic II IIijJiii. ol Autln, in ml iiiuun. On gun An anJ .ill peiwiii ilulinlng .ijvelel the aboie Jev.illeJ linJare re.iiileJ In lile llielr lUlm In lliliilliieiinurteliieilJbih Ji ul Ot Inter, iv. I. W llvutllll,leglter Sn. , luoi. ' rivuilK AND. ACT JUM. I. ii NUTICC I OK I'UIIIICATI jN Unit,..! Stil. Iinj Ollue Li IiijiiJo, Oregon lail. a .'..,!. ii i I.. ,.L.i, ii,. I In .ii i i.IIjii.i. ullli Ihe pun llim ill Hie ailot iiingie" June I, 8?8. en llilrJ"An ail lor Hie vale ol tlmtet I in J in the Slate ul t jllluinla, Oregon, NeaJt.in4 Wahlng tun luillon,' .ive.tenJeJ In all Hie I'ublk UnJ sine I'l .ul ol Auguil 4, il'ur, CUKK Vt. IIKVDSIIAW, ol Vulln. uiimli ol (nam. Male ol Oregon. Iiai thl .In lileJ In llil oitue lil iun Hlitiieiil No 118 lot tin- uuliie 1 1 the n 1-4 n i-. n' n i-4 .io4e 1-4 li e i 40teilluii No 14 in l.mlililp x. 11 viulh.i.iiige No 14 I W Vt ,anj villi oiler pinol In him Hi t Hie lanJ ouglit I moie valuiM lor It limtri or loiie than lor agiliulluial puiiie, anj to ,-MillKli hi ililm in iU I111J leloreChaile II Uuiin-. I S iomiilluiier, al Minipier, Ongon. on VtnnJii, Hi till Jo. ol Oitote. imw. Hen line .1 llnee I rank II .Vtaike, ol Au Hn. Oirgon I'enl lliajohaw. ot I llenbuig. logliin I) I (.amilell and Julu VVilght, ol Au lln Oregon , An 11U.1II peiiiiiilalnilng.Jiui-l Hie aboie JeviillealanJ aiei.iuleJ to lile llielr ilalm In Hit oitue on or I elm U tih Jt ot Oitober, iojj. I. iV II lull I tl, KegMer, IIVtIIIK I AND, AUJUM. I. mrS.-NOTICL I OK I'l'IIIICAllON I'nl'eJ Si tie lanJOllite, ladiaiue Oie Juli .Soilie 1 heu-bi glientlut in iomllaiiie tllh Hi prollin ol Hie a.tot cmgiekk ol June i,i8?l,en IHleJ "An Jit toi the kale ol timber lanJ in Hie style ol (.aliloinla.O rgm.NrkJJa.anJ vValilng ton leu Ion,' aeMenJeJ M all Hie I'ublk LanJ sine bi .ut ol Augiikt 1, il-jj, IKANClS IICI. ul I lluikburg.couiili ol k'ltlltt, klate ol Vahlng tun. ha Hil Ji lileJ in Ihlkultitr he' iin ktale inenl No nbl, lor ilie pur(haeol th' r 1-4 ol eiton.No 11 aiu the wi n w 1-4 ol eit on No, 14 In lomiklilp No 11 kouih. range No 14 L W.M , anj will ol'ei iriKil in k'o IhitlhelanJ ought I mure alualle tot It llmbei or tnne lhan lor agrkullural puipoe, .m J to her tlalm to talj lanJ be lute (.hailek II (.name, I' S iiimmlloner, at Sumpter, Oirgon, on Monja, Hie Mil Jav ol Oc tober, wm. She namek a nlinekek I rank II Matkei, ol Auktin, Oiegon, I'eail llrajhai, ol I llentburg, VVahlnglon Jutu vVilgtit aiu II. I Campbell, ut Autln, Oiegon An ana all peroiikilalmlngaaieikel Hie aboie JrkirlbeJ lalUk ate requekteJ. to tile their clalmk In thl u Hi 1 eon or betoie alJ (uh Jav ot Ostober. ijj. I VV lUKIlili, Kelkler. lite, regoti, l, 14 1 I Golden Eagle Hotel HALF BLOCK FROM R R DEPOT Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. Sam ple Rooms. Electric Light. Telephone, etc. Table supplied with the best the market affords. Munlnmcfl SparkH Sc ItruiitlunliurK Sumpter, ' '-"""- Oregon L,-' A. P. GOSS, President GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier c Bank of Sumpter 3 TrmncU Giairil linklni ilrim Interest Allowed on Time Deposits IjmIis Jiawil un jI p.itti ul the aoiIJ SpeJul intention tc ,olle:llcns. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON I THE GEM SALOON I A.J STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stinson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, - - - OREGON r $ '-1 OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Agents for Mattintv ly and Moore Whis key a 2o-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whNkies are out uf bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Pppular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON Dont Guess but if you are going east write us for our rates and let us tell you about the ser- ice and accommodations offered the ILLINOIS CENTRIL RAILROAD AT IT MHP' Through Tourists Cars via the Illinois Central from Pacific coast to unicago ana Cincinnati. Don't fail to write us about our trip, as we are in position to give you some val uable information and assistance. $ 3 19 miles of track over which is operated some of the finest trains in the world. For particulars regarding freight and passenger rates call on or address, j. C. LINDSEY, B. H. TRUMBULL T F. 4 P. A. Com'l Agent. 142 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE. J