Wednesday, July 2, 1902 THE SUMPTER MINER OFFICIAL RECORDS. Tlio JfollowiiiK instruments were (lied atjtlio linker county court house iluriii).' tlie week ending .Inly 1, HX)2. KKAL KSTATK TKANSKKHS. iiki:i)m. Jitu 21, .Iiih York & f to V I. Mil lor It (MO iuto In Hi',1 nwtf hw L'Stiittr US 1 Anr 15, Win linker et ill to .1 V. Demi UK) uere.-i in cee 11 t 10 r 37 'J000 June 4, Oregon Lumber Co to I'm fillc Stiiti'i' Telephone mill Tele praph Co riiilit of wuv over hee 1'Htp lOrlltt ' . . 1 May 1", Win linker & wife to Win Lentz .T.M nerex in coo l 10 it 11 tplOrli; LWX) Juno L'.'i, II Salomon A f to Jo Tuhler lotx 1 V 'J blk 2 South linker AW June 20, W I- Wanner to W (' Chin-e 10 lie i en in ei'u 22 & 2:1 tp Or -10 1 May 2S, M J Wriuht to .lohu Walker lot 2 hlk 7 Steuaitfuilu linker Citv 1107 .lime 25, .1 I) Keunedv & wf to It .1 l'nverl lotn Ti & tl I.Ik II Keiiuetlv in In linker City 10 JimuA, Sam l'lumin to X H liu Iiiiuh vJ v!j mh' 21 tp 8 r -10 . . 000 .lime 2", X K liuhiiux & wf to I, I, Focter 'u hit in Hiune no lact . . . 300 Fuh 8, Wm 1) Kmile & wf to M .IniueHoii lot 7 hlk (I I'nrkerit ailu linker Cilv 325 .lime 28, A It Went .t lid to John llowiuiiulot8l7tt IHhlklWilo vule, linker Cltv 7(H) Jim. 10, '!), Ira C. Sehenek to A. C. Horry. 45x113 feet in X W cur. 1)1 k 23, AUwhhI'h 2d mill HnkerCity 200 June 28, M. A. II lichen and lid to J. A. OeddoH and W. X. Snarely ditch wnv over u w xi n w 'j, ceclMMO 1 MIXIXd MATTKKS. DKKD8. Fob 20, Tnmiimiiy Gold Mining Co to XorthwoHteru l.lir Co, Colo ratio itz elm 1 OTIIKH INHTHUMKSTH. Agreement Apr 14, Con Hoiuiuii Cold Milling; Co to Wm Jordan to reuonvuv Jordan and Too Uto plncorH, Aug 15, '02 400 Lcneu Sopt 7, '01, W It McDou pill to Owen Hill one acre in Kuroka elm, 10 yrn 1 MOKTOAdKS. Juno 20, A Dnvin to Davis Wilcox hovoii vut, live liorxex 02 itcrvn clover & 15 acre w heat 104 1 June 14, David Keel en to ililkor A lout7. rotciiHCH niorti'iiK'u on 100 ncri'H in ceo 1 1 tp 10 r37 Juno 14, Win Lent, to Oregon I.uiiiIht Co 321 acreH in nee 2, 10 & II tpl0r37 1032 May 17, J K Demi & wf to Wm linker 100 ncron in kcc 11 tp 10 r 37 & 1002 34 hay cropn on ciiiiie 1200 Juno 18, Firet M K church, Simili ter to Hoard of Kxteuxion of M K church lot 0 blk 1 Siimptcr Ilt'lirlitmiiln Sumpter 500 June 20, 1) C Hrielioux & wf to Matt Steubor lot 2 M Fox block linker Cltv 400 June 27, J Almada & wf to F & F Nicholx 100 acren in hoc 25 tp 11 r42 1330 June. 27, JackKou HroH to 1'irnt Xn tioiinl bunk 150cowh, 10 horwec, etc 2750 Fob 5, J K Clayton to Oregon Lum 'TTMie red diamond-shaped few yards of Eureka packing FTSB is an insurance policy. It insures long life of the pack ing, perfect performance of its duty as oacking, reduction of friction to a fraction, and less packing expense than with any other kind of packing. When you have Eureka, "you have found it." Our tittle pocket dice box mile a great lilt with several thousanj eiiclnem. It con in a gooj Jul, cut we are willing to senJ It with the catalogue to any engineer who lenJ Ave cents in stamps lor postage. ber Co 100 acres in sec 31 tp 0 r I 38 425 Jan 20, J II Calhoun to D F.eclos l(K) acres in see 28 A- 33 tp 10 r3S 448 Am: 20, '01, Geo A Scott to Oregon j Lumber Co four horses, two sets harness .... 200 1 June 28. Jno Worlev A wf to K.rn Marker 200 acres In sec 27 tp 10 i r 10 . 2050, June 38, F.zra Marker to First Xn- j tionnl hank, asiiins lut above . 050 i June 30, Jas. Mitchell to J. II. Talker, 1.000,000 feet sawed I lumber in Haines, Or 1200 June 30, Vat Helduer and wife to i Marv ltichardsnu, s 'j lot 3 blk ' 4, C. It. Fisher's win linker Cy tllHH) MISCKLLAXKOl'S. j Articles of Im orporntion June 111, I The Con Power Co bv Frank S I Itnilhe, II S lloueu and John I. I Itnnil ; olllee at Maker City .1,000,000 Reduced Rat to the East. i Thiwe eontemplatlmr an eastern trip' will be interested to know t lint there j will shortly boon sale ureally reduced rate tickets in connection with the Kin , Grande System, the fniuons "Scenic Line I of the World." This lino offers its pus-j (copers a limit delightful and comfort able journey to all eastern points. It is the only transcontinental lino pussine; directlv throUL'h iiuaiut and picturesque Salt bike City, "TheCltyoftlmSaints;" licnutlful Glcuwood Springs, Leadville, I'ueblo, Colorado Springs (where a sido trip may be made to the Garden of thu G(kIs and the summit of Pike's Peak over the cojj'W heel railroad) imd Denver, the queen city of the iutermnuutaiii re uiou. Stop-overs are allowed on all classes of tickets. Throe daily express trains muke close connections with all l trains oast and west and afford a choice of live distinct routes of travel. The equipment of these, trains is thu liest, ; including froo reclining chnir cars, .standard mid tourist sleepers, a perfect 1 dliiiuu car service, ami also personally ' conducted excursion cars, each in charge of n coniMtout (,'uido, whose businosH is to look after the comfort of his quests. Xo more pleasant and inexpensive means of crossing thu continent can Ixt found than is provided by these excur sions. For additional details address J. I). Mansfield, general agent Kin Grandu lines, 124 Third St., Portland, Oregon. C. F. RAHT Assaycr and Metallurgist OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE SUMPTER, OREGON label on the box, and on every moMMi'Mumtm J. G. Connell Hay, Oats, Steamed Barley, Bran. All Kinds of Feed and Poultry Supplies, Condition Powders for Truck and Granite St. ALL . (V . . A.S" 2 Xj if THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. E. H. HORNER, Proprietor. General Storage Commission and Forwarding. WHOLESALE HAY, FEED AND GRAIN Warehouse and oflicc, S. V. Truck. SUMPTER, OREGON. DELM0NIC0 HOTEL RATES, S1.00 PER DAY AND UP. Electric Lights and Phone. M. SPENGLER, Proprietor Joshua Hendy Machine Works No. 38 to 44 Fremont Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA IMPACT WATER WHEEL WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES COMMISSION CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in The Celebrated Cream of the West Flour. Horses and Cattle. Transfer. J. G. CONNELL, Prop. WELL DRESSED MEN In Sumpter and vicinity have their clothes made by FLYNN, the Tailor. Big lire cf strirg geeds to chcose frcm. Center Sheet, rear FcstoHice, SUMPTER, OREGON. Hot and Cold Baths. Suartz Mining and Milling (listing, Pumping and Saw Mill Machinery. Hy draulic Mining Maciiineiy. (jiants, Water Gates and Hydraulic Rivited Pipe. J Water Wheels and Water Motors, Engines. Boilers, Pumps and Machinery of every description. J J j Prospecting Machinery. Jas. L. Robertson & Sons, Fulton St., New York m n in, .- '