THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 2, 1902 BAKER CITY J 2 AND SUMPTER 2 But the Game Was a Good One, Just the Same. Met ween llfty iitnl 11 hundred i-ul mimiI In It.iKiT ("My Sutiitiiy l ecc llnil luce hall chili nf iriifiiiiiiiili defeat tin lionn1 li'iini of iiuiiiteuix In tln ilciiiit inn tune uf twelve tn tun. Itut, if 11 matter of furl, till' Ullllll' WIIMl't Mll'll 11 tlTlilllc hllllllltl'l' II- till" M'lllV Wlllllll in dicate. Dnriiij.' tin- Mint t- iiiiiiiiu"1 llii' Simili ter linyn pliix I'll ureal li.ill, i;ccti nu (In (coin doun In tun In 1 mi' 111 tlii'ir fuviu. At lluil liini' tin1 enmity m'iiI j:l ueie afraid fur llii'ir li-t were healeli In 11 lllll. It Will while tlll'V UI'IC III tln lull, in tlii lat Imlf uf llic M-M'iilli, with two nii'ii mil, Unit Sllnenn mi I i t r-1 made 11 rim K i'iiiii, after liuviliu dniiccxrellelil work previously j fnllnunl 11 iii with nlheiH, wlili'li nitlli'il tin' team, iiinl fmir iiiiih ui'ii fi'uri'il. In tin1 eiuhlh tin Sumpler playeiH went all In iii-ri'H, tin' detailH of which are Inn hniiihlo In ii' late, four nr live of tlii'in tilling nitti'ii MtinlM. jeen iimri' rum- were m'iim'iI, UlllkillK it III! I'M'll lloCII, In llii- lirril limine, two nf tlit Similiter nii'ii ui'ii-mi Inim'.-, ulii'ii Humor Weill In 1 1.1 1 mill Miiuxlieil I Ik- Ii.iII Miiarc in mine for u tun-luer, liiiiiKllit! in Imtli llieli, Mini tliey were tin1 ullly mien who ever reurlieil Imnie. Anil, MM'iiMnn ( lluriier, lie in canily (lie blur nf the iiieuiilliin. lie pl.iyx I111II nf llie Mud llml you rem I iiImiiiI miller ecu re head linen uf nipintU- pro- iiirliiniH. (If the llril fix men reliteil tu (lie Ih'IU'Ii, heilhl thinuN In funruf lliem. (NiwriiiK etTunil, he htnppcd three hul lrniuiileir half wny In llrrl nnil ilrniieil (he hall in StiiiMin'f hiu' inil in time In In the iiiihI uuihI. The fourth wax a My llllll he unhlileil nil n lunu mil. Till wurU wiih ilune in the liiM twu iuninuN illlil he kepi tip the lick In the iluleful llliiidi, wilh only nne error cliarucd nnniiiht him. Ayani, he ix the oul innii un either Mile whu iliil any li.ittinu wutth nienliuiiiim. It wan in the nintli when it would iln mi immI, nut 11 mini licim: un 11 ban' lluil he made the meat hit uf theilny. Twn men were nut when lie tuok hi" I'u-iliiili nt the plate. No ulie wiih tal.inn miy intciet in the miic, he eniiM it Iiinl alrcadv heen wun ninl lu-l. The m ml li.ill ilelieieil wile tu hi lik- ill): ninl he muile 11 luimc at it that wuiiM hac ihiveu a ilrill tlnee inelie" inln iirauitc. The willuw imiiIiI the xphere jilhl iimlei wheie it r- ear wuiiM he lo cated, if it had one, and it went Niilnu up ihruiiL'h the lent atmnxpheieluwiitilH the Iniulil hlue xky, until it wiih lut tu human vi-nm. The iIiiiuniikI exec that were lived nn i.uv dually miw it leap pear fur a niuiueut, falling at the lalenf JUKI milex a iiiiuute. When il fell, it Mruck a euw tlml win- inliilltii: llieileail letter euiHiuiiihiii; unlnimu'e, fnuriuchcH hack uf the hurii" ami hruke It - ueek. In the iiieautiiue, limner hail lciuicly uillkeil tu tlnnl ami waiteil theie tu i-ce whatwuulil happen next fium which place he piueeeileil In the dlCM-tui: inum, fur the iueiileiit wiih eliKfil. Clark, in the Imx, wan a jk-ih-Ii. IIIh dclUery all III" own, original with ami liiuuuHiliei hy liitn. The hall Iciincx hi 1 1 11 in I frmn the hi'hot Miiut he mil reach, mm ex un the line nf paialmlic curve ami icachex the calchci'h mil live iuchcH a I Hive ami two ami a halt feet tn the lear uf the plate. I'nr ci.x innings he httuck nut the .la iu faM they cuiilil pick up the Mick, lie luct hix nerve in the M'xenth nlonu' with the' other. It wax uuly in the cichth that the Ixivh. in red ically found him, m d then fur a few mluutcH it raineil liaxo IiuIIm nut near the hay xtnek. The li'iini cuiixIxIh uf llmNon, c ; Clark', p;StiiiMiii, Ixt; lluriier, '.'ml; Croiiin, Hid; Itiley, h. . ; Wi-h-Imtit. r. f. ; Ma hniiey, e. f. ; Scntt, I. f. ; I'alturxuu anil Taliaferu, xiih"titulex. lliiilMiniliilniii.e Kiiml wurk liehiml the hat, ax iliil Cruniii un third. The ullier" hail little nr mi uppnrtuiilly In xhuw what they can tin except that they can't hit the hall, Amliluyuii retiieuiher the uiix the muteiH un the hleacherx tlxcil tu xpriii).', Ilfleeu nr twenty jemx nyuV Well, t he linker City witri are eiupluyin the en tire reperlnire tuilay. "S'ull enllliln't hit a h.iluuii," "vet 11 1 'm- fur the urn pile," "he cuiililu't Meat u iluur mat frnm a vacant liuu-e," "he'x a hrae man In xtarl nut nn Mliein' penx" them ami all tl Iherulil faveritcx, nut a new "crack" un llie lixt, recalleil llieiluVHof yiiiith ami eiitlnixiaxui, when ymi were a crank uuirell. Iluy Miller, whu ix nctitik' in the. Hunt licinl pnxitiun uf inauau'er, ix Iryinu tu arrange fur a leturii (.'ami next Siimlay. If he Miccceil", the pilue xcheilllteil fur Saturday, ax a featuieul the celehraliun fextivitiex, fur which n tl(H) pllixe liax heen appiupiiateil, will he iluferreil nne ilnv. If nut, the Saturday name will he a M'Mlli cuutexl. Hoositr Hoy's Last Cleanup. The lluuxier Iluy (iuld Miniiiy mid Milliii).' cutupmiy, iiH'rntiiiK thel,'exlainp inill ill the I'riiiiiu liinx mine, live inilex eaxt uf thix city, made iiuuther cleanup the fure part uf thix. week. We have hecu lelinhly iufurmed that thix laxt cleanup ix hy far the largest mid innxl xatixfnctnry xiuce the cninpaiiy cuiniiieuced upernliuiiH early laxt Hprin. The aiiimnil uf the cleanup cuuld nut Ik iixcertaiued, hut it ix xafe tu xav t'mt itx value ix fully ax lame ax (lie mutithly cleanup ft inn the fnmuiix lied Iluy mine. (Mine, tn the fact that the ure hlnx have ln'cmne xpruup, xeveial uf the einployex were laid uff fur a few dnyx, or until re pairx cuuld lie nuidi. The icmaiiidcr uf the fuive, twenty-live men, will cuutiiitic their wurk ux usual, -(Irani County Nex. Kates Again Kcducrd From All Points East. Ilefure vuii make deliuate nrranp' meiitx fiiV that trip eaxt let ux ipmte ynu ratexxia the llliunix Central railruad. Our ratex me the luwexl tu he had, mid it will pay yuu tu write ux. If ynu haven't lime tu cuminuiiiciile with ux, tell the iieiil fruuiwhuui yuu purchase yniii ticket that yuu want tu travel hy the way uf the llliunix Central, mid yuu will neer reuret the trip. If miy nf yuur relaliex ur irieudx in the eaxt are ciiininn wexl while the luw ratex me iu e(Teclv write ux iihuut them, ami we will xee that they yet the Inwext ratex with the hex! xervice. Thinue,h tuurixt carx, fiee reclining chair cmx in fact all the latext cuuveiiielicex kuuwii tu imxlcru lailmndiii.'. I'nr pmticularx repirdlnt; ratex, time, xemee, xlup-uerx, differout cuiiuccliuu and unite.", etc, cull mi ur addiexii, II. l- Tut'Miu'i.l,, Cuiii'I. At. I I'JTIiiul xtrcet, Portland, Orcpiu. All Iciidinu' hiiindx uf eipirx are to Ih' had at "Sluruill'x." T. (i. Ilarrixnn, iinent for the iSiaiit I'owder company. ...J. W. COWDEN... HAS A IMNIs LINK Ol I'HOTOCiUAl'HIC VlliWS OH ALL THt: MINI:S AND PUOS PliCTS IN Till: SUMPTl-R C. O L D NI:l.nS 3.2i222fia3l MINI: VII-WS ONLY Addrex.l. W. Cnwdeu, Sunipter, Or. .f..j.t2 1 OREGON MONARCH GOLD MINING COMPANY J Offers Stock again to the readers of THE MINER $ JmB B B m: wPm: K"K"MK K t E T KP i SINCE our last offering a great deal permanent work has been done of permanent work has been done at the mine which, as will be remembered. joins the great Red Boy on the South, and carries its richest veins. The Stock has advanced to 25 cents per share, and is moving rapidly. We want you to write to us for a prospectus which will tell you all about the mine and its plans.and which shows photograph and map of both the Monarch and Red Boy mines, j j j j fAtl '' '" mP 'KB"B"B 0W0W B 'ff w: 'mB"mlKl'K'BEB I K'LLEN, XARNER & STEWART J j AGENTS j J 1 1 Sumpter, Oregon. CODE BEDFORD-MCNEILL llltAM'll omi'KM T New York, ItnMnii, Hiiltimorv, IMiiluilolpliiu, Milwitiikoc fMf, J. P. HOLLAND Wholesale and Retail Commission Business s ) No. 1 liny, Oats, H111 ley, llrnii, o Wheat, Flour tiuil INilntnex q Ctiiloiiil bits 11 Specially oc o Special Attention Given to the Mining Trade ol Ollice: .IiiIhi'h & C11V Wiirvlimw. IMioite 2l. Sl'MITKH, OHKOON GRIZZLY STOCK... 33,666 Slmivs at Io.n tluiii ;ioitiiil Hour price. You can have it lor 'JA cents in one lump, or .'I cent in liroken lotx. 166,666 SHARES OF TILLAMOOK FOR $150 Until tiro jiimmI litiyi. Write lor )arliciilaiv tu BERNARD FLYNN sumpter, ore. IF YOU WISH TO ... INVEST IN MINING -I ! Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS rE.'sANDERSONsiOT SUMPTER, MINES ANO MINING STOCKS OREGON