Wednesday, July 2, 1902 THE SUMPTER MINER RED BOY STOCK FOR SALE I Four Thousand Shares in the most Famous Mine in Eastern Oregon This is the first opportunity any outsider has ever had to get in on this dividend paying mine. This is indeed not a speculation, but a safe and profitable investment This block is now offered foree $1,800 Cash, 45 Cents a Share The buyer will not only receive big interest on his money, but the value of the stock will undoubtedly double and probably trebble within the next eighteen months, as the mine's output will soon be largely increased. dt & Address: "B. F." Care THE MINER. SUMPTER OREGON j ... 1 ------- ..--.. ... SENATOR KEARNS' MINING BILL. Text of the Substitute Meaiure Intro duced by Him. A Wiin!iiiiistni press dispatch says: Senator Kcarns, from the committee on mines and miiilnt!, Iiiih reported to the senntu u sub-titutu liill for tliu measure formerly intrixluceil by liim to iiint'iul tliu revised Htntuten of tliu United States in tliu mutter of loentlng uiiiu-rnl clitiniH. Tliu bill, an reMrtcd, is uh follow "That Hection 21132 o tliu revised stat utes is hereby aniuiided ho uh to rend an follewri: "Section 2:133. Loeutorn of mining lo cations hereafter madu on any mineral vein, lode, ledge or mineral deposit, sit uated on tliu public domain containing Bold, nilvur, cinnabar, lead, tin, copper or other valuable depo-dts, their heirHor assigns, where no m Ivor mi claim uxIhIm at tliu passugu of thin act, ho Ichik uh they Comply with tliu lawn of tliu I'nited State and tliu Htatu and territorial regit latloiiH not in coullict with tliu lawri of tliu United States governing their is sessory titlu, shall havu tliu exclusive right of isissessinn and enjoyment of all tliu Hiirfacu included witliiifthe linen of their locution and of all vuIiih, lodcH, ledges and mineral deMisits throughout their entire depth, which liu within such Hurfucu lines extended downward vertically. Such location nhall bu in rectangular form, and nhall not exceed 1500 feet in length on either the end or Hide linen thereof. Provided, that irreg ularly Hhaped clalniH may Iks locutud where previous locatioiiH render rec tangular locationn impracticable, but Mich claim hIiiiII not exceed in area a claim of 1500 feet square. Kvery loca tion hereafter made hIiuII bu distinctly marked on tliu ground, so that the mimu can bu readily traced. Within ninety day from thu datu of location tliu loca tor shall cause thu mine to Iw surveyed and a plat thereof recorded In thu olllcu urn. Thu Oregon Hallway fc Navigation of thu county recorder of thu county in company in already cniiHidcriiig thu nub- which tliu claim in situated. No pernou ject of introducing oil for fuel on its shall locate more than one claim in thu lines. The Associated Oil company, of I same mining district. 1'rovidcd, that San Francisco, Is trying to extend the I INMWE UNDER MIZ0N1 L1WS. consumption of fuel oil in thu I'acillc Northwest and It is said that concern Is ! hu shall havu thu privilcgu of tiling with thu recorder of mining records in thu district a uoticu of abandonment of a claim located by him, and thereafter hui ply between Portland and San l-'rauclsco shall havu thu right to locatu another , for the purpose of transporting nil claim dm fully as if no location had been madu by him in said district. And thu claim so abandoned shall 1st opened to relocation. .Most lilicral corporation laws in lint I Mlill'il Sit 11 1 dm Vn f rn tittliluti lntr ic iiv. arranging for a line of tank steamers to rni ft.H ,,r from all corporate debts. I'ar value of stock madu any amount. No limit on enp Itali.ation. Stock is non-assessable for Badger Ore Hauled to Pendleton. any purpose. Noamount of stock rcniiircil Orn 1. ImiIiii' Iiiiii1ii1 frnm Kiiim.i. villi. In I ... I... u..i...ti....i v.. -... ( -" " r- " Ill .m l.lir.- l.w'.l. O.I p.. MIT I IIMITIM. W! I IVllllletoil Ulld shipped over tlltl W. V t'. i yt,i.. ..f Imi.ku "Sec. 2. That section 2.123 of the re-, lt , tM, Tm , H.cltcr. S. II. (.'alder-' ,,, r,.,(). vmlr ,.mr,.r. Keep ollico vised statutes lelating to tunnels In, and . head, thu general freight and passenger and do hunlm-sH anywhere. Wi attend thu samu is, hereby repealed. nuciit of the W. ,V !. IL, recently madu t., nil hm-lucss, pay all fees and chargu "Sec. U. That all nets mid parts of lri, , Snsiuville and reported that a Vnu but fftMKI in any case. Write for acts in coullict with thu provisions of jronsidcrnblo amount of the ore of the 'llooklet of Corporation Laws and other this uet lire hereby repealed." i lladger and other mines will he hauled information. Addrces This substitute measuru makes clear t,jH Hiiiiiner fr that camp to Pcndlc- I lr..,nu. nnnnnniTinu niunrrn nn ..It II... ....IntH in 11... fir,, hill intr.Hlueed ' I... . I.. I . .1.1 ' I ..!..! .1... AR ZONA CORPORATION CHARTER CO.. . ... (. ...... ... ..-. .... . , iMpt nt ,,- riiiiM't i inn linn ii'mi dm' imc .-.... .. Vw. v..n..w.. wn wwy j that were ambiguous, anil neeiis only to i Xitrtltcru Pueillc to Taeoma. This is of i 1 be read to Ihi perfectly understood. See-' importance to Pendleton, because of the !tlon2, relating to tunnels, cuts out tho' .Hibilit!cs It offers for freighting be-1 law entirely that given the locator of a i tH,.,.n .r ,lni Susanvillu and thu in tunnel the riglit to all blind ledges lintilticeiiicnlH it offers to the trade of that ' I 1 1!... I'.iUUIf.w. f...... . . . ... cuveruii in ii uiniiiiiru in .iinni ii-i'i i i camp to come tins way. reamsiers win thu mouth of his tunnel. A tunnel In- m r to p,.,(,.tnn and load back cation, if tlio measure iK-conies law, will , witli iiiercliiinilis-o and mining mucliln carry with it no sceinl privileges. ',.rj., ye. p. (iillespie brought down the I ' lirst load of ore a few days ago. Hoi suyn that eight iiiIIch of the road iicimIh HONIHAN BUILDING, PHOENIX. ARIZONA. Columbia Southern Will Burn Oil. A recent press dispatch from Portland j repairing. Pendleton Tribuni says tliut rrcshicui 1.. J., i.yttie, oi inu Columbiii Southern railroad, is prepar ing to introduce oil for Incpmntivu fuel on his road. This is not madu so much on thu ground of economy in fuel us it is for thu safety of the country through which thu railroad operates. In the dry season, when thu grain is ripe and even after harvest, where long stubble is left, there Is always danger of lire from sparks dropped by the locomotives. Pres Hoffman's Ilakery makes a Hccially of furnishing Ice cream for parties. Prompt attention given all orders. For tluest confections, fruits, tobaccos, cider, etc., go to "Sturglll'H." r'omething i siwder. to depend iisni (jiuut Leave vour measure for a suit of Went I.yttie will have twoenginesKiuiif clothen at Neill Mercantile company's. led for burning oil ut once, and it tho experiment is u success, hu will change! Wouldn't that jar yer? What? (iiaut all thu engines on thu road to oil bum- powder. THEY GROW Tho-e Itaeket Store.-- mill tliu Sl'MI'TKIl ItACKKT STOKK now has roomy oiuirlers in the Weip'l Ilakery liuililin near Tliu Market. Mere urn some plums: gpu'inJt lfl Jiy Kran. Sui;nr., Si u I Ine ( . pound a) I'coiHimy Collrr, brllrr llian jckai;r. . li! I rUfo CoUrr. cliolrr rounJ a I'lvniltr Colfre .. . pounj a( 0rnpare our Coffre will, oilier hranji ronslj friit'ly l.lulif r- Samplrt I rr. llnutual valur UJIrs Vrklk H'. anj . jc. lirnt'k tlclil DnJrrwrar, ull, 75c. tou;c. Anolher lot tamplr hal ; In H prlrr Wavh tllks 4bf. an J up- Allovrrt ik anj up Racket Store l