THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 2, 1902 BOTH QUARTZ AND PLACER Healy & Griifin Own Valu able Property on Pine Creek. P. I). Ilculy returned it few duyn niuct from (lie I'iiii' creek niMrty, i iiol hy liiniM'lf 11111I I. .1. (irillin. Tin- liitli-r formerly lived in Sumptcr iiml conduct (il (hi! Capital hotel. i in ui'll iiml favnrahly known hy nil olillitucrH who vIhIIciI thin camp. 'I'IiIh iron'ity roiiniiitM of ISO hitch of crouml, :ilm on I'inomiil Pill mi Cotton win 11I rifck, llii two lini'lf juiuiuc nt 11 corner. Tin' ccutlmiicii iiIho own tin excellent witter riislil tlicri'. Tor tin' punt hix M'iith, ninco tlic ilili'lii'H were I'oniiilcli'il, tlic irinriml work done Iiiih liccn to lijilrntilic u channel thrniich u lilll, to reach nitli u c I lii'inl of water tlic niti In t'limini'l, where tln rirli ernvel in foiiml. Tlii work wiih liniilly com pleted IiihI week, wliiln Mr. Ilriily wiih llllTH, llllll III' in inlll'll elated OMT till' furl Unit HiIm lone jolt of "dead work" In IIuIhIiciI. The former owncrH worked at it four yi'iirn mill ipiit. U'lii'ii Mchth. (irillin iiml lli'iily rmiii' into m.-?-cHfiuii of the iioii'rl.v, they iriHii'rli'il tln hich cmiiml mill foiniil tluit it coutuiucd con tdilciuhlo cold Unclf, mnl mi tliiy iut in tdllil'K lldXI'M mill lllll llllll NIM'cl I III h n I r i tit inori' tliun paid tin i'ml of tlic work. I'm-in.-liiiiri', u partial rli'iiniii wiih made l.i-t week mnl f.llHl M'liiri'il. Tim olil in In'iivy mnl irui'tii'iilly nil of it Ih HIIVI'll, Siillli'ii'iit wnli'r Ih htmi'il in lliri'i' rcn I'iroiiH to ki'ii tin' niimt iiiiiiiinu from curly Hpimc until iiIhiii) July 15. Pine cicck in fed hy HpiiucH, hut tin- Milium' in not Hiillii'icnl (01 lijiliniilli'inn. I'lOIII IIIIU Oil, Hllll'C till IIIHIII I'lllllllll'l i'iiii In' wiihIiciI, tlic iiotil tire cii'i'tcil to lie W'lJ llllUl'. ollll' U'MIH HJIU'C I It IH ClOllllll WIIH Wlirkl'll llj CIlilll'H, Willi llHlk Ollt ill OlIC M'.IHHI, lOI'killC llllll Clouiltl hlllli inc. oer fMI.IMM. Itut wliut pli'iiM'H .Mi. Ileiily nio-t, in t lit ilinnM'iy of tlte free eld Icdco (mill which till till". I ft" Colli I'OUICH. It iiiiih ilhii'lly throned their uiouiiil mnl tliey have llleil on four cIiiiiiih. On tlic Mllfiit'it, wlieie the eiit Ih uucoxcictl, it iH III lee feet wide and i,iiih colorn excry wlierc. Snineolit i wry lii'li. 'I'lieie ih 1111 excellent mill cite tlieie, with plcnt) of wnlei for iiiillmc pulpites the vein uiouiiil. dine Htorc, mauaccd hy V. II, Kelly. Tliii niiiiiiiu'cr of tho Tow unite, com pany Ih K. AiIiiiiih, who ulco coudtictH a lintel. All the Hiirrou inline miiit'H ll,,! nctivi! ami hiiHiucHH in coml. (iiccnhorii will cclehritto the. Fourth of, Inly. ItH uitl.i'iiH are now uriulluc a ritcii track, liuililliiu a crand Maud mnl uiakinc picnic cround. NORTH POWDER MINES. UKIiHNHOKN IS GROWING. I'ivt Nw liuilJingi Art Now in PriKVu ol HrfCtion. V. C. Older Iiiih lieeu oxer in the (ilceiihoiiiH. Itiviinlinc the new c.iiup I iy tluit iiitiue, he kindly hciiiU in the follow iuc iliiii : 1'ixo new huitiliuc me in courec of coiiHtiui'tinli. A hotel mnl miIihui huilil ilik'i It" N 10 leel, two HtoiicH llllll, in heme put up hy It. C. coxil, Win. I'eait u lit I .Inliii Mllliml, who will couiliii't the n.i Iihiii. The hotel will he iiiii hy .1, II, Pratt. A new loilcinc hnuo in heinc built hy A. Kiieui, 'M',li feet, two MoiicH. The new market in Ikmiic huilt hy the IIuiiuum comp.iny, Palmer A Co. A livery etahlc in hciuc erected hy Walkei Hint., ItMS feet. A h.irler r-li jp i helm; huilt hy l.tmi ('miipeau, I,. Mil Invnr 1 1 ;i a h.iIooii. Pcrox 1'iy mnl I )if fable ulo liavc a MIihHI. Ilutton Mlllei mcrchau- Much Interest Now Being Taken in the Buckeye Diitrlct. Hr. K. V. ItnriicH, of North Powder, arrlxed on No. 5 hint nlylit iilel in in IhI ami City lodux trmiHiictiiic hiiHlncHHCon iicctcil with hin iiiininc iiitercin. Mr. ll.irucH owiih four promiHiiic cIiiIiiih, on one of which, the Orccon, lie Iiiih iIoiiu coiiHiilernhlu ilevelopment work. lie uNo controlH a half intercut in four other cl.iiniH that hIiow iuillcatioiiH of cooil valucH. The Moctor in very cuthtiHiaFtic ahout the iiiiui'H in Iiiii Iliickcyi) dintrlct, ami prcilictH a c'cat IncrciiHii in active opera tioiiH for the near futilic. The ilirectorH ol the Ituckeyii proper tii'Hiire now makilic Home chauccH in the iiiamiccincut of their iuIiich, ami expect to lurp'ly IncrciiHe the workinc force Minn. They are now workinc on the IfiO-fnnt level iiml lire nrruuciiiK " pump out the water that unexpectedly Hooded the lower IcvcIh hoiiiii time au. Aiiiouc the promliieut miiicH in (he lluckeye ditrict are the KeyHtone, Yel lowjiickel ami I'matilla, owncil hy vnr iniiH pailii'H. The I'uiiililla Iiiih inHiicd Mock, par value f l,(NNI,(NN), mnl expect in (he near future to do eunuch to Ihor nuchly ileiiioiiHtrale the permanent value of (heir proierty. (Ill the north ciilc of Powder river, mid ill line with the lluckeye ledce, (ieiuee I'iiwiih mnl ntlnTH uie iloiuc work on nix vnliinhle cluiuiH. TIicm' ceutleliieu vitllle Iheir lioldiuc very hichly, mid ex ert opinion jnililiet (hem in ilniuc ho. Tiikeu nil in nil, the uiilicH in the vi cinity of Ninth Powder lire Hhowiuc up woiiilerfully well mnl thul cnpitul in he cominc inlcicHtcd ih hIiowii hv the fnct thul proHpcctoiH, pioiuntcrH mid invent oih nit Htnppiuc iucoiiHiileruhleiiumhcrH lliere exeiy tlay. I.u (iraude ()h-erer. Or. Tape Makes Hot Lake Popular. The Hot Lake, located a few mile iiorthwcnt of I'liiou, in inpidly cuiuiuc u reputilli'ili iih one of the crcut hcullh re MirlHofdte cnuntiy. I'mler (he man accment of I'r. Tape luiiuy cIiiiiicch are heiuc muile to make the place more at Inii'live and add to the comfoit mid en joy mwiit of the I n rue uiimherH who vinit the in M'lirch of hciilth and rccre iitioii. The lake ItM'lf Iiiih jilnt heen en larccd to nearly three iIiuch its former hIc. It now renchcH out to the railroad and in a line hotly of water for hoalinc and liuthinc. A larcc haru Iiiih heen eicctctl eiiHt of the hotel, and many other impiovemeutH made there. Tho new edition huildiuc i" a neat itlitlce and iiiIiIh to the uttriii'ttvi'iich) of the renort. Hot Lake in dci-tiucd to hecome the wateriuc place of the Pacilie Norlhwcnt. I'nion Itepuhlicmi. Iliirri-nii, the (iiant Powder man, wiiiiIh every miner to make hin ntllcu hciidtuarterH when in Sutupter. your order tor aiiythinc in tho rcadiuc line with HeNeffe - Mn..y. The miM Miwerful iuhI (Hipuliir explo Hii (iinnt ixiwilcr, llc-t hramlH of cicarn at llofTinan's Ikikery. I Only the hcM hramlH of liiiuor." and cicarn at PniipliyV "The Cluli." If you wi-h (OHtrike it rich n-o (limit Powder. Golden Eagle Hotel HALF BLOCK FROM R R DEPOT Sam-Table Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. n'le Rooms. Electric Light. Telephone, etc. supplied with the best the market affords. 'MufilaiucM Sparkn & Ilrandciihurc Sumptku, - - Oregon k''''-'i A. P. (JOSS, President GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 2 Tnnitcli Cinml linkln Builnm Interest Allowed on Time Deposits br.ills Jinan un j (i.nls if Hit .vol I J Sp 1jI attention tc ,oile:licns, Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON !-V-'V'''-'' u HENRY WEINHARD'S COLUMBIA" LAGER BEER. On Draught or in Bottles Sold in -4, 1-3 or 1-2 barrels A.J. STINSON & Co. General Agents l-Olt SUMPTKIt AND VICINITY Henry Weinhard's brewery is the largest and most complete plant in the northwest. Its product is unexcelled. THE A. J M N STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde 4 Stlnson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, - - - OREGON V'.'.- J OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER REER ON DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Agents for Matting ly and Moore Whis key a 20-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON VVVV"VV.'