Eastern Investors In OREGON MINE'S Pay for AND READ IT Covers Thoroughly THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE TALK OF THE TOWN. George Hlley, representing tin: F.n giiuvrlug iiml Milling Journal, Ih work ing OiIm district. I'. C. Crow, itl I'nrtliinil, Ih in town on mining busim-Hs. I In Iiiih Iteeu here Ih foru Hint liken tlm layout. W. C, Odder Ih back from a trip into tlm GreenlwriiH anil over to .Susauvillc, uml off on another still limit. Ir. Monllon, treasurer of tin Turna gain Arm roniiany, returned thin fore noon from a trip to Portland. Professor I'. .1, Saylor, viiperlntcndciit of the Spokane public schools, !h the guest of Mr. ami Mrs. It. I.. Killeu. Miss Myrtlia Hohsou, manager of the ti'li'pliomi nlllcii here, returned venter day from a visit with friends in I'ort land. W. II. V. Hamilton in in town thin week, registered from Waterville, Wash ington, To look at lit in. a stinngor wouldn't take him for a farmer. Mcsdiimcs Sparks and llriindcnbcrg hac iMiughl the lease and furniture of thetinlilen Fugle hotel from Major Ituek and me now conducting tliat popular caravansary. lion. V. II. Hohsou, recently reelect I'd to tlm legislature from Marion coun ty, 1m sending several weeks In Sump ter. liHikiug after his extensive uieicaii tile Interests in eastern Oregon. biuis C. .laipilsh, iiiiiiiui-r for a Chi cago company ocrntiiig the Wile Can yon placers, at tint old Auburn diggings, wiih in Sumpter thin week. Mr. .Iaiilish operated three yearn up on I'csolation creek, near tllixe lake. General Milliliter () Towusciid, of the Hal iv McKcc, was in town chlcrday. He sajs that there Ih Mill between I'M) and IIUO feet of the long crosscut tunnel to hedmcu, which he thinks will ho tin- ished hy the middle, of September. MlH. ('. M. GlISS allll linger GlISS, mother and sou of .1. II. Gns, arrived in Sumpter several days sinco from their homu in Minnesota, and will spend thu summer in eastern Oregon. They will Ki to Canyon City in a few days to visit A. I'. (illHH. Ira Iniiiich returned several days since from Thunder Mountain. William Bar tholf and Harry WilllaniH alno left the country and preceded to lllaekfoot, Idaho, where thuy will do Home pros-iH-ctiii'. All havit had enough of thu nverlHHiined Tliiiuder Mountain country. .loo Mikel arrived in town today from S lone, California, and will remain two or tlirei! weekn, looking after liin extensive mining interests here. Ilu savs that the rourth of July committei) of San .lone, a town of I(I,(HKI population, sicnt three days collecting foOt) for tlm celehriitiou, and he joshed them plenty iiIhiiiI what they projiosed to do witli all that money, and then proved hy Till'. Mis'i'ii that Sumpter, one iiiarter the slo, raii-cd double that amount hi three hoiirH. Preparations for lh Fourth. I'reiHiiatloiiK for the celebration on the Fourth and the following day arc now well under way. The grand eland is Is-ing erected at the corner of Mill and Gianile, where the literary exer cises and one or more of the drilling contests will take place. A law hlock nf Granite is also being Installed at the corner of (iranlto and Center streets, where other of the drilling contests will he pulled off. Tint log rolling will lie done at the corner of Sumpter and Mill streets. The minor athletic contests will lo scattered around promiscuously. Th s is tlone to shllt the crowd to differ ent localities, to satisfy all who have contributed funds. Ah Tin: Minimi goes to prexx, It in till undecided whether or not there will lion procession, with the usual liberty car feature. RIVETED PIPE and GIANTS For Mining or Power Plants and Water Works Wrought Iron Pipe Cast Iron Pipe BOWLES & STROW SEATTLE,' WASHINGTON PORTLAND, OREGON j'lien aiiHwering thin advertisement pleM mention thin paper. Joe Red Back From Chirluton. .1. F. Heed n turned to lay from Charleston, South Carolina, wheiu le Iiiih been all winter in charge of the Ore gon mineral exhibit at thu exiotitiou. He mivh it wiih bv far thu liest collection of ore at the fair ; that Colorado wiih the only other western Htate that made any iirutentioiiH display of mineralH and that Oregon' wiih larger and better than all the others combined. The southern vie I turn regarded it curiously, but with lit tle intervHt. On ttni other luinil, cople from thu north, of whom there were many there, maiilfeHted a deep interext in mining nnitterH in general and the gold lleldn of eastern Oregon in particu lar. Ho says theru Ih unquestionably plenty of money east looking lor mining Investments and bin effort in the future will lie to bring it here. Diet Suddenly in California Gulch. Albert Toney, who, with bin family, lived in California gulcli, about seven mllcH from thu Hnnauza, where he bad ft bunch of cuttle, died Maidenly Tuesday. He wiih taken dungeroiiHly nick the day before and Dr. I'earcu wiih nent for, but he died More medical aid readied blm. The cnune of IiIh dentb wiih appendicitis. D. K. Gunsolus, of Sumpter, who wbh in Unit vicinity working on tils mining claim, brought the body to Geiser and the family to tbiH place. Cnne & Co. hauled thu corpse to their undertaking parlorH huro ami It was nent to Haker City for interment thin afternoon. HiizIcwckmI ico cream will be nerved daily at "SturglllV." T. G. Harrixon, agent for Giant iow- 'der company. I Mining Blanks (.hnirti and Placer Loca tions, Tunnel Claim and Water RifiM Locations, Proof of Labor, Affidavit oj Discover v Work Mining Deed, Option to Purchase, Quit Claim Deed, Lease j j j H5L FOR SALE BY THE SUMPTER MINER Shoes on Our Hands that should be on your feet. Little prices and big values will make the transfer. SPECIAL PRICES On men's and boy's shoes, 'till certain lines are gone, will be a saving on your foot account. At $2.50 the Brown Queen Bee is the best shoe for the price and ladies' feet. Yours for a shoe trade, Hobson Mercantile Company Books and Stationery l have added to mv ntock of Cigars and TobiuvoeH a large number of IHipular mucin, the lending eriodialn and u complete line of rtittlonery ....The Elite Cigar Store... L HARRIS, Promictoa